Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Shades of Grey ❯ Chapter 7

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Part Seven

Ken stopped in the doorway of the club, nearly overwhelmed by the crush of people. Yoji wanted to talk here? They wouldn't be able to hear anything at all. He pushed into the crowd, trying to follow Yoji in as straight a line as possible. Ken finally caught up with him near the tables scattered at the back of the club. Yoji pulled out a chair at a small table on the fringe of the dance floor, and Ken sat down in the chair opposite. This place was too bright; the lights had a febrile quality to them. Ken preferred darker places to drink and dance.

Yoji left him sitting there and went to the bar to order a pitcher. Ken watched him as he flirted with the girl behind the bar, who smiled and nodded as Yoji pointed out their table. He came back to the table and fished out his cigarettes, lighting up. Ken watched the smoke curl out of the corners of Yoji's mouth, and wondered where to start. He decided to ask Yoji exactly what it was he wanted to talk about.

"Okay Yoji, we're about as anonymous as we're going to get," he said. "What do you want to talk about?"

Yoji regarded him in silence Ken wondered for a moment if Yoji had heard him over the music, and then Yoji spoke.

"What exactly are you after, Ken?" he asked.

Ken didn't know quite how to respond, so he asked a question of his own. "What bothers you so much about Omi knowing we had sex?"

"Why doesn't it bother you?" Yoji countered. Ken closed his eyes, hoping for patience. They'd get nothing accomplished if they kept answering questions with more questions.

"I've already talked to him about it. He's embarrassed, but that's all." Yoji's eyes locked with Ken's.

"You talked to him about it?" Yoji was taken aback.

"Yeah," Ken said. "Before we came out. He's fine with it. He was just surprised that you…" Ken didn't finish the sentence.

"Not as surprised as I am," Yoji muttered.

"What?" Ken asked.

"Nothing," Yoji replied dismissively. Ken wasn't convinced, but let it go. "Well I guess you know him better than I do," Yoji continued. "I guess I just didn't see a need for him to know about it."

Ken decided that that was his cue to answer Yoji's first question. "You asked what I was after," he said seriously. "I don't really know, Yoji. I never expected things to ever get this far. I didn't think much beyond what happened last week because I was so sure it would never happen in the first place."

"And now that it has?" Yoji asked.

"Now?" Ken asked. "Now I…"

The waitress came by with the pitcher and two glasses. Ken fished money out and paid her, continuing when she left. "I still don't think much about it, Yoji, because I don't know what you want." He poured their glasses carefully, then handed one to Yoji, watching him expectantly.

Yoji hid behind his glass, confused. He didn't really know what he wanted either.

"But what do you want?" he persevered.

Ken looked at him thoughtfully, turning his glass around and around in his fingers. "I thought that was pretty obvious, Yoji," he finally said.

"But it's not!" Yoji exclaimed. "I don't know if all you want is casual sex or something more. I can't tell with you, Ken. I don't know what you're thinking." Yoji looked down at the table, letting his hair fall in front of his face, hiding his expression.

"I always thought you were the casual sex type, Yoji," Ken said. "I didn't think that would bother you."

Yoji felt his stomach drop. So that was all that Ken wanted. He felt unaccountably disappointed, and a little hurt. He dredged up a half-heartedly charming smile, flashing it at Ken.

"Well I can handle that," he said, but his smile was lopsided and his voice wasn't perfectly steady. Ken noticed.

"Is that what you really want Yoji?" Ken asked. "Sex with no strings attached, no complications, no fidelity? Because I can't deal with that. I'm not that kind of person." Ken took a sip of his beer and stared meditatively into its amber depths. "You asked what I wanted. I guess I've known for a while that you're it." The admission was hard for Ken to make. He didn't really know what Yoji was thinking about the whole situation, and he didn't want to admit anything that Yoji couldn't - or wouldn't - reciprocate. It was pride, yes, but it was also a defence against getting hurt again. Yoji had `heartbreak' written all over him, and Ken didn't know if he even wanted to try.

