Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ One Night Stand ❯ Chapter 1

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

One-Night Stand
~ for Varon-neechan, 2002 ~
by Mina Lightstar

It had been a tough battle. The bastards had been harder to avoid than a well-executed slide-tackle, and in the end it had been a well-aimed dart that had made the difference between victory and defeat. Omi had paid for standing on a wounded leg to deliver the blow, but he had made all the difference. He was the reason they were still kicking - and surely Omi figured that was reason enough to tolerate having a sore thigh for a week or so.

Ken sighed as he pondered what kind of candy to get for Omi. Yeah, saving his friends' lives was reason enough to accept being confined to a bed, but treats would probably help, too. /I know he likes marble Pocky... He's partial to gummies... Or would he like to suckle on some milk balls?/ He reflected on his last thought and had to chuckle. He was obviously tired - making perverted, suggestive comments...

He decided to get an assortment. He reached forward and gathered several boxes of Pocky. Armed with the tiny boxes of treats, he turned the corner to enter the next aisle, where the candy was located, and stopped short, not believing his eyes.

"Aya? What are you doing here?"

The redhead started, dropping the bag of milk balls. He turned to Ken and blinked. "What are *you* doing here?"

Ken grinned and nodded to the bag on the floor. "Same as you. I wanted some balls," he pronounced, feeling immensely pleased with himself. It was a shame Yoji hadn't been around to hear that one...

Aya made a face before smoothing it over into his usual calm, if mildly cranky, façade. "They're for Omi," he clarified.

Ken grinned again. "Really? You're getting treats for Omi?"

Aya made an affirmative grunt and replied, "He did a good job tonight. He deserves it. Besides," he continued bitterly, "I wasn't much use near the end, was I? If it hadn't been for Omi..." He trailed off, bending to pick up the bag of milk balls.

"I was proud of him," Ken remarked, eyeing the way Aya's blue jeans tightened around his leg muscles when he squatted. "For some reason, I always feel proud of him when he does something good like that. Must be because he's younger than us..."

"Mm." Aya looked up at him, slowly, eyes raking over every inch of him before settling on his face. "And I'm going to prove to Yoji that I'm not a complete ass."

Ken chuckled, noting the way Aya had obviously checked him out. "I'm sure he'll eat his words after that. But he's probably out with some girl," he pointed out. "It was a rough mission, after all...and he seemed to be in a hurry to get home..."

"Probably," Aya agreed, standing. Ken made an obvious show of running his gaze up the other man's body. He took in the muscular calves, the thighs that were oh-so well accented by the jeans, the red shirt under the open black jacket that hid the chest... "I suppose that's his way of dealing with the stress that comes with this job." Ah...a subtle hint.

"True," Ken replied. "It beats angst," he added, debating whether to take one step further down that road or not. Had he interpreted Aya's remark correctly, or was he only making assumptions because he was...? /You only live once,/ he decided. "I wonder how well that works..." He wondered if Aya would read the...not-so veiled message.

It seemed he did. "You don't know unless you try."

Ken gave his teammate a sly smile, and decided to be a little braver. "Have *you* ever tried it?"

"No." Aya's answer wasn't flat, but rather inviting. Clearly, it would be up to Ken to either make the offer or move on.

He picked the former. "Would you like to?"

"...I suppose." If anything, Aya's tone was even more welcoming than before, but he still didn't move. /...You really want me to work for this, don't you?/ he thought wryly. /Fine. I can do that./

Ken set his boxes onto the shelf with the candy and sauntered closer so that his and Aya's bodies were nearly touching. "We could test it out together. You know, see if it helps..." There. You couldn't get much more direct than that. Idly, he wondered if he was as alluring to Aya as Aya was to him. He was attracted to Aya - that he knew. There was something about his dark personality, his skill in battle, his cool and aloof attitude, and the hidden tenderness underneath the rough exterior... But it was purely a physical attraction; Aya was a teammate - perhaps a friend - but Ken didn't see him as anything more. Sure, he liked Aya, respected him, maybe even lusted after him a little... Yeah, he'd sleep with Aya, but he didn't see them picking out wallpaper together, or anything of the sort.

