Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Out in the Fog ❯ Second ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

out in the fog: Second

Youji hid a shudder as he stepped back out into the fog settling over the city. Despite the alcohol that had warmed him in the bar, the chill went straight to his bones. He shrugged his shoulders, adjusting his leather coat around his neck.

"This way," Ran said, turning the opposite direction from the parking lot along side the building.

"We could take my car," Youji suggested, thinking that even if it was going to be a short trip, it would be worth it to be dry. And warm.

Ran smiled. "We've both been drinking."

Youji smirked. "Cop. Right." He huddled farther down into his coat, shoved his hands down into his pockets and walked alongside Ran. Their footsteps eventually fell into a matching rhythm, the sounds of their shoes mostly swallowed my the damp mist and the sounds of the frequent cars on the road.

After about a half a block, Youji fished his cigarettes out of the inside pocket of his coat, risking exposing his skin to the chill in favor of a hint of nicotine and a different kind of warmth. Ran looked his way at the noise, but shook his head with a small smile when Youji offered him one.

"I quit," he said, almost sheepishly.

Youji barked a laugh as withdrew his lighter. "You're not some health nut, are you? Please tell me you're not a vegetarian." He smiled broadly around his cigarette, cupping his hand around the end so the flame would catch on the paper.

Ran laughed lightly. "No, I'm not a vegetarian. Or a health nut, really. I just got tired of being forced out in the fog to smoke. Not to mention how hard it was getting to chase punks down the street."

Youji chuckled at that and they lapsed back into silence as they continued to walk, Youji smoking and stealing glances at his companion. Ran's dark red hair appeared darker in the dim light and the mist permeating everything around them.

He idly wondered what he was doing, going home with a man, a cop, that he barely knew. He couldn't deny the connection he'd felt between them from the start, the feeling that there was more to Ran than he was letting on, and that he himself was holding back. But it wasn't like Youji could come right out and tell Ran that he was an assassin. Part of him feared his recklessness. Ran had been a profiler, which meant he had a strong background in psychology and behavioral sciences. It also meant that he was observant and damn good at it, if he'd been with the FBI before becoming a cop.

Still and all, Youji reflected as they rounded a corner that popped them out along the beach front, it had been a productive evening. He'd done a fair bit of reconnaissance work, finding several familiar faces in the crowd, including one or two potential targets. He'd also picked up several snatches of conversation that indicated things were happening on a much larger scale than his employer had filled him in on.

But Youji pushed those thoughts aside as he followed Ran back to his place. Youji knew he was being reckless, but something in those violet eyes made it worth it. Besides, Youji mused, he was used to keeping secrets, and he could make sure Ran wouldn't find out about his other life. He snuck a look at Ran, wondering if this was something he did often, bringing men home. But no, Youji thought. He'd recently broke up with someone, and Youji wasn't going to ask how long they'd been together.

"Here," Ran said suddenly, breaking the silence they'd held as they walked. He led the way up a steep flight of stairs to what Youji assumed was his front door.

Youji turned and for the first time, and really took in his surroundings, even as he chastised himself for being lax. Ran's house was set on the beachfront, staring out over the bay. The boardwalk was quiet, being a weeknight and late, and not really the tourist season, even though that season never seemed to cease in the city.

A soft cry emerged when Ran popped the lock and swung the door open, catching Youji's attention. He looked down when it sounded again, seeing eyes reflect the dim street light.

"Ronin," Ran admonished softly, bending over and scooping up a russet colored cat, sleek lines and muscular. The animal purred as Ran scratched between its ears, ducking its head to get Ran to pet him in a different direction.

Youji chuckled. "You are owned," he observed.

"Yeah," Ran agreed, pushing the door open with his foot. "Come in." He flipped a switch as he entered, casting pale yellow light down the long front hallway.

