Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ sweet slumber ❯ Chapter five ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Title: Sweet Slumber

Author: yamiyue

Disclaimer: I do not own Weiss Kreuz or its characters.

Warning(s): shounen-ai, yaoi, angst, lemon

Note(s): /Aya's thoughts/ "dialogue" *omi's thoughts* #flashbacks#

Chapter 5

A pair of blue eyes stared at the ceiling, not sure what to do, not sure what to think. He wasn't even sure if he wanted to be awake or not. Omi wasn't sure if he wanted to face the world anymore. After all that has happened in merely two days, the youngest member of Weiss was just…numb.

*Of all people, why did I have to come to Aya-kun's room? I could have gone to Yohji-kun. I could have gone to Ken-kun. I could have even gone to the mission room. If I knew this would have happened, I would have just let myself freeze in my room. So stupid of me to think it was a dream. If I didn't-…Aya-kun wouldn't have-…I could have-…I-…* Omi broke down into tears.

*Why do I have to be so weak?* He turned onto his side and hugged himself as he cried. Omi brought a hand up to wipe away his tears when he noticed…* orange?* The blond looked down at what he was wearing. * Aya-…kun's sweater.*

# "I'm so sorry Omi, I'm so sorry. Don't cry, please don't cry."#

*Why did Aya-kun-…*

Omi heard the doorknob turn and he quickly closed his eyes, pretending to still be asleep. He didn't understand so he didn't want to face it.


Aya opened the door and walked in. /Good. He's still asleep./ He walked over to the bed and sat aside of Omi. Aya caressed the latter's cheeks and felt wetness there. /He even cries in his sleep. I know I made the right choice now./ The redhead bent over and placed a kiss on Omi's forehead. Omi felt his heart begin to race and he fought hard not to move.

"I wish it didn't have to be this way. I know that I'm the one causing you pain and I'm sorry, Omi."

* Why is he saying sorry?*

/I hope you can forgive me./

Omi felt something be put in his hands as the weight on the bed decreased. Aya gave Omi one last glance and left the room. Omi opened his eyes and saw that Aya was no longer in the room. He looked to his hands. * A letter?*

Omi slowly pushed himself up to a sitting position. He opened the letter with shaking hands. He wasn't sure if he wanted to know what Aya wrote though.


I didn't know how to face you so I decided to write this letter. I just wanted to say that I'm truly sorry. Had I knew this was going to happen, I would have just let you go down to the mission room to sleep on the couch. When I woke up the next morning and saw that you had me in you mouth, I didn't know what to think or do. It was that last thing that I ever thought would happen. I was so frustrated that I……… I'm so sorry, Omi. I never meant to call you disgusting. That's the last thing that I think of you as. I'm sorry that I made you unsure of yourself. I'm sorry for all the pain I caused you. The way you screamed and wouldn't stop screaming when I caught you……… The way you desperately tried to crawl away from me……… The fear I saw in you and the way you just broke down and cried when you couldn't get anymore than a foot away. It hurt me so much to see you like that. I never meant to hurt you to the point you hated and feared me. But it's too late now isn't it? I wish I could take everything back but I can't. Instead of letting you feel like you have to run from me, I decided to leave.

* Nani!? *

I don't want to hurt you anymore by being here. I talked to Manx. She'll organize me to live and work somewhere else. The only time we'll meet is during missions, which we're usually split up anyways. I wish I can show you how much I regret everything that I did, but I don't know how without hurting you more. At least this way, you'll be happier. I wish it didn't have to be this way. Gomen nasai.

Fujimiya Aya

By the time Omi finished reading the letter, the paper was wet and wrinkled.

* No! Aya-kun can't leave. He can't leave. What am I going to do if he……I have to get him back! *

Omi used all his strength to get himself off the bed. Immediately, a wave of dizziness threatened to throw him off balance but he didn't care. Using the wall as support, Omi made his was over to the door. He got as far as the stairs when he heard the front door open and close.

