Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Our Sacrifice ❯ Ken ( Prologue )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

The night was slightly cool; the grass was irritating as well. Ken and Omi lay side by side, staring up at the sky. Barely a word passed between the two, each content with the friendly silence. Every now and then, one of them would point out a particular constellation or star just to have the other boy's attention, if only for a moment. Ken stretched leisurely beside Omi, eyeing the boy carefully. Turning his gaze back to the sky, Ken placed his hands behind his head.

"Ne, Omi." He began, careful not to watch the boy.

"Hmmm?" Came the lazy reply.

"Ya know, I've always had this strange desire to know what it'd be like to kiss you." Ken waited patiently, anxiously for the response. Omi said nothing. Glancing over, the brunette found Omi still gazing at the sky. Before Omi could notice him looking, Ken quickly turned his eyes back up to the stars.

"So, can I?" He pressed hesitantly.

"Un." Was the soft reply. Slowly, carefully, Ken pushed himself off the ground so his face was above Omi's. The two boys stared at each other for a moment before Ken tentatively lowered his face so his lips were barely touching Omi's. Emboldened, Ken pressed his lips to Omi's more forcefully, intensifying the kiss for a brief moment. The kiss was short; Ken pulled away to search Omi's face for any kind of sign. The boy's eyes were closed, lips barely apart as he panted slightly. Ken licked his lips and sat back to watch Omi.

They watched the sky for a bit longer, returning to their previous silence. After a few minutes, Ken shifted and turned to face Omi.

"Ne, Omi."

"Hmmm?" Came the reply, just like before.

"….Can I do that again?" Omi turned his head slightly and caught Ken's eye. Ken forgot to breathe for a moment as Omi's eyes caressed his face. Letting out a soft sigh, Omi returned his attention to the sky.


Heart beating frantically in his chest, Ken leaned down to capture Omi's lips in a kiss once more.

Ken's body jerked suddenly, bringing him back to the present. People were chatting loudly around him; some were saying their good-byes, others were anticipating the journey ahead. The loudspeaker was already announcing the boarding of all the remaining passengers. Ken gazed out the window a moment longer before reaching down for his duffle bag. The crowd was pushing and jostling him as he waited for his turn to board the plane. Once the ticket stub was returned, Ken held it tightly in his hand; as if he was afraid it would disappear. The wait in the terminal seemed an eternity. Glancing back, Ken searched the crowd for a familiar face, hoping that, just maybe, he would be given a reason to stay behind.

His heart caught in his throat for one moment as a blonde head flashed by. Stopping for a better look, Ken strained his eyes only to find that the blonde head belonged to a woman also boarding the plane. Holding back a sigh, the brunette turned around and continued onto the plane.

The wait for take-off wasn't too bad. The only disturbance to Ken was when his traveling partner sat down beside him. Ken smiled kindly at the middle-aged woman; she looked like a kind woman with wrinkles around her eyes, grey hair and a constant smile on her face. She took an instant liking to Ken and immediately began explaining her travel plans. It gave him something to think about for a while; gave him a reason to forget his own incentives for leaving Japan.

The woman was going to visit her grandchildren in China. She hadn't seen them before and had never even expected to have one so soon, not to mention four. But, she considered it a blessing and looked forward to seeing her family. What about Ken? Was he going to see family?

No, he wasn't going to see family. Ken let his gaze drift back out the window, signifying his end of the conversation. The woman nodded her consent but continued chatting. As the plane took off, Ken found himself listening to his companion less and less; his thoughts drifted back to his own reasons for leaving. Had he made the right choice? Of course, there hadn't been much of a choice for him to make. But maybe, he questioned himself, if he had tried a little harder? Maybe then he wouldn't be on his
way to China, alone. The cabin light dinged on at some point during the flight, snapping Ken out of his daze for one moment.

Jadedly, Ken let his head rest on the window as his eyes slipped shut.

The coolness of the sheets contrasted greatly to the heat of the bodies beneath them. Ken stretched lazily as he curled further beneath the covers, contently caught between sleep and consciousness; Omi lay next to the brunette. The moonlight spread across the room and cast everything in a light glow. Complete silence filled the room; until Omi broke it, calling to Ken softly.


"Mmm?" Came the lazy answer.

