Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Why Ken Shouldn't Drink Chu-Hi ❯ Yohji Isn't Helping ( Chapter 2 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Yohji couldn't believe he had just voluntarily taken someone else's morning shift. But then he also couldn't believe that he had just seen Ken reduced to an incoherent drunken stupor (in the morning, before work, no less.)
Yohji couldn't believe he had just voluntarily taken someone else's morning shift. But then he also couldn't believe that he had just seen Ken reduced to an incoherent drunken stupor (in the morning, before work, no less.)
Although he liked to project himself as lazy and self-absorbed, he did actually care about his fellow teammates. And the scene he had just witnessed worried him. A lot.
"Hmmm..." Yohji pondered to himself. "It looks like it's going to be an interesting week."
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Meanwhile Aya was back in the shop waiting for Yohji to show up for work. Since it was still morning, the Koneko was mercifully quiet, leaving him alone to think.
What's gotten into Ken?! That wasn't like him at all...he's usually pretty responsible....maybe he's gotten down over Kase again? He's says he's ok, but I can tell it still bothers him....
....and what's gotten into Yohji, for that matter? He couldn't have meant what he was saying....right? No, that's stupid. He was just trying to make me uncomfortable. He's a real jerk sometimes...
Aya looked down at his hand, a bruise starting to form where he had just dropped the flowerpot he'd been holding.
Get a grip Aya! I can't let myself get distracted so easily!
However, he was immediately re-distracted by the loud bang of the backroom's door flying open as Yohji made a noisy appearance.
"Goooood Moooorning!" He announced musically. He was entirely too cheerful for being up before lunchtime.
This doesn't look good. Thought Aya.
"Wipe that idiotic grin off your face, and start restocking the display cases."
"Sure thing, Prince Charmin'. " Yohji began to whistle.
"I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that, while you get your ass over to that display case."
Yohji did as he was told, but not before giving Aya a very suspicious smirk.
Quiet. Glorious, blissful quiet. Thought Aya. Which lasted an extensive span of five minutes before Yohji decided it needed to be broken.
"There were beeeells on a hiiiiill, but I neeeeever heard them riiiinging...."
"Shut up Yohji."
"Nooooo I neeeeever heard them at aaaaalllllll....."
"Tiiiiiill there was yooooooouuuuu...."
Yohji danced over to the counter and twirled a bouquet of gentians in Aya's face.
"Yoh ji," Aya's voice had become dangerously quiet.
"Hm, this bouquet looks a bit bland," started Yohji.
"You know what would make it prettier? A rose."
"Yep, a rose would really...."
Aya grabbed Yohji by his shirt and slammed him against the wall.
"Yohji, if you don't shut up right now, there will not be enough pieces left of you for the police to find."
"Oh wait, that's right." He continued, "I'm in Weiss. I don't need to worry about the police."
He let go, and Yohji slid to the floor. Without even glancing at Aya, Yohji got up and trudged back to the neglected display case. Aya could just barely make out the mumbling under his breath.
"....you don't deserve him anyway...."
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
I know Yohji and Aya are a bit OOC (is it possible to write Aya in character for a shonen ai/yaoi??) ...but I think Ken will be a little more in character once he's awake and sober (at least I'm going to try)....