Yoji really didn't know what to say. He wasn't usually bereft of words with anyone, but this had to be one of the strangest situations he'd ever gotten himself into. He wasn't sure he could give Ken the answer that Ken obviously wanted. Sex was fine, but to date a fellow Weiss member, and a man? It was just weird. Yoji tried very hard to convince himself that his earlier disappointment with Ken's comment about casual sex had really been just indignation at Ken's opinion of him. Unfortunately he had never been very good at lying to himself, and he had to acknowledge that something in him wasn't satisfied with casual sex either. How much more he wanted, that he didn't know. He decided to try honesty.

"Ken," he began, his gaze averted from Ken's eyes and lingering at the curve of Ken's jaw, "I don't know what I want. I'm not good at relationships," he saw a slight smile flicker over Ken's lips, but didn't glance up to see if it reached Ken's eyes. "But if you want to, I don't know, try… something, we could maybe try." He watched Ken's lips curl into a pleased and surprised smile, then warned, "But I can't promise anything."

Ken nodded quickly, conflicting emotions chasing their way through him. He couldn't believe Yoji had just said they would date, but he wondered what it really entailed. They already lived and worked together, they hung out sometimes and they were okay friends. So what would be different? Just sex? Fidelity? Would they even tell anyone what was going on, be openly together? Was there really a point, or was it just a title? His smile dimmed a little.

"Ken? What's wrong?" Yoji had seen the light go out of Ken's face, and wondered if he'd screwed up already.

Ken gave him a slightly embarrassed smile. "Nothing, Yoji. Just surprised, that's all."

They sat awkwardly staring at each other for a few moments, and then Ken laughed.

"What's so funny?" Yoji asked irritably.

"We are. Look at us, it's like we're on a blind date or something, not like we've known each other as long as we have."

Yoji smiled a little at Ken's amused expression. "Things are different now," he said.

"They don't have to be, really," Ken said determinedly. "Finish your beer and we'll go dance."

Yoji finished his glass and stood, trying to decide whether or not to offer Ken his hand. They hadn't discussed public displays of affection, but Ken hadn't seemed concerned about what people thought of him anyway. What the hell, he thought, and held out his hand as Ken rose from his chair.

Ken stared at Yoji's hand, suddenly shy. He could feel the blush rising in his cheeks as he realised what Yoji was offering and only hoped it was dark enough that Yoji wouldn't notice. Hesitantly he placed his hand in Yoji's, and felt Yoji's fingers curl around his. He raised his eyes to Yoji's and was reassured by the small smile on Yoji's lips and the slight pressure of his fingers on Ken's own.

Yoji turned and led Ken out to the dance floor. Ken looked cute with that blush across his cheeks, Yoji thought, and his lips quirked a bit. Of course, Ken blushed an awful lot for a self-assured person, especially in the last few months. Coincidence? Yoji thought not. It pleased him that he was able to make Ken blush, and made him wonder what the hell he'd been thinking that he hadn't noticed Ken's interest in him. Maybe he had and just didn't believe it. After all, he'd always thought Ken was hetero… he found a small clear space in the crush and pulled Ken after him.

The heat and the crowd pressed around them, the lights alternately illuminating Ken's face and plunging it into shadow. Yoji watched him dance, enjoying Ken's lithe figure and graceful movements, and the way that Ken closed his eyes and totally abandoned himself to the music. Yoji himself wasn't much of a dancer; he favoured standing on the edge of the crowd and observing the dancers, preferably with a pretty girl beside him, hanging on his every word. When he did dance, it was with a woman and involved a fair amount of close contact. But Ken, Ken danced like he was alone in his room at home with the stereo cranked and the curtains drawn. It was innocent abandon, and it made Yoji think of other things that Ken innocently abandoned himself to. He suddenly wanted to be close to Ken, to feel the heat and softness of Ken's skin next to his.

Refusing to think of the spectacle he might make of himself, Yoji moved round until he stood behind Ken, then lightly settled a hand on Ken's hip. He felt Ken's muscles tense, and then the younger man looked over his shoulder to see who was behind him. Their eyes met and Ken's lips curved into a soft smile, his body relaxing. He turned back around and tilted his hip a little in Yoji's direction, not quite close enough to mould their bodies together but close enough that they brushed against each other occasionally as they danced.