* No! *

Omi rushed down the stairs. He was half way down when his legs gave up again. The young blond began to fall down the stairs and he tried to grab onto the railings. He ended up sliding down the rest of the stairs, scraping his hands and feet. Still, Omi didn't care. He crawled his way over the front door and pulled himself up with the handle. He opened the door and stepped outside. Without anything to hold on to, Omi fell forward, tumbling off the porch steps, landing face down. He pushed himself onto his elbows.

* Can't.. give… up. *


Aya stepped out and gave the house one last look. Pain immediately attacked him, forcing him to look away. The redhead turned and slowly walked down the street. There was nothing left for him there anymore. He looked to the sky as he walked. Faintly, he heard a soft whimpering and pained gasps. It didn't occur to Aya to turn around until he heard the cries get louder and he could feel someone approaching. The redhead spun around on his heels and prepared to fight. Instead, he just froze in his tracks and his eyes widened in shock as he saw Omi a couple feet away from him. The blond was limping towards him, covered in blood. Omi's hands and feet were scraped to the point more cuts than skin could be seen. Parts of the sweater and pants were ripped open and blood flowed out from his elbows and knees, staining the clothes in crimson. A long cut settled itself on Omi's upper left cheeks, the blood running down with tears. Aya snapped out of his trance and started to back away from the blond but Omi launched forward at the redhead and they both fell to the ground

Aya tired to get Omi and himself into a sitting position but the blond wrapped tightly his arms around the redhead's neck, unwilling to let go. Aya tried to pull Omi's arms away but the blond struggled with him.

"Omi let go."

* No! *


* No. *

The redhead just gave up. He couldn't get the blond off him so he just stayed there as Omi cried furiously against him. He listened to the latter cry, gasp and try to breath, ending up choking. Aya didn't want to hear this. He shut his eyes, trying to block out Omi's crying, but they just kept torturing him. The redhead felt like he was going to go crazy until-

"Don't go."

It was a small whisper and Aya wasn't sure if he heard it right. He slightly turned his head to the blond.


"Please don't go."

He was sure he had heard it this time.

"But I'm causing you pain."

"I don't care."

/ He doesn't care? How could not care dammit? How can he be so selfless even now? /

Aya mentally sighed in pain.

"Get off Omi."


"Get off!"

"No! I-…I don't want you to leave. I need you."


"I need you."

"You don't need me Omi. I'll only make you cry. It'll be better if I leave."

Aya tried again to pull Omi away but the blond strengthen his hold.

"I'll die if you leave."


"Onegai. I'll do anything you want me to. Just don't leave me alone."

There was a moment of stillness until Aya wrapped his arms around the small blond. Without removing them, the redhead began to sit up. Omi whimpered.

"Shh. You're freezing cold. Let's go back inside okay?"

Aya felt Omi nod against him. He picked up the small blond and carried him toward the house. He wasn't going to let Omi walk in his condition. Omi just tucked his face into the crook of Aya's neck, each hand grabbing a shoulder.


Aya placed Omi back to his bed. Omi watched as Aya put him down into a sitting position and turned to leave the room. The blond immediately reached out to the redhead, falling onto his knees and gasping in pain.


Aya settled Omi back on the bed.

"Daijoubu ka, Omi?"

Omi held onto the redhead's arms and just looked at him, begging with his eyes. Somehow Aya understood and cupped Omi cheek in his hand.

"I'm just going to get the first-aid kit. We need to clean those cuts, okay?"

Omi nodded silently and loosened his hold. Aya gave the blond a reassuring look before he went to retrieve the kit.

A minute later, Aya came back with the disinfectant, medicine, and bandages, and Omi felt himself relax inwardly. The redhead went about removing the blond's clothes but Omi backed away and held the sweater close to his body. The latter was trembling. Aya got onto the bed and gently lifted Omi's chin till he met the other's gaze. He looked at the blond and waited patiently. Omi relaxed his grip on the clothes and Aya started to remove them without breaking eye contact. The redhead saw that Omi was really self-conscious being naked so he wrapped a bed sheet around the blond. He then went about cleaning Omi's wounds. He winced himself every time the blond whimpered or drew in a deep, shaky breath. He quickly applied medicine and bandaged the wounds. The one on his cheek was too close to his eye.

