Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Our Sacrifice ❯ The End ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Ken stared up at the night sky, not really seeing anything. There was a wind; he was pretty sure there was at least. His eyes stung, so there had to be a wind. How long he had been up there, been staring at the sky, he didn't know. He couldn't move. Even if he had wanted to, the action was impossible. So, instead, he stayed where he was, resting limply against the roof's railing and staring up at the sky. It wouldn't be long until someone found him. Aya and Youji would wonder where he was; where Omi was. Squeezing his eyes shut, Ken banged his head against the railing and forced himself to swallow around the lump in his throat.

"Omi! Ken! Are you up here? Omi!!" Youji. It had to be Youji. Ken blinked up at the stars wondering, vaguely, if they had shone so brightly a month ago. The sound of heavy footsteps brought the brunette back to reality, though he refused to turn his gaze from the stars, "Omi?!"

"Is not here." Ken answered blandly, still not moving. His bugnucks slid in and out of the glove with ease, hissing softly. There was the sound of gravel twisting under boots as Youji scoured the roof for the younger blonde. Another pair of softer, evenly spaced footsteps joined Youji's frantic ones. Still, Ken didn't look at them.

"Where is he?" Aya asked. Ken could feel the red head's gaze, as if he hoped to pull the answer from Ken's mind. A harsh, slightly-hysterical laugh forced its way out of Ken's throat. Disturbed by the sound, two eldest Weiss stopped and turned to face their companion.

"Gone. He's gone." The stars twinkled merrily down on the scene. Did Omi notice the stars back then? Ken would have to ask him.

"What do you mean, 'gone'?" Youji nearly growled, stalking menacingly towards Ken. Finally, Ken let his head fall down and stared at the two men; he still didn't see them.

"Gone. He fell. Did you know falling could be beautiful?" The bugnucks hissed once more, snapping out ready for use.

"He fell? What do you mean he fell?" Youji's eyes widened and the sunglasses that were constantly perched on his nose fell off, "Ken!! He fell where?"

Blinking owlishly at the blonde, Ken tilted his head as if to ask what Youji meant, "Off the building."

The moment froze as both Aya and Youji digested what Ken had told them. Breath catching in his throat, Youji turned and nearly tripped down the stairs. Vacantly, Ken watched the man leave. Was he hoping to catch Omi? But, Omi wanted to fall. He shouldn't be caught; he looked beautiful falling. Slowly, painstakingly calmly, Aya strode towards his fallen teammate. Ken blinked up at the red head, the bugnucks clicking back into concealment.

"Ken," the gravel crunched as Aya knelt down, violet eyes boring into Ken's brown ones, "Why did Omi fall?"

Ken let his head dip slightly, "Because…I let go." Was the hoarse response.

He could almost see Aya's eyes narrow, his grip tightening on his katana.

"Why did you let go?" The threat behind the words wasn't close to subtle. Ken, however, didn't flinch as he brought his head back up, looking directly into the other man's eyes.

"Because….he asked me to." The surprise Aya felt was evident on his face. Ken didn't care though. With some difficulty, Ken pulled himself up to his feet, using the railing for support. Aya didn't move as Ken began to walk away, following Youji's earlier steps. The stars twinkled merrily calling the brunette's attention back to them. Pausing, Ken addressed Aya without taking his attention from the stars.

"Guess we should get going; mission's over. Besides," The gravel crunched once more as Ken began walking, "I have to return to China next week. There really is nothing left for me here."