Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Torn Between Two Lovers ❯ Canoodling in the Koneko ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Title: Torn Between Two Lovers [chapter 4 of 4]
Book 1 of the Realizations Arc
Author: Enigma (also known as “E-sama the Llama”)
Series: Weiss Kreuz
Rating: NC-17
Pairing for Lemon: Yohji x Ken
Warnings: Yaoi, mild angst, coarse language, sexual triangle (Yohji/Ken/Aya), implied sex, masturbation, detailed lemon. AU-OOC.
Disclaimer: “Weiss Kreuz” is the property of Koyasu Takehito and Project Weiss. This unauthorized work of unpaid fanfiction is intended for entertainment only.
//internal thoughts//
Shamed and hurt by his own dark memories, Ken turned away with every intention of zipping up his fly no matter how painful that might be and then simply slinking off to hide his embarrassment. Pulling his cargo pants back into place was easier said than done, though, and he only got them up far enough to cover his ass but not much more.
An expert reader of people's expressions, Yohji knew almost immediately that he'd overstepped the daunting and rather mysterious boundaries that his young comrade had in place. With an unspoken vow to dig deeper into Ken's difficult past later no matter how hard that might be, he stepped close once more even while apologizing, “I'm sorry.” Pressing his own partially hard erection against the back of Ken's pants meaningfully, he added, “I shouldn't have asked for that when what I really want is something else.”
“Why now?” Ken asked in a tiny voice. His hips almost pushed back, his need for relief was too intense to deny, but he needed answers as well as sexual satisfaction.
“I wanted you the other night, right after that goddamned mission blew up in our faces,” Yohji murmured directly into Ken's ear. The moist warmth of his breath against bare flesh sent a sensual shiver down the younger man's spine even as he added, “But Omiitchi begged me to write up the report instead of Aya who was too messed up to even contact Persia about that asshole rapist. Duty called, ya know?”
Ken's shoulders slumped dejectedly even as he kept his back to Yohji whose hands were once again romancing the burning need that Ken couldn't pretend to deny. “Yeah, I know. Omi sent me off to gather security camera info, too, that night. By the next day, um, I mean yesterday, we were all for shit and,” he sighed deeply, “that brings us to today.”
“Afraid so.” Yohji bent lower still and kissed the side of Ken's neck as he asked, “So, Kenken, do you give `that mission sucked so much ass I couldn't even blow off steam with a friend' rain checks? Cause I'd like to cash one in if you do.”
Ken laughed once and nodded. It was a sad, almost defeated laugh, but that was an emotional overhaul for another time. “Sure, Yohji. Besides, I seem to have a dick with a mind of its own that won't take `no' for an answer.”
“And what guy's dick does?” Yohji answered while gently turning Ken back around to face him. Offering one of his patented smiles that promised pleasure as well as some measure of understanding, he added, “Why not let me take care of it? You know I always take good care of y---“
His entirely sincere promise was interrupted by a tired finger across his lips and Ken just shook his head once before nodding agreement. “Do whatever you want to, Yohji. In case you haven't noticed by now, I trust you. Completely.”
Under other circumstances, this admission might've made Yohji's heart skip a beat. Unfortunately, the sadness in those big brown eyes as he was given free reign over his young lover's body just reminded him that they had a long way to go as teammates as well as friends turned lovers.
“Thanks, babe,” Yohji murmured before claiming Ken's mouth for a long kiss which never even bothered to start softly. Neither of them was disappointed when instead it went from simmering to torrid to scorching in only a few short minutes.
As their tongues dueled wetly, Yohji carefully placed Ken's hands back out of the way on the edge of the potting bench, giving them both a squeeze to insure that they stayed where they were placed. Once these encumbrances were dealt with, his own hands resumed their earlier work on Ken's groin. Exploring and enticing equally even as the kiss broke.
Ken's head fell back as he gasped for breath and Yohji's fell forwards so he could enjoy the view as he pushed both the cargo pants and tight, white briefs down even further than before, allowing them to stop at roughly knee height.
