Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ White Surprise ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
White Surprise (Chapter 2)

By Carter Tachikawa

Disclaimer: Koyasu Takehito came to me in a dream and threatened to make me watch Zazel videos all night long if I dare say I own WK. Therefore, it's not mine. (I like Koyasu-sama very much. But Zazel scares me shitless)

Summary: Why do I bother with this section? Ah, you probably know by now. If not, I'm curious as to how you got through this far without reading the summary in the first chapter and realizing what the story is about 0_o;;;

Pairings: Ran x Ken/Ken x Ran (take your pick). No, Yohji x Omi are not going to be together. As carrothien pointed out, sometimes having too many couples can divert the author from focusing on the story to focusing on the romance. And in a story like this, the plot is far more important than the romance. Oh yes, and Schu gets in between our lovers cause he rocks and he can do that.

Thanks to the lovely reviewers: Midori, Windy-kun, kami-chan, CherubKatan (who reviewed at MM.org), Isa-chan, Misura, Firekat, Moonraven (I know I haven't read the FY story you asked me to read. I have so many other fics to read too. I'll get to yours soon.), IceAngel, Deena, Koyasu, Tears of Pluto, Mightymightymunson, and carrothien

And now, I shall begin.

* * *

An hour later, Yohji called them at the hospital with more advice.

"Remember, Kenken", he said, "you cannot smoke or drink while you're there. Also, no calling out to any women younger than you. And no...hey, Kenken! Ken, are you listening to me?"

"No. I stopped listening to you for three reasons. One, I normally don't smoke or drink on a regular basis like you. Two, I don't call out to women younger than me. I have someone I love very much. And three, I'm NOT Ken!" Aya snapped into the receiver before handing it over to his boyfriend. "Here!"

"Who is it?" Ken looked puzzled.

"Make a wild guess." Aya muttered before turning his attention to the TV. Some game show was on and the phone call disrupted him from seeing how stupid some of these contestants were. After Aya-chan's awakening, Aya had developed a thing for game shows. Every evening, he was glued to the set and didn't get up until the shows were over or it was an emergency. The others found this quite amusing. After all, this was Aya. He was the last person they expected to have a fetish for game shows. Even Aya-chan confessed he was never into game shows until now.

Ken sighed and took the phone from Aya's hand while his lover went back to the TV. "Hello, Yohji."

"You're Ken, right?"

"Yes, I am. What's up?"

"And Aya's watching his game shows, isn't he? He sounded like he was pissed."

"He'll get over it." Ken glance over at his boyfriend who was scowling at the TV. "So what's up, dear brother?"

"Good, you remembered! And nothing much is going on. Omi is bothering me though!"

"What do you mean I'm bothering you?" Ken heard Omi say in the background. "I want to talk to Ken-kun too!"

"In due time, chibi." Yohji said before turning back to Ken. "So have they threatened to kick Aya out yet?"

"No, not yet. But he'll leave when it's time. But if I find out that he didn't go home, I'm denying him love for a month."

To this remark, Aya ignored his game show and whipped around, looking almost horrified. "You wouldn't..."

Ken grinned wickedly. "Oh yes, I would."

"You would what, Ken?" Yohji asked.

"Ah, I'm talking to Aya. Sorry." Ken smiled sweetly at the frowning Aya. "Now what did you want to say?"

"No, chibi! I'm still talking to him!" He heard Yohji say. Omi said something in the background. "Wait, I'm not through giving him advice!"

"What advice, Yohji-kun?" Omi asked. "We're supposed to tell him to get better and make sure Aya-kun comes home and...here, let me have it!"

"But chibi..."

"Let him have it, Yohji." Ken sighed, deciding to end the fight that was taking place at the other end. "Besides, I need to talk to him too."

"Okay, okay, you guys win. Here you go, chibi." There was some shuffling going on in the background before Omi came on.

"Are you doing all right, Ken-kun?" He asked.

"I'm fine. Tired but fine. And you?"

"Same here. We just wanted to make sure that you weren't bored, big brother." Omi replied, continuing with the charade. "So did Aya-kun leave your side once?"

"Nope. He didn't go anywhere."

"So I'm assuming he won't leave for a while?"


"That guy has no life." Ken heard Yohji say in the background. Then Omi complained about Yohji interrupting his conversation and that 'Aya-kun' did have a life. Then they proceeded to give him more advice.

"Eat all your vegetables, Kenken!"

"Swallow your medicine, Ken-kun. You want to get better, don't you?"

"No women, Kenken!"