"...I suppose," Aya said again. But was that a hint of eagerness Ken detected in his voice? He didn't recall ever flirting with the other man before, so he didn't know where he drew his line. He decided to test the theory, reaching up to toy with the longer locks of hair over Aya's ears. He pulled gently, and when Aya didn't resist, Ken closed the distance between them.

The kiss wasn't particularly tender - it was more of a leisure exploration of each other's mouths. Ken felt his way along Aya's perfect teeth, over the smooth insides of the other man's cheeks, gladly accepting the other man's invitation to duel. He stroked his tongue against Aya's, feeling the texture, the wetness, and the taste... Aya tasted like...

"Spearmint?" Ken mumbled, pulling away to raise an eyebrow.

"It's my favorite gum," Aya replied, a tad defensively. He leaned forward again. Apparently, now that their intentions had been made clear, Aya's inhibitions had vanished.

Ken moaned as Aya pushed him against the low shelf. His head pressed against the bags of candy hanging on the wall, and his lower back against the boxes of treats along the shelf. Aya's hips ground into his, and he began to respond to the friction even as he pulled Aya closer...

"Look, you guys, either buy something or get out."

Ken started and suddenly Aya was far away - or at least, as far away as the small aisle would allow him to be. The cashier was at the end of the same aisle, arms folded, features frozen in a disapproving frown.

Aya cleared his throat and motioned for Ken to hand him the discarded treats. "We'll take these," he growled, and then followed the cashier to counter, Ken on his heels.

They paid for Omi's treats, casting each other meaningful looks as the cashier punched in the prices of the candy. The man couldn't have taken *longer* to count out Aya's change. When they had their money, they hurried out of the tiny convenient store as fast as they could without knocking anything over. Once out in the fresh air, they locked their lips together, hands running up and down each other's backs and sides, hips pressing as close as possible...

"Your place or mine?" Ken murmured around the kiss.

Aya's tongue stilled for a moment. "We live in the same house, you nimrod."

"Oh, yeah... So where? There?"

"Why not? It's not like anyone will be around. We could just go to our room and ignore Omi."

Ken grinned. "All right. Let's go." He pulled away, grazing Aya's crotch with his hands, and withdrew before the other man could respond. He turned on his heel and started back to the shop. He sensed Aya following close behind - a little too close than one normally would. And more than once, one of the redhead's hands would rub over one of his buttocks. "What are you doing?" he asked playfully.

"Giving you incentive to hurry," Aya replied, stroking him again.

"Oh, really?"

The "Yeah" was accompanied by a lighter, lingering touch. "Is it working?"

"You be the judge," Ken quipped, and broke into a run.


When they stumbled up to their door, panting from their run, Ken fumbled around in his jacket to try and find the key. By the time he found it, Aya had already used his and opened both the shutters and the door. He eyed Ken over his shoulder.

"You didn't lose your key, did you?"

In response, Ken dangled his key chain in front of Aya's face. "I'm just disorganized," he explained.

Aya growled and closed a hand over both the keys and Ken's fingers. Ken released the beginning of an angry protest before Aya yanked him close and plastered their lips together. They plundered each other's mouths, and Ken reached past Aya to fumble for the doorknob. When it turned, they stumbled inside, a tangle of limbs and lips, kissing frantically and tugging on each other's clothes.

"Bedroom," Aya mumbled, arching as Ken slipped his hands up the other man's shirt. "We'll go upstairs to the bedroom." Ken nodded and they broke apart to shut the doors again, not wanting anyone to interrupt their play. They linked hands and started for the stairs, stopping at the foot of the flight for another deep kiss before climbing up.

"Yoji-baby, I'll be right back! I'm just going to get--AIEEEEEE!!!!"