Taking his cue easily enough, Ken then obediently wriggled until the pants were puddled on the floor in a heap. Since it was summer, he had worn sandals to work in the shop that afternoon and this made it even easier now to step out of the clothes that were doing nothing but getting in the way.
For a long moment, Yohji simply admired the nicely exposed form in front of him but then his smile turned sly.
Once the seduction had resumed in earnest, the light blue apron that Ken always wore when on duty had been absently tossed out of the way over one of his shoulders. But now Yohji pulled it free and folded the bottom half of it lightly before presenting the fold to Ken while commanding, “Keep this between your teeth.”
“Huh?” Initially, Ken didn't understand, but as soon as he thought it through, he almost blushed.
At the moment, he was standing there with his raging erection standing at attention, his tanned legs fully displayed and yet his upper torso remained clothed in not only a shirt but also the apron. By keeping the folded cloth in his mouth, not only could he not cry out---a plus in case anyone else might be listening upstairs---it also meant his lower body was even more fully displayed.
“I feel like I've been conned into some kind of hentai cosplay routine,” Ken groused right before obediently taking the apron into his mouth as ordered. Making sure his hands were still where his partner clearly wanted them, he leaned back and let Yohji take a long, lingering look.
Having far too much experience for even a normally active bisexual only a few years into his twenties, Yohji had certainly seen, fondled, and done even more to plenty of men's bodies. So when he privately considered Ken's cock to be pleasantly thick without being overly huge, he meant it as a compliment. The length was good, too; “long and strong” would have been his assessment.
The velvety sac dangling lower still drew his gaze as well. He'd been meaning to explore the teen's sensitivity for sensual, testicular play, but the twenty two year old hadn't crossed that bridge just yet.
With Ken so erotically exposed, it was pure bliss for Yohji to run his eyes over not only the highly responsive erection that he had become so fond of, but also the enticing dark thatch creeping up from its base and extending teasingly up Ken's abdomen. It was thick, indulgent, and Yohji had to admit that he enjoyed running his fingers through it almost as much as he liked running them through the soft waves adorning Ken's head.
Yohji had always had a soft spot for sexy pubic hair and Ken's certainly ranked well up on his list of most enjoyable.
That didn't stop him from imagining what it would be like to lay the boy out, preferably lightly restrained, and slowly, seductively shave every last bit of it down to smoothness, though. The sensual gasps and moans that Ken was absolutely guaranteed to express in a moment like that would only heighten the tension when he finally claimed him afterwards.
The resultant groan of pure need that these sexy thoughts wrest from the older man's throat gave Ken an amazing sense of satisfaction even though he thought it was just because of his current delectably exposed condition. Seeing Yohji's hands rush to rip open the fly of his own jeans and then simply shove aside his thong in a desperate effort to free his own aching hardness made it so much better.
Even as the younger member of the pair was feeling gratified by the effect that he was having on his partner, Yohji's deliberate act of remaining as close to fully dressed as possible was actually a very considerate thing to do.
Despite the sensual interplay that both were enjoying fully, the shop was indeed still open and at least one of them needed to be able to react quickly should a customer arrive. Furthermore, if one of their teammates---especially the one with the shining scarlet hair and the quick temper---should chance upon them as he himself had chanced upon Ken, being able to physically defend their entirely questionable act might be important.
The simple fact that Yohji was ready to meet Aya's displeasure with violence silently bespoke the depths of his growing emotional attachment to the beloved teen so deliciously displayed before him. It was a pity that he just hadn't realized it yet.
This entire decision making process seemed all too obvious, though, so Yohji never bothered to explain later to Ken precisely why he'd done what he done. This sin of omission meant that the teenager simply assumed Yohji didn't feel that it was worth his effort to undress fully just to fuck him. Tragically, there had been far too many men who had told Ken that exact thing when he was much younger and was far too impressionable.
Cool air caressed his heated length as Yohji exclaimed, “Well, *fuck*, Ken!” The shout lacked the common nickname and thereby gained intensity as he stated, “You look hotter than hell like that! Makes me want to spin you around and just shove my dick straight into your ass!”