The music changed to a slower, darker rhythm and Yoji pulled Ken back against him. Ken leaned back a little against Yoji's chest as Yoji brought his hand around to rest on Ken's other hip. They danced that way until the music changed again to a pop top 40 song neither of them liked. Yoji's fingers encircled Ken's wrist and pulled him off the floor to a dark corner of the club. He leaned against the wall, but didn't let go of Ken's wrist. Instead he pulled Ken against him, and gazed down at the younger man's upturned face. Dancing with Ken had sent his blood racing to one point in his body, and it wasn't his brain. The way they were standing he could tell Ken was feeling the same way.

Ken saw the look in Yoji's eyes and wondered if he dared to kiss Yoji in public. Yoji would probably be okay with it in a place like Guilty Pleasures, where it was unremarkable, but here they would stand out. So Ken stood staring up into the deep green pools of Yoji's eyes, allowing Yoji to have control of the situation. He was surprised when Yoji lowered his head and brushed those soft lips against his. He let his surprise show when Yoji raised his head. Yoji just smiled.

"Sorry about that," he said, running his finger over the hickey on Ken's neck.

"I'm not," Ken retorted and tilted his face up, parting his lips in invitation. Yoji lowered his head and rubbed his lips over Ken's, his tongue tracing Ken's lower lip.

"You taste like beer," he said. Ken laughed.

"So do you." Their mouths met again, and Ken pulled away.

"If you keep that up, Yoji, I'm not going to want to stop," he said.

"So let's get out of here then," Yoji replied. "Your place or mine?"

Ken laughed again and twined his fingers into Yoji's, pulling Yoji through the bar to the exit. Ken didn't notice the strange looks they got, but Yoji did. He wasn't entirely comfortable with the idea that everyone seeing them would know they were together - whatever that meant - but he didn't want to hurt Ken's feelings by disengaging his hand. And it was kind of nice, he admitted, that Ken wanted people to know they were together. It was flattering, in a way. But he still wasn't completely comfortable. He was almost relieved when they got outside and Ken let go to hail a cab. It was something they'd have to discuss at some point in the very near future, but not now.

They climbed into the back of the cab, by mutual understanding sitting close together but not hanging all over each other. The driver was already giving them strange looks, and neither wanted to put on a show for him, but Ken was having trouble keeping his hands off Yoji. Instead he contented himself with pressing his thigh against Yoji's, and sitting on his wandering hands. They were mostly silent on the way back to the apartment.

It was nearly two by the time they entered their apartment, and it was dark. They kicked off their boots and stood there for a second, unsure of what to do next. Then Ken slid his arms around Yoji's waist and pulled him close.

"Kiss me, Yoji," he breathed, looking up at the older man. Yoji readily complied, his tongue seeking entrance to Ken's mouth. The kiss quickly became more heated, and Yoji drew Ken closer. He attempted to walk them backwards to Ken's bedroom but stumbled over his boots, and they collapsed to the floor in a tangled heap. They froze, listening for any sounds coming form Omi's or Aya's rooms. When a minute passed and no one came out to investigate, they relaxed.

"Well, this is convenient," Ken murmured, looking down at the delicious picture of Yoji sprawled beneath him. Yoji attempted to get up, but Ken pinned him down. "Where are you going?"

Yoji looked up at Ken warily. "I was going to go to one of our rooms," he said.

"Why?" Ken asked, kissing Yoji's jaw. "Aren't you comfortable," he licked Yoji's ear, "…right here?" He pulled the lobe of Yoji's ear through his teeth. Yoji made a small sound. "I'm very comfortable right now," Ken whispered into Yoji's ear, sending a shudder down Yoji's spine.

Yoji could feel exactly how comfortable Ken was at that moment. He slid his hands under Ken's shirt. "Wouldn't you be more comfortable in a bed?"

Ken silenced him with a kiss. Ken was a damn good kisser, Yoji thought vaguely. He managed to make a deep kiss delicate and sweet. Yoji thought he could go on kissing Ken for days, if Ken would only stop distracting him with movement in other areas. Ken's thigh rubbing against him through his pants was making him think about doing a lot more than just kiss the boy.

His hands slipped under the waistband of Ken's pants. "Ken," he whispered, "Let's go to your room." His hands stroked the soft skin of Ken's lower back. "I'll let you be seme."

Ken's eyes flew open and he stared wide-eyed at Yoji. "Do you mean it?" he asked, positive that Yoji had only said it so Ken would let him up.

"The only way you'll find out is if you let me up off this damn floor," Yoji responded tartly.