Aya stopped short and stumbled, ramming into Ken. They both almost fell on their bottoms as they backpedaled down the stairs. Ken looked past his friend and blinked when he saw the blond woman in a pink, laced teddy at the top of the stairs.

"Who are you?"

"It's more like, who are *you*?" she retorted, doing her best to cover herself. "Yoji! Yoji!"

Their blond ally appeared a moment later, looking mildly concerned. But when he saw Aya and Ken, he grinned. "Oh, don't worry. These are my friends." He made a vague gesture. "Guys, this is Sandi. Sandi, this is Aya and Ken."

"Charmed," Aya said flatly, dumping the bag from the store on the nearby table.

Yoji winked and touched Sandi's shoulder. "Babe, why don't you go wait for me in the bedroom? I'll only be a minute," he assured her confidently.

She smiled at him, shot Aya and Ken a look, and vanished down the hall. As soon as she was gone, Yoji turned to them with a pleading look on his face.

"Guys, I need the upstairs tonight. Please?"

"Yoji-baby!" another girl's voice called. "Don't make us wait for you!"

"Yoji!" yet another girl cried. "Come on! If you're not here in thirty seconds, we're starting without you!"

Ken gaped. "Just how many...women are up there...?"

Yoji grinned sheepishly. "Enough to populate a small island." When Ken's jaw dropped, Yoji rode ahead, "No, not really! Yeesh. Only five."

"Oh, only?" Aya mused. "Slow night?"

"Funny. Look, guys, *please*? I swear I'll make it up to you."

"Fine, fine," Ken sighed, tugging on Aya's hand. "But you owe us."

Yoji gave them a two-fingered salute. "I love you guys," was all he said before he turned and retreated back to the bedroom.

Ken raised his hands defensively when Aya turned to him and raised an eyebrow. "Well, did you want to screw with a bunch of giggling girls all over the place?"

"No," Aya admitted, "but now where do we go?"

Ken thought for a moment. "How 'bout downstairs? No one's there now." He reached out to bring Aya close, rubbing their hips together and lifting himself onto his tiptoes to lick his ear.

Aya shoved him forward. "Let's go, then. Come on, come on."

They hurried to the stairs that led the way to their meeting area for missions, and nearly tripped on their way down. They clung to each other once they reached the bottom, kissing hungrily, and Ken moaned eagerly when Aya started tugging at his jacket.

"Are you okay, Ken?"

Aya and Ken broke apart and pushed away from each other. "O-Omi?" Ken faltered, suddenly noticing the blue-white light coming from the monitor. Omi was there, fingers flying furiously over the keyboard, but he hadn't turned around. Ken and Aya exchanged confused - and discouraged - glances.

"What are you still doing up, Omi?" Aya asked. "You're wounded... You should rest."

"I'm typing up the mission report," Omi replied off-handedly. "I was resting and tending to my leg before, so I couldn't do it then. 'Sides," he added, "Yoji's having some kind of party up there, so I took refuge down here."

"Ah..." Ken shifted from foot to foot. Aya was staring at him like the entire scenario was *his* fault. "So, uh, how long will you be here...?"

"A couple of hours," he replied. "Maybe more - I have an essay due in a couple of days that I really should get started on."

"A couple of hours..." Ken pondered that statement, eyeing Aya's still - unfortunately - clothed body, wondering how long he would be able to...

Aya seized his arm and pulled him close to hiss in his ear. "Don't even *think* about waiting."

Ken changed his mind. "Oh. Uh, well...don't stay up too late."

"I won't," Omi assured them, glancing at the notes he had placed on the desk next to the monitor.

They'd barely heard Omi's reply because they were scampering back up the stairs. When they were back in the main room of the store, they stood in silence for a few moments, wincing at the periodic excited cries from the floor above.

"What now?" Aya demanded.

Ken frowned, glancing around the room. "Uh...here?" he suggested half-heartedly. At Aya's pinning stare, he waved his hands in defense. "Kidding, kidding... Um...how about...a motel?"

