Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ One For All, And ALL on One. ❯ One for all... ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Title: One For All And All ON One.
Part: 3 / 3
Series: Weiss Kreuz
Author: ChibiKoji_no_da
Pairing: Ken x Youji, Aya x Youji, Omi x Youji, Ken x Ken, Youji x Youji.
Rating: NC-17
Warning: AU, OOC, PWP

This story has no redeeming value what-so-ever, it is a TOTAL smutty plot what plot - it should really be labelled as smut much smut!!!

Disclaimer: Not mine…which is a damn shame, because I'd take really good care of them *pout*. I don't own the title either, and I'm sure that the Musketeers would take much offence at the perversion of their catchphrase *evil grin* - but never mind ^_^


// Youji watched as Omi opened the fly of his shorts and pulled them off. He was surprised that the Chibi went commando, and was well endowed - he had to remind himself, that despite looking young, Omi was actually seventeen and an adult in many places all over the world - and he was most definitely considered an adult in Japan.
With a few strong, obviously practised pumps, Omi was well on his way to getting hard.

"Well Youji," Ken smiled ferally, "Go and help him."

Youji moved forward, noticing Aya disappearing off into the kitchen. Standing in front of the counter he raised his hands and moved Omi's out of the way.

"You're sure you're alright with this?" he asked softly.

"Of course Youji-kun, but what about you- you don't have to do this if you don't want to." Omi smiled shyly and Youji found himself smiling back; his team mates, despite ganging up on him, had all given him the opportunity to say no and to leave, and he was grateful - if they hadn't, he wouldn't have had as much fun.

Grasping Omi's dick in his hand, he set a slow rhythm, alternating the pressure in his grip. Soon, Omi was spreading his legs wider and moaning very softly.

"Here," Aya suddenly appeared beside him, with a bottle of cooking oil in his hand, "Give me your hand."

Putting his hand out, he grinned as Aya coated his fingers with oil, and then turned his attention back to the wanton Chibi in front of him. //