Unable to speak without abandoning his task of keeping the apron out of the way, Ken simply lifted an eyebrow inquiringly.
Barely able to break his eyes away from the intoxicating sight before them, Yohji glanced up long enough to see the question as well as something less clear in hungry brown eyes and with a laugh he said, “But that's not the way we play, now is it?” Long fingers lightly caressed the side of Ken's face as he explained gently, “I promised to take care of you and that's not going to change no matter how fucking sexy you look right now!”
Long, lean legs folded elegantly as Yohji then sank to one knee. Gazing up at his partner with what Ken repeated to himself most assuredly was not love no matter what that immature part of his heart that still craved it said, Yohji tenderly petted the erection that now hovered temptingly close.
Placing one hand firmly behind the straining shaft and bringing it to his lips, Yohji kissed his way from thick base to bulbous head. The tip of his tongue teased the dripping hole at the top which gladly gave forth a small burst of precum which was greedily swallowed down. With that as his signal to move quickly and with care, Yohji proceeded to gift Ken with a brief yet intense course in fellatio which culminated as one might expect.
With a cry muffled by the fabric still clenched between his teeth, Ken's body stiffened and then explosions of cum filled Yohji's mouth to the point of nearly choking him. This was precisely what he had hoped for, though, so he was ready and carefully kept from swallowing the bittersweet liquid which was needed elsewhere.
As soon as he felt the shudders of orgasm leaving Ken's body, Yohji lunged to his feet and made sure to hold him firmly for fear that he might weaken to the point of losing his balance. His extended hardness scraped its way up his lover's thigh as he did so, yet the minor stimulus was ignored as he welcomed the opportunity to merely hold his lover against himself.
Grateful for the support, Ken partially collapsed into the waiting embrace. He let the taller man bear the brunt of both their weights for a moment and as he did so, he wasn't the least bit shocked to feel talented fingers slowly begin to massage the globes of his ass.
There was certainly nothing unexpected in this.
The few times that he'd had sex with Yohji so far, they'd always ended with Ken impaled on his partner's shaft. Still, his orgasm muzzy brain wondered how they'd pull it off this time. Considering the way that the blond man's untouched cock throbbed with need between them, he was, however, a little surprised by the extra TLC that he was receiving. The proverbial “tender loving care” being lavished upon him now was utterly unknown before Yohji had chosen to change their relationship so dramatically.
As a fingertip began to probe more meaningfully within the tight hole hidden from view, Ken automatically spread his legs apart invitingly. With a semi-contented sigh, he finally released the apron from between his teeth and asked, “How do you want me?”
Smiling to himself since Ken's head remained warmly buried in his shoulder, Yohji spit the cum into the palm of his hand before answering, “I'd love to see you bent over this bench, Kenken.” The fingertip slowly pushing in and then pulling out incrementally continued to mimic the ultimate goal as he added, “Pulling apart your beautifully pale ass-cheeks so I can paint this hole with all of this lovely cum will be wonderful. Not as wonderful as then slipping into that glorious tightness of yours, but you can well imagine….”
Ken's face felt hot even though he claimed that he never blushed when Yohji started talking dirty the way that he was just now. Hardly able to face his partner, he muttered, “My ass isn't all that white. I've got a tan….”
“Not all the way up here, you don't,” Yohji answered playfully even as the too dry finger pushed in a bit further before retreating completely. “Those cute little shorts you wear when coaching soccer do tend to cover up all those tasty, dangly bits, ya know!”
“Whatever,” Ken sighed tiredly and then stood upright once more. Despite having just experienced a fairly good orgasm, his semi-rigid cock shimmered with a sheen of cum and indicated he'd be ready for more very soon. Without bothering to even discuss his elder partner's penchant for mild perversion, he then obediently turned to face the potting bench.
As he did so, the redolent aroma of rich, loamy potting soil and sphagnum moss reached his nostrils.