They both paused in the hall, Youji following Ran's lead as they stepped out of their shoes, proceeding down the hardwood floor in their socks. Youji soaked up as many details as possible, to gather his bearings and to learn a little bit more about the man he'd followed home. In the open space beyond the hall, Youji could see the dim light from a fish tank, painting odd bluish light on the walls. The patterns washed out when Ran switched on other lights as he moved through the house.

"Make yourself comfortable," Ran said, settling his cat back on the floor. "I'll be right back."

Youji grinned as the cat mewed again, trailing Ran into the kitchen. Feeding time, Youji mused, looking around Ran's house. It was sparsely furnished, a couch and a large table facing a fireplace took up most of the space in the main room. A laptop and neat pile of papers sat in the middle of the table, the screen of the computer dark, though Youji could hear the soft hum of the fan mixing with the barely audible gurgling of the pump in the fish tank set against the wall perpendicular.

A large bookshelf occupied the space on the other side of the window next to the fish tank, a row of photos on the top shelf, the rest of the space filled with an odd mix of history, psychology and various other text books, and some more random paperback novels. There was a small TV in the middle of the middle shelf of the unit, and Youji guessed from the way the room was set up, it was probably listened to more than watched. Youji drifted closer to the bookshelf, looking closely at the pictures.

There were three, set in expensive looking frames. One held a photo of a young girl, dark braids hanging over her shoulders, a happy expression making her face light up. Another held the image of an older couple, and from the structure of their faces, Youji guessed they were Ran's parents. Which meant that the girl was probably his sister. Youji's guess was confirmed when his eyes fell on the third photo, a family portrait. Ran's face was slightly rounder in the photo, and he couldn't have been more than sixteen when it was taken, before he'd lost all of the softness of youth.

What had made his life so hard, Youji wondered, to make him turn into the thin, angular man he'd become?

He drifted toward where Ran had ducked away and found himself in a brightly lit kitchen, the cop bent over, placing a dish on the floor for a patiently waiting cat. Ran's duster had been dumped over one of his kitchen chairs, his shoulder holster still firmly in place, gun anchored in its place on his side. Youji admired the view of tan cotton pants stretched over a pretty much perfect ass before Ran stood and turned.

"Coffee?" He offered, and Youji could see him trying not to blush.

"Sure," Youji answered, shrugging out of his coat and draping it over the back of a chair before settling it down into it. He scrubbed his hands through his hair, raking through the damp mess that was a result of their walk. He casually wiped his hands on his pants under the table while Ran's back was turned, the cat crunching away on its kibble on the floor.

"How long have you had this house?" Youji asked, to fill the silence that had settled over them.

"About three years," Ran shrugged. "A friend of my aunt's owned it, and when she decided she'd had enough of the city, she let me make the first offer. I got lucky."

"I'll say," Youji muttered. Beachfront property cost a small fortune, and his natural curiosity wondered where a former FBI agent, San Francisco PD Detective got the money to afford a house like that. He stretched his legs out under the table, watching the cat look up at the soft swishing sound of his socks sliding against the linoleum, pink tongue sweeping out of it's mouth in a large circle, lapping up any crumbs before sauntering over and rubbing it's body along Youji's denim clad legs with a loud purr.

With a smile, Youji let his hand fall down to hang at his side, presenting new target for the animal.

"Ronin?" Youji asked as the cat wandered back and forth under his hand, using his head to butt Youji's hand up high enough to duck under.

"Yeah," Ran answered, setting two steaming cups on the table, sliding one towards Youji before slumping into a chair. "It was a nickname I got after - after I moved here. It stuck and I bestowed it upon that ungrateful creature," Ran nodded toward the cat, who had moved on to Youji's feet. "It seems to fit him."

Youji noticed the hesitation but didn't pounce on it, sipping the coffee. It was good, dark and rich but with its own natural sweetness, dispelling the need for the ton of sugar Youji usually poured into his caffeine. It was the taste of coffee that was made often and to precise proportions, and Youji found himself wondering how much of Ran's build was due to exercise and how much was because, unlike what he told Yuushi, he just didn't eat.

There was one more pounce on his foot and then out of the corner of his eye, Youji caught a flash of reddish-orange as Ronin took off after something only he could hear.

