Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ West Kantou Theme Park ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own the Weiß boys, I only give them chances to cuddle and go at it like bunnies.


It was still early, the bed warm and the house wonderfully silent. Sleepy, violet eyes opened to peer at the figure only a few inches from them. Light drifted through the open window that no one had bothered closing last night to highlight the flawless features of the blonde man stretched out on one half of the bed. Watching his lover like this, before the other man woke up, Aya could see him at peace. The lines of his handsome features were softer, less weighted than when he was awake. Aya could lie for hours and watch him sleep.

Not today though. Today, he was going to be dragged around the West Kantou Theme Park by a hyperactive Omi. The kid had missed his class trip to the theme park because of a mission. Ken and Yohji had decided it was a good idea to take him themselves because the younger assassin had never been to a theme park before. Yohji had spent an entire day talking Aya into going along, saying that Omi would have a better time if they all went. Omi tended to worry if they weren't all with him and he was supposed to have fun. The blonde had asked how Omi was supposed to have fun when he was worried about the team member that stayed at home.

Aya quickly shut his eyes and settled his body to make himself appear asleep as the body next to his stirred. The blonde shifted carefully, finally opening jade colored eyes to peer at his lover. A soft smile graced his lips as he watched the red head for a few moments. "Aishiteru..." he whispered, pushing himself up and leaning over to brush his lips carefully against Aya's forehead. He glanced at the blazing green letters on the digital clock he kept next to his bed and nearly groaned at the time. It was too damn early for him to be up and conscious.

A sigh broke the silence of the room before Yohji settled to the task of waking his still sleeping lover up. He hated to do it, because Aya rarely ever slept in longer than he had to. They were going to spend the day with Ken and Omi, so they had to get up. The blonde carefully moved to balance himself over his lover. He settled his lips against the red head's and carefully kissed him, ready to jump away if a nightmare caused Aya to lash out.

Warm lips coaxed him to stop pretending he was asleep. Keeping his eyes shut, he parted his lips for the blonde and began to slowly kiss him back. Yohji tensed above him, slightly alarmed that he had awakened so quickly. Aya pressed himself up into the kiss and against the blonde's body. Strong hands slid down his bare chest and settled at his back, pressing his lithe form against the lanky man's body. An appreciative sound fell from Aya's lips.

Yohji muffled the cry, nipping and sucking at the red head's lips. He pulled away to let his breaths come in shallow pants. "Morning, love," he breathed, soon after catching his breath. He remained over his lover and let the red head sink back onto the mattress as Yohji pulled away from the kiss.

"Mmmm..." A pale hand slid down over the toned skin of the blonde's chest. The light tan that Yohji maintained all year round had always baffled Aya. He could never understand how the blonde managed to pull it off when his own skin was so quick to burn. Fingertips barely touched Yohji's skin as they glided in smooth circles over the playboy's chest, gently swirling lower. They brushed over the distinct planes of Yohji's stomach and out to his waist, where Aya flattened his palms over the warm skin. The day ahead of them was becoming rapidly unappealing as all the things that Aya would rather be doing crossed his mind.

Faced with spending a day in public with a bunch of strangers or staying home and warming a bed with his fiery lover, Yohji would chose to stay home and ravish the red head until he couldn't walk the next day. That wasn't going to happen but they could always make up for the previous night. Aya had been pissed beyond belief at the suggestion of spending a day among strangers just to keep Omi happy. He hated being in public, around people that stared at him, and Yohji knew it. But, he also knew that they stared for more than just the reason Aya's mind made up. Yohji blinked at his lover and lowered himself to press his lips to the pale man's forehead. "I'd love to stay in bed and play, love, but I promised Omi that we would go."

Aya stopped himself from grunting at the blonde's words and settled for slipping his hands to Yohji's hips and flipping the man on to his back. He moved to sit astride his lover, the lean, nude form of the blonde stretched beneath him. It was convenient that Yohji liked to sleep in the nude and Aya used it to his advantage more than a few times. Though he preferred to wear pajamas in the winter and nothing but pajama bottoms in the summer, Aya always ended up losing them quickly when he was around the blonde. "We have time."

"If you say so, love." If Aya was going to suggest having sex before they leave, Yohji wasn't about to argue, at all. It was nice to see that the stoic red head could be as insatiable as he could sometimes. On occasions, Aya could be worse. It was like playing with fire for Yohji and he loved it. He raised a hand and grasped one of the red head's ear tails, tugging him down for a kiss. Almost as soon as the kiss had begun, he had parted his lips and let Aya slip his tongue inside his mouth. Yohji slid his tongue over and under the red head's, sucking as their tongues danced around one another.

