Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Why to be Sick ❯ Preparing food ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Hey welcome to chapter 2 thanks for reading chapter one I know it was short but its my first time at this and wasn't sure what to do well here is a just finished chapter 2 please review so I can remain a happy fic writer and write more ^^

Disclaimer: I do not own WEiß I just borrow it for my own sick pleasure

Why to be Sick

Chapter two:

Preparing food

Shuldig worked his way up the stairs towards Nagi's room, but stopped and headed back down the stairs. The noise of pans being shuffle through make there way up to the dark room and Nagi begins to sit up and work his way out of his bed. Nagi starts to walk over to his clothes and thinks to himself it's only Shuldig not like he hasn't seen me in my boxers before anyways. So he works his way to the stairs quietly being sure he his not herd by his German friend down stairs.

He makes it to the bottom of the stairs and goes over toward the kitchen quieter than before. Sneaking a bit closer he catches a glimpse of Shuldig and a familiar song being hummed by him. Shuldig turns around getting the feeling he is being watched and set eyes on his youngest associate. Seeing this Shuldig roared with anger "What are you doing down here I told you to stay in your room!"

With a grin on his face Nagi replied "You also said you'd be right back"Noticing the game Shuldig had been brought into by the prodigy he played along.

"You're right, but I have a perfectly good reason to not come right away" Still grinning with a card still up his sleeve (or rather lack there of ^^) he replied

"yes and so do I" Shuldig turned around with a surprised look upon his face not sure what he was getting into now from the young prodigy.

"So what is your reason? Why couldn't you come back to me that you had to come into the kitchen?"

"Simply because I was worried about you and thought that you should have some food first" he said with a smirk.

"Oh first, what was to come after" still grinning

Shuldig face flashed a brilliant red almost matching the color of his hair and he turned his body away from the child to put his concentration back on the food that he was preparing

"what I meant was you should eat before you try anything more foolish like coming down stairs like you already have" He shifts his position and turns back to the prodigy

"you also should go back to your room, I'll help you up" he moves forward in the direction of Nagi and places and arm in front of the child as and offering but only to have the body moved away from him.

"What are you doing you need to get rest lets go!" Nagi smirked and moved farther away

"Crawford put me in command and to take care of you, now let's go I mean it" the German moved forward and grabbed the prodigy's arm and pulled him into his arms so he could carry the child to his room.

While being picked up Nagi let out a whimper and sighed

"but Shuldig I don't want to be alone, cant I stay down here and watch you or something?" Shuldig looking surprised at the prodigy's words set him down and told him to lie on the couch.

The prodigy walked over to the couch and laid upon it during this the German watched and made confirmation that he had done what he was told. Turning back to the soup that was now boiling from lack of attention he turned the stove down to simmer and pulled out a bowl, some crackers, and a spoon to eat with. He connected his mind to the Japanese and listened in on what he was thinking. Quickly noticing this Nagi closed off what he was thinking and responded

//Shuldig if you want to know something you should just ask// he snicker and remained thoughtless.

//I was just letting you know your soup is ready// his face blushed a bit from the embarrassment of being caught listening. He closed the link and walked over to Nagi carrying his soup.

"If you just wanted to tell me that why didn't you just say instead of linking with me?"

In a quick response he replied

"I thought it would have been faster that way" Shuldig set the bowl of soup on the coffee table and handed the boy the spoon and crackers and began to walk away.

"Shuldig I think I feel weak I don't know if I can bring the spoon to my mouth" he faked a exaggerated faint and peeked through his eyes to see what Shuldig would say.


Authors note: so what you think am I good ^^ cliff hangerness…I think I get that from my friend anyways once again please review and ill have CH 3 up soon as school allows me