Aya reached into his pockets and pulled out the remnants of money he had. His face looked grim as he counted it. "...Do you have any money?" he asked.

"Uh..." Ken fished through his pockets, "...no."

"I don't have enough, either. We spent the last of it on Omi's treats, I bet. The change I have barely covers the cost of coffee..."

"Stupid Omi," Ken bit out, knowing he didn't really mean it. "ATM machine?"

"We're on a budget," Aya stated firmly. "We're only allowed so much per week."

"We aren't in the red again, are we?"

"I'm afraid so."

"Damn," Ken spat. "And we can't stay here; Omi's likely going to stay up all night playing on the internet, and Yoji is..." He paused and waited for the sharp cry of pleasure to taper off, "...busy."

Aya folded his arms resolutely, twisted his features into an adorable little scowl and...almost sulked. Almost. "Maybe we *should* wait... Or maybe just go to bed and forget it."

Ken grabbed the other man's hair and pulled his head down so that their noses were nearly touching. "Don't even *think* about it." He snaked his other hand behind Aya to grip the redhead's buttocks. "I swear I'm gonna' fuck you before the night is over."

Aya chuckled. "Who said you were going to be top?"

"Well, we could manage more than one round..."

Aya licked Ken's nose. "If we can find a place to..." He trailed off, an intent look appearing on his face.

"What?" Ken prodded. "Well? You have an idea?"

"Come on," Aya urged, grabbing Ken's arm and taking off out the door.

"Where are we going?" Ken asked, struggling to keep up with the taller man's strides.

"Bar," the redhead replied curtly.

"A bar?" Ken rolled his eyes. "Damn it, Aya, I'm not thirsty - I'm horny."

"I'm thirsty," his friend stated, the tone of his voice telling Ken exactly *what* Aya was thirsty for...

"So why are we heading to a *bar*?"

"You'll see."

"I don't want to *see*, I want to *know*...




"Damn it, Aya, say something!"


Aya didn't slow his stride as he led the way to one of the many pubs strewn about their neighborhood. It was a relief when the redhead finally stopped, though Ken didn't stop muttering a few choice words at the other man's back. Aya pushed the door open and dragged Ken inside.

"Unhand me, you ogre," Ken snapped irritably, and flushed when the outburst turned a few heads. He chuckled and gave the other patrons a nervous smile as Aya pulled him through the common room and to the back, to the...

"Bathrooms," Aya said over his shoulder, answering Ken's now ancient question.

Ken glanced around. At least it was a rather *clean* bar... It didn't look too seedy...and the patrons looked friendly enough - drunk, but friendly. On the far side of the room, people were dancing at having a generally good time. "Why here, Aya?"

"Well, I was considering dressing rooms, but the department stores are all closed now."

"Good point," Ken conceded, allowing Aya to drag him into the men's washroom. There was only one stall, in the corner. "A cheap bar," he observed.

"It'll do," Aya assured him, urging him to go forward.

"Yeah, this doesn't look too weird," Ken remarked as they entered the stall together.

"No one saw us," Aya pointed out, clicking the door shut and sliding the latch over. He blinked when he realized that his voice resounded off the walls.

"It's a bathroom - it echoes," Ken stated matter-of-factly.

"Thank you, Professor Hidou." Aya pushed Ken against the painted wall of the bathroom instead of the stall wall. "Guess we'll just have to be quiet," he murmured, brushing Ken's ear with his lips.

"Kinky," Ken commented, bringing his hands up to tug Aya's shirt from his jeans. "Sure you don't mind a few people staring? I can be pretty loud."

"I don't care," his friend replied with a shrug, pushing Ken's shirt up under his armpits. "I don't care what *they* think." He punctuated the sentence by touching his tongue to Ken's nipple.

"Ohh," Ken sighed. Were it not for the wall behind him, he would have sagged. "Yeah - more of that, if you please."