He shifted so that he was in a good position to lean down, pressing his chest and hips against Yohji's as they kissed. Aya rocked his hips against the blonde, rubbing his semi hard erection against Yohji's through the thin fabric. He broke the kiss and violet eyes focused on green. The green eyes closed in pleasure as Aya rocked against him again, increasing the pressure of his hips to increase the sweet friction the movement created. Aya ran his lips over the blonde's exposed neck as he kept increasing the pressure, keeping the pace slow and sensuous.

"Aya," Yohji purred as his body arched off of the bed, changing the angle at which their bodies met and moved. He placed a hand on the red head's hip to keep each of Aya's movements in contact with him. If only he could get Aya to be like this every day. Green eyes shifted up to study partially closed violet eyes. He was so willing this morning that it was a shame they couldn't stay like this all day.

Feeling fingers sliding eagerly at the waistband of his pajama bottoms, Aya obliged Yohji and maneuvered to pull them off. He deliberately sent lingering caresses over the blonde's thighs as he moved out of the pants, finally casting them off to the side. He settled back over Yohji and slid forward to press his arousal against Yohji's. "Yohji." The breathy whisper and the sounds of their breathing were the only sounds in the room.

The hand that wasn't on Aya's hip pulled open a drawer on the nightstand beside the bed. The blonde rummaged around inside, searching for something. "Kuso," he hissed, not finding what he was looking for. "Aya, I-"

Yohji was cut off when the red head leaned down, intensifying their contact as he slid a hand under a pillow by the blonde's head. Aya twisted his hips, the gentlest movement giving off enough friction to make Yohji gasp. He smiled and drew his hand out from beneath the pillow. The red head covered the blonde's mouth briefly before pulling back to hold the tube out to his lover.

"Oi! Yohji! Get your ass up; you promised Omi!" The door swung open to admit an irritated Ken who froze as he saw Yohji whip the sheets up to cover himself and Aya.

Yohji glared past the red head who had immediately tensed. He had tilted his head down to let his unusually colored locks hide his face. "Ken, get the fuck out!"

The brunette stared at the blonde, trying his best shi'ne glare out. It fell miles short of the intensity of Aya's. "No. This was our idea. Now, get your ass out of bed and downstairs. Omi's already starting to worry." He abruptly slammed the door shut and stomped down the hallway.

The blonde sighed and shifted his gaze up to his lover. He placed a hand on the side of the red head's face and tilted the pale man's face so he could see those beautiful violet eyes he could fall into. "Sorry, love, looks like this will have to wait `til later."

Aya nodded and slid off the blonde, his finger tips brushing in caressing movements over the blonde's chest as he shifted down into the mattress. "You get your shower first." He glanced down to the blonde's still evident arousal that the sheet was no longer concealing. "I guess I don't need to ask you to save me some hot water."

Green eyes made to glare at the red head but they fell way short, his features curving into a smile at the joke his lover had made. "Sure, sure. Payback is a bitch though. Remember that one, Aya." Yohji stood and grabbed a pair of jeans so he could make it down the hall to the bathroom. There was only one person in the house he honestly wanted to see him naked and Ken and Omi weren't that person.

The red head watched his sinewy lover walk out of the room, casting one last leer over his shoulder as he disappeared down the hallway. Aya was dreading the day ahead. Crowds of people were defiantly not good for an introvert's mental health. He wasn't looking forward to it. Still, a small smile played across his pale features as little images of Yohji's idea of payback flashed though his mind.


"I can't wait to get there!" Omi was practically leaping out of his seat at the kitchen table. He had already eaten and was now chattering non-stop at Aya, who was waiting patiently for the hot water to boil as he made a pot of coffee. Apparently, Ken had ditched the idea of making coffee for hiding out in the living room while Omi chattered. "I've never been to a theme park before, Aya-kun. Have you?"

The red head nodded. "With my sister." He didn't volunteer any more information. Omi knew not to press on matters that concerned the older Weiss member's little sister. It sometimes didn't end well.

"I know we'll all have a good time." The youngest Weiss assassin assured his stoic leader as the red head turned his back on the genki teenager to pour himself a cup of water and place a tea bag in to soak.

"Hn." He reached for the coffee pot and poured some of the hot liquid into one of those cups that were suited for traveling. Yohji may have gotten his shower first but it always took him longer to get ready than the fifteen minutes it took Aya to shower and pull on whatever clothes he found first that matched. Plus, Aya had used the other shower that usually supplied little hot water when the main shower was on. They usually only used it if one of them was hurt but Aya hadn't wanted to be in the bedroom when Yohji returned. There would have been a reprise of what had almost happened this morning.