Ran took a deep swallow of his coffee before stripping out of his holster, wrapping it around the gun and settling it all in the middle of the table, allowing himself to slump into the high backed chair, eyes falling closed.

"Long day?" Youji asked amiably. He felt slightly off kilter, unsure of where to step next, fearing the floor would fall out from under him. Being with Ran was comfortable, but it seemed as though this was something that neither of them had much experience with. Youji could only speak for himself, and it had been a while since he'd picked anyone up.

"Long month," Ran sighed, shifting in his chair. "Ugh," he groaned, straightening up and opening his eyes behind square plastic frames. "Couch?"

"Sure," Youji grinned. Once he was able to see the man in full light, he could practically see the tensing in the redhead's neck and shoulders, the slight, probably unconscious, flexing of his fingers.

They settled on the couch, Ran folding his legs underneath him and slipping his glasses off, letting them clatter to the table. Youji flopped down next to him, not close enough to touch, but near enough to feel the spark of tension and attraction reverberating between them.

Unsure how to proceed, Youji watched the multi-colored fish dart around their tank. It was huge, probably forty gallons, once Youji took the chance to really look. The gravel was a neutral color and the probably exotic fish had plenty of hidey holes and structures to swim in and around. Youji was learning small things about this man, just through observation. He had a beautiful house - that was mostly empty, a cat he doted on and had named after himself, after a fashion. He hadn't gotten a look inside Ran's cupboards or fridge, but he was willing to bet that he'd find kibble and tuna in the cupboards, and a carton of expired mile in a fridge with a burnt out lightbulb. Bachelor life, Youji mused. He knew it well. Yet it seemed to Youji that it was something more than just regular bachelorhood that had this man living this way.

Ran rolled his shoulders subtly before craning his neck from side to side as if trying to pop something.

"Here," Youji offered, scooting closer. He reached one hand out and wrapped it around the base of the man's neck, casually brushing the tail of hair aside.

"Wha -" Ran, startled, slipped into English but recovered as Youji gently began to ease the knots he could feel just below the collar of Ran's shirt. "Oh." The redhead said softly. "That's good."

Youji 'hmmed' and worked with one hand, slowly massaging away the tension in the thin man's body. He grinned when Ran's head tipped forward, totally surrendering to what Youji knew was a healing and seducing touch. "Ran," he said softly, shifting even as he kept kneading the pale column of his neck, not daring to dip any lower just yet.

"Mph?" came the inarticulate response.

Youji didn't bother to stifle his laugh. "Turn around," he directed gently, using his hand on Ran's neck to help steer him in the direction he wanted him to go.

Ran moved without protest and groaned full out when Youji started to slowly expand his massage, working over the rock hard muscles of his shoulder and back.

"Fuck, Ran," Youji murmured half to himself. What did the guy put himself through everyday to be so tightly wound?

"I know," Ran muttered. "Work too hard, take on too much, don't take care of myself." The words were heavily laced with self deprecation, like it was a speech the other man had heard a thousand times over.

Let me take care of you, Youji's mind echoed, leaving him puzzled as to where the thought had come from.

"Don't eat enough, don't sleep enough," Ran continued, his voice growing slower and deeper as his body started to give in and relax and the tension seeped out of him.

I haven't been out of there for more than a few hours in the last three weeks Youji remembered. He dumped me. A few weeks ago.

Well, Youji decided. He could do something about that. He knew Ran's type, had worked with them before. They got so caught up in something, a job, a lover, anything, that they forgot everything else. Though, by looking at Ran, it was work over everything else.

"Ran," Youji said softly, his hands stilling, resting against the flat expanse of Ran's cotton clad back.

"Hmm?" Ran turned slowly, heavy eyelids lifting slightly to reveal dark purple eyes almost undistinguishable from the pupils.

Slowly Youji leaned forward, giving the Ran time enough to pull away. But he didn't, and Youji softly brushed his lips against the other man's, the contact sent a thrill running down his spine.