"Tell me you love me." Yawning loudly, Ken turned to face the young blonde, blinking owlishly at him.

"I love you."

Omi didn't move. Ken eyed the boy for a moment, looking for any sign of a response. Shrugging slightly, Ken slid back under the covers, stretching in comfort. Just as he was settled again, Omi spoke up once more.

"Say it again." Raising himself on his arms, Ken glanced at Omi once more only to find him staring at the ceiling. Not knowing what to do, Ken lay on his side, keeping his head propped on his hand so he could watch Omi.

"I love you, Omi." Ken replied, unsure of himself. Omi nodded slowly as if agreeing to what Ken had said. The blonde tucked one arm beneath his head as he turned away from Ken.

"Thank you." Strong arms slid around the smaller boy's waist, pulling him against Ken.

"Omi, I love you." Ken whispered silkily and meaningfully in Omi's ear. Omi tensed in Ken's arms for a moment, pushing away just enough to look him in the eye.


"I love you. And I'll tell you that whether you ask me to or not." Leaning down, Ken placed a chaste kiss on the blonde's forehead before settling under the covers once more. Omi hesitated a moment before relaxing into Ken's embrace.

"Thank you."

The rattle of a cart woke Ken up. He rubbed his eyes, trying to keep his hands from shaking too noticeably. The dream had been too vivid; Ken could almost feel Omi pressed against him. After taking a few calming breaths, Ken started eating. As his meal was revealed, he grimaced; airplane food certainly wasn't gourmet. The cabin lights dimmed as the in-flight movie began. The meal was finished quickly and soon the old lady engaged Ken once more in a one-sided conversation. Ken listened half-heartedly, nodding in all appropriate places, asking questions at the right time.

The flight seemed to wear on the travelers again. Soft, rhythmic breathing alerted Ken to the fact that the woman had fallen asleep once more. Thinking the idea a good one, the brunette rested his head against the small traveling pillow once more. As soon as he closed his eyes, images of Omi and the flower shop jumped to the front of his mind. Frowning slightly, Ken shifted in his seat, his head searching for a more comfortable position. He gave up once he realized that sleep was not coming and there wasn't much to do now that it was eluding him. He didn't feel like paying for some headphones and hadn't brought anything with him.

That was a lie. He had brought one thing with him. Almost absent-mindedly, Ken toed the bag underneath the chair before him. Even now he was reprimanding himself for being weak enough to bring it. But, for some reason, he couldn't leave it behind. Glancing quickly at his companion, the soccer player reached down and quickly rifled through the contents of the bag. His fingers closed around the edge of something cold and a picture frame was soon pulled from the bag. Once more, Ken glanced around him, protectively holding the picture to his chest.

Sure that there were no prying eyes, he slowly pulled the picture away so he could look at it. Dully, Ken's head hit his seat. Staring at him from the picture were himself and Omi. Didn't they seem so happy back then? Omi was leaning back against Ken's chest while Ken had his arms wrapped around the boy. A wistful smile graced Ken's face as he let his eyes shut, holding the picture close to him. He could see everything so well. And it hurt.

The door slammed open, the bell tinkling madly. Caught by surprise, Youji's elbow slipped off the counter he had been leaning on, nearly causing his head to hit the surface.

"What they he-" The blonde trailed off as he watched Ken look around the shop in a hurry, barely pausing to catch his breath.

"Where's Omi?" Shoes squeaked across the linoleum as Ken nearly ran to the backroom; he didn't even pause to wait for Youji's response, "Omi!"

The door to the back room sprang open as Ken skidded to a halt. Omi's muffled response was Ken's guide past the rows of materials. The boy was bent over an arrangement, meticulously placing the flowers together. Ken took a moment to pause and catch his breath, his fingers clenching more tightly around the envelope in his hand. Stepping closer to the work table, Ken reached out and grabbed Omi's hand, effectively startling the younger boy.

"Ahhh-wha…Ken-kun!" He stammered, a blush rising to his cheeks rapidly as he looked around, "What-"

Ken cut Omi off, pulling the boy into a deep kiss within seconds. Ken's arms wrapped around Omi's smaller body, pulling him close; holding him possessively. Omi's response was a little belated, but was given with as much enthusiasm as Ken gave. Once they parted, Omi plucked at the letter in Ken's hand while Ken worked on kissing and nipping at the blonde's neck.