"Good morning, Yohji-kun!" Omi practically leapt out of his seat at the sight of his older teammate.

The blonde wandered into the room, his sunglasses hiding his eyes from the other two Weiss members. His body language gave off annoyance - Aya could tell - but he masked it well as tiredness. "Ohayo, chibi." He ruffled the boy's hair and received a glare as he snuck up behind his lover, pressing himself along the red head's back to reach around him.

Aya leaned back into the embrace slightly as he pushed the mug into one of the blonde's hands. He stepped away then, grabbing his mug and disappearing out into the living room to sip his tea while Ken watched the morning recap of the latest soccer games. "We leave in fifteen minutes," he called back to them as he settled into `his' chair. He hated to sit anywhere else in the living room and had chased Ken out of the chair on several occasions. Now, they mostly just left it to him. The only other person that dared to even attempt to sit there was Yohji. That was because he usually ended up being sat on or rudely shoved out, depending on Aya's mood. There usually was no warning for the blonde if he bothered to sit in Aya's chair and Aya wanted it.

Ken looked up to see Aya glaring at him. "Sheesh, I'm sorry, ok? Not like you and Kudoh don't screw like bunnies on a daily basis anyway." The glare intensified and the soccer player just kept his mouth shut. He didn't need a split lip, which was what he would get from Aya if he kept talking. Yohji was so much easier. Ken could bait him for an hour before he got pissed off enough to punch the brunette.

Omi chattered at Yohji as Ken and Aya sat in silence in a different room. The fifteen minutes passed and Aya was done his tea. He stood and turned the television off in front of Ken, receiving a loud protest from the former soccer player as he disappeared into the kitchen. Violet eyes shifted to the blonde as he passed him on his way to the sink. Yohji looked like he was about to die from a headache. "Omi, get your things and take them out to the garage. Take Ken too."

The boy nodded, not questioning what car they were going to take. There was no way in hell Aya would let them take his Porsche to the park, and the delivery van was out of the question. It would be Super Seven going whether Yohji knew it or not. He disappeared into the living room then appeared again, Ken in tow as they disappeared into the garage.

Aya rinsed out his cup and set it in the sink. He took Yohji's mug and refilled it, snapping a lid into place now. The cup was set down on the table as he peered at the blonde sprawled on the kitchen chair. The red head straddled the blonde's lap, snapping Yohji's attention immediately to his lover. "Can't wait for you to get your revenge," he mumbled, leaning into the blonde. His lips hovered a few inches away so that Yohji tried a few times to close the gap before Aya abruptly leaned forward, closing the distance.

Yohji immediately deepened the kiss, crushing his lips against Aya's as the red head opened his mouth. The blonde slid his tongue over the edge of the red head's teeth before flicking it along the roof of his mouth. The tea Aya had just finished mixed with the intoxicating flavors that were all Aya. Yohji let out an appreciative sound at the heated kiss.

The swordsman pulled back and gave the blonde a small smile as he stood. He grabbed his coat and tugged it on as he headed to the garage.

He watched his lover go and cursed softly. Damn. The red head knew how to push his buttons and take his breath away.


"No way in hell, chibi. We are almost there so you can listen to my music, in my car, for the rest of the ride. I refuse to listen to anymore Puffy than I have to." Shielded green eyes glanced into the rear view mirror to see Omi pouting in the back seat. The younger assassin had been trying to get Yohji to put in his Puffy cd for the entire ride. Yohji was refusing, not wanting to listen to the popular band. He would rather have jazz than some popular chick band tainting Seven's sound system.

"Come on Yohji. It-"

"Shut the hell up Ken Ken or I am making your ass walk."

The brunette narrowed his eyes and made a sound like he was going to start a full fledged fight while the blonde was driving the car. "Ken." The voice broke through to the brunette, Aya being a bigger boogey man than Yohji ever could be. Ken settled back against the seat and then immediately prompted Omi into playing a word game with him, something to keep them both occupied for the rest of the trip.

Yohji sighed with relief at the two in the back of the car finally shutting up. They were driving him insane. He was still waiting for the `are we there yet?' question. He glanced out of the corner of his eye to see his lover sprawled across the passenger seat.

