Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Why Ken Shouldn't Drink Chu-Hi ❯ I didn't mean it, Right? ( Chapter 3 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
As Yohji made his way into the kitchen for his 15th cup of coffee, he mentally congratulated himself for surviving the morning without getting chopped into itty bitty pieces by his red-headed co-worker. It was truly a fine art to so thoroughly irritate Aya and live to relish it.
He stopped in his tracks though when confronted by the site of Ken standing listlessly at he bottom of the stairway, bleary eyed, and toothbrush dangling from the corner of his mouth.
"How are you feeling?" Yohji immediately inquired.
Ken jumped a little at the realization of another's presence.
"Huh? Oh.....awful." Ken replied, "Did we have a mission last night? I feel like there's a railroad spike lodged in my head."
"You don't remember?" Asked Yohji, not completely surprised.
"No, What happened? Last night is completely blank..... That Schwartz bastard wasn't messing with my head was he?"
Yohji chuckled. "No, if anyone was messing with your head, it was you."
Ken look confused. "What do you mean?"
"You got wasted last night."
"You more or less drank yourself unconscious. I think I counted around 14 or 15 cans on the floor when I checked on you."
It took a few seconds for the real meaning of Yohji's words to fully sink into Ken's thought process. "WHAT?!" He couldn't have...could he? That wasn't like him at all! Why would he do that...?
Yohji noted that Ken now looked twice as confused as before. He must not be able to remember what had caused him to buy the alcohol in the first place, either.
"So...you really don't remember any of it?" Asked Yohji, cautiously.
"No, is there something I ought to?"
"Well...you sort of...." Yohji paused to weigh the consequences of telling Ken. It would probably be better not to say anything....but....if ken found out later (especially from Aya) he'd be even more embarrassed (not to mention mad at Yohji for not telling him)...oh, what the hell, here goes, "You sort of confessed your feelings to Eva prototype 00."
The confusion in Ken's face was now off the charts. "What the hell are you talking about?!"
"You told Aya you love him."
Amongst the stabbing pains of his headache, Ken's mind slowly pieced the meaning of this last sentence together. Aya....Love....told....ME?!....I told AYA that I LOVE him??!!!
BAM! Mental shields in Ken's head instantly slammed back up. But not before that voice in his head managed to slip through and repeated what Yohji had just told him, but with a lot more certainty.
Ken felt his legs go numb and found himself on the floor, still weakly clinging to the stair railing. I didn't, did I? I couldn't have.....I mean I....I don't....I'm not.....oh.my.god.
"Yohji?" Ken's voice had dropped to almost a whisper. "I'm really....really tired....I...I need to go back to bed....sorry...."
If Yohji hadn't already been convicted of his interpretation of Ken's drunken monologue, the look of pain that briefly flashed across Ken's confused expression had him convinced now. He was glad Ken hadn't still been standing on the stairs when his legs gave out.
"Sure thing. You should definitely rest some more."
Ken barely even made eye contact as he turned and started to climb the stairs. Yohji could make out that ever-so-slightly, he was shaking.
"Uh, Ken? I'll be down in the flower shop if you need anything, ok?"
"...yeah..." was all that Ken managed to choke out.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Ken didn't leave his room for hours. The throbbing in his head seemed to compound by the minute. He longed to be able to fall asleep and escape the pain in his head. What he longed to escape even more though, were the thoughts in his head. He thought he was going insane. No matter how many times he processed the events of the past 24 hours he still couldn't get them to make any more sense.
Ok. So he'd gotten drunk.
He could accept that, it made enough sense. It was unlike him, but not unbelievable. He wished he could remember why he'd done it though, that was probably a significant piece of the puzzle.
But what exactly did he do when he was drunk? What was everything he said? How the hell did telling Aya he loved him come out of it?! And now, the scariest part...WHY had he said that?
His stomach sank every time he reached the end of this train of thought. It wasn't possible that his so-called confession was true, right? He admitted that he had some sort of feelings for the man, but that was true of all of Weiss. They were his family. He cared about them, and it would hurt if anything happened to any of them....but that was it, right? He didn't have those sorts of feelings for him...could he?
It slowly dawned on Ken just how much Aya had been invading his thoughts.
"Gah!" Ken groaned in frustration, and buried his head under his pillow. Why why why why o why did I have to go and do a stupid thing like get drunk!? Why did Yohji and Aya have to find me? Why am I so uncertain about whether I meant it or not?!
Ken took a breath and tried to compose himself. No, I didn't mean it. I know I didn't. He's just a good friend, and I'm getting confused from being around him so often. I don't even remember what I said, so I couldn't have meant it. Everything is fine, it'll be back to normal by tomorrow.
After this reassurance, Ken decided to leave the sanctuary of his room and venture out for food. He hadn't eaten anything since the night before, and was slowly becoming aware of just how hungry he was. He'd find some painkillers for his headache while he was up too.
He had barely made it to the fridge when he heard the sound of a door opening behind him. Turning around, he was greeted by the sight of none other than Aya, who merely nodded at him and continued on his way to the cabinet. Ken's hunger was instantly forgotten, as he felt his face heat up and a knot form in his stomach. Without even thinking he bolted back to his room. Door closed, he allowed himself to sink to the floor and burry his head between his knees.
Damn. He had meant it.