Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Ways Of Your Desire ❯ Part One: Discovery ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: Owning them is bad for your health!

Ran: *growls and throws a brick at Isa-chan* How could you do this to me! He's MY KenKen!!!

Isa: See what I mean? -_____-;

Ok, this is so not what I usually write so please *falls to her knees* please, please don't flame me! This is a KenxSchu fic…YES you read that right! I know I'm a KenxRan writer but Inno and I were talking one night and well it turned into her asking me to write this! How could I refuse? I love when people ask me to write something! So this is for you Inno! *glomps* Hope you enjoy it!

Thank you to Kami for being my beta reader and also for saying that... *clears throat* "With you, Schu is the epitome of the misunderstood good guy." *looks at the quote and grins* I think she has something here!! ^_^ My beta-reader is the greatest! *giggles*

Oh! I really don't mean anything I say in here about Ran, I really do love Ran! *cuddles her Ran* But I had to make Ken and Ran have problems in their relationship... heehee *sweatdrop*

"Ways Of Your Desire"


Yeah, he guessed that was one word for it. He was mad. Mad that Ran hadn't listened to him, mad that Ran insisted on needing time alone. He had done everything in his power to make the redhead happy, but it didn't seem like it had worked. Everything he thought he had gained just slipped from his fingers and he was once again at square one. Yohji had told him to give the man some time, he was new to relationships, and maybe they had just moved to fast. Ken knew that wasn't the reason, Ran wanted time to himself because they argued. Sure they did it quietly so the others couldn't hear, or did it out of the home. But everything came down to one simple fact; Ran was stubborn and wouldn't change. He was stubborn as well, the more committed they because to one another, the more they realized they annoyed the hell out of one another. But then again he was lonely and missed having someone to talk to, to love. Ken needed to give his love to someone; it gave him a reason to keep living.

He knew one of the reasons that he and Ran had been fighting so much was because of Kritiker. Now that Estet was destroyed they had decided to retire Weiss for the time being. They were allowed to keep the shop and continue on as they were, but no new missions would be coming their way. Omi had been excited, applying for a nearby university and had gone back to school. Ken really didn't think Yohji cared, as long as Omi was happy so was he. But he and Ran had a hard time adjusting to a normal life. In a way they needed the darkness to balance themselves and without that they were lost. A need for darkness, a need for love…he had been screwed royally on both. So that was why he ended up where he was, in a situation he normally wouldn't have gone near.

Yohji had taken him shopping for `clubbing clothes' a while back so he could drag Ken out with him. He knew that the two assassins we not having a good time within their relationship and he had wanted to cheer his friend up. The eldest Weiss had dressed him in a get-up he would have never chosen for himself. Some black pair of pants that reminded the ex-soccer player of a shiny rubber. There was a vest that matched, buttoning two times in the front and hanging down to about mid thigh. Though he never would admit it to Yohji, he really did like the top. It had no sleeves, showed off his stomach and was very comfortable. Once the outfit was picked, Yohji had deemed his motorcycle boot -proper- to go with it and had left it at that. Yeah he had bought the clothes, but he had ended up chickening out. So the clothes had been sitting in the back of his closet for about six months now.

`I don't know why I decided to do this alone, I should have asked Yohji to come with me.' He thought to himself as he walked up to the doors of the club. `I just had to get out of the house, if I had to sit in there and have Ran glaring at me for another minute I would have thrown something at him!' Sighing to himself, he entered the club. The music was a little too loud for his taste but it wasn't as bad as some he had been in for missions. `There you go, thinking about mission again! You are no longer an assassin!'He told his conscious to shut it, walking over to the bar to get a drink.

Three hours later he was beginning to wonder if he had made the right choice to come alone. Ken had hidden himself in the back of the club and it wasn't because the brunette wasn't having a good time. It was actually the opposite; many men and women had shown interest. He had danced and talked with a few of them that caught his eye and some of them had bought him drinks. `Too many drinks! Yohji would be so proud of me right now.' He smirked, taking another drink from the glass beside him. Ken was very glad he had taken a taxi and not driven his motorcycle. `I could have driven…well maybe not.'