Aya was slouched down in the seat, violet eyes closed as his fiery red hair brushed delicately at his face. The open top of the sports car caused Aya's hair to dance about his face in slow, sensuous movements. The man was actually wearing colors other than all black for once too. A royal blue t-shirt that clung to the swordsman's form hid beneath a short leather jacket. His long legs, encased in black, were stretched out as far as they could go in the space the red head had. Aya looked so sexy sprawled out in the passenger seat that Yohji found himself almost pulling over and ravishing the other man senseless.

"Beckham is not a word, it's a name Ken-kun!"

The chibi's loud voice brought Yohji out of his fantasy. He sighed again, this time out of annoyance. When was it going to end? The blonde spared another glance at his lover out of the side of his sunglasses before focusing back on the road. No use fantasizing about something he couldn't have for another several hours.

"Patience is a virtue, Kudoh." The red head's deep voice sent the tease to his lover. He hadn't opened his eyes but the corners of his lips were curled upwards, giving off the hint of a smug smile.

"And sexy red head's are a sin, love." That comment earned him a low rumble from the man in the passenger seat. He smiled, letting the expression do the laughing for him instead of vocalizing the sound. "We're even for now unless you want me to pull over right here and fuck you into that seat you are so damned comfortable in."

A single violet eye opened and peered over at the blonde. He felt the vehicle begin to slow and closed his eye.

"Yohji!" The loud protest came from the back seat again as Ken leaned forward to smack the back of the blonde's seat. He had to reach over to Omi's side of the back seat to do so since he had taken the seat behind the red head to resist the urge to kick the back of Yohji's seat every five minutes.

"We're even." Only because he was sure that Omi wouldn't appreciate the anatomy lesson. He had wanted Kudoh last night and had let his hunger rule him into waiting for the morning to let the blonde pounce him. A small sound reminiscent of a sigh filtered past his lips as he shifted slightly, focusing on the jazz that drifted from the speakers instead of his lover.

"For now." Yohji pressed down on the gas pedal and Seven sped back up to its former speed. "Alright Ken Ken, now quit punching the damn seat before I tell the chibi what you told me the other day." He grinned evilly as he glanced in the rear view mirror to see a now pale soccer player. A chuckle escaped him.

Aya heard Ken get ready to sputter a reply. "Enough. Quit goading him, Kudoh, or your ass is on the couch for a week." Oh, that would not be fun. He hoped that the blonde got the message because if he didn't, Aya would have to keep his word. The brunette made ready another comment and was about to spill it before Aya cut him off again. "Hidaka, I will personally make sure you are swamped with so much work that you won't be able to see your kids for a month." Why Ken got a month when Yohji got a week, Aya didn't know. Probably because there was a greater chance of him not being able to last a week without the blonde's touch.

The rest of the ride went pretty much in silence. Yohji hummed occasionally along with one of the jazz songs as Aya lounged in the passenger seat, trying to prepare himself for the day ahead. People. There would be lots of people and Aya genuinely hated groups of people he didn't know, or couldn't run through with his katana if one of them stepped out of line. Omi sat in the back, watching the scenery as they passed, mentally planning what they would do today. His friends had told him a great bit about the theme park and he was thrilled to get to experience it himself. Ken was pouting, not being able to get the blonde back for his comment earlier. He has seen the curiosity flash across Omi's face at the comment. At least the younger boy had gotten the message that he wasn't going to share anytime soon.

"We're here," Yohji said, rather dryly, as he guided Seven into the lanes that circled the sizable parking lot. He followed them up until they reached the pathway to the front gates. There, he slowed the car and stopped. He unbuckled his seatbelt and pulled out his wallet, pulling a little piece of paper with a number on it out. "I put it in both of our names so all you should have to do is show your ID and they'll give you the tickets. If not, give them the number." He handed the paper to Ken and watched Aya climb out of the passenger seat to let the younger assassins brush past him. Green eyes focused on the red head for a moment before he put his attention to the family that walked past the car. "I'll go park the car, you guys wait near the gate."

"Ok, Yohji-kun."

The passenger side closed and Yohji glanced over to see the red head sitting there. "I thought you were going to go up with the chibi and Ken?" It was the perfect opportunity to leave the blonde alone to screw up, how could Aya have passed it up?

A snort sounded quietly from the red head as Yohji drove off to find a parking space. "Taking the lesser of two evils."

"Gee, thanks Aya. I didn't know being in my presence was so horrible." Yohji sulked silently as he pulled the car into a vacant space. The top on Seven was up, having put it up before they left. The pair climbed out and Yohji moved to make sure everything was locked.

"Didn't say you were the evil," Aya mumbled as he moved to stand close to his lover. He spared the taller man a quick kiss. Well, it would have been quick if he hadn't tangled his hands in the blonde's hair and demanded that the man put passion behind the formerly chaste embrace.

