Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ One Sided ❯ Contact ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Author's Notes: hey ya all!!! Sorry it took be a bit to put up the next chapter, I just been busy with the usual work…blah blah blah. But I'll try abd post a new chater every week.
And I like to thank you to all the ppl that taken the time to read the fic. And thanks to
K-Usagi san for the review!!! Please enjoy!!
Chapter 2: Contact
3 weeks ago prior to prologue….
How sweet home, it's about time! I never did like ambush missions where we were unsure if the target would take the bait or not. Therefore we'd have to wait for long periods of time waiting and then BAM!!! We nail him/her. I should be grateful though, one less scumbag to walk the earth making it just a bit more tolerable, but not quite. Seems like for every target that's eliminated another five appear. But there's no time to think about that now… I need a shower.
I enter my room. My legs are weary from staying in a crouched position most of the night and also having to fight through Nakajima Touru's henchmen. I' m surprised that they haven't failed me yet. I walk slowly and relieve the dead weight of my bugnuts and toss them onto my desk, not really caring if blood smears or crusts onto the wood… I'll clean it later. I'm tired; my state of mind doesn't feel right.
I strip myself of my clothing and walk to the conjoined bathroom that Aya and I share. I grab my towel and hang it on the wrack, turn the tap and step into the hot stream of water. Already I can feel the water easing my tired muscles as the nights events replays in my head.
Even though I know that our target DID deserve to die… till this day I still can't shake off that guilty feeling of taking someone's life. This feeling comes back to haunt me every now and then. No matter how much I try and sugar coat it by telling myself it was an evil man/woman I've killed, killing is killing. I still can't justify it, I still walk away with blood on my hands.
Turning off the shower, I step out and dry myself off. I place a on a pair of sweat pants not even bothering to put a shirt on, seeing how I'll just rid myself of it when I retire for the night. Looking into the full body mirror on the back of the bathroom door, I deem myself decent enough to go downstairs. I sling the towel around my neck and head straight for the kitchen.
“Hey Aya,” I greeted you the moment I seen the fiery red hair.
“Hnn.” Is all the reply that I get from you. Humph… it's better then nothing, at least you acknowledged me. I grab a bottle of water from the fridge, make a small snack and head over to where you're sitting at the table nursing the cup of tea in front of you. Sitting myself across from you, I watch you nurse the cup of tea between the palms of your hands. You pay no attention to me, transfixed on the cup…lucky cup. What I would give for some of your attention outside of our sexual encounters and other circumstances where we HAVE to interact.
Why did you choose me as your sexual partner? Other then the obvious. I know I'm not the only one, but I am your longest running. Just the thought of all your lovers never bothered me before but now… I don't want to think you let such people touch you so intimately, creasing your body, running their hands wherever they please, drawing soft moans of pleasure and satisfaction from those `sweet like honey' lips of yours. Just the thought of you doing the same to them it pains me. Your mine and mine alone, at least I wish you were. It's convincing that binds you to me. When don't feel like going out… I'm there. When the urge suddenly strikes… I'm there. When you need to escape…I'm there. When you don't find someone else for the night…I'm there. I should be somewhat `lucky' though. Because out of all your lovers, I m the one that gets to touch you, crease you, make you moan time and time again. I m the one you keep. Knowing that there WILL always be a `next time' is good enough for me.
“Ne, Ken kun. Are you ok?” Omi startles me out of my reverie. When did he come in?
“Just fine Omi”
“You had me worried there for a second Ken kun. You were quiet on the ride back home and you seem to be thinking deeply about something. I thought something must be bothering you.”
“Sorry Omi I m fine… really. Just tired. Don't really have that much energy left from fighting, my way through henchmen,” I reassured the youngest member hoping that he buys it. He throws me a relieved smile.
“Well get some rest Ken kun, I'm off to bed. Night you guys.” With a cheerful smile and a wave good bye Omi left.
The scraping of a chair on the kitchen floor signifies that your done here and about to withdraw to the confines of your room. I watch you intently as you cross the short distance from the table to the kitchen sink, pouring the remains of the cup down the drain. You turn and slowly walk towards where I'm sitting. You lay your hand on my shoulder applying the slightest bit of pressure. I stiffen. Contact like this can only me one thing. Sex. I look up slowly, I know that you can feel the tension in my body; you know you make me nervous. My chocolate eyes meet icy amethyst. You have that `look' in your eyes. The look that tells me to be in your room as soon as I'm done here. We stay like that a moment more before you relinquish the hold on my shoulder and leave the room.
“Don't” a voice from a few steps below call to me. “I know where you're going.”
“It's none of your business Yotan. I don't complain about your nightly excursions.”
He pauses. I see a frown starting to grace his facial features. He lets out a sigh, “look I know it's not any of my business. But what I do know is that you're digging an even bigger hole for yourself if you continue to go on like this.”
My hands ball into fist. I feel like striking him just so that he can spare me the truth. He steps back a bit. Hmph…he could always read me like an open book.
“You don't know anything,” I snap at him.
“I know plenty enough to tell you that your going to wind up broken in the end.” He reaches out to me to take hold of my hand. “He doesn't love you.”
I pull my hand away from his harshly, “That's enough!! I don't want to hear any of it!” and continue my way up the stairs.
“Ken, wait!”
I don't turn around.
“Please…just…be careful.”
The last bit of the sentence is trailed off and I am unable to hear it. I don't care though. I don't care what anyone thinks! As long as I'm with Aya…nothing else matters.
Well that's the end of the second chapter. Sorry once again for the bad grammar and the time it took to post!! Thanks for reading!!