(( You couldn't have driven and you know it. ))

Ken looked up for a moment, for some reason his conscious sounded like a voice he knew. Shrugging it off, he finished his drink and stood up to grab another. `Yeah, well I could have tried…if I got killed at least then Ran would show some emotions.' As he stood he slammed right into someone, dropping the glass he held to the floor. "I am really…" Ken looked up, meeting blue eyes and jumped back falling into the chair he had just stood up from. "Fucking shit…"

The man just shook his head, sitting down on the opposite side of the table. "Well I didn't expect that reaction, Kitten."

"S-Schuldich?" He nodded. "Damn it, you scared the crap out of me! Wait…hold on…you're my enemy!"

(( Was, Kitten. Remember you and your boys destroyed Estet? Well I'm out of a job. )) He cocked his head to the side, smiling at the tanned ex-assassin. It was obvious to Ken that the ex-Schwarz found something amusing, (( So after everything you did for them they got rid of Weiss as well? )) He could see the brunette was confused. (( Kritiker, they sacked you? )) Ken simply nodded. (( You really have had a lot to drink, haven't you? ))

Dark eyes narrowed, his body pushing back into the chair as he glared at the redhead. "Will you stop doing that weird mind thing?" He snapped, obviously not amused. "What do you want?"

"Will you calm down?" He answered, shaking his head at the younger man. "I have been watching you for the past few hours, if I wanted to hurt you I would have done it before now." Ken saw the German smile, his eyes falling to the table. "I'm not use to seeing you all dressed up like that playboy of yours." Ken was about to take offense when the man looked back up at him. "You pull it off a lot better than him."

That made Ken blush. "T-thank you." Schuldich nodded. The basic conversation was beginning to relax him; for some reason he believed that his old enemy didn't mean him any harm. They talked for a while, nothing really in particular just basic talk. The longer Ken talked to the German the more he was beginning to like his company, then he realized something. Leaning forward, he met the clear blue eyes of the telepath. "So where are your groupies?" The redhead arched a brow. "You know, Schwarz?"

"Oh them." Frowning, he shrugged. "After Estet was destroyed we split up, Brad thought we would all be safer. I made sure the kid got out of here unharmed and…I don't know, I kinda like it here so I stayed."

Ken grinned, but the man across could see it was forced. "So you are alone too?" Schuldich nodded. "Well…" He paused. "If you keep me company, I`ll do the same for you?"

"I think I would like that very much."


Yohji breathed out, his eyes falling on the brunette that was sweeping up the floor. The shop had finally emptied out so now it was time for answers. "You got home really late last night." Ken glanced over at him, and then smiled. "Actually you have been coming home late for the past few days now. What happened?"

"I…" The man blushed, meeting the deep green eyes of his friend. "I met someone, we stayed together for a while he bought me a few drinks and we talked. He asked me if I wanted to go out again and I said yes, then we went out again and again…" Ken couldn't help but grin. "You know, normal stuff Yohji."

"So does this guy that seems to have a major effect on you have a name?"

Ken nodded, blushing even deeper. He remembered the first night they had met the German had called him Kitten and he, in turn had called him Schuldich. At the end of the night they had stood outside waiting for Ken's cab to get there. He had gone to say goodnight to his old enemy when that telepath had given him his real name. `Then he called me Ken and…he kissed me. Sure it was on the cheek, but he kissed me.' He didn't know what to think of this odd turn of events but Ken couldn't deny that he had liked the German's company. The more they were together the more the brunette realized that he was really beginning to like the man.

"Ken!" The brunette shook his head, looking over to the eldest of them. "Well? This guy must be something, you totally zoned out on me."