"Yohji-kun, that's not good advice. You just don't want him to have some before you!"

The argument they went into was enough to make Ken laugh. Those could be silly when they were together. It made him forget about the pain in his leg or the fact he couldn't walk for a long time.

He talked to them a little longer, with Yohji and Omi taking turns talking with him, before deciding to say bye. Aya was starting look a little lonely (and delightfully sexy in Ken's eyes). With a promise they would visit him as soon as possible and bring him any other necessities, Yohji and Omi finally said bye.

"Stupid idiot." Aya muttered as soon as Ken hung up. "I have never seen anything as brainless as him."

Ken was slightly offended. Yohji had a tendency to piss people off but even he didn't deserve to be called 'brainless' and 'stupid'. "Uh...love? I know Yohji interrupted your gameshow watching but..."

"I'm not talking about Yohji! I'm talking about him!" Aya pointed to the TV where some contestant had just lost his chance at a brand new car. The man was sprawled on the floor, almost on the verge of tears. Aya just scowled at him. "He's stupid cause he picked the middle key."

*/Middle key?/* For three seconds, Ken didn't know what Aya was talking about. Then realized he was talking about the gameshow on TV. The contestants had to pick a key from seven that were on a wall. 3 keys opened doors to a car, 3 opened the vault to a lot of money, and 1 didn't open anything. It was clear that this contestant had picked the key that opened nothing and Aya was pissed.

"He picked the middle key." Aya explained. "Everyone knows the middle key is the one that opens nothing."

"Are you sure?" Ken asked.

"Yes. Everyone that picks the middle key never wins."

"But not everyone who loses picks the middle key." Ken pointed out. "Think about it, love."

Aya tried to answer back with something but realize he didn't have anything to say. Ken was right. Nonetheless, he was still upset with the fact that this stupid idiot picked the wrong key. He frowned at the TV. Ken followed his boyfriend's gaze and shook his head.

"Do you know how much I love it when you pout?" He asked in that I-want-you-to-kiss-me tone. "And how much I love listening to complain?"

Aya caught the hidden message. "You know it's not right."

"Who cares?" Ken asked, moving in close.

"Ahem." A voice interrupted them. Aya and Ken looked up to find a pretty young nurse standing in the doorway. They also realized they were only three inches apart from each other's faces. She couldn't have caught them kissing, could she? They did stop kissing only a second before she interrupted them.

"I'm assuming the one in bed is Hidaka Ken?" She asked. Both Aya and Ken got a good look at her. Tall and willowy, she was definitely the kind of woman Yohji would lay his eye on. She had brown hair and the eyes to match, an amused smile playing on her lips as her gaze shifted from Aya to Ken.

"H...hai, I'm Ken." Ken nodded. "And this is my k...older brother, Aya."

Almost immediately, her smile dropped.

"Are you the same brother who was flirting with me earlier and tried to get my phone number?" She frowned. Both Aya and Ken were confused until they realized that Kudou Yohji, the love master, had probably hit on her. Somehow, it didn't surprise them that much.

"No. That was my other older brother, Yohji." Ken nodded. He squeezed Aya's hand. "This one is more loyal and controls his raging hormones better. He's been with me ever since I got here."


"Yup. He didn't eat, he didn't sleep, and he didn't even go to the bathroom while I was here. He's been with me the entire time." Ken smiled at Aya. "We're close."

"Very close." Aya added, returning the smile. "I hope he gets better soon."

The nurse also smiled. This 'brotherly' love was so sweet and real that she didn't want to separate them. "Well, I hate to be the bearer of bad news but visiting hours are over."

"Already?" Aya and Ken asked at the same time. She smiled sadly.

"Yes, I'm sorry. You both should know what that means."

"I have to leave, don't I?" Aya asked looking disappointed.

She nodded. "You can come and visit him tomorrow, you know."

"She's right, Aya. I'm not going anywhere...then again, I can't." Ken reminded him. "I'll survive the rest of the night. I promise."

"Oh...okay." Aya got up from where he was sitting and let go of Ken's hand. "I guess I'll see him tomorrow then. Take care of him..." He paused when he realized he didn't know her name.

"Kaori." She answered [2]. "Neither one of you has to be formal with me. I do like it when patients and their relatives call me by my first name."

Aya nodded. "Very well. I'll see you later, Ken."

"Bye, big brother!" Ken said, watching Aya walk out the door. As soon as he was gone, Kaori walked over to Ken and sat down in the chair next to his bed.