"Ken-kun, what's this?" Omi asked as he began to read.

"A letter from…Chinese national…recruitment." The buttons to Omi's shirt opened under Ken's fingers. Omi gasped as Ken's lips trailed down the exposed skin; one hand massaging Ken's head.

"What…what do they want?" Ken paused to rest his head against the blonde's stomach.

"They want me. They want me to play for them." The paper floated to the ground as Omi's arms wrapped around Ken.

"That's great! You'll get to play again!" Ken laughed and buried his face in Omi's stomach for a moment, sharing his joy. Ken's hands ran up the boy's back, making Omi arch at the touch, "Ahhh!"

The door to the back room slammed shut, startling both boys. Moments later, Youji appeared before them, reaching casually for some paper.

"You should stop molesting Omi, Ken. He's too young for that." Despite the joviality of Youji's words, there was a bitter and jealous glint in his green eyes. He left, waving the two off. Ken glared at the man's back.

"Well? What do you think?"

"I think this is great, Ken-kun. You get to play soccer again." The blonde bent over and placed a quick kiss on Ken's forehead, his fingers threading through Ken's dark locks.

"I have two weeks to tell them. I'll probably call them in a day or two, not to seem too eager. And I'll see if I can bring you with me. I don't know if they'll have a problem with it; I hope they don't. Then, after a few months…" Omi interrupted

"Ken-kun, I can't go with you." Ken's smile remained on his face, though it was a bit forced.

"Oh? You…you can't?"

Omi shook his head, "Kritiker still needs me. Even if Weiss is disbanded, I still work for them. Plus, I still need to finish school. That's nearly another year."

Looking down, Ken gently pulled the letter from Omi's fingers and folded it up.

"Well, it's true that you do have school. Forcing you to leave would be stupid. It's not like I've accepted the offer, though. It's not like I have to go." He wasn't going to accept. Omi's eyes flitted in the direction Youji had left.

"Ken-kun," The blonde knelt beside the soccer player, lifting his head up and stroking his face, "You don't have to turn it down right now. You still have two weeks to decide. Why don't you think about it first?"

Ken stared into Omi's eyes for a long moment, searching for a quick answer. Not finding anything, the brunette nodded and allowed Omi to tuck the paper into his pocket.

Five points for the landing, Ken thought acidly as the plane bounced into the terminal. The aisle was crowded as everyone fought to get off first. Ken waited patiently, sticking the picture back in his bag with great care. There were finally enough people gone that leaving the plane wouldn't be such a fight. Wincing as he stood, Ken tossed his duffle over his shoulder and casually made his way off the plane. It was getting off the plane that was the biggest test.

There were people everywhere; most seemed to be Chinese or Japanese. There was such a clamor as each person fought to be heard over the noise of so many voices and languages. It was simply amazing that anyone found who they were looking for. But there was no one that Ken knew. No one special was waiting for him; no one was there to greet him with a smile and hug. Gulping, the brunette stepped out of the terminal and into the waiting area.

After about twenty minutes, the area cleared enough for Ken to see a man holding a sign with his name. Snorting at the cliché, Ken walked over and introduced himself. There was the exchange of how do you do's and handshakes. Did Ken have any luggage? Well, yeah. Not much though. There wasn't much he wanted to bring, the brunette thought calmly.

It was another thirty minutes before the luggage was collected and they were on their way out. As Ken helped load his bags into the van waiting for them, he couldn't help but let a genuine smile tug at his lips. It was finally happening. Tomorrow, he would meet the coach of the Chinese national team and within another few days, he would be playing once more. It still seemed too good to be real. He would be playing in bigger stadiums now; traveling more and visiting new countries. Playing against the best teams the world had to offer. Stifling the desire to laugh, Ken hopped in the van and watched the scenery as they drove away.

But, as all good things must end, the excitement of living his dream must end. Nothing was familiar to him. And while it was a small comfort that it soon would be, that's all it was; a small comfort. He knew no one or anything in this place. What if it turned out to be the wrong decision? Would he still be able to play as he had back in J-League? The questions and uncertainties were enough to overwhelm anyone; and Ken was no exception.

Shutting his eyes tightly, Ken rubbed his face as if forcing himself to rest. Surely everything would turn out fine. Omi had believed that, so it had to be true.