"Well?" The brunette looked up, once again meeting the deep green eyes with his own rich brown. "His name?"

Leaning against the broom, he smiled. "Callan."

"Weird name, is he from here?" Ken shook his head, continuing to sweep the floor when the door opened. "Can I help you sir?"

He nodded, walking up to Yohji. "Yes, I am looking for a gentleman named Hidaka Ken?"

"I am Hidaka Ken, can I help you?"

The stranger turned, smiling at the dark-haired man. "Yes sir, I have a telegram for you. If you can just sign here." Ken took the pad, signing at the bottom then took the envelope he handed to him. "You have a good day sir."

"Thank you." He replied, looking down at the letter in his hand.

Yohji walked over to the younger man, nudging him in the shoulder. "Well?" Ken gave him a blank look. "Open it! Maybe it's from this guy that has been occupying your nights for the past week and has you floating on fucking cloud nine?"

`Maybe! But usually he asks me to go back out with him before we separate for the night? I was kinda disappointed when he didn't ask me last night.' Tearing open the letter, he paused as a thought crossed his mind. 'What if he realizes that we can't work? What if he doesn't want to be around me any more?' That thought left him feeling disappointed.

Yohji noticed his friend's hesitation. "You ok?" Ken could only nod as he looked down at the note in his hands, then let out a sigh of relief.

I forgot to ask you about tonight? Would you like to go out?

Give me a call if you're interested.


"He wants to get together again." Ken whispered, looking up at Yohji and pouted. "Please can you finish up closing?"

Yohji couldn't help but smile. "Yeah, go ahead." The brunette grinned, throwing his apron behind the counter as he ran for the stairs. "Hey! When do we get to meet this guy?" He saw the smile fall from the ex-assassins lips, a worried look take its place.

"Oh, I will bring him over later." He said quickly. "I wanna make sure this is actually something first…I guess." With that he ran out of the room before Yohji could ask any more questions. Darting up to the third floor, he ran into his room, closing the door. "Where did I put that paper?" He growled, rummaging though his things. Finally finding the piece of paper in one of the piles on his desk, he grabbing his phone and dialed the number.


He couldn't help but smile. "Hey."

"I was hoping you would call." There was a pause. "I'm sorry about last night. I meant to ask you if you wanted to hang out again, but I was having so much fun that it slipped my mind." He paused. "I didn`t realize I had forgotten till you were already in the cab, but I really would like to see you again tonight?"

"Yes!" He squeaked, blushing. "I mean, yeah what do you wanna do?" He could hear the German laughing on the other end of the phone. "Callan!"

"Sorry Kitten."



Ken couldn't help but smile. "Could you not call me Kitten?"

"Ok, then what should I call you?" He asked. "Beautiful, maybe?"

He blushed, falling back on his bed. "You are a tease!"

"How do you know I am teasing?" He replied, for Ken's part he just laid there shocked at those words. "Anyway, would you like to go to dinner with me?"

"I would like that a lot." He whispered.

"Good, I'll pick you up at seven." He looked over at his clock seeing it was almost six. "Your silence isn't making me feel better about this?"

Ken laughed, pushing up from the bed. "It sounds great! Oh, but…the guys?"

"I'll honk when I get there, you can come down and meet me."

"Ok then." Hanging up the phone, he couldn't help but smile. He hadn't felt like this in a long time, the feeling of being needed and wanted. Ken thought it was odd that he was finding all of this in an enemy's company. `But you're not fighting one another anymore, he really seems to be interested in you.'Ken jumped up from his bed and grabbed his towel, for once agreeing with his conscious.



This was a lot harder than he thought it would be. "Ken is upstairs getting ready, he has a date. Found out today actually, all these nights he`s been going is because some guy has caught his fancy." He informed the redhead once again. "You're the one who said you guys needed to break up and give one another time apart to think!"

Ran growled, crossing his arms. "I didn't mean he could go running around with other people!"