"Omi, the cut is too close to your eye. The bandage is going to cover part of you eye okay?"

Omi nodded once more and Aya went about bandaging the cut. When the redhead was done, he watched as Omi tentatively brought a hand to touch the bandage. The blond looked sad and lost. Aya pulled Omi's hand away, causing Omi to look at him in question.

"It won't scar, I promise."

The redhead got up and Omi watched him pull out a pair of sweatpants with a matching sweatshirt. Aya walked back to the bed and dressed the blond. Omi stayed silent and still. He didn't understand why Aya wasn't dressing him in his own clothes. Yet, he somehow felt happy he was wearing the redhead's stuff. Omi's reverie was ended when he felt Aya pushing his shoulders, urging him to lie down. The blond grabbed onto Aya's sleeves and looked at him in fear and desperation. The redhead tried to pull his arms back but Omi wouldn't let go. Resigned, Aya got onto the bed and leaned on the headboard, pulling Omi against him. Omi snuggled against Aya and Aya gave out a sigh. The blond thought that the redhead was annoyed so he started to pull away. Two arms securely wrapping around him stopped him in his tracks. When he was sure Omi wouldn't leave, he loosened his hold and reached for the blankets, covering Omi and himself. The blond was still and quiet. Aya thought that the latter had fell asleep so it surprised him when the blond spoke.

"Do you hate me Aya-kun?"


"W-why not? After what I did to you… Why don't you hate me?"

Omi started to cry again and Aya hugged the small blond.

"I don't hate you and I don't hate you for what you did. I-…I liked it."

Omi turned around in Aya's arms and looked at the redhead in shock. But then all the shock went away as despair filled the blue orbs and Omi looked away.

"You're lying."

Aya brought Omi's gaze back to his with a soft hand on the latter's cheek.

"I'm not. I never lie."

Aya held onto Omi's cheek and he leaned in and placed his lips on Omi's. Omi gasped in shock and Aya deepened the kiss. Omi closed his eyes and let himself enjoy the rush that was flowing through him. He felt Aya's tongue ask for entrance so he parted his lips. Their tongues battled in a heated kiss. Everything around them felt hazy, like a dream. They reluctantly pulled apart in need of air. Both of them breathed heavily as they looked into each other's eyes. They both saw the same thing: love and need.

Aya place Omi onto his back and got on top of the blond, minding his wounds. Omi let out a surprised gasp.

"Is this okay Omi?"


Aya leaned downed and kissed Omi again. The redhead's tongue entered his mouth once more and all the blond could do was moan. Aya broke the kiss and traveled down to suck on Omi's neck. "Ugh…Aya…-kun." Aya smiled into Omi's neck. He reached down and slowly lifted the hem of Omi's shirt. He ran his hands up and down Omi's sides and the blond squirmed. Aya looked to Omi with an evil grin.

"Are we ticklish Omi?"

Omi blushed and looked away. Aya brought his lips to Omi's ears.

"I can do something else if you like?" And Aya did as ran his fingers over Omi's nipples and stopped to knead them between his fingers. The blond threw his head back and arched off the bed. The sound of Omi's gasps and moans filled the room. Aya felt Omi harden against him and it sent a surge of pleasure straight to his own member. He couldn't help himself so he grinded against the latter. Aya moaned as Omi grinded back. He could hear the blond panting and gasping along with him.

"Take me Aya-kun?"

Widened amethyst eyes met with blue.

"Onegai. I need you. I-I want you to fill me……complete me."

Aya gave Omi a smile the blond had never seen before and he smiled back. It was all that they needed. There was no need for words and there was no need to hold back anymore. It was all there. The love, trust, and understanding they both longed for.