"So you have a broken knee." She said. "Falling from a tree, huh?"

Ken winced. He was reminded of how stupid he had been to climb that tree. "Yes. I'm a little scared of my operation but I'm glad that my brothers are here to help me through this. Especially Aya."

"You're lucky to have such a sweet brother spend time with." Kaori went on. Then she grinned. "Or should I say...sweet boyfriend? Nice try. It's not the first time we've had people posing as relatives to get close with their lovers. And it's also not the first time I've had bisexuals or gay people pull this off either. You looked way too close to be brothers, you know."

Ken blushed. "The kiss gave it away, didn't it?"

"Two brothers in a lip lock? I caught you both while you were in the middle of your kiss. Right away, I figured you either had major issues in your family or that he was actually your boyfriend. And you all seemed too nice and normal to have major issues...except for the one who hit on me." Kaori frowned, remembering the tall blonde who called out to her earlier that day. The younger boy that had been with him, whom she assumed was another friend, had been trying his hardest to stop him.

Ken laughed. "Oh, Yohji! Ignore him. He does that to all the women he encounters. If you're female, he'll be onto you like a flea on a cat."

"Remind me never to get near him. I'm a cat who can't stand fleas."

Ken shook his head. "Oh, Yohji's not a bad guy. Yes, he flirts but he would never let any harm come to you. He'd treat you nicely."

For a second, there was silence.

"You're all clever." Kaori said as she drew the curtains since she was next to a window. "Your lover and friends said they were your brothers in order to visit you."

"Can you blame them?" Ken asked. "I can't. They're my only family."

"What about your real family?" Kaori asked. "You have to have one."

Ken turned red again. Talking about his 'real' family was not one of his favorite past times. "Um...I did have one but..."

"Did something happen to them?" Kaori asked.

"I...I'd rather not talk about it." He muttered.

It was true. Ken never liked the thought of retelling how he went from J-league player to almost nothing. It wasn't that his day job as a florist was terrible. And his night job, no matter how hard it could be sometimes, wasn't all *that* bad. Still, it bought back bad memories and the last thing he wanted to do was dwell on them. Besides, he didn't think it would be right if he went back to his real family.

/Who would want a son/brother that now works as a florist, has a *boyfriend*, and kills people as a night job?/* He thought bitterly. He felt bad about not telling them of his whereabouts but what good would it do? Thanks to Kase, they'd probably disown him for having 'taken' those gambling bets. True, he knew Kase was responsible but his family didn't know that. He didn't think about how any of them would react when they found out he was all right.

*/It's best that the never know what happened to me./* He told himself. */I can't bring myself to face them. I don't even know if they all still live in the same house or have the same telephone number! I didn't even bother to try and find out about them./*

But, on the other hand, he *did* miss them. As much as he loved Aya and as much as he enjoyed hanging around Yohji and Omi, family was family. Nothing could replace a real family.

*/I wish I could see them again. I wanna know if my parents are all right./* He thought wistfully. Telling them about his accident didn't seem like a completely bad idea. Who knew, maybe they would forgive him for not keeping touch for a long time?

Kaori sat there, waiting to hear his answer. "So? Will you tell them?"

Ken thought for a while longer. Then he shook his head. "My koi and my friends are my family. That's good enough for me." He said. "So no...I don't think I want my family to know about what happened."

"Do as you wish then." Kaori sighed, getting up from her chair. "I should go back to work now. Have a good night. But I think you'd feel a lot better if your real family knew the truth. So would they."

Ken lowered his gaze. "I doubt they'd come."

"You shouldn't."

And with that, Kaori walked out of the room.

Don't you hate me when I say To Be Continued...

* * *

1)The show Aya is watching does not exist though Price is Right has a similar game on it called Master Key (Price is Right is a game show here, for people who have no clue what I'm talking about). But what Aya is watching is not exactly like Master Key. I kinda made it up.

2) Kaori is not the same Kaori from the OAVs. She's someone totally different. I just like the name Kaori.

Don't ask why I give Ken brown eyes like in the manga but leave Yohji as a blonde like in the anime. Maybe cause I think Ken looks better with brown eyes and I always picture Yohji as a blonde doing these things rather than with brown hair.

Next up...more Schwarz! More RanKen/KenRan! And we meet Ken's guardian angel XD (Yes, he has a guardian angel.)

So review, review, review. All flames will be used to start a bonfire and burn my books. Anyone else wanna burn their schoolbooks?

I edited this thing early in the morning and late at night. Please excuse any major grammar errors.