What am I doing? Ran asked himself as he returned the taller man's kiss. It felt so good, so right, but he'd only just met the man, in the bar, no less, and he'd brought him home and -

Youji drew back from the kiss, and Ran felt as if the man were staring into his soul, searching for something, looking for an answer, or a guide to make a choice.

Ran made the decision for him, all lethargy forgotten as he kissed Youji of his own accord, letting his tongue brush across soft lips, pushing forward when Youji let him in. He was at a bad angle to let the kiss go on too long; he didn't need anymore knots in his neck. So he pulled back and shifted to face Youji, and found himself being pressed back into the couch as Youji assaulted his mouth and began to fumble at the buttons on Ran's shirt.

As Youji focused on kissing Ran senseless and getting his shirt off, Ran put his hands to work getting Youji's untucked. But their hands tangled together and Ran surrendered, letting Youji rid him of the white button up he'd put on that morning, and the tank top underneath it, both landing on top of the cat who'd come out to investigate and took off again at the sudden shroud of white, leaving the shirts in a trail behind him.

Ran hardly noticed as Youji dragged his hands over his chest and belly, wide sweeping touches that seemed to bring his skin alive. Youji's hands drifted lower, fumbling with his belt buckle while he kissed Ran again, long and deep, leaving them both breathless and wanting.

Ran's badge hit the floor with a thud as his belt slid off with Youji's help. Ran took advantage of the break in Youji's actions and his fingers moved nimbly over the buttons on Youji's shirt from the top down as Youji crouched over him, then ran his fingers under the hem of the white tee-shirt, skimming over lines of chiseled muscle hidden from view.

Youji paused in his effort to get Ran's pants unbuttoned and pulled his own shirts over his head, dropping them over the edge of couch before leaning over Ran and kissing him senseless again. Tongues met and backed off, sliding over each other mimicking the action of their clothed hips, erections touching through layers of fabric.

Youji's lips migrated, moving slowly up his jaw to his ear, drawing the lobe into his mouth, sucking gently. Ran moaned softly, running his palms over Youji's chest, teasing the dark nipples into hard peaks, feeling the rise of Youji's arousal against his, the increased pace of his breathing under Ran's hands and in his ear.

They tried to maneuver, Youji's lips busy on Ran's neck, having found a spot that drove the redhead crazy while his hands fluttered at Ran's waist, trying to get his pants open. Ran let his hands drift slowly down as well, tugging at the button fly on Youji's jeans. Between the lips, the hands, and the legs, Ran soon found himself suppressing a laugh as Youji tumbled over the edge of the couch.

Ran sat up, aware of his hair coming loose from its tie, and held his hand out to a shocked Youji. "Bed?" He offered.

"Hell yeah." Youji grinned, reaching up past Ran's hand and pulling the tie free, sinking his hand into the cascade that fell loose around his shoulders.

Ran leaned into the touch, hand falling to the couch and his eyes sliding closed as Youji used the hand at the back of his head to tilt him forward for another deep, lingering kiss. When the need for air drove them apart, Ran's khaki pants were extremely tight.

"Bed," he said. "Now." Youji took the offered hand and they helped each other up, the taller, dark haired man never allowing their bodies to come out of contact. His hands were everywhere at once and it was all Ran could do to concentrate on walking with his pulse pounding in his ears and his cock.

Ran kicked the door closed behind them guaranteeing that Ronin wouldn't wander in at an inopportune moment. Youji already had his hands hard at work at Ran's zipper, having dropped to one knee when Ran stopped. He sank his fingers into the dark curls of Youji's hair as the man dragged his tongue from Ran's belly button to the exposed elastic of his boxer shorts. Ran held his breath when the waistband was took between teeth, and pulled, at the same time Youji used his hands to tug down the khakis.