Aya lowered his head and kissed his way down Omi's chest. He dipped his tongue into Omi's navel and the blond once again arched of the bed with a cry of pleasure. Aya sucked and made stabbing motions with his tongue as he lowered Omi's pants to his knees. The redhead sat back on his heels and looked at Omi. The blond was panting and his eyes were half-lidded in lust. His body was flushed and covered in a thin layer of sweat. Eyes traveled downward.

"You're beautiful Omi." And Aya really meant it. Omi's penis was fully erect and pulsing in need. The redhead's pants suddenly felt too tight for comfort. As if reading the other's mind, Omi raised one knee and rubbed it against the obvious bulge. He had the liberty of seeing Aya gasp and slight lose his balance. But being the fearless leader of Weiss, Aya quickly straightened with an evil glint in his eyes that the blond did not see. With one hand, he pushed Omi's knee back and held it there with his legs while he took his other hand and wrapped it around the blond's cock. He gave it a teasing squeeze and Omi felt himself buck into Aya's hand.

"Revenge is sweet isn't it Omi?" Omi gave Aya his best glare and pouted. Of course neither of them lasted long when Aya started to pump the latter.

"Uh! Aya-kun!"

"It is sweet, but not sweet enough."

/ Let's see how you feel when I have you in my mouth. /

Aya released Omi, causing the blond to grunt in disappointment, and held the latter's hips down as he bent down and took the tip into his mouth.

"Aya-kun!" Omi tried to buck upwards, only to realize that Aya was holding him down so he couldn't move.


Aya paid no attention as he deep throated the blond in one shot. Omi's screams filled the air and he pushed up toward the redhead's mouth, but to no avail. Aya had a strong hold on Omi and he wasn't planning to let go. Instead, he focused running his tongue up and down the latter's cock as he created a strong suction.

"Aya-kun I…I…I can't hold on. I…I…"

Aya released Omi from his mouth and the blond screamed in frustration. He was so close and all he could do was whine.

"Aya-kun~ hidoi~ "

"Just a little more patience Omi. I want us to come together."

Aya reached over to his bedside drawer and took out a bottle of lotion. He would have to buy lubricant for next time. Omi watched as Aya coated his fingers and then used the other to release himself. The redhead's cock was still as beautiful to Omi as before. It wasn't until a finger entered him did the blond know that he had spaced out. Omi felt the finger moved in and out slowly for him to adjust. When he relaxed a bit, another finger entered him and moved in a scissoring action, stretching him. A third finger was then added and Omi felt a bit of pain, but one deep thrust with a curving motion made the bond see stars.

When Aya felt Omi pushing back against his fingers, he pulled them out, applying the excess lotion on his own penis. Omi screamed again in frustration. Aya couldn't help but stop and admire. Omi was so damn cute and sexy when he did that.

"Ready Omi?"


Aya chuckled at Omi's eagerness as he gently and slowly entered Omi in one motion. Omi drew in a hitched breath and Aya waited for him to adjust. This time when Omi pushed back, Aya began to thrust in and out.

/ Kami-sama, he's so tight. /

* Ugh!… This feels so good.*

They moved in rhythm with each other; Aya hitting the blond's prostate and Omi meeting each thrust. They both came screaming the other's name passionately. Aya dropped down onto Omi and they just lied there until their breathings returned his normal. Aya then pulled out of Omi. Deciding quickly, he removed all their clothing that was covered with sweat. Using one of the articles, the redhead cleaned the blond and himself off. He threw the things on the floor and lied down on his back next to Omi. Omi moved so that he was half-lying on Aya.

"I-I love you Aya-kun." Omi wasn't sure if Aya would say it back. It didn't really matter though. The redhead had already shown it in his actions. But it wouldn't hurt if-…

"I love you too, Omi." Aya held Omi closer to him and Omi hugged back. They felt so complete. It was amazing and they silently agreed to never to let go as they fell into sweet slumber.

Owari Da.

I decided to finish the fic since I had a long weekend. I hoped you enjoyed it. Please review and tell me what you think. No flames though. And thank you everyone for reading.

p.s. My next fic may be a yugioh , gravitation, or another weiss fic. Hope you'll read it.