Briefly aware of the fragrances surrounding them, Ken absently wondered what it would be like to commit these acts with the intense, floral scents of the bouquets and cut stalks closer to them, but this irrelevant distraction didn't last long. After all, the shop's accountant, namely Aya, would never even consider allowing anyone to have sex directly among the flowers of the Koneko.
While carefully making sure that the bench was high enough to not cut into his groin uncomfortably, Ken took a moment to insure that the apron protected at least some of his bare skin from the bench's rough, unclean surface. He then bent forward and pillowed his head on his arms hoping that this was what his partner had in mind.
After spreading his feet a little farther apart than they had been previously and thereby assuring an enticing view of what he mistakenly thought was Yohji's favorite part of his body, Ken glanced over his shoulder and asked, “Like this?”
Misunderstanding the question, Yohji couldn't help but grin and say, “'Like' it? Hell no! I *love* it!”
Ken didn't bother to clarify that all he wanted to know was whether or not this was the position Yohji had wanted to see him in. Instead he just murmured rather fondly, “Pervert.”
Fully entranced by the dark circlet of muscle that flexed ever so slightly as he began to smear cum over it in lieu of proper lubricant, Yohji just chuckled his agreement. An epithet isn't much of an insult when both parties involved agree that it's true.
Drawing wet circles round and round the entrance that he was soon going to claim for himself yet again, Yohji distantly wondered how Ken might react to being on the receiving end of a rimjob. Not everyone that Yohji had ever attempted to excite that way had appreciated it, but then again, they weren't anyone whose deeper feelings truly mattered to him in the first place.
Hidaka Ken, however, was different.
Very different.
Not only was he one of the surprisingly few people that Yohji had chosen to have sex with more than once. Of far greater importance was the fact that Ken was someone that his emotions reacted to as strongly---if not more strongly---as his libido did.
After all of the hell that he'd been through because of Asuka, Yohji wasn't sure he really wanted to ever fall in love again, but that wasn't something his logical mind had any control over. For now, though, he did consider Ken far more than a friend, teammate, or what have you. The term “lover” wasn't as powerfully forbidden to him as it was to Ken, but who knew how far this internal struggle might go?
Romantic philosophy aside, Yohji was now holding Ken's well muscled ass spread as widely open as one hand could get it to better enjoy the view of a slick finger that was sliding deeply in and out before being joined by others. The process of preparation may have seemed like foreplay for the benefit only of the uke, yet to Yohji, the process was satisfying to himself in the role of seme as well.
Every little moan, groan, inhalation, and begging push against his hand that Ken gave was like nectar that his soul drank in even as his own loins pulsed with need. By the time Yohji was finger-fucking Ken as hard as he dared, both young men were desperate for completion.
Pressing the invading digits deeply into Ken's bottom and then holding them there rigidly, Yohji leaned forward and spoke directly into his lover's ear asking only, “Ready?”
“Just do it!” Ken hissed back even as he felt the fingers recede, presumably to smear the last of his own cum onto the other man's previously unattended erection. As wet noises punctuated by a gasp of anticipation filled his ears, Ken was more than eager to feel that unique satisfaction which only Yohji and Aya had been giving him recently.
Somewhere in the back of Ken's mind, however, he recalled that the store was still technically open and if the wind chimes had failed as alarms, they could still be walked in upon unexpectedly. This realization gave him a small, dirty thrill that he found shocking, but that was lost in mere seconds as the broad tip of Yohji's erection started to inexorably nudge its way inside.
Ken groaned appreciatively as a hot, thick cock filled his ass more than perfectly, thereby sending frissons of delight dancing through every corner of his awareness.
Yohji, who had enjoyed every moment of preparation, was likewise lost in the moment as the heated warmth of Ken's body pulled him in. The sensation of being taken in by a truly enthusiastic sex partner was unlike any other. Yet it was even better when said partner was someone for whom he felt a sense of respect and deepening affection.
Gripping the sides of Ken's buttocks carefully in the hopes of not leaving tell-tale bruises, Yohji sank in as deeply as he could, paused and then withdrew slightly prior to lunging in more deeply. This process was repeated over and over to a chorus of encouraging grunts which gave way to tremulous moans as Yohji sought and finally found Ken's prostate.