Youji was careful as he eased Ran's boxers off, pausing to nuzzle the still trapped bulge, making Ran's grip grow tighter. So much, he thought, so free. Ran's thoughts promptly left him as his erection was exposed to the slight chill of the room. Youji let Ran's clothes puddle around his ankles as he took hold of Ran's hips, placing light kisses around the base of his shaft, moving lower to lick and tease at Ran's balls.

"Youji," Ran breathed, his voice squeaking up on the last syllable as one of his testicles was sucked into Youji's mouth, gently rolled around and let go with a soft pop.

Youji looked up with a gleam in his eyes, but didn't say a word, merely grinned, tightened his grip on Ran's hips, and let his mouth descend on Ran's weeping cock.

"Oh. Oh, fuck," Ran panted. No one had done that for him in such a long time. Youji's mouth was warm and wet and his tongue swirling gently was sending Ran spiraling quickly. It had been a long time, even before Josh had left. Slowly, Youji began to fuck him with his mouth, using his tongue, lips, even his teeth to a degree to bring Ran closer to orgasm.

"Youji, I- " Ran choked out. He was close. Too close to stop.

And then Youji began to hum, and Ran lost it. He came down Youji's throat, his whole body shaking with the force of his release, Youji's hands holding him up. The warm mouth stayed on his softening cock, milking every bit of release from him as possible before letting him go.

"You taste good," Youji said, standing in a smooth motion and pressing his mouth to Ran's again. Ran tasted himself on Youji's tongue, mixed with the familiar flavor of cigarette smoke and coffee.

"You have too many clothes on," Ran said softly when Youji pulled away, the palm of his hand pressing against the bulge that had matched his a few moments earlier.

"So I do." Youji grinned. "Can we do something about that?"

"I think so." Ran smiled back. It was so easy. Playful, but that only added to the sensuality. It had never seemed so easy before, so devoid of tension of some kind, or disaster or slip. The couch thing didn't count, Ran rationalized as he worked at the buttons on Youji's jeans again, the top two already undone.

Ran eased boxers and jeans off together, and they both finally stepped out of their clothing, at last completely naked.

"Do you want?" Ran reached out tentatively and ran his finger along the vein on the underside of Youji's length.

The taller man let out a shaky breath and caught Ran's hand. "No," he said, bringing the hand to his lips. "It'll keep. Come here." he smiled and drew Ran toward him, pressing their bodies together and moving them toward the foot of the bed, where he eased Ran down.

Ran slid back so his feet weren't dangling over the end and Youji climbed up after him. He felt the faint flutterings of returning arousal as Youji moved over his body.

"You feel so good, babe," Youji murmured, "and I'm going to make you feel so much better."

Could he feel better? Ran wondered, and then found that he was in quite capable hands as Youji set about finding and exploiting every sensitive spot on Ran's body. Part of Ran wanted to reciprocate, but the rest of him shouted at him to live in the moment and enjoy it.

"Relax," Youji said softly as he brushed lips over Ran's jaw. "Let me."

How could he know? How could he understand? None of his other lovers had been able to break through his shields. He'd kept himself closed off, withdrawn, so he wouldn't be hurt again. And eventually his lover would tire of trying to reach the man behind the wall and leave. But Youji was different. Already he had seen through the mask Ran wore and saw what he wanted, what he needed.

Ran lay back and let Youji explore, though his own hands and feet were not idle. He ran his toes up and down Youji's calves and over his arches, discovering that Youji was quite ticklish there, and that his laughter and squirming helped Youji find the places that made Ran react in kind.

Ran felt his arousal gradually grow, felt himself begin to harden again, and noticed that Youji's erection had flagged slightly as he put off his own release. While Youji was busy trying to find other erogenous spots on his neck besides the one he'd found earlier, Ran snaked a hand between their bodies, searching for and finding Youji's length, giving an experimental pull, grinning when Youji's head shot up.

Ran tried to project his readiness with his eyes, but Youji seemed to miss the signal, his eyes glazed over slightly. He captured one of Youji's hands in his own and led it to his returned erection.

And then Youji's mouth collided with his again, the kiss heated, full of passion and want and renewed need.