Grinning unrepentantly, Ken let Yoji struggle to his feet, then held out his hand so that Yoji could pull him up as well.

"So… your place or mine?" Ken asked cheekily.

"Yours." Yoji pulled Ken after him to Ken's room, noticing that Omi's and Aya's lights were off. They were asleep then. Good. He dragged Ken into the room and closed the door behind them.

"So you want to be seme, huh?" he asked Ken.

"You know I do, Yoji," Ken replied. He went up to Yoji and began slowly unbuttoning Yoji's shirt, looking directly into Yoji's eyes.

"I like you seme, Yoji, but I won't always be uke." He released the second button and dipped his head to kiss every patch of skin his fingers exposed. When the shirt was open his hands worked at Yoji's pants. He sank to his knees and drew his tongue over Yoji's stomach.

"K'so," Yoji muttered, his eyes fluttering closed.

"Besides," Ken continued, pulling Yoji's pants to his ankles, "I can make you feel really good." He rubbed his cheek against Yoji's erection under the silk boxers, then licked it through the thin fabric.

Yoji bit his lip hard, trying not to make too much noise, but the roughness of Ken's tongue wrapped in the softness of wet silk was an incredible feeling. He was almost begging by the time Ken reached up and slid the boxers from his hips. He was ready to promise Ken anything when the younger man finally slid his hot, wet mouth over Yoji's erection and started sucking him off.

"So can I?" Ken asked, pausing for a moment.

"Huh?" Yoji asked. Ken laughed, rising gracefully from his knees.

"I want my turn at seme," Ken said, stepping forward and forcing Yoji to step back. He kept going until Yoji's legs hit the bed, then reached down and wrapped one hand around Yoji's shaft, rubbing his thumb over the head.

"Okay," Yoji agreed shakily.

"I won't hurt you," Ken promised. "I know you're not really into rough stuff." He placed a hand on Yoji's chest and gently pressed him onto the bed.

Ken was still fully clothed, Yoji realised. At least if he was going to lose control of the sex, he could do something about that. It would relieve his nerves a little about being uke again. He unbuckled Ken's belt and undid the button, unzipping and then tugging the pants off. Ken unbuttoned his shirt and tossed it onto a chair. He shimmied out of his boxers and sat down on the bed beside Yoji.

"Don't be scared," Ken whispered in Yoji's ear, his tongue tracing the cartilage. His breath tickled Yoji's ear, sent a shiver down his spine. Gently Ken pushed Yoji to the bed, then lay down beside him, propped up on one elbow. He reached out and brushed a lock of Yoji's face, letting his fingertips linger over the curve of Yoji's jaw.

"Are you sure you're okay with this, Yoji?" he asked. His finger outlined Yoji's lips.

"If we're going to try to be… together… then I can't be selfish. You have to be seme sometimes too." He caught Ken's finger between his lips and drew it into the wet heat of his mouth, wrapping his tongue around it and sucking it deep into his mouth. Ken stifled a moan, his eyes heavy-lidded, watching Yoji suck on his finger. He made an effort to think.

"But if it really bothers you…" he began. Yoji cut him off.

"Shut up, Ken. Kiss me."

Obediently Ken lowered his head and kissed Yoji, a soft, sweet kiss. He'd made up his mind that if he was really going to be seme this time, he'd make sure Yoji wasn't thinking about Schuldich. He didn't know for sure, but Schuldich seemed the type to take someone hard and fast. So he'd take Yoji slowly, make sure that Yoji found as much pleasure in it as Ken did. He'd make sure Yoji wouldn't regret it.

Ken's hand caressed Yoji's stomach and then wrapped around Yoji's erection, stroking and playing. He moved down and replaced his hand with his mouth again. Just hearing Yoji's little whimpers made Ken want to bury himself completely in Yoji's body, but he didn't want to rush and maybe hurt Yoji. Instead he raised his head and slid to the edge of the bed, hunting in the drawer of his bedside table. He found his tube of lube and brought it back with him.

Yoji's eyes widened, a little afraid when he realised what he'd agreed to. Ken uncapped the lube and spread some on his fingers. Seeing the look on Yoji's face he bent and drew his tongue over the tip of Yoji's shaft, encircling him with its rough wetness. If he was careful Yoji wouldn't tense up and make things difficult.