"Mommy, those men are kissing each other."

The blonde pulled away at the voice, reminding him that they were in public. He looked to the little kid and gave a slight smile as his furiously blushing mother pulled the kid off.

Aya poked the blonde in the ribs and got a quiet `ow' from his lover. Yohji grabbed his hand, entwining their fingers together as he set off to follow the slow trickle of people back to the park gates. "I never get why you can't park near the entrance if you show up early. They fill up the places further away first." He shook his head and glanced at the red head who was quietly watching the people around them.

They reached the front gate, Omi waving frantically at them as soon as they came into view. Ken held up the tickets and handed two of the them over to the older assassins when they reached them. Yohji handed one to Aya before sliding an arm around the pale man's waist. He fingered the royal blue fabric, pleased that Aya had decided to leave his leather jacket in Seven.

"Lead the way, chibi." Yohji mock saluted the boy as he followed him to the entrance.

Omi stuck his tongue out at the older man. The lines to get in were moving fast as they entered the queue. The children in front of them were bouncing excitedly about this being their second trip to the place this summer and how they wanted to ride all the rides this time. Their mother answered a few of their questions and glanced back at the men behind her when one of the boys tottered back into Ken. "Gomen," she mumbled, offering them a slight smile. Her gaze settled on Yohji and she flashed him a more genuine smile than she had all the others.

Violet eyes narrowed at the woman and he snuggled a little closer to the taller man. Yohji didn't seem to mind as he gave the woman a shy smile back and leaned down to press his lips to the top of Aya's crimson hair. He watched her turn away with a slightly disappointed look on her face. Aya poked Yohji in the ribs and held the green gaze he received for a few seconds before gracing the man with a slight smile.

Weiss reached the booths and were allowed in without a problem. No one questioned the florist assassins as they entered the park to have a day of leisure. Yohji would have rather been at home, curled up in bed with his lover. Aya, the same, except engaged in more pleasurable activities. Ken was happy to be here with Omi, although he was missing a soccer game that he would just end up watching over a hundred times because he had taped it.

Omi stared at the acres of rides that stretched before him. Ken handed him a map and let the boy take a look at the park's layout. "We could go on the Ferris Wheel first. That way we can see the entire park from the top."

"Ne, Omi. I think Aya and I are going to take a walk by ourselves. We'll meet you here at closing." Yohji started to lead his lover off.

Ken glared at the two older assassins. "No you don't Yohji." He watched the blonde halt and turn to him. His green eyes were probably filled with venom but the carefree smile on his face didn't betray what his sunglasses hid. "We promised Omi we'd all spend the day with him, remember?"

Omi blinked at the two assassins and was about ready to say that it was ok, that Aya and Yohji could walk around without them when Yohji interrupted him. "Yeah. Let's get inline for the Ferris Wheel. Lead the way, Omi." The bishounen blinked at his older teammate before leading them off to the line for the wheel-like ride.

The line was short and they were all seated in one circular cart. Omi sat close to the edge, turning to watch the park rise and fall as the ride carried them around in a vertical circle. Yohji glanced half-heartedly at the scenery before pushing his sunglasses further up on his nose. Ken listed to Omi babble and gave input on the various rides the blonde boy asked about. Aya sat next to Yohji, in between him and Ken, glancing at the scenery every so often until he just gave up and settled into the curve of the blonde's body.

"Move your arm," he mumbled, poking Yohji's wrist. The blonde did so, resting his arm around his koi as Aya snuggled closer. Violet eyes closed as Yohji ran his fingertips over a patch of pale skin at the red head's waist beneath his sapphire shirt.

The ride lasted longer than Yohji could have wanted, as Omi continued to move everywhere but on top of the couple as he bounced around the cart. He swore that if the chibi didn't calm down, he was going to end up jumping out of the cart. There was one thing he did enjoy about the ride. The fact that Aya had settled next to him and let the blonde hold him for a good amount of the trip.

"You look like you just got lucky Yo-tan," Ken teased as they wandered out of the exit queue. He grinned at the taller assassin as Yohji made a grab for him, growling.

"Ken Ken, I swear I will kick your ass." He made another grab for the brunette and the soccer player hopped out of range, laughing.

"Kudoh. Hidaka." The two assassins looked at the red head like wounded puppies when they were growled at. Aya shook his head and moved to walk next to Omi. "What ride?" His voice had lost its venom.

