Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ What if? ❯ Omi stays2 ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Sorry if I miss spelt some words I could not spell to save my life, and my grammar isn't much better either. So please don't send any flames about that ^_^

Oh and despite what you might think, this is NOT an AyaxOmi

Disclaimer: I do not own Weiss Kreuz…it would be awesome if I did but I don't so I guess I will just have to keep dreaming ne?

What if

Chapter6: Omi stays

By Yami Kitsune

Aya sighed as he went though the folders on his bed again. He wasn't coming up with very much as to where Himafori could be hiding. He looked over at Omi to ask him if he had found any thing. A ghost of a smile made its way onto his lips when he saw the blond teen fast asleep on the bed still holding the laptop. Sighing he walked over to him and picked up the laptop moving it away. He then pulled the blanket up to cover him.

Omi shifted and snuggled into the blankets. Aya couldn't help but smile at that. He acted like such a small child, but he was really smart. Aya sat on edge of the bed and picked the laptop back up and started to look at what Omi had found. He read that Himafori had a mansion out in the woods where he spent most of his time.

Aya smiled, this was perfect. Himafori was probably there; he looked back at Omi and brushed some bangs out of the teens face.

"Thanks kid." He said and stood up brining the laptop with him. He went down stairs to show Ken and Youji what Omi had found.


Youji and Ken were closing the shop up early for today. They still had to find stuff on the mission. Ken was getting annoyed because he couldn't use a computer, and neither could Youji. Every time they did it would freeze up on them. They looked up when Aya came down the stairs.

"I found something." He said showing them what Omi had found. Ken and Youji came over and looked at it.

"Perfect! We can go and stake this place out see when he's there and when he's not." Ken said.

"So Aya, how did you find this? Your luck with computers is as bad as mine and Ken's." Youji pointed out as he took out a cigarette and lighting it.

"Doesn't matter how I got the information. Point is I got it." Aya growled, looking at him with his normal glare.

"Fine, fine. I was just asking." Youji shrugged. "By the way, where's that kid? I haven't seen him all day? I hope you didn't shine him with your katana, Aya, because he was in your way or something?" Youji said.

"He's sleeping." Aya said closing the laptop and walked toward the stairs. "We'll go stake that place out tonight." He said before walking up the steps.

"I bet he's going to hide the body." Youji said smiling. Ken just shook his head; Youji always did have weird sense of humor.

"The kids fine and you know it Youji."

"I know, I just wanted to see what Aya would do or say to that."

"He ignores you all the time. You know that two, or have you gotten dumber?" Ken asked taking off his apron and hanging it up. Youji pushed his sunglasses up and shrugged.

"I guess that's what I get for hanging around you all the time." Youji teased taking off his apron as well.

"What's that supposed to mean?!" Ken snapped turning to look at him.

"It can mean what ever you want it to." Youji said and walked away. He just loved getting a rise out of Ken; it was his favorite time of day. That and when he left for a date. He was glad he didn't have a date tonight because he wouldn't want to call it off.

Youji walked upstairs to get ready for the stake out. When he passed Aya's door, it was open an little bit and he decided to take a peek to see what Aya was up to. `Man I must have a serous death wish.' He thought as he peeked in.

Aya was sitting on his bed looking down at Omi who was still sleeping. Aya frowned, he couldn't understand it; he had never felt this protective of any one else besides his sister. But this kid had somehow found a place in Aya's frozen heart.

"Maybe I'm just getting soft." Aya thought out loud. He was snapped out of his thoughts when the form on the bed started to stir. Omi's eyes fluttered open and he started at Aya before brining his balled hand up and rubbing his eyes. Aya smiled at that, he looked so much younger just then.

"A-Aya-kun?" Omi asked as he sat up.

"Aa. Have a nice nap?" He asked. Omi nodded.

"Hai." Omi answered, then he remembered what he was doing before he fell asleep. He looked around for the laptop.

"Looking for this?" Aya asked handing him the laptop. Omi nodded and took it.


"Huh? What are you sorry for?"

"I-I didn't mean to f-fall asleep…" Omi lowered his head and stared at his hands.

"Don't worry about it…" Aya's sentence trailed off when he noticed Omi was shaking all over. He was scared he was going to get yelled at, or even beaten. Aya realized. He sighed and put a hand on Omi's shoulder. The teens head shot up to stare at him with wide fearful eyes.

"I'm not going to hurt you ok?" Aya said, hoping that would calm him down at least a little bit. But he was surprised when Omi started shaking more.

"T-th-that's what t-they a-all s-said…b-be-before…" Omi didn't get to finish his sentence before he found himself being pulled onto Aya's lap and strong arms wrapped around him. He stiffened for a minute before he finally realized nothing was going to happen. He smiled and moved closer trying to get more of that warm safe feeling to surround him. Safe, he had almost forgotten what safe had felt like.

Aya smiled when he felt Omi's shaking decrees, and soon stop all together.

Youji was still standing outside of the door eyes wide at what he was seeing and what he had just heard. He jumped when he felt someone tap him on the shoulder. He turned to see Ken smiling at him.

"What do you want Hidaka?" He said trying not to raise his voice.

"Oh I just wanted to know why you were spying on Aya?" Ken said, making sure it was loud enough for Aya to hear it. Youji glared at him before dragging him down the hall and into his room. He was pretty sure Aya wasn't going to just dump the kid on the bed to come see what was going on outside his door. But he wasn't going to take and chances.

"Why the hell did you do that Ken? I don't feel like getting my head cut off just yet."

"Then why were you spying on him?"

"Look his door was open a little bit so I wanted to see how the kid was doing."

"I thought you hated kids."

"I don't really hate them, just as long as I don't have to be the one watching them. Any way you wont believe what hi saw."

"Oh really?"

"Aya was talking."

"What do you mean talking?"

"I mean more then three word sentences." Youji said. Ken's eyes went wide.

"Your joking right? Aya, katana man. Saying more then three words at a time?!" Ken said in shock.

"Yup, I don't know what that kid did. But I think I might like it." Youji said smiling.

Aya was in his room. He looked over at his door when he heard Ken and Youji out there. He could guess what they were talking about out there. But he didn't care right now. He looked down at Omi. Who was starting to doze off again.

"If you go back to sleep now, you will never be able to sleep tonight." Aya said and smiled when Omi jumped a little bit. He wasn't expecting Aya to say any thing. He looked up at Aya and smiled before lying his head back down on Aya's shoulder.

"Omi, me Youji and Ken have to go out somewhere tonight. Will you be alright on your own?" Aya asked. Although he could guess what the answer was already.

"Hai…where are you going?"

"We have a mission."

"Oh…ok." Omi pulled away and stood up. Aya stood up as well and looked down at him.

"We shouldn't be gone to long."

"Ok…umm…" Omi looked at the floor for a moment. "Could I…" He looked at the laptop. Aya followed his gaze and then looked back at him and nodded.

"Hai you can use it." Omi smiled up at him before giving him a hug.


Aya froze for a moment before returning it. He hadn't expected the kid go get so existed over a computer.

"I should get ready." Aya said. Omi nodded and picked up the laptop and took it out of the room and went into the guest room. Aya shook his head, that kid could be really hyper when not scared out of his wits.


Ok what did you think of this chapter? Gomen it took so long to get up. Oh and please, I know there are probably some spelling mistakes as well as grammar. But please don't send me any flames about them ^-^ I know my spelling isn't the best in the world, but I am working on it. Well I'll try and have the next chapter up soon Ja ne!