Ken placed one slick finger at Yoji's entrance. His mouth continued its ministrations as he slowly pressed into Yoji's body, then slipped his finger in and out in a steady rhythm. He glanced up at Yoji's face, making certain Yoji was okay with this.

Yoji's eyes were closed but his body was relaxed, open and inviting. Ken added another finger, stretching Yoji's tight passage, then added a third and searched for the spot that would flood Yoji's senses with pleasure. When he heard the older man gasp he withdrew his fingers and raised his head. He lubed himself up and stretched out over Yoji's body, lying between Yoji's thighs. He held himself up and looked down at Yoji, still a little uncertain.

"Do you want this? Do you want me?" Ken asked, searching Yoji's face.

Yoji smiled, raised his hand to caress Ken's cheek. Ken closed his eyes and rubbed his cheek against Yoji's palm.

"Yes," Yoji said.

Ken positioned himself at Yoji's entrance, then leaned down and brought his lips to Yoji's. He deepened the kiss as he pushed into Yoji's body, trying to make Yoji relax enough that it wouldn't hurt. When he was fully enveloped by Yoji's warmth, he held there a moment so that Yoji could get used to the feeling. Yoji's hands cupped Ken's biceps, and they tightened as Ken began to move. He stroked slowly in an out, aiming every time for Yoji's pleasure centre.

Yoji was so tight that Ken didn't know how long he'd last. He didn't want to come before Yoji did, so he reached between their bodies and grasped Yoji's erection with one hand, supporting himself with his other arm, his fingers and his thrusting bringing Yoji close to point he was at.

Yoji's moans were pushing Ken over the edge, and he just prayed that Omi was asleep and didn't wake up. Ken sped up the rhythm and felt Yoji's body spasm around him as Yoji came, crying out wordlessly. It drove him to his own completion, and he came deep inside Yoji, thrusting a few more times before his trembling muscles gave out and he collapsed on top of the other man, sweat slick on their prone forms.

The only sound in the room was their deep, ragged breathing returning to normal. Ken turned his head with effort and started to pull out of Yoji. Yoji's arm wrapped around his waist and held him there. Ken dropped his head to Yoji's shoulder.

"Did I hurt you?" he asked.

Yoji chuckled. "Not much," he said.

"I'm sorry," Ken said contritely. "I tried not to."

"You didn't, really. It's just been a while," Yoji said. "I didn't relax enough."

"Let me get you something to clean up with," Ken said, again attempting to disengage. Yoji's arm tightened around him.

`Stay for a minute," Yoji implored. Ken relaxed and kissed Yoji's shoulder. "Did you enjoy it?"

Ken laughed. "You have to ask?" he teased, pulling far enough away to look Yoji in the eye. Something he saw there sobered him.

"It was wonderful, Yoji. It always is with you."

"Okay," Yoji said softly. He removed his arm from Ken's waist. "You can pull out now if you want," he said.

Gingerly Ken eased out of Yoji. He noticed a small amount of blood on the sheet.

"Do you want me to run you a bath? It might make you hurt a little less."

Yoji agreed and Ken went into the bathroom. Yoji heard the shower for a few minutes, then heard water running in to the bathtub, and Ken called out, "It's almost full."

Yoji got up carefully. He wasn't as sore as he'd thought he would be. He walked into the bathroom and saw the tub full of hot water and soap bubbles. Ken was drying himself off after his quick shower. He gestured to the tub.

"I put baby oil in the water," he said. "It might help a little."

"Arigato, Ken," Yoji said, and slipped into the tub. Ken handed him a washcloth, then went into the bedroom. Yoji heard him strip the sheets, then make the bed with fresh ones. He washed himself thoroughly, then lay in the hot water. He was so tired his muscles were trembling, and when he realised that he'd almost fallen asleep he called into the next room.


"Yeah?" Ken popped his head into the bathroom.

"Can I have a towel?" Ken came into the bathroom.

"Yeah, sure Yoji." He handed Yoji a fluffy green towel.

"Just come out when you're ready." He disappeared into the bedroom again.

Yoji towelled off, then wrapped the towel around his waist and entered the bedroom. Ken was sitting up in the bed reading. Yoji raised an eyebrow.

"I didn't know you liked reading," he said.

Ken shrugged. "There's a lot we don't know about each other," he said. "Are you staying here tonight?"