"Well he is single and has a date, the guy sounds really nice." Yohji informed him. "Don't go and ruin this for him, he deserves to be happy. If you go fucking with him, I'll kick your ass." Ran just pouted, flopping down on the couch. "That is pathetic."

"Shut up Yohji!"

The longhaired brunette was about to say something back when a honking interrupted him. "That must be Ken's guy. He said his date was just going to honk when he got here." Yohji walked over to the window, looking down at the red car in the back alley. "Well whoever he is, he has really good taste."

Ran stood, walking over to the window as well. "Why do I feel like I know that car?"

"Because you're a jealous asshole?" Yohji asked, smiling down at the redhead. He chose not to respond to that. "Hey Ken! Your date is just sitting there wasting gas, man!"

There was a loud thumping as the younger man ran down the stairs. "How long has he been waiting?" He asked, grabbing his jacket. "I didn't hear him, I hope he's not angry."

Yohji shook his head, walking up to Ken. "He just got here a moment ago. Now have fun, don't be home too late…no sex on the first date!"

"Yohji!" He cried, blushing deeply. "As if you would listen to those rules."

"Ouch, touché! Well go have fun, we won't wait up." Ken smiled, running over to the stairs that would lead him to the back door. "Bye!" The back door closed and Yohji couldn't help but sniff. "He's so grown up!"

Omi, who had walked into the room at that moment, gave the man an odd look. "You scare me Yohji."

"Aww, you know you love me cutie!"

The blond blushed, shaking his head. "So is Ken gone?" Yohji nodded, still grinning down at him. "Is Ran still pissed?" He whispered.

"Yeah, but it's his fault." Omi nodded, feeling Yohji's arms encircle him. "So it's just you and me and…I was thinking…"

The blond smiled, meeting the deep green eyes of the man that held him. "That is a first."

"Ack, below the belt…take it back!" He growled, tickling the boy. Omi broke into hysterical laughter, trying to pull away from the taller man. "Say you love me, say you didn't mean it!"

"No!" He giggled, struggling to get away from his hands. "No! Yohji….stop…please!!"

"Nope! You hurt my cute little feelings!" The man said as he continued to tickle the helpless blond in his arms. "Make it up to me?"

Laughing, he curled into a ball falling to the floor. "Ah…Yohji…can't…breath!" He giggled. "Please! Me wuvs you!"

Yohji smiled, deciding he had tortured the boy enough. Pulling the younger man into his arms, he kissed his forehead. "I'm sorry, what was that?"

"I said I love you." He whispered, a light blush staining his cheeks. "Now what was your idea?"

"Hmmm." He breathed out, holding the boy tighter. "Wanna go up to my room and watch a movie?"

He nodded, pulling himself out of Yohji's arms so he could stand. "Um, Yohji?"

"Yeah sweetie?"

Blue eyes looked up, meeting his once again. "You're not going to ever leave me are you?" Yohji barely heard the question but knew why Omi was asking it. "I mean, you are happy that…" He was pulled into his lover's arms.

"Don't you ever ask that!" He answered. "You're the best thing that has ever happened to me, I'll never let you go. Understand?" Omi nodded, letting out a deep breath as he closed his eyes. "I love you Omi."

"I know." He whispered.

Yohji pulled away, smiling down at the blond. "So how about that movie?"


Callan looked over at the man sitting beside him, smiling. `He is really cute; maybe this could work? I wouldn't mind having someone in my life and now that we aren't fighting one another…' The tanned man shifted in the seat, his eyes looking out the window. "What's wrong?"

Ken turned, looking over at the redhead. "Nothing really." There was a pause before he continued. "I guess I'm just really distracted, everything that is going on."

"Like what?" Brushing away dark bangs, Ken looked out the front window. "You know I could just read your mind, but I'm trying to make you trust me."

"Well obviously I trust you in some way, I wouldn't be in your car right now if I didn't trust you." The German nodded in agreement. "I guess it just has to do with Yohji…and Ran."