"Omi? Omi!" Footsteps rang in the shop as the door slammed shut behind Ken. He climbed the stairs to the apartments slowly with his hands shoved in his pockets. Listlessly, Ken moved from room to room, checking each for the small blonde. Ken's search ended when he found Omi in the kitchen, staring at the mug of something in his hands, "Omi?"

The boy's head jerked up suddenly, his eyes widening when they landed on Ken, "Ke-Ken-kun! What are you doing here?" Ken watched Omi's eyes darted about the room before resting once more on the mug in front of him.

Ken ran his fingers through his hair, taking a deep breath before speaking.

"Well, uhhhh…it's about that recruitment. I reached my decision and…"

"It's only been three days, Ken-kun." The blonde replied blandly, letting his bangs cover his eyes, "Are you sure you don't need more time to think about it?"

"No." Ken moved and reached out to brush the hair out of Omi's face. Omi pulled away from Ken's touch as if he had been burned. His hand hung in the air for a moment before he retracted it quickly. The chair scraped against the floor as he fiddled with it, clearing his throat, "I don't need anymore time. Omi, I've decided…"

"Hey, you two." Ken gritted his teeth as Youji sauntered into the room, quickly pulling something from the fridge. Omi tensed as the older man entered the room and seemed to be caught between deciding to leave his chair and stay in it. Casually, Youji approached Omi and lifted the boy's face. Ken's grip tightened on the chair, his knuckles turning white. Youji bent down to place a not too chaste kiss on Omi's lips, "I have dinner reservations for tonight. I'll come get you later."

The silence in the room was strained once Youji had left. Ken couldn't find anything to say; even if he did, he suspected it wouldn't have made it past the lump in his throat. Finally, Ken swallowed and found the nerve to speak.

"O-Omi," The name came out barely a whisper, "What…what was that?"

Omi didn't answer; his shoulders trembled under Ken's gaze.

"Omi," The brunette's voice was slowly returning, "What is going on?"

Wiping his face quickly, Omi stood and leaned against the wall, looking out the window, "The, the other night, Youji-kun and I…I'm with Youji-kun now, Ken." Omi paused for a moment before continuing, "He's been talking to me about it for a while now. And I've just decided that I want to be with him."


"Because, I want to." Omi rested his head against the window as he continued, "What was between us, it wasn't real, Ken-kun. We both know it and we both know it wouldn't have lasted long anyway."

"I-I guess you're right." Ken's fingernails dug into his palms. Blood trickled down his knuckles, dripping slowly onto the floor, "But, you're always right so I guess that isn't a surprise."

Omi's head whipped around at Ken's words. Both boys stared at each other for a moment. With a dry laugh, Omi turned to look back out the window.

"Well, now you can go to China like you wanted." A bitter laugh resounded in the kitchen as Ken replied.

"Yeah. I guess you're right, again. I wouldn't want to stick around any more anyway. There's nothing here that means anything to me now." With those words, the soccer player turned on his heels and left the room. Ken heard Omi's knees bang against the floor dully. It didn't stop him from continuing on to his room and closing the door.

The bed was soft. The whole room was nice; a lot nicer than what he had used to live in. In a few weeks, or months, the place may even feel like home.

'What have you gotten yourself into, Hidaka?' The brunette grabbed a nearby pillow and threw it across the room. Growling, he fell back against the bed and stared at the ceiling, 'What are ya thinking? This ain't ever gonna be home.'

It was funny how attached you could get to something; or someone, Ken corrected mentally. Blinking rapidly, Ken sat up, leaning his elbows on his knees as he surveyed the room. It would do for now. He'd probably get something smaller later; but for now, it would do. Reaching down for the duffle he had traveled with, Ken pulled the bag closer to him wearily. Slowly, he opened it once more and, even more slowly, dug around for the picture.

A moment later, Ken was staring at the picture while lying on the bed. He took a shuddering breath before twisting on to his side and ever so carefully placing the picture on the bedside dresser. Propping his head on one hand, he surveyed the picture's new position.

"Well, I'm following my dream now. I'm not gonna back out; I won't give up. I promise. So, you can stop worrying now." Ken gave the picture a weak smile before turning away from it, one tear traveling down his face. In the picture, Omi smiled back at him.