Yoji hesitated. "Is that all right?" he asked tentatively. Ken threw back the covers.

"Of course it is. Come in." He put his book on the table beside the bed and waited for Yoji to get settled before turning out the lamp. He threw an arm around Yoji's waist and settled his head on Yoji's shoulder, sighing. Yoji let his head rest against the younger man's, Ken's hair tickling his cheek.

"Ken?" he asked.

"Yeah?" Ken replied.

"Are we going to tell Aya and Omi?"

"Not if you're not ready to," Ken said. "We have a lot to talk about anyway. Let's not tell anyone until we figure out exactly what we're doing."

"Okay," Yoji said, relieved. "Oyasumi, Ken."

Ken snuggled closer, reaching to kiss Yoji's cheek.

"Oyasumi, Yoji."

Neither lay awake past their first few breaths.

He was so tired.

Omi blinked and rubbed his eyes, trying to pay attention to the sensei. They'd had a mission last night and he hadn't fallen into bed until after four. He wouldn't even be able to sleep after school because he was working in the shop, and after work he had to study for an English test the next day. And it was a Wednesday. He had always hated Wednesdays.

Omi jumped when he heard the clatter of students leaving their desks. Class was over, and he couldn't remember half of what the sensei had said. He looked down at his notebook and was a little embarrassed to see a sketch of Nagi doodled on the page. He closed the book quickly and gathered his things, leaving for home.

He had to fight his way into the shop past several fangirls crowded around Aya.

"Gomen, Aya-kun! I know I'm a little late." The fangirls squealed and the younger half of them detached themselves from Aya and latched onto Omi.

"Omi-kun, can you find me the prettiest flower?"

"Omi-kun, I want to buy this flower…"

"Omi-kun, where are Ken-kun and Yoji-kun?"

"Omi-kun, isn't this flower the exact colour of my eyes?"

Omi flattered his way to the register and began ringing up the purchases, smiling and laughing with the girls. His head was starting to hurt. The babble was nearly unendurable. Aya was for the most part ignoring the girls, answering relevant questions in crisp tones without a smile.

They got some relief when Yoji came in for his shift. Between the three of them they managed to clear the shop for the first time since school had let out. Omi sighed and sat down at the table, cradling his head in his arms.

"You like tired, Omi. Yoji and I can handle the shop. Go get something to eat and just sit out front for a while," Aya suggested, his eyes resting sharply on Omi's tired face.

"I'm okay, Aya-kun," Omi said. "I don't want to leave all the work to you."

"If you're outside anyway you can water the display. Just get something to eat first," Aya said, a little concerned. Omi was usually so genki, but he looked pale today. The last thing Weiss needed was Omi getting sick. None of the rest of them had Omi's skill with computers.

"Hai," Omi nodded, and left the shop, heading for the nearest take-out place. He could have made something himself but it would have taken too long, so he ordered food and brought it back to the shop, sitting at a table outside and soaking up the late afternoon sun while he ate.

He felt much better once he'd finished the food and most of a can of coffee, so he went inside for the watering can and a mister. Aya was sitting at the table arranging a bouquet, and he looked up as Omi came inside.

"You look much better," he said approvingly. "Once you finish with the display you can take the rest of the day off."

"Arigato, Aya-kun," Omi said, grateful. "You sure you'll be okay? Where's Yoji-kun?"

"Deliveries," Aya said. "We'll be fine. Go to bed early."

"Hai, I will," Omi said, going outside to the display.

Omi had just finished misting the last fern when he felt something brush the back of his neck. He whirled, surprised that he hadn't heard anyone approach. The fine hairs on the back of his neck rose when he realised that no one was there. Maybe Yoji-kun had come back. He stuck his head into the shop.

"Is Yoji-kun back, Aya-kun?

Aya looked at Omi oddly. "No."

"Oh." Feeling a little foolish Omi went back into the shop to put away the watering can. As he straightened he felt it again and started.

"What is it, Omi?" Aya asked, coming to stand near him.

"I thought I felt something," Omi said reluctantly. It was obvious that they were alone in the shop. Aya's eyes narrowed and he went to the door, scanning the street.

"I don't see anyone."

Omi went back outside, looking around. He tensed when he saw a figure he recognized half-hidden in a doorway across the street. If Aya spotted him…He went back into the shop and hung up his apron, shrugging negligently.