Blindly fumbling for control, Ken simultaneously encouraged Yohji to ravage him more thoroughly while also trying not to cry out in ecstasy.
The man whose considerable height allowed him to take full advantage of his lover's prone form maintained a punishing pace which was occasionally punctuated by an almost complete withdrawal prior to a vicious slamming thrust that went deeper still.
Despite the intensity of the moment, it still gave Yohji a thrill to see the coiled blond hairs at the base of his own cock highlighted against the whitish skin of Ken's ass when he pushed in as far as he could go. Adding the sight of his own thick shaft barely free of his thong even as it pistoned in and out of his lover, sent him over the edge.
“Oh, gods, Ken! Now!” Yohji urged with little or no time to spare.
Well though cruelly trained by a much less caring partner, Ken's body responded to the command and climaxed on cue, thoroughly soaking his light blue work apron in the process. The soft, strangled cry of pure bliss that escaped his lips as glittering light danced across his inner eye was far sweeter than music for his partner's admittedly jaded ears.
The sudden rhythmic tightening of the wet velvet channel surrounding him was the last step for Yohji and he followed suit spectacularly. As jets of hot seed raced from deep within himself, he stood transfixed pressing as deeply as possible into Ken as briefly they truly were the only two people in their shared world.
Orgasm took them both out of their bodies and away from their struggles for only a few glorious moments, but soon they fell back into the heartless grips of reality as Yohji collapsed atop Ken's exhausted form.
They both had sprawled there gasping for air and trying to regain some composure when Ken finally said, “Yohji, get up.” With a grunt, he tried to shift positions and failed before moaning, “You're too heavy. I can't breathe.”
Moving slowly to push himself upright once more yet not quite trusting his legs to support his weight fully so soon after climax, Yohji gasped for breath and murmured, “Sorry, babe. You're just too damned good and it wore me out for a second.”
“Sh'yeah, right,” Ken muttered in disbelief despite the fact that his innermost heart hoped it was completely true.
Tenderly and carefully disengaging with a sodden pop, Yohji never even heard the comment as he sighed sweetly and said, “I think that may have been a first for me.”
“What?” Ken struggled to stand and turn around before leaning against the bench even as he felt hot cum slowly begin to trickle down his inner thighs. It felt shiveringly good to be certain and it immediately made him consider recommending that Yohji claim him again while they had the chance. Using a corner of his apron to mop a trickle of sweat from his neck, he asked, “Sex in a store where you worked that was technically open at the time?”
Snorting derisively, Yohji replied, “Hell no! I've done that plenty.”
The younger florist was crestfallen, yet he tried not to show it as the older one continued, “I meant having sex where someone I lived with could've walked in and caught me having sex with someone else that I lived with!”
The humiliated burn returned to Ken's cheeks and he wanted to just go shower and then hide.
The youth's embarrassment wasn't over as Yohji scratched his chin thoughtfully, before saying, “No, wait. I've done that, too.” With a shrug, he remarked, “Oh well, it doesn't matter.”
“Yes it does!” Ken blurted out. He turned his reddened face away as he admitted, “That was the first time for me for *all* of those things, Yohji. But now I feel like a dork to have to admit it.”
“Aw, Kenken, I'm sorry,” Yohji assured before pulling the half-naked teen into his arms for one of his patented warm hugs. “I wasn't thinking when I said that.”
“No big deal,” Ken mumbled into Yohji's shirt. Now that he felt warmly embraced, some of the temporary sting of the unnecessary bragging had eased off. The sensation of wetness oozing out of him, however, was still there and with a sigh, he eventually rubbed some dirt from his face with the hem of his apron while saying, “I need to close up shop and go take a shower. Not only did you not bring any lube, there's nothing here for even a little cleaning up….”
Emerald eyes widened slightly after this pronouncement and there was more than a little predatory flare within their depths as Yohji offered, “Why not let me help you lock up? I could use a shower, too, ya know.”