Aya chuckled before complying, suckling on one of Ken's nipples, hands going for the belt and zipper of his pants. When the buckle gave, Aya palmed open his fly and curled his fingers around Ken's hardening member. Ken's eyelids drooped, and he moaned quietly when Aya transferred his attentions to the other nipple.

"Has it been long since you...?"

"Quite awhile," Aya replied. "If experimenting as a teenager once counts for anything." Aya sank to his knees and drew Ken's jeans further down, out of the way. "But it's the kind of thing you don't forget easily," he added, nosing the curls at Ken's nether regions. Ken moaned again, completely forgetting where they were, and pushed his hips forward, trying to entice Aya to take him into his mouth. He winced a little when he heard his voice echo off the walls.

"Aya," he half-groaned, "we're in a public bathroom, we don't have time to fool around... Hurry up."

"You're a lot more demanding in private, you know that?" But Aya held him steady, and Ken exhaled as he felt the other man's breath on his erection...

The loud banging on the stall door startled them both, and Ken hissed as Aya's grip tightened reflexively.

"Hey, come on, man!" The voice sounded pained. "Hurry up in there! I've *really* gotta' go!"

Aya released him and muttered a quick, "Sorry" before standing up.

Ken struggled to pull his pants up. "Don't tell me--"

"Come on, man!" the stranger outside bellowed, pounding on the door again. "I'm dying, here!"

Ken exchanged glances with his companion, flushing the toilet to make it sound like they'd been doing what people were *supposed* to do in the bathroom.

"I can't work under these conditions," Aya murmured angrily.

And so, Ken sighed and moved the latch. "Then let's get out of here."

When they exited the stall, the man waiting for them - as big as his voice - was pressing his hands to his crotch. He greeted them first with an expression of gratitude, and then confusion. He glanced at Aya, then Ken, then Ken's open fly, then the toilet, then back to Aya, and finally to Ken again.

"You've got bigger problems than I do," was all he said before brushing past them to claim the stall.

Ken raised an eyebrow. "So now what?" he asked, zipping up his fly again. He made it a point to ignore the man's sigh as he relieved himself.

Aya shoved his hands in his pockets and looked him up and down. "Good question." He frowned in thought. "Would you like to try a convenient store's bathroom...?"

"Don't ask me stupid questions, Aya," Ken snapped, and turned on his heel to stalk out of the washroom. He didn't slow his stride as he walked through the bar and out into the night.

He'd expected Aya to follow him, of course, but he still jumped when the other man's deep voice suddenly spoke behind him.

"So where are we going to go - if that's not a stupid question."

He grinned over his shoulder. "I have no idea... Um, brothel?"

Aya grimaced. "No. Not only are we poor, but I'm not interested in an orgy. I only want you." He leered. "And you're tempting me to jump you right here."

Ken chuckled and turned to face the street ahead of him again. "Is that so? Well, make sure you control yourself. We wouldn't want to cause a scene in public, would we?"

"Oh, I don't know... Do you know how delectable the nape of your neck looks right now? And your ass... Do you how great the cheeks of your ass look as you walk?"


"I just want to drag your pants down and run my tongue along that hot, little crease..."

Ken moaned, already imagining Aya's wet tongue gliding between his cheeks...

"...Or maybe I'll suck on that delicious-looking neck of yours... Or maybe I'll suck on something else."

"Something else...?"

"You know what I would have done if that guy hadn't interrupted us? I would have leaned in and licked the slit of your cock..."


"...And then I would have slowly - *very* slowly - enveloped as much of it as I could with my mouth... And then I would have started making love to you with my lips and tongue... Slowly and deliciously..."

Ken spun around and grabbed Aya by the sleeves. Before the other man could speak a word, Ken dragged them both into the closest ally and pushed Aya against the wall. The impact caused Aya to release a little cough.

"What was that you said about controlling myself?" he asked.

"Shut up."