"I'm just tired, Aya-kun," he said. "I'll go get some coffee and then come back and study."

Aya nodded and came back into the shop. Omi breathed a sigh of relief and left the shop. It was nice that Aya was a little less frosty these days, but an interest in Omi's life outside of Weiss could be hazardous.

Omi crossed the street and passed the doorway. He heard Nagi fall into step behind him, and that phantom touch ghosted over his skin again. He shivered, but didn't turn or speak until the Koneko was out of sight.

"Nagi, what were you doing at the shop?" he asked, turning his head slightly and watching Nagi out of the corner of his eye. Nagi moved up beside him and Omi saw him shrug.

"I wanted to see you again," he said. Omi glanced over at the younger boy's serious face.

"If anyone had seen you…" Omi left the sentence unfinished.

Nagi scowled. "I don't care. I wanted to see you. I missed you."

Omi felt his resolve weakening. "Phone calls aren't enough, are they?" he said with a slight smile.

Nagi shook his head, silent.

"Where are we going?" Omi asked.

Nagi looked around and pulled Omi into an alley. Omi leaned against the wall, watching Nagi carefully.

"What's wrong?" he asked. Nagi didn't look happy.

"Schu knows," Nagi blurted out.

Omi felt himself go very still, an icy calm switching his mind and body to assassin mode.

"Does anyone else know?" Omi asked. Nagi heard the change in Omi's voice and looked up. His own mask settled firmly into place.

"Not yet."

"How did he find out?" Omi asked.

"He saw us that first day," Nagi said.

"Will he tell Crawford?"

"He hasn't so far," Nagi said. "I don't know."

Their eyes clashed, cold blue gazes locked together. Omi was the first to give.

"Nagi…" he said, his voice losing its wintry edge as he watched the implacable coldness drain out of Nagi's eyes, leaving them dark and apprehensive. "Do you want to forget about all of it?" He was almost afraid to ask the question.

Nagi shook his head vigorously. He grabbed Omi's hand.

"I don't. I thought you would." He stepped close to Omi. "Don't you?"

Omi shook his head, smiling down at Nagi.

"How could I forget about you?" he asked softly.

Nagi tossed his head with a mischievous grin, and said loudly, "You could try, but it wouldn't work." Omi felt that ghostly touch travel from his knee to his hip and then disappear. "I have interesting talents," Nagi added.

Omi wrapped his arms loosely around Nagi's waist.

"You do," he agreed. Their lips met and Nagi pressed himself closer to Omi's body, parting his lips and nudging Omi's open with his tongue. They explored each others' mouths leisurely, completely oblivious to everything around them, totally engrossed in one another.

Omi heard the sappy sigh of many girlish voices, and his eyes flew open. Nagi's eyes met his as they heard a high-pitched squeal.

"Isn't that Omi-kun from the Koneko no Sumu Ie?!"

Omi hid his face in Nagi's shoulder.

Nagi glared at the girls and they left, giggling and talking excitedly to one another.

"K'so," Omi swore. "Now they're gonna tell everyone at the shop and at school…"

"Are you ashamed of me?" Nagi asked, his voice cold.

"No! It's not that… I just don't want to have to answer any questions about you that Ken and Aya and Yoji are going to ask. If they find out who you are…" his voice dropped to a whisper.

"They won't," Nagi assured him. "You told me the other night that Ken knew you were seeing somebody. Just pretend I'm someone from school."

"But he'll want to meet you!" Omi said.

"So tell him I'm shy and I'm not out yet," Nagi said. "You can lie well. Just do it."

"Hai," Omi said, unhappy but determined. "I'd better get back home to study. I'll call you tomorrow night after work," he told Nagi.

"Omi," Nagi said. Omi looked at him. Nagi touched his lips to Omi's in farewell. "It'll be okay. I promise. We'll talk tomorrow night, okay?" With one last hug he disappeared out into the busy street.

Omi walked home quickly and headed up the fire escape stairs to the apartment, and then detoured through the living room up the stairs to his bedroom. He'd stay in his room tonight and leave early for school tomorrow morning so he wouldn't have to meet anyone in the kitchen or living room. With a sigh he opened his English book.

He was not looking forward to tomorrow.