It didn't surprise Ken in the least when he felt a notoriously familiar little nudge as Yohji's naked penis lightly dueled with his own. Neither had become fully flaccid by any means, so further discussion would've been pointless.
“Hopeless. We're both hopeless,” Ken sighed and pushed Yohji away so he could regain some composure as well as possession of his now dirty cargo pants.
Yohji made no apologies as he adjusted his underwear, closed up the fly of his jeans, and then went to work locking the front doors and shutting off the lights. The rain was still beating its staccato rhythm on the awning outside and, frankly, anyone crazy enough to be out looking for flowers this late in the day could go elsewhere.
Ultimately clad in clothes that weren't really as filthy as the Koneko's head launderer might have felt they were, Ken and Yohji eventually made their way to the large shower enclosure in the basement. The fact that when they had sex there yet again, it was Ken's third orgasm in a relatively short period of time just went to prove how thoroughly Kase's brutal training had paid off.
The manipulative bastard who had done so terribly much damage to the former soccer player had intended to create the “ultimate uke” for his own pleasure and profit. Those painful lessons now, however, would continue coming back to haunt Ken but in a new and more tolerable guise.
While completing their second act of intercourse in less than an hour, Yohji and Ken wouldn't pursue each other with quite as much vigor as before. After a more reasonable amount of time than one might expect, they slowly made their way back upstairs later.
The mystery surrounding Aya's whereabouts remained unsolved as did Omi's tardiness following the delivery of the funeral bouquets, but those weren't pressing issues. Ken's need for the lunch that he'd never bothered to eat was and so was Yohji's need for a few cigarettes.
The pair would go their separate ways for the rest of the afternoon, each thinking his own thoughts about recent events, and each wrongly assuming that the most intense part of an otherwise boring Thursday had passed.
What evening would bring was unknown to them yet as fate would have it, that would be nothing compared to the cataclysm that would be unleashed at midnight. If Ken had thought he'd only been torn between his two lovers, soon he'd be feeling very much like a fool as the triangle that he thought he had under control began to collapse.
~+~+~ OWARI ~+~+~
Author's Notes:
[1] This story, my first in far too long, is dedicated to my brother, Rubious (also known as “Weisshund”). Bro, you've been my strength through some pretty difficult times and this is my first chance in a forum like this to salute you and thank you yet again for everything. Arigatou!
[2] Within the original manga, “An Assassin and White Shaman” by Tsuchiya Kyoko, Ken had marvelously soulful eyes the color of hot cocoa. I have always felt that these suited him far better than the chilly blue ones used in the anime, hence, in my stories he will be described as having beautiful big brown eyes.
[3] In the real world, safe sex should be practiced at all times. However, the world of “Weiss Kreuz” is one of fantasy and therefore I have decided to exclude the scourge of AIDS or the need for condoms. Too bad this isn't also true in our own sad world.
[4] Muse credit goes to the same lovely ladies who have been my inspiration for quite some time now. The Greek muse of tragedy, Melpomene, is my muse of angst and she's biding her time on this story. Erato, Greek muse of love poetry, is my muse of lemons and romance. Last but not least, Calliope, my muse of epics, is shepherding this new arc even though she was once known as the Greek muse of epic poetry. Not included in this story's pantheon is Thalia, once the Greek muse of comedy who is currently my humor muse, albeit one who is often left out of the loop by Melpomene, et al.
[5] To encourage these intriguing femmes to continue to inspire me, please consider leaving an uplifting word or two of encouragement. Positive feedback is their ambrosia and the more of it they eat, the faster they help me create more for us all to enjoy. Special thanks go to Skippyscatt, StarShadow, Yanagi-sen, my brother, and everyone else who leaves uplifting comments here at MediaMiner.org. Your kindness will be greatly appreciated as the arc moves forward again very soon.
[6] The sequel to this story will be entitled “Feeling Like a Fool”. Much more about it as well as teasers for the entire arc can be found at e_sama.livejournal.com. Feel free to check it out and consider joining our merry band of friends if you wish to get in on the conversations there.