"Ahh, Ran." Nodding, Callan pulled his car into a parking lot. "You two had something going for the last few months before Estet fell." He saw the younger man nod. "What happened?"

Ken really didn`t know how to answer that question. He really didn't know when things started falling apart, they just got fed up with one another. "Who knows…I guess the closer we got the more we realized we didn't work. But then again that is just me taking a wild guess. I may never know what really went wrong, one day we were fine and the next day we were doing nothing but arguing." Callan was about to respond when he saw his date looking around. "Where are we, this doesn't look like a restaurant?"

"It isn't." He answered, getting out of the car. After a moment Ken opened the passenger door and got out as well, Callan was standing beside him. "This is where I live, I thought I could cook for you." Dark eyes met his; the shock was plain. "If you hate the idea we can go find…"

"No!" Blushing, he shook his head. "I mean…no that sounds wonderful. I just didn't expect…" Ken looked down, smiling. "I guess I didn't know what to expect from you. We were enemies for so long, I never thought that we would be like we are now."

Callan nodded. "Well you have to stop thinking like that, you and I are not enemies anymore. Right now I am Callan, you are Ken and I enjoy your company a lot."

"I enjoy your company too." He answered a smile finally gracing his lips. "So are you cooking me dinner or what?" With that, the telepath took his hand, leading him up to the apartment.

-A Few Hours Later-

Both men were sitting on the couch watching some cheesy action movie that Ken had found on the TV while flipping thought the channels. Callan had cooked him some German dish that he couldn't remember the name of, but it had been really good. Now they were just relaxing and actually having fun. "That man wouldn`t have died from that little wound." The brunette grumbled, leaning so his head was on Callan's shoulder. "I got shot once at it was a lot worse than that!"

"Well if it makes you feel better we can mail them, tell them their presumption of our life is wrong."

Ken couldn't help but laugh at the suggestion. "Oh yeah, I could see that letter. `We are two ex-assassins and we are just writing to say your movie sucks.' It would go over really well with the upper management." Dark eyes glanced up and Ken saw that the man was smiling down at him. "What?"

"You look very beautiful when you laugh." That made the tanned ex-assassin blush, sitting back up on the couch. There was a moment of silence between the two, then Callan spoke. "Do you want me to take you home?" He really didn't want to see the dark haired man leave, but he also knew that he couldn't force him to stay. `It would be nice though.' After a moment he looked down at Ken, he still hadn't responded to his question. "Hey, are you ok?"

Nodding, he glanced up at the redhead meeting the clear blue of his eyes. "Do…would you mind if I stayed?" Blushing again, he stood. "I don't mean…you know like the night. I mean can I stay a while longer?"

"You can stay as long as you like, just tell me what you want to do and I'll do it."

His head fell forward, dark hair hiding his eyes from view. Ken was confused, Callan said he could stay…no Callan wanted him to stay? He thought this over, trying to make those words clearer in his head. Sure, they got along and he knew Callan was mildly flirting with him and that made him feel wanted. `He will do whatever I ask? Why? Why?' And that word kept echoing inside his head. "Why?" A hand came up to cover his mouth as that word slipped out. After a moment he felt arms around his waist as the telepath pulled Ken back against him. "Callan, why?" He whispered.

"I don't know." He responded, his eyes falling closed. "I care about you and I can't explain why. I want you to be happy and I can't understand it. I guess I just saw you there, saw your mind and realized that you were human just like I was…you were lonely just like I was." He stood there, holding Ken against him for a moment then breathed out. "I realized that I wanted to make you smile."

"You make me smile." Suddenly dark eyes met his as Ken reached up wrapping an arm around his neck. "Actually Callan…you make me very happy. I think I forgot what real happiness was, I got so wrapped up in anything that made me feel needed. In the end it still wasn't happiness." He pulled Callan down to him, their lips so close that he could feel the heat from his body. "You make me happy. Being with you makes me feel alive and when I'm not with you, all I do is think about you."