Ken pushed harder against him, bringing his knee over to slide between Aya's thighs while his tongue licked up Aya's throat from collarbone to chin. The other man groaned, and Ken swallowed the vocalization when he covered Aya's mouth with his own. His hands couldn't remain still; he let them roam up and inside Aya's shirt, allowing them a few butterfly strokes over the redhead's nipples. Aya's fingers tightened on his shoulders, but he didn't let the kiss go on for too long. There was so much more he wanted to do, and he didn't know how much time they had. True, there was hardly anyone on the streets, but...

He lifted Aya's shirt up so he could kiss a straight line down to the top of his jeans. He let the shirt fall and then worked the button open, tugging the fly apart almost-roughly and assaulting Aya's navel. He moved lower, pausing to inhale the scent that was purely Aya before blowing softly on the redhead's erection. But instead of giving head, as the other man probably expected, he contemplated what Aya had said only minutes before.

He took hold of Aya's hips and started to turn him around. Aya muttered something like, "What the hell are you...?" but followed obediently, anyway. When Aya was facing the wall, Ken licked his lips and struggled to draw the jeans and boxers down enough so that Aya's bottom was bared to the night air. The black jacket still covered him, so Ken lifted the material and sighed appreciatively at the pale cheeks.

"What was that you said you were going to do to my ass?" he wondered, leaning forward to exhale his hot breath on one buttock.

Aya, probably knowing what he was up to, chuckled as he replied. "I was going to run my tongue along your hot, little crease..."

"Were you?" Ken mused, firmly kneading the soft skin. He spread the cheeks a little farther apart, and Aya widened his stance to accommodate. "Like this?" he asked, sliding his tongue up the cleft of the other man's buttocks.

Aya moaned, his bottom pushing back a little toward Ken's mouth. "Yeah...just like that..."

Ken kissed each cheek and then nibbled the right one. "Was there anything else you had planned for me...?" he wondered lazily, trailing his lips along Aya's inner thighs. "Did you say something about my neck being 'delectable'...?"

"Yeah... I'm pretty sure I said something like that..."

Ken rose and lifted himself on his toes so he could angle in and kiss the nape of Aya's neck. His right hand snaked around the redhead's waist and wrapped around his arousal. Ken licked along the back of Aya's ear as he started to stroke.

"Public displays of affection," Aya murmured, punctuating his declaration with a quiet groan.

Ken chuckled and rubbed his nose through the hair at the back of Aya's head. "Well, the fear of getting caught at any moment is kind of a turn-on. It's pretty kinky..."

"You're right, it *is* a turn-on. Now I'm hornier than I was before, so hurry up."

"I thought you wanted to be top first?" Ken teased.

"I don't *care* who's top, just finish it."

Ken glanced at the pavement of the ally. As horny as he was, he didn't want to do it anywhere where one of them might be hurt. As he pondered over the dilemma, he pushed his crotch into Aya's bottom, and Aya grunted and pushed back. Ken sighed dreamily at the sensation.

"I'll blow you if you return the favor," he offered.

"Deal," Aya growled.

And then they were moving; Aya turned back around and Ken lowered himself to his knees. He took a moment to smile - pleased at the proportions - and then swallowed as much of Aya as he was able, using his right hand as an extension of his mouth. He started working primarily with his lips, allowing his tongue a few licks every once in awhile. Aya tasted good - very good - but he wouldn't take anymore of him until he...

"Ken," the redhead whispered, "hurry up. Make me come."

...Until he said something like that. Ken quickened his pace, bobbing his head up and down. It had been much too long, he decided for the hundredth time. Much too long... /Oh.../ He moaned as he started moving even faster; he didn't want to stop or be stopped... Aya was moaning... Aya tasted so...

When the hand closed on his shoulder, he could have sworn it was his imagination. He might have simply continued, but then he was being shaken.

"Excuse me, sir. Excuse me..."

He eased his mouth off Aya's erection, turned his head to see the source of the disturbance...and dropped his face into his hands. /Oh, for.../

The pan-handler shook his shoulder again. "Sir, would you have any spare change I could borrow...?"