As Youji resumed his petting and stroking of Omi, Aya moved behind the older man and doused oil on his own fingers. Looking across at Ken, he smiled wickedly.
The soccer player had unfolded the little step ladder and was sitting on it, his pants round his ankles, stroking his rapidly reawakening cock. Ken, looked up at Aya watching him and returned the smile, pulling on his dick and making it hard.
"Go on then Aya." He smirked and watched as Aya put the oil on the floor next to him, and pushed Youji's legs further apart.
Youji finding the new position slightly uncomfortable, looked up at Omi and instructed, "Put your feet over my shoulders." Once Omi complied, the blond leant forward and rested one forearm on the table and spread his legs wider. Leaning his head down a bit further, he started placing feather light kisses up and down Omi's shaft, enjoying the soft moans and heartfelt groans that spilt from his friend's lips as Omi trembled and twitched above him. Using the oiled fingers, he gently parted the smaller boy's buttocks and wiggled one finger inside.
"Y…Youji-kun!" Omi gasped and flung his head back, he had never been touched in such an intimate fashion by anyone else before; sure he'd read about it, watched it, and even done it to himself - but having someone else's finger inside him was simply mind-blowing.
Aya took the opportunity to insert a finger not very gently inside of Youji, making him gasp as he did so. Probing roughly, he stretched the muscle and added another finger, making sure to nudge Youji's hot spot every now and again.
Youji had been planning to go down on Omi, but with the sensations Aya was creating inside of him, he didn't think he trusted himself to keep his teeth entirely out of the way.
"Scoot forward a bit Omi," He raised his chained hands and pulled the boy's legs further over his shoulders, until Omi's ass was resting on the edge of the counter, and the boy was laying flat back on it, "We could really increase sales if we sold this sort of table decoration." Youji mused with a laugh, however the laugh quickly changed into a moan, as Aya added a third finger and ruthlessly massaged his prostate. Taking the hint to get back to business, he lowered his head and replaced his finger with his tongue at Omi's entrance.
Omi was sure that he was dreaming, that any minute he would wake shuddering in his room, alone with sticky skin and stained sheets. Turning his head, he moaned slightly as he took in what Ken-kun was doing. His friend had two of his own fingers up his ass, and was rapidly jacking off, at what he was sure, given Youji-kun's twitching, was the same speed Aya-kun was doing whatever he was doing to Youji-kun.
Aya, having deemed Youji loose enough, picked up the bottle of oil and drizzled it straight on his cock, wincing slightly as the cold liquid hit. Massaging it in with a few pumps, he positioned himself at Youji's entrance and pushed himself in, not stopping until he was balls deep inside.
Youji stopped his licking for a second as his breath was stolen from him. Panting, he twitched slightly, trying to get used to Aya's size inside of him. He was rewarded with yet another slap on the ass.
"I told you, you were kinky." He shot over his shoulder.
"And I told you to shut up." Aya replied and smacked him again.
"Youuuji-kuuun" Omi moaned, as all the wonderful sensations stopped.
"Hai hai bishonen." Youji turned back to the task at hand, wondering just when he walked into the twilight zone and all his friends turned into sluts.
Pushing two fingers inside of Omi, he twisted and turned them, until he hit the spot that made Omi arch back with a muted scream.
"Don't let him make a mess on the counter," Aya warned in his ear, as he started a near brutal rhythm that had Youji losing almost all coherency.
Getting what Aya meant, he took Omi's dick in his mouth and sucked him off as he played with his ass.
From the stepladder, Ken watched his friends as he neared his second orgasm of the morning. The whorish tableau in front of him, was the hottest thing he had seen in his entire life - it was even hotter than the time his football team had a circle jerk in the showers after a match. Aya was pounding into Youji like there was no tomorrow, and under the ministrations of Youji's talented mouth, Omi was writhing on the counter. He really didn't think that any of them would last too much longer.
"Aya," he called across, "Don't let Youji come!"
Aya met Ken's gaze and the evil grin was back. With a nod, Aya reached down and grabbed Youji's cock with a pressure that meant he wouldn't be coming until they were ready for him to.
Youji wanted to complain, but he didn't dare take his mouth from Omi's dick - if Omi made a mess, he was sure that Aya would give him the spanking he so seemed to want to give.
Aya's pace somehow got faster and Omi's moaning got louder. All of a sudden, Youji was filled with hot come from both ends.
Gently removing his fingers from inside Omi, he let the deflating boy out of his mouth and waited for Aya to pull free and let go of his dick.
Looking across, he was just in time to see Ken shut his eyes and come with a groan. Licking his lips, Youji stood up slowly, aware of the slight twinges in his back and his ass. He desperately wanted to come, but it seemed that Ken was still calling the shots, and if he wanted any relief anytime soon, then it was him that he would have to appeal to.
"Ken-ken," he padded over with a sultry smirk on his face, "Onegai Ken-ken."
Ken opened his eyes and groaned as Youji stalked towards him, "Have you learnt your lesson about teasing me yet Yo-tan?"
"Oh yes," Youji grabbed hold of Ken's legs and opened them wide, "I've learnt it very well." Only, his eyes weren't on Ken's face, they were on his hole.
"Oh no you don't." Ken followed Youji's gaze and closed his legs, "You get nothing - you got fucked, you don't need anything else - if you want relief, then you can do it yourself, BY yourself." Pushing Youji away, he stood up and collected his clothes, "I take it we're having the day off then Aya?"
Aya seemed dead on his feet, as if orgasm had taken all his energy, Ken thought he looked rather adorable and wondered if the red-head would be up to a bit of friendly snuggling.
"Ah," Aya yawned, "We'll have the day off - I'm going back to bed." He left the room, followed shortly by Ken.
"Omi?" Youji looked pleadingly across at the Chibi, who had slid off the counter and was shimmying back into his shorts.
"Gomen Youji-kun," he looked sorry, "But you're getting what you deserve."
Youji's jaw dropped in disbelief as he was left alone in the shop - still hard.
With a sigh, he picked up the bottle of oil and headed into the kitchen, knowing that if it got left in the store and knocked over - he would get the blame.
As he walked through the hall, he caught sight of his reflection, he looked ridiculous in the frilly pink apron with his cock hanging out. Still…
Walking over to the mirror, he watched his reflection as he raised his hand to his chest and experimentally pinched a nipple through the fabric. The bolt of pleasure it sent through him was undeniable, and he raced up the stairs to his own room.
Taking the full length mirror off it's hangings, he propped it against the wall next to the bed and sat down in front of it. His hair was mussed and his lips were still slightly swollen and his hands were still cuffed, he fancied that he made a very erotic picture - and that Ken had been torturing himself by denying Youji the right to fuck him clear into the next week.
Getting his finger wet, he gingerly inserted it into his ass. Aya had pounded him good, and the rim was a rosy pink where it had stretched to accommodate the man. The fabric of the apron caught on his fingers and with a growl he ripped the bow undone, and yanked it off, chucking it to one side.
Leaning back against the bed, he looked at his reflection again. His erection was dark red and purple at the head, begging for attention, and weeping pre-come copiously. Reaching down, he inserted three fingers easily into his hole and began to pump them in and out. With the other hand he grasped his cock and set the same rhythm. He just barely managed to keep his eyes open, and watch his sweaty red-faced reflection moan and writhe in ecstasy. The sensation and the imagery was too much and closing his eyes, he came with a loud, satisfied groan.
Removing his fingers he looked at his hands and noticed for the first time that the cuffs were only shut, Ken hadn't bothered locking them - he could have got free at anytime.
With a low laugh, he took them off and hauled himself tiredly onto the bed, "Now what was it he said?" he mused sleepily as he reached over to the bedside cabinet for a tissue, "Ah yes," he wiped himself off and climbed under the covers, "Payback's a bitch…hmm….should be payback's screwing the bitch," With a yawn he closed his eyes and murmured before drifting to sleep, "and I think I like being the bitch."