"Do you have anything?" Youji asked, pulling away from the kiss with their lips brushing as he spoke.

"Bedside table," Ran panted. "Top drawer." He knew he was well stocked. Josh had left behind a couple tubes of flavored lube to go with Ran's boring generic label, along with a pair of handcuffs they'd played around with a few times. Ran hadn't liked it; the one time he'd tried to bottom, he'd safeworded almost immediately; or tried to. He'd been so panicked he couldn't remember the phrase and only the sheer terror in his voice had made Josh unlock him. It was too much, handing over that much control to another person. He was too exposed, too vulnerable like that. But Josh liked being locked up just as much, and Ran didn't mind being the one in control, so Josh still got to play his games.

Ran knew there were a good amount of condoms in the drawer too. He wasn't stupid.

With a triumphant growl, Youji reached into the drawer and came up with his hand curled around a tube and a few condoms. He tossed his prizes on the bed and returned to crouch over Ran, their erections sliding together as Ran was soundly kissed.

Ran grabbed Youji's ass with both hands, pulling the taller man against him, making his demands clear without words. He wanted to be fucked, good and hard, by this man who seemed to already know what he needed.

Youji pulled back and Ran looked deep into his eyes. There was lust shining in the green eyes, but a gentleness too. He could have drowned in those green pools. Youji kissed him on the lips again, then slid down his body until he came to rest between Ran's legs. Ran's hands glided along the smooth skin of Youji's back as he moved until he couldn't reach anymore.

Ran's legs spread a little more as Youji reached for the tube he'd dropped and the redhead found himself wondering how Youji's skin could be so tanned even in the middle of a San Francisco winter. Ran's hands flitted around Youji's sides, running his fingers slowly up and down, enjoying the way Youji squirmed slightly under his touch. The train of thought didn't last long; his attention was soon drawn to the feeling of a cool, wet finger trailing from his balls to his anus as Youji continued to tease him.

Ran made a soft sound as the tip of a finger pressed inside, then backed out, resuming the teasing trail over sensitive flesh. Youji looked up and smiled, using his other hand to apply a couple firm strokes to his own neglected erection, before doing the same to Ran's. He moaned as Youji's hand enveloped him at the same time a finger pressed into him. Ran fought the urge to press down on the intrusion, somehow knowing that it would only make Youji tease more.

Youji worked the finger around inside Ran while holding him still with the other. Ran forced his body to relax, made himself stay still as Youji slowly tortured him. His hands fell away from Youji's sides, one landing on the bronzed fingers curled around his own pale hip. Youji's fingers turned and twined their hand together briefly. His hips bucked involuntarily and he gasped as Youji hit the pleasure center inside him.

"Like that?" Youji spoke up, shifting. He moved his hand to Ran's length again, running a light finger over the vein on the underside, swirling around the tip to collect the fluid accumulating there and sliding the finger back down the top before wrapping his whole hand around Ran's cock and giving a couple long pulls while loosening up his entrance.

"Ungh." Ran couldn't manage a coherent reply, his hands fisting in the blankets.

Ran watched through heavy-lidded eyes as Youji chuckled, bent slightly and kissed the tip of Ran's penis almost reverently. Then he eased a second finger into Ran, slowly scissoring and stretching, brushing his prostate at random intervals so Ran could never anticipate the rush of sensation.

While Youji added a third finger, stretching Ran to the point of almost-pain, the redhead fumbled for the pile of condoms Youji had dropped onto the bed. He managed to snag one between two fingers. Youji continued to tease him as Ran worked to get the foil open, his hands shaking slightly as he bordered on sensory overload. He finally freed the latex, tossing the foil over the side of the bed and letting the condom rest on his belly for the moment.

Youji moved closer and Ran curled his hand around Youji's cock, mirroring the motions that Youji had made on him earlier, spreading precome over the other man's length. Youji groaned as he continued to move his fingers, slowly establishing a rhythm so subtle that Ran had barely detected the pattern. Ran unrolled the lubed condom over Youji, trying not to let the tremble in his hands cause him to slip. Youji made a noise deep in his chest as Ran's fingers dipped lower, cupping his balls, rolling them gently in his palm while Youji fumbled with his free hand for the lube.