"Uhh..." He glanced at Yohji and Ken. Ken was gazing off at something he found interesting to his left and Yohji was watching Aya like he was a cat about to pounce. "The Rocket?" He made it a question and peered at Aya, waiting for an affirmative.

He nodded and received a smile from the youth. Aya walked with Omi towards the queue for the ride, avoiding people as he moved. Yohji moved to come up beside him and the glare he received sent him back to walk with Ken.

"What bit you in the ass?" he mumbled, shoving his hands into his pockets as Omi determined if he was tall enough for the rollercoaster.

"Apparently not you."

Ken stared at the red head in disbelief before laughing. Omi blinked and put a hand over his mouth to stifle his giggles. Yohji blinked at his lover, ready to retort with a smart comment until he saw the smile on Aya's face. "You bastard," he said with a smile and laughed too.

The line for the rollercoaster was longer than most other rides. The roller coasters were the most popular rides in amusement parks everywhere. There were people that came to just ride roller coasters. It was early so the line wasn't that bad but they would still have to wait a bit before it would be their turn.

"Ever been on a wooden coaster before, Aya?" Yohji asked, leaning forward to place his chin on the red head's thin shoulder. Violet eyes focused on him giving away nothing.


That answer made the blonde grin. "Maybe I should tell you the stories I heard before I rode a wooden coaster for the first time." He now had Aya's attention, the red head raising an eyebrow at him. He glanced at Omi, not wanting to frighten the younger assassin with the tales. Yohji leaned back against the wooden queue railing, moving with the group as it moved forward every so often. "This is one of those old wooden coasters. My mom told me stories about them before I rode one of them for the first time." He shook his head. "They've derailed for no reason at all sometimes. This one," he motioned upwards to the tracks, "probably hasn't had its share since it is new."

Amethyst optics focused on him, not betraying anything. "Hn... Whatever you say, Yotan. I wouldn't be in Weiss if I were afraid of dieing." Stories. He knew the risk factors as soon as they walked into the park. It wasn't as if they didn't risk their lives on an almost nightly basis.

Yohji shrugged and almost snorted. Oh, this might be fun. He peered at the seats they got to ride in. He wondered silently if he could get the red head to climb across his lap at some point when they got on or off the ride. Might not want to push it, the kitten can be testy. "Chibi, you and Ken Ken are up front."

The next train rolled in, their train. Aya watched the carts rattle to a stop and a set of petrified teenagers climbed out of the cart behind theirs while an older couple climbed shakily out of their seats. Oh, this didn't look like fun. A cheap thrill. He'd jumped off buildings before, not honestly giving a damn about how he landed, as he moved to get away from something or someone. He wasn't exactly sure about this thing, this manmade thrill ride. At the moment, he'd rather face Schwartz than climb into the cart and take off on the track.

The blonde settled into his seat and watched his lover do the exact same thing next to him. He put his belt across his lap then reached to help Aya do his own. It was funny, the red head let him tighten and fasten the nylon safety harness. "You ok, love?" Green optics tried to catch normally icy ones. Now he felt bad for trying to freak out the ice prince.

He nodded and pulled the bar down into place with Yohji. Just a ride. He was going to be fine. Aya let out a deep breath. If only he had gotten on the coaster with his father when he was little. Then he wouldn't have to be scared in front of his teammates. Scared? More or less nervous but not scared.

Yohji glanced to Aya as the train jerked into motion to lead out of the station. In front of them, Ken urged Omi to raise his arms. The blonde didn't even bother. The red head was nervous, he could read his body language by now, at least in that area. The train rattled up the first hill. Yohji took one of Aya's hands and entwined his fingers with the red head's. "You'll feel better after the first hill."

Aya blinked and squeezed Yohji's hand once. His other hand gripped the bar in front of him as they neared the top. Ken told Omi to get ready and the coaster started to fall. Aya stiffened and paled as the train rushed towards the first trough and rocketed around the first curve. It was a rush, Aya decided. The wood and metal clattered and made all the sounds that make the rider think it might jump the tracks at any possible moment. It was fun.

Omi screamed as Ken laughed. They were having fun as the train rushed around its track. Yohji glanced at Aya feeling the grip on his hand loosen. Looked like the red head was enjoying himself. The ride jerked into a corkscrew spiral, pulling Yohji's attention away from his lover.

The train pulled into the station and slowed in three separate breaking patterns. Ken was laughing at Omi who scowled for a moment before laughing with the soccer fanatic. The bar popped up and the assassins climbed out. Yohji grabbed Aya's hand after the red head climbed out. Aya slightly glared at him then allowed himself to be pulled along.