Ken raised his head, glaring for all he was worth. He glanced up in time to see Aya groan and let his head fall back against the wall. He lowered his gaze back to the man. He looked like he hadn't bathed in several days, and had stubble that could have torn skin off.

"Maybe a few hundred yen?" the man implored. "Even just a couple would do. Please, sir?"

Ken made a quiet noise of hopelessness and rested his face on Aya's hip. "Please tell me this isn't happening..."

"In case you haven't noticed," Aya began tersely, "we're a little busy."

"Just a few?" the pan-handler insisted. "Please, sirs? Anything at all could help me a lot..."

Ken pulled up Aya's pants and fastened them again. "This is *not* my night..."

"It isn't mine, either," Aya replied, helping Ken straighten. He glared at the stranger. "Get lost. If we had money, we'd be doing this in a motel."

They brushed past the pan-handler and left him calling after them in the alley.


"Do you have any idea how much this--"

"Blows? Sucks ass? Just plain sucks? Yes, I know."

Ken kicked a piece of glass they passed across the sidewalk. "You said it. Of all the rotten luck..."

"It *would* happen to us," Aya lamented. "That's how these things work."

"And it's been *so* long for me," Ken groaned.

"Longer for me, I'll bet," Aya retorted. "I can't remember the last time I had sex for fun..." He gave Ken a sidelong glance and licked his lips. "And I was looking forward to doing it with you..."

"I hate Yoji."

"I hate him, too."

"...So I guess we go back home?"

Aya sighed and checked his watch. "Might as well... There's really nowhere else we can go."

Ken echoed Aya's sigh. They had wasted an entire night trying to find somewhere to screw, and had got nothing of it save for lost sleep. "I'm so tired..."

"We'll make Omi and Yoji open the store and work alone for most of the day," Aya decided. "That'll learn 'em."

"Would you like to explain to them why we need sleep? Or shall we lie?"

"I'm too tired to make up anything clever." The redhead shoved his hands in his pockets. "We'll tell them we were abducted by aliens."

"Uh-huh..." Ken yawned hugely, covering it with a fist. "Whatever." He glanced at Aya in time to see him yawn, and smiled slightly. "You know, you're really cute when you yawn. It makes you look all innocent and sexy--"

"Ken, shut up."

Apparently, fatigue turned Aya into quite the bitch.

They walked the rest of the way back to the shop in silence.


The shop was quiet when they returned. Very, very quiet. There were no noises coming from upstairs, and a quick peek down the stairs told them that there was no longer any computer on.

"I think they're in bed," Ken pronounced in a soft voice.

"Your observational skills are quite astounding," Aya returned, his tone laced with sarcasm.

"Oh, bite me."

"Don't tempt me."

The soft taps of slippers caught their attention, and they turned in time to see Yoji come down the stairs. He acknowledged them with a sleepy wave and padded to the kitchen.

Aya stared after him, his eyes alight with malice in the darkness. "For some reason, I want to murder him."

"That's because he got some and we didn't," Ken explained. Then he remembered the erections he'd had numerous times during the night that hadn't been cared for. "Yeah... Yoji sucks."

A soft yawn turned their attentions back to the stairs. Omi hopped down the last two, rubbing his eyes and looking very much like a toddler who had crept out of his bed after being tucked in. Ken could have pictured him in baby sleepers.

"Are you two still up?" he asked in a drowsy voice. "It's the middle of the night."

"Thank you, Omi, for that enlightening information. Without you, we never would have realized. And it's almost dawn, to be precise." Aya's bitchiness was becoming increasingly apparent, Ken mused.

Yoji picked that moment to return with a glass of water. "Hey, guys, thanks for letting me have the second floor. I really appreciate it." He moved to the side, allowing Omi to go by.

"I hope you had fun," Ken offered, hoping he sounded sincere.