Ran hissed slightly when Youji's fingers were withdrawn, the sudden emptiness feeling like a huge loss. But he barely had time to mourn the loss when something else was nudging his entrance.

"Ran," Youji said hoarsely. "Open your eyes."

Ran struggled to obey, finally succeeding in dragging heavy lids open. Youji was poised above him, tanned hands on Ran's pale hips. Slowly, he pressed forward; Ran held still as Youji impaled him.

"So tight. So hot," Youji murmured, sliding in until he was buried as far as he could go. Ran felt as if he might split in two, but it was good, full and warm, and oh, he lost his train of thought as Youji re-established the earlier torturous rhythm of thrusts.

Ran arched his back, lifting his hips, trying to get Youji to take him deeper, harder, faster. But Youji largely ignored his promptings, hitting Ran's body with a little more force, but not altering his cadence.

Youji stretched up and covered Ran's lips with his own, trapping Ran's erection between their bodies, the friction against the sensitive flesh making Ran's hips rush up to meet each of Youji's thrusts. Ran's hands found Youji's at his hips. Their fingers twined together and Ran found his arms raising up as Youji stretched, their hands coming to rest by Ran's ears.

Youji pulled away from the kiss, Ran breathing hard. Hips free from Youji's grasp, Ran shifted, tilting his hips up and back, forcing Youji deeper, taking almost every stroke across his prostate. Sweat had broken out over both their bodies. Youji was practically glowing in the soft light, tanned flesh shining with sweat.

"Youji," Ran breathed. His body ached for release, the teasing he'd endured driving him higher than he'd been in a long time. So good, so right. "Please."

Youji kissed him again and then, whether in response to Ran's soft plea or his own need, Youji began to let loose. Their grip on each others hands tightened, the sweat beading on Youji's belly keeping Ran's erection smoothly engaged by the motions of their bodies.

It didn't take long from that point. Ran felt the heat coil low in his belly, felt his balls draw up tight and then he was coming with a soft cry, white spattering him and Youji as his head tipped back and he tried to remember to breathe. Ran was aware of Youji's release a moment later, his name falling from the taller man's lips.

When Ran opened his eyes a minute later, Youji's face was looming over his, a soft, sated smile on his face, green eyes sparkling. "Hey, sexy."

Ran felt himself blush even under the fading flush of exertion. "You're pretty damn sexy too," he muttered. He felt more relaxed than he could remember, more well loved, already starting to ache in all the right places. But already he could feel the walls reforming, trying to keep himself closed off. Youji had gotten too close already, but that wasn't what frightened him. What scared him was that he liked it.

Youji kissed Ran softly, his softened cock slipping out of Ran's body, making both of them wince. Ran didn't have the energy to move as Youji moved off him, breaking the clasp of their hands to pull the used condom off. "Trashcan?" Youji murmured in his ear, placing a light kiss just below it, making Ran shiver.

"In the bathroom," Ran muttered, not having the motivation or inclination to do anything but lay there.

Youji's breath whispered across his ear again as he chuckled lightly and eased off the bed. When was the last time he'd felt as good? Ran wondered as he started to doze off. He felt well fucked. For the first time in a long time.

Ran heard Youji pad back in on the bare floor, felt a soft, damp cloth against his chest. Then the bed dipped and he felt something warm and solid against him and he couldn't help but curl up against it. Strong fingers stroked his hair, lulling him even further into relaxation. As much as he tried to tell himself to close off, he just couldn't, not completely. Youji had already seen through him, why continue to hide behind walls?

"Youji," he muttered, feeling more than half asleep.

"Yeah, babe?" Still the fingers combed, the solid heartbeat resounding against Ran's back.

"That was fucking fantastic."

He was distantly aware of a rumbling chuckle behind him as he drifted off.