"Didn't think you'd like roller coasters, love." Yohji tugged the red head to him as they walked down the wooden queue planks. He nuzzled behind the red head's ear, closing his eyes as he breathed in the jasmine scent of Aya's shampoo. "Mmmm.." The blonde let his lips brush over the sensitive skin behind the red head's ear.

Aya shivered at the touch, his eyes closing. Gods, Yohji knew how to drive him to desire with just a simple little touch. "Yohji," he whispered loud enough for just his lover to hear. A sharp squeal of laughter from a group of children prompted violet eyes to fly open. They were in public. "Kudoh." The name was nothing more than a growl as he took a quick step to pull his body away from Yohji's.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. He groaned, stifling the sound into a grumble, when Aya pulled sharply away from him. The red head had been melting in his arms. "You owe me Ken Ken," he hissed at the only reason Yohji and Aya weren't curled up in bed for the day, putting their energy to better use. It was hell being this close to Aya but not allowed to touch him the way he wanted to. Aya wouldn't allow too many public displays of affection. That was just him. On a good day at the mall, Yohji was lucky to get to hold Aya's hand. He sighed. "Where to next, chibi?"

Omi thought for a moment then lead them off. Ken went with him, letting the bishounen babble at him. Aya trailed behind them, glancing over his shoulder to see Yohji shaking a cigarette out of a rumpled pack. Substituting one addiction for another. He smiled to himself at the thought and turned to follow Omi and Ken up the midway to another ride. He couldn't wait to get the blonde alone. It was always interesting to see what hours of frustration would do to the playboy.


"I refuse to get on that... thing and get soaked." Aya stood with folded arms, glaring at his lover. Omi and Ken stood nearby, waiting for the eldest assassin to finally give up on their prickly team leader. The log flume rides were a popular attraction at all theme parks. This one was one of the bigger ones. It allowed people to get a second wave of water when they exited. Yohji wanted Aya to get on with them, stating it was like a roller coaster but wet.

"Come on Ay-an. It'll be fun. Plus, you look good when you are wet." That comment earned him a scowl. "Please? For me?" Yohji tried the puppy eyes.

"No." Aya took a step back and Yohji realized he wasn't going to win this one. Violet eyes held a degree of iciness that just might freeze the warm water from the ride. He had agreed to go on all the other rides up until this one. He even enjoyed a few. But he wasn't about to get soaked than walk around for hours dripping the recycled water of the ride.

"Fine. If the kitty doesn't want to get his fur wet then he can stay here and hold the wallets." Yohji pulled his own out and handed it to Aya along with his sunglasses. It earned him another glare and a promise of bodily harm. Ken did the same thing and Omi told Aya not to worry, that he had his waterproofed with a little plastic bag. The red head watched them enter the line before turning around and finding a bench to sit on. He put Yohji's sunglasses on, adjusting them so they sat properly on his face.

What he couldn't understand was the appeal of these types of places to all kinds of people. He has seen an old couple that loved roller coasters earlier. They would hold each other and laugh, acting like they were young again. Omi had talked to them while they waited in line for one of the larger wooden coasters. They were bound to show up at the Koneko with all the information the chibi gave out. Aya glanced at the young and old people that walked by him. There were tons of people here, looking for a good time. Families and friends were laughing and goofing off. It made Aya feel like he was here with the other members of Weiss as a family outing.

Violet eyes focused on the `Arctic Chill' as the large flume moved up the mechanical track and carried its passengers down in a huge wave of water. A short time later he saw several wet people laughing as they walked over the bridge to reach the exit. Some of them stopped and watched as the ride moved back up its hill again. It came flowing down again, setting off a huge wave that would have soaked the people on the bridge if they hadn't already been soaked from the ride itself.

Aya tracked the next group of people as they walked away from the ride. The flume was large enough to seat a good amount of the people who were inline for the ride. He watched a set of pretty foreign women walk out across the bridge. They were probably Americans, or Swedes, he decided. They walked off the bridge after being splashed again. They would definitely have caught Yohji's attention if he were here.

He glanced back at the people exiting across the walkway again. He saw Omi, Ken, and Yohji, all completely drenched. Aya stood and walked over to the exit gate. The women were standing there, watching some of the people come across the walkway. As a wave drenched the people they burst into laughter. Aya pulled off the sunglasses and held them with the wallets he had been given to hold. He stood on the other side of the exit from the women.

"Hallo," one of them said and walked over to him. She was slightly taller than him. He looked up to her with an expressionless face. She smiled brightly at him and brushed her golden locks back from her face with a hand. "I'm Helga." The smile was flashed again.

