Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Snippets of Daily Life ❯ Help Wanted ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: Weiss Kreuz belongs to Project Weiss and Takehito Koyasu
Hey guys, it's been forever since I wrote anything. Special thanks to Katami for telling me to get my butt into gear.
Warning: Horrible grammar (as usual)
“Why the hell didn't we think of this before?”
“It would've made perfect sense…” Aya's voice trailed off.
“And saved me a lot of work!”
“Yotan, stop being so lazy.”
“Yare, yare, chibi.”
“Wow, look at him go!”
The man in question was busy hacking away at a plant with the hugest pair of shears, and turning it into an excellent likeness of a blooming rose.
“Mm.” Aya was deep in thought with a piece of paper, a pencil and a calculator. Suddenly, he looked up. “Someone slide him that plant.”
“Ayan, are you sure?” The redhead was pointing imperiously at Ken's burgeoning pine tree. The footballer had been trying (and failing) to get into the art of bonsai for months now, but still he treated that plant better than he had ever treated any living person.
“Do it!”
“Alright…but you'll have to deal with Kenken.”
Yohji, using a broom, hesitantly pushed the plant towards the man of whom they were all in awe/scared out of their minds.
Seeing the movement out of the corner of his eye, the man turned. Yohji `eeped' and fled behind Aya.
“Hey guys, what are you doing?” Ken did a double take. “My baby! My precious baby! You're sacrificing my baby! Don't worry precious, daddy'll save you!”
Yohji watched in horror as Ken ran towards the strange man. “No Ken, don't,” he whispered.
“You know if you were really afraid for Ken's life, you should have shouted,” Aya commented offhandedly, still crunching numbers.
“And drawn his attention to me? I don't think so.”
“That would be a little more insulting if you weren't also hiding behind the counter.”
“I'm not hiding, I'm calculating.”
Omi pointed.
“Well whatdya know!”
Aya chewed his lip for two seconds before squaring his shoulders. “I want to hire him?”
“Are you mad? Have you lost all leave of your senses? Baby, are you sick? Maybe his madness is contagious.” Yohji `eeped' again as the golden-eyed one turned to face them.
“3000 yen an hour”
“750 yen,” Aya countered.
“I'm crazy, not stupid. You'll be able to expand your business into professional landscaping, bonsai and decorational plants.”
“You'll scare the customers away.”
“I'm eccentric, they'll pay for eccentric.”
“Eccentric's for the rich.”
“Which I will be, once you hire me for 3,000 yen,” Farfarello replied. “Or if it's too much for you I could offer my services elsewhere.”
“1500. That's the best we can do. Don't try and haggle, some of us don't have night jobs anymore.”
“Deal. Shake on it.”
The Aya, Yohji and Omi looked at each other silently trying to goad the others into being brave (or stupid) enough to get into touching distance of the white-haired assassin.
“Deal.” They spun in surprise as they saw holding on to both of Farfarello's hands. “W - Will you teach me?”
Somehow or the other Yohji didn't think Ken was stuttering out of fear, but excitement. His precious `baby' actually looked like a real life bonafide bonsai. With a deep heart felt sigh Yohji went to the shop window and pulled down the Help Wanted sign.
A/N: Hmm, this really shouldn't be a snippet as I had absolutely no plans to bring Schwarz into the picture…