Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ White Surprise ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
White Surprise (Chapter 3)

By Carter Tachikawa

Disclaimer: Let's just get it out now. They aren't mine. None of them are mine.

Pairing: Ran x Ken with Schu getting involved between them.

I apologize for the delay on this chapter. I was going to have this up before I left for India but fate was not nice to me (what else is new?) My Internet went out and this chapter was left unfinished. Anyway, it's short but I think you'll enjoy it. I hope you enjoy it actually. I wish I could make it longer but a lot has happened since my return that's kind of impaired, physically and mentally. Gomen, minna-san. I promise to pick the pace up soon.

Thank you to all who reviewed the last chapter. My apologies for not generating a list of names. That'll happen in the next chapter.

And I finally finished watching Gluhen. I'm still very confused by the ending.

* * *

"He's asleep!" Aya-chan let out a sigh as she bounded down the stairs to the shop. "He finally fell asleep."

Yohji and Omi, who were both down there, also let out sighs. They were waiting to hear about Aya's current state because their leader wasn't acting like himself. As soon he came back, all he did was pace around. The other three (Momoe didn't seem to have a clue that something had happened and that she was short one florist) tried to get through to him but to no avail. For a long time, they could hear the floorboards upstairs creaking. Twice, Aya-chan went upstairs to talk with her brother but he didn't want anyone's company. The only one he wanted to be with was Ken. He didn't say it out loud. It was quite obvious by the look in his eyes.

When the creaking finally stopped, Aya-chan went back upstairs again and found her brother asleep and hidden under his covers. His arms were wrapped around Ken's pillow and he had buried his face in it. Aya-chan wanted to cry when she saw him. She wished she could bring Ken back to him for that night but it wasn't possible.

*/Poor Ran-nii./* She thought as the tears welled up in her eyes. Blinking them back, she turned to the other two who were sitting at a table.

"You don't mind if I go with you guys tomorrow, do you?" She asked. "I mean, that is my brother's boyfriend and I care about him too."

"We all care about Ken-kun." Omi pointed out. "I'm worried about him as well. But he'll be fine, right?"

"Of course, chibi." Yohji murmured. But secretly, he was also worrying about Ken. Aya-chan pulled a chair and joined them, still thinking about her brother and his boyfriend.

"It hurts, seeing him like that." She muttered, putting her head down on the table. "I'm amazed he actually managed to fall asleep."

"I'm glad that he did. I was getting tired of his pacing." Yohji said.

"Yohji-kun!" Omi snapped. "How could you say something like that?"

"What?! Weren't you annoyed by it?"

"Yes but_" Omi calmed down and took a deep breath. "I'm sorry, Yohji-kun. I'm just worried."

"We all are." Aya-chan whispered, drumming her fingers on the table much to Yohji's disgust. But he didn't say a word against it. "I wish morning would hurry up. I want to see him so badly."

"So does Aya. You saw the look on his face. It wasn't the usual frozen glare that he always gives me." Yohji said. "He must really love Kenken to be that worried."

"So what do we do now? Wait?" Omi asked.

Aya-chan swallowed the sob that had made its way up to her throat. She didn't want to cry in front of them but thinking about them hurt. It was probably worse for her brother because Ken was his boyfriend, his best friend, and his life. Ken could bring out sides of Aya that no one knew existed, something Aya-chan had difficulty doing at times. Ken could turn Aya's frowns and death glares into smiles and laughter. Ken knew just what to do to make Aya's life better. Ken could make Aya participate in an actual conversation. And with each day, the love between them grew deeper. Even if they were two men, they belonged to each other. Somehow, they went well together.

But Ken wasn't with Aya now, was he? No, they had to be apart for a while.

*/And hopefully it won't be for long. Aya-chan thought and stopped drumming on the table. Hopefully, they will be reunited soon. Until then_/*

"So we wait?" Omi spoke up again, interrupting her thoughts. Next to him, Yohji lit up a cigarette.

Aya-chan nodded. "That's all we can do. And hope that he'll still be okay tomorrow."

* * *

Meanwhile, Ken had also fallen asleep and, unlike his boyfriend, he wasn't the least bit worried. In fact, he was in the middle of his favorite dream.

"Oh, Aya! A little more, baby!" He murmured. If anyone had been passing by, they probably would have wondered if he was well mentally. "Right there, koi. Yeah, right there. Oh, that feels good! Nibble on me harder!"

Yes, he was enjoying himself. And perhaps it was a good thing he was asleep. If he had been awake, he would have noticed the unwanted visitor standing by his windowsill. Even though visiting hours were long over, this visitor managed to get in without anyone noticing. Now he was looking around the room. It didn't look like anyone was entering anytime soon. In the darkness, he smiled. No one was going to bother him now. He was free to do whatever he wanted.

*/Excellent. The visitor thought, looking down at Ken's sleeping body. Time to wake up the poor victim./*

"Ken?" The visitor whispered in hopes of waking the patient up. Ken didn't budge. The visitor tried again. Ken squirmed and pouted in his sleep.

"Stop moving so much, Aya." He murmured. "Stay still, okay? I can't even kiss you properly. Now nibble on me!"

*/I really don't want to know what he's dreaming about./* The visitor thought. He wasn't disgusted or surprised though. Somehow, he expected this.

He approached the bed, leaned over, and whispered in Ken's ear. "Hey, Ken? Wake up."

"No." Ken murmured. "You're not being a good boy. I won't do anything you say until you start behaving."


"No, Aya, I'm not letting you go until_"

"Ken, wake up!" The visitor lost his patience and he really didn't want to know what Ken was going to say. However, his voice was loud enough for Ken to open an eye. At first, he couldn't see who it was. Then he opened his other eye and everything got clearer. He couldn't see the face but the orange hair was a big clue. As the horror settled on Ken's face, the visitor's mouth stretched into a Cheshire catlike smile.

"Hello, kitten." He spoke, his voice soft and nasally. "You have no idea how happy I am to see you. Now we can have fun."



I promise Chapter 4 will be longer and more interesting. Schwarz returns and we'll see who the visitor is. Hopefully, I can keep my OCs from becoming Mary Sues, ne? Let's see what happens.

Please excuse any major grammatical errors. It's not fun trying to right when you have something the size of Vermont growing on the side of your head. (I kid you not about that either. It hurts.)

Read, review, be respectful, and be true.

Ja ne!