The red head studied the woman for a moment before glancing to the walkway. Yohji was teasing Ken and laughing at the soccer player. They were having a good time it seemed. His gaze returned to the woman. She spoke decent Japanese for a foreigner. Her accent was defiantly Swedish, he was positive now. "Aya." Oh, this would make Yohji jealous.

"Nice to meet you, Aya-san." She flashed that smile again and glanced to the walkway, probably for a friend that got caught on the ride after them. Helga didn't turn back to him, apparently caught by something she saw.

Aya turned and saw Yohji tugging his drenched t-shirt off over his head. He blinked, caught by the blonde. His lover had a nice body, a really nice body. Yohji looked directly at him and smiled. The blonde walked through the exit and over to the red head. Aya pulled his gaze away from his lover's physique and glanced to the woman who was looking between the two.

"Hallo, my name's Helga," she directed at Yohji.

Ken took his wallet from Aya and walked with Omi over to try to shake some of the dripping water from their clothes. Yohji took this time to glance at the very wet and very appealing Swede that had just introduced herself. "Yohji," he offered with a charming smile. His kitty wasn't too happy about that, was he?

The red head scowled at the older man before offering a slight smile to the woman. That got Yohji back. The man usually didn't smile for anyone but him. He handed Yohji his wallet back. He bowed his head to the woman and turned to head towards Omi and Ken. If Yohji wanted to play with the foreigner, he could. Aya wasn't interested in standing there `fighting' over the blonde woman with his idiot boyfriend all day. Violet eyes shifted over his shoulder to see Yohji following him and a flushing, jittery Helga walk back to her friends. "What did you do, Kudoh?" He had stopped, turned to face his lover.

Yohji was grinning like a cat that just ate the canary. He sauntered over to Aya, looking dead sexy totally wet. He knew it too. "Just gave her a little insight to Japanese boys." He winked at the red head and moved to cuddle up to his lover.

"Over my dead body." Aya moved quickly out of Yohji's reach. So, Yohji probably told Helga that most Japanese males' preferences were to swing. He would have chuckled if Yohji hadn't chosen that moment to throw his arms around him and pull him close. "Kudoh!" He tried to pull away. Too late though. He was now wet because of his touchy feely boyfriend.

He laughed at that moment, holding his lover as the pale man struggled against him. Yohji knew that Aya would get him back for this. There was little chance that the swordsman would let this slide. When Aya suddenly went still in his arms, he froze, waiting to be smacked. All the red head did was turn to face him. "Aya...?"

"Pay back is a bitch," he whispered as he pressed himself up against the long line of Yohji's body. He was getting increasingly damp as he didn't move away. Violet eyes focused on deep pools of green and the emotion that was there. Something along the lines of lust, curiosity, and fear. Fear. He wanted to laugh at that. Well, he had threatened him. He just smirked and stepped away from the blonde. Oh, he would get him back, just not right now.

Yohji watched the red head slip away and saw the other man focus on his wet shirt. Damn but later was going to be interesting. They each had pay back to dish out to one another. The blonde shook his head and walked over to where the chibi and Ken were sitting. He dropped down next to them and turned his gaze away from the red head who settled to sit on the miniature cement wall that sat a little back from the bench. There wasn't that much room on the bench and the close proximity that Omi and Ken were seated in was the only reason there was room left for the blonde. "Few more rides, then lunch. How does that sound?" He had to poke Omi to catch his attention, the chibi being more interested in Ken than his older teammate.

"Hai, Yohji-kun. Ken wants to go on that upside down roller coaster, the Beast." So that was where they headed off to.

The ride curled through a few select other rides and over walkways, spinning and looping its way around anything and everything it could. Ken pulled Omi into line, holding the younger assassins hand. Yohji was about to follow when he glanced back to see his lover looking up at the screaming passengers riding on the current circuit through. He walked back to the stoic man. "Scared?"

Aya glared fiercely at the blonde. "No." His expression softened and he looked away. Yohji made a move to reach for his hand and Aya pulled away to brush past him. He stood in line behind Ken and Omi soon, his thoughts elsewhere.


"Oniichan!! I want to go on that one!" Aya-chan motioned above her to the spiraling ride.

Ran looked up, blinking at the ride's intensity. "Iie, Aya. Maybe later." He didn't want to ride that wretched thing. It looked horrifying. His sister was brave though, set in her mind.

"Ran-niichan! It'll be fun! The line is short now, come on." She grabbed his hand and tugged. When he didn't go, she tugged again and this time he followed her into the queue, ready for the ride of his life.