Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Syanora Kritiker ❯ Prologue: Mission Accepted ( Prologue )
"Weiss, your new mission is to hunt down and eliminate a group of renegade Kritiker employees. They are currently in Japan and must be taken care of immediately. Their plan is to expose Kritiker to the world and destroy all that we have worked and strived for. Hunters of the Night, Deny these Dark Beasts their tomorrows," and with that, the forever-shadowed Persia disappeared.
Weiss just stared in shock. Even the ice cubed redhead Aya showed signs of discomfort. They all turned to a smaller monitor, where Manx appeared to give them further information on their targets.
"There are four of them. Essentially, they are exactly like you, being that they were also a band of assassins hired to rid the political world of corruption. However, they have been working with alternative motives this entire time and have stolen and had access to crucial information that would mean the downfall of Kritiker if it got out.
"The first of your targets is one Scarlet Price, age 22," Manx explained as the picture of a very attractive woman with long brown hair, dark brown eyes, and violet-red lips appeared on screen. "Codename: Shiva. She is an expert fencer and has an amazing record on the shooting range. She generally doesn't use a gun, but uses her fencing skills and balanced figure to gracefully and efficiently eliminate her opponents.
"Next is 24-year-old Marie Shafer," the image of another brunette appeared on screen. This one had bright green eyes and a golden tan, with evident, yet not unattractive, muscles in her upper arms. "Codename: Vixen. Watch out for this one. She has a temper that can easily be set off, joined with three years of former police experience in the NYPD. Her weapons of choice are her semi-automatic, her fists, and specially strengthened and sharpened nails.
"The third target is 19-year-old Stephanie Cross," the image that popped up on screen this time was of a sassy looking redhead with shoulder length hair tied back into a curly ponytail. She had sharp golden yellow eyes and seemed to be smirking at you in amusement, as if she knew what you were thinking (A/N: *cofcof* NO these girls do not have special powers like Swartz, and NO they are not going to be replacing Swartz, and NO I'm not sure if I'm going to make relationships with the Weiss boys. Anymore questions?) "Codename: Sphinx. She enjoys confusing and manipulating her opponent and is a master martial artist. She uses spiked rings, not unlike Siberian's bugnuks, and she's not afraid to use them on anyone.
"Your last target is Angel Long, age 16," the next girl to appear on screen had a sweet and almost innocent looking face, which was framed by an abundance of golden locks. She had creamy pale skin and dark blue-violet eyes that seemed to look at you, and at the same time right through you, like she didn't care about you at all. "Codename: Artemis. Angel is the brain of the outfit. She is to their team what Bombay to yours. Expert hacker and infiltration agent, her weapons are folded steal throwing knives that are pounded into the symbol of the cross. She has 12 years of kickboxing training on her side and was basically raised by Kritiker to be what she is. Do -not- underestimate her, or any of them," Manx finished and returned to the screen.
The four Weiss members were choking down the information as best they could. They were going up against a group of persons that, form what they could tell, were equally matched with themselves. Even when fighting Swartz they had had the advantage of their specific training and inside information from Kritiker. Now they were going against someone who had the same "advantages", leveling out the playing field. It was obvious that in the end this was just going to be a matter of who can survive.
"Is there anything else you require to know? Their full data is being transmitted to you as we speak, however there might be some things that you would like to know now. If so, ask." Manx said.
"Manx, this information that you're sending us? Does it contain personal facts about our targets?" An almost frightened, but determined Omi asked.
"As far as aware of, yes. As you know, Kritiker does extensive research on all of our employees," Manx replied promptly.
"Obviously not extensive enough, for this to be happening," Aya stated coldly as he came from the corner he was standing in. "I just want to know one thing." Manx and the others waited for the generally silent leader of Weiss to continue. "How much do they know about us?"
Manx sighed and shook her head. "Unfortunately, we're not sure. Like I said, they've had access to extensive and crucial data from the Kritiker archives. That is why we are giving you everything that we have on them," Manx said in reply. "Well, if that is all I must go," she was about to sign off when as an afterthought she added, "Remember: if nothing else, the lives of the innocent and truthful people are at stake. If Kritiker is destroyed, they will no longer have a shield between them and the evils of the world," with that, the small screen went blank.