The redhead nodded, not needing his gift to understand what the smaller man was trying to say. "I feel the same way."

Dark eyes held the bright blue of the German's for a moment more then he smiled. "I'm glad." With that, Ken pulled Callan down to him, kissing him deeply.


Ken felt warm as he lay there in bed someplace between wakefulness and sleep. A slight breeze was coming into the room, caressing the back of his neck, then he realized that it was too warm to be a breeze. Forcing his eyes open slightly, he looked around the room, frowning. `This isn't my room…this isn't even my bed?'He was very confused by then, but everything came back to Ken after a moment. `That's right, I kissed Callan and then we fell asleep together while watching TV. That doesn't explain how I got into his bed.'

(( I carried you in here. )) A voice whispered into the younger mans mind. (( Sweetie…is your mind always this noisy when you wake up? ))

"Sorry." He whispered, cuddling his back into the German's chest. Though Callan didn't speak into his mind often, he found it relaxing when the man did. Ken remembered the first night they had met he had asked the German to stop. After that Callan had always asked first before going into the brunettes head. `Callan, are you still here?'

(( Yeah angel, I'm still here. )) Ken couldn't help but smile. (( Mmm, how long you going to stay here with me this morning? Aren't your little pals going to worry? ))

Rolling over, he ran a hand down the telepath's cheek as blue eyes opened to meet his. "I'm not really concerned about that right now, I have afternoon shift. Anyway, Yohji said he wouldn't wait up for me."

"Smart man." He whispered, his arm tightening around Ken's waist. "Why don't you try to get a bit more sleep, it's only a little after eight." The brunette nodded, cuddling his neck into the redheads shoulder; he slipped his arm around Callan's waist. "What am I going to do with you?" He whispered, kissing the tanned forehead.

Shrugging, Ken couldn't help but grin at him. "You can keep me if ya wanna?"

"Can I?" He asked, purring in response to the offer. "Hmm, waking up every morning with you by my side. Trying out my cooking skills on you, generally loving you more than anything?" Blue eyes closed as one hand began to rub the ex-assassins back. "I think I can handle that."

"You think, huh?" Callan only nodded. "Falling back asleep?" He then whispered, seeing a smile tugging at the German's mouth. "Is that a yes?"


"You're so beautiful…" One eye popped open as Callan looked down at the man in his arms. "Yes, you heard me right. I said you are beautiful."

"Whatever…" He whispered in reply.

That made Ken frown. "So you can say that I am beautiful, but I can't say you are beautiful?" The redhead nodded, a grin crossing his features. "…pain in my ass…"

"Yet, you still care." He answered, pulling the blankets up on the both of them. For the first time in a long time Callan was actually happy. He had never thought he could have a normal life with a normal love, not after he had killed for so long. He knew that Ken felt the same way, and that is why he had attached himself to Ran. When he had been in the brunette's mind, he had seen that he just wanted love. Ken had believed the only way he would ever be loved was to be with Ran. Someone who was with him, like him and thought he could understand. `I guess I am proving him wrong, sure I'm no better than them but I'm not going to use him.' Suddenly the thought in his head hit him all at once, his feeling becoming clear to him. He would never use the man; he actually and truly loved the man. (( Ken? ))


Callan could tell he was almost asleep. (( Nothing, go to sleep sweetie. ))

"Ok…" There was a pause as he breathed out. "You sleep too, ok?"

"I will baby."



Isa: *bounces* Wow...that was different!

Ran: It sucked! -_______-

Isa: You suck! I think Ken and Schu and very cute togther! ^_^

Ken: *blushes*

Schu: ^_^ Hell yeah!

Isa: Anyway, please review and I'll put up the next chapter soon!! *bounces*

Fire Pretty...Button BETTER!!! PRESS IT PRESS IT!!