"Oh, I did," Yoji assured them. "It's been awhile since I've had a party like that." He reached out and ruffled a sleepy Omi's hair when the boy returned with his own glass of water. "So, like, where did you guys go?"

"Yeah," Omi spoke up. "When I came upstairs, you guys weren't around. Where were you?"

Aya grunted and started up the stairs. Ken shrugged and followed.

"We were abducted by aliens," they shot over their shoulders.

When they reached the second floor, Ken touched the knob to his door, but paused before going in. He turned to cast a glance at Aya, and saw that the redhead was looking at him, too.

"Problem?" he asked.

Aya shook his head, slowly, and then opened his door. At Ken's raised eyebrow, he jerked his thumb inside. "Want to come?"

Ken blinked. "But, they..."

The other man snorted. "If they don't like it, they can sleep downstairs."

He considered it for a few moments, and then grinned. "All right, then." He left his door closed and entered Aya's room.

The redhead's door shut as soon as they were inside, and Aya locked it. Ken shed his jacket and shirt, but decided to leave his pants for Aya to remove. The redhead followed his lead, and his clothing was soon littered on the floor. Ken opened his arms invitingly, and Aya reached out and hugged him, dipping his head down to kiss him. Ken responded, snuggling himself further into the warm, smooth skin of Aya's chest. He ran his fingers lightly along Aya's spine, and when the redhead started moving forward, he moved backward toward the bed.

They settled onto the mattress, kissing slowly and lazily, rolling so that they were on their sides. They gyrated their hips together, slowly, so slowly... Ken was falling, falling... His tongue slowed in Aya's mouth, and then he...


The alarm clock woke him. Its loud, annoying buzzer ripped right through him. Ken started and tried to raise his head, and winced when he hit Aya's chin. The other man cursed and rolled over to smash the top of the clock. Ken didn't know if he'd struck the "Snooze" button or not, but either way, the alarm shut up.

He pushed himself up and groaned. He was about to wish Aya a good morning when he realized he was still wearing his jeans. "Don't tell me we..." He trailed off, rubbing at his eyes.

"We fell asleep," Aya confirmed. He sounded a mite grumpy. "Or rather, *you* fell asleep, and I was just too tired to care."

"Wonderful," Ken snapped, flopping back onto the pillow. "What time is it?"

"Almost three in the afternoon," Aya replied. "I set the alarm after you fell asleep."

"Omi and Yoji didn't come to wake us?"

"They probably knew better... Maybe they'll let us sleep for the whole afternoon..."

"Oh?" Ken mused, moving a hand under the covers to pat Aya's bottom. "Well, if we have time to spare before one of them comes..."

"You still want to?"

"Why not? We tried so hard last night, and still didn't get a chance to..." He started stroking Aya's denim-clad buttocks.

Aya pushed his behind into Ken's hand. "Well...if you really want to..." He kissed Ken's shoulder, and then ran his lips up the side of his neck to kiss his cheek.

"Kiss me, Aya," Ken demanded.

The other man chuckled and obliged, and they resumed the kiss that had begun the night before. They worked together to kick the sheets aside, making it easier for them to move around. Ken rolled Aya on top of him, and then wrapped his legs around Aya's waist as the redhead pushed his groin into Ken's. This time, instead of slowing, Ken's tongue quickened its pace, tasting Aya's morning breath along with the faint traces of spearmint.

The sudden banging on the door didn't shock him, and he doubted it surprised Aya, either. /Life is just *not* fair.../

"Rise and shine!" Yoji called through the door.

Aya groaned before he replied. "What?" He managed not to sound *too* rude.

"Mission!" Ken could *hear* the grin on Yoji's face. "We've got work to do. Come on, guys. I know you're both in there..."

"We're coming," Aya snapped. He sighed and rested his face on Ken's chest. "Sometimes, I really hate that man."

Ken smiled sympathetically and stroked Aya's mussed hair. "And sometimes, work must come before play."

"...Tonight?" Aya asked hopefully.

"If we're lucky."

~ the end! ~