Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ With my eyes wide open ❯ Heaven on my right ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Title: "With my eyes wide open"

Author: Lilla.

Category: Angst/ AU.

Warnings: R

Pairings: YxR and SxA.

Disclaimer: Wow official looking…

I own nothing!!! Nothing I tell you!! Darn why can't I have one little measly thing!! Oh wait I do own something… yeah the mistakes in this fic! All mine eheh! I feel better already. But, by every mean, if someone wants to give me any of the boys I'm not going to refuse…

Author's Note: Some POVs. Spoilers for An Assassin and a white Shaman, if any. Original characters introduced. They probably won't be staying long though… This is very much of an AU I won't follow the original timeline too much, be prepared for a not so nice Aya-chan. Oh nearly forgot Aya is Ran and Aya-chan is Aya, OK? Quite easy actually!

And now first Weiss mission!

Yotan: You know we had been killing for years before you started this. Not to mention what other fanfiction authors have had us doing…

Lilla: Must you be that precise? I mean from you Yotan… one doesn't expect it! You are not going to go all OOC on me now, are you?

Yohji: Who knows? I still have to have sex in this fic. It's just not normal!

Lilla: But… but you did! With Reina…

Yohji: Oh that! You didn't even write a little scene of that!

Lilla: He has a point… Argh lemon… nononono no way! Unless it is with Ran…

Yotan: -Perks up- With Ran? When ? Where? Please!!

Lilla: Hey wait a minute you two have to fall in love first…

Yohji: Are you really slow or are you just pretending?

Lilla: Ehm… Pretending?

Many thanks to all those who have been my support and inspiration! Sardius, Nekojita, Lady Gackt and Nya it's only thanks to you if I made it this far!

Many additional thanks to Neko for the beta reading. As always any remaining errors are mine! Mine I said!

Character's Thoughts


(Character's POV)

**************** Change of POV

++++++ Past memories.

Chapter Five: Heaven on my right…

The plane had touched down at Narita airport several hours ago. All of its passengers had already left the premises after having collected their belongings, that is all but one. A huddled shape, enveloped in a faded black cloak and cowl, was strangely overlooked by all, security personnel included. Close beside the bent form hugging its knees, could be seen the faint marks of ashes. Unnoticed by all, after having remained in place for several hours, the person simply disappeared. If anyone had bothered to look at the ashes, after the bent stranger had left, they would have realised that their contour had a vague human shape. In the hurry and hustle of Tokyo's central airport, no one took the time to even consider the shape of what looked like the contents of a dropped ashtray. Entropy had come to Tokyo



With a long-suffering sight I found myself massaging my aching neck. A whole night before my PC had definitely wiped me out, I reflected upon as I stretched, making my entire back pop in a most satisfactory manner. The fact that I had pulled an all-nighter, in order to completely wipe out any trace of our team's latest acquisition's very existence from government data-banks, just after finishing a gruesome mission, probably had something to do with my current despondency. If I took into account Ken-kun's behaviour last evening and of this night and morning, I felt that I had the right to be somewhat peeved. Not only he had started the customary fist-fight with our new team-mate but he had also felt the need to malign the man while I was trying to do my job. That, however, wouldn't have really made me angry if not for the fact that in spite of the obvious interest he has for me he still remains oblivious to all my advances. I don't think that Manx-san's idea of me getting close to Ken-kun *that* way is ever going to work. The worst part is that I find myself acting less and less on the spur of her orders, and more on that of my feelings, where my brunet friend is concerned. [1]

I think I am falling in love with Ken-kun…

If only I could remember what love is I could be sure of what I am feeling.

I know somehow there must have been a time when I was loved and, yet, I can't remember any of it. I don't remember anything but my training in Kritiker and my time in Weiss. The only mother I can think of is Manx-san, and even if I believe that she cares about me, I know she wouldn't hesitate to sacrifice me for a mission, if it was necessary. I can't say I would do the same. Manx-san, Yohji-kun and especially Ken-kun would come all before the mission. They are my family!

I looked back at the computer screen, where the emotionless visage of Ran-kun looked back at me. Such coldness there was in those eyes. I felt I should try to make him relax a little, after all, if we were to function as a team we would have to feel at ease with one another.

Oh dear I almost forgot! I must still give back Ran-kun's sword! Ken-kun said Yohji-kun had taken care of him when I'd wanted to go down and look at his scrapes.

Considering the length of the fight the former evening, and Ken-kun's strength, I considered it a safe bet that I would find Ran-kun still out of it and in Yotan's bedroom. I picked up the wrapped katana and made my way to the apartment just in front of mine. I found myself uncertain as I lifted my free arm to knock on the door. Years of embarrassing encounters when trying to rouse Yohji-kun in the morning had given me a healthy dose of caution, as far as knocking on this particular door in the morning, went. Still, I was pretty certain that, with our new team-mate on the premises, Yotan wouldn't have any girl in there with him.

No naked girl this time… at least I hope so! I should be able to survive this encounter without further significant scarring of my psyche…

Having gathered my courage, I finally decided to knock. There was no answer forthcoming, so after a couple minutes of silence I tried again. And again, and again, and again. I was almost ready to go looking down in the kitchen, despite the early hour, when Yohji-kun finally opened the door. He looked haggard and half-asleep. I felt a twinge of guilt; he had taken care of our downed team-mate and I hadn't helped him at all. Before I could start offering to take up his vigil, however, I had the shock of my life. Yohji-kun started crying and embraced me all the while murmuring Asuka under his breath. I faintly recalled having read in Kritiker's files that Yohji-kun had joined after the murder of his girlfriend, but I wasn't sure if 'Asuka' had indeed been her name. Still, this was all very worrying. If Yohji-kun started thinking other people were his old girlfriend, something would have to be done.

I will mention this to Manx-san when next I see her.

But if I do, they might take Yohji-kun away from the team… I might not see him for who knows how long… I don't want that!


Persia's voice: "Remember the mission is the only important thing."


No, he was wrong, my family is more important than the mission; for without them there is no mission, nothing makes sense, and I am no one…

I will protect Yohji-oniisan!

I found myself straightening; I might have decided not to mention this incident to Manx-san but I still would have to help Yotan face this problem. And I had better do something before Ken-kun came along and decided that this was something other than our resident playboy having a nervous breakdown. Something more along the lines of seduction.

Yohji was now mumbling something that sounded like "Never should have let you go before me… never!" Time to get Balinese back to Weiss. "Ano, Yohji-kun… Who is Asuka?" I could tell by Yohji's expression that he had gotten back to reality, and that finding me here as the audience of his blunder unnerved him a great deal. I could have sworn that our Don Juan was blushing. In fear of retaliation, as my own face was as red as a tomato, I forbore mentioning it.

Not that it saved me from becoming the butt of one of Yotan's 'funny' repartees. "Oh my, bishonen! You are so cute that one mistakes you for a Lady!" the resident chain-smoker drawled lazily, his composure back in place, together with his sadistic sense of humour.

I couldn't help a sigh, "Mou, Yotan that isn't true!" Seeing as Yohji-kun was getting the impish gleam in his eyes that always signals a long session of 'Make fun of Omi' I decided to cut to the heart of the matter, first the reason for my visit and then Yohji-kun's problems. "Ehm Yohji-kun I was looking for Fujimiya-kun. I have to give him back this…" I explained, while gesturing to the wrapped katana that I had dropped to the ground during my friend's little 'moment'. "I think it's his katana…"

Before I could further elaborate, however, Yohji-kun heaved a weary sigh and commented. "The sleeping Orchid left his Prince for the safety of his room. You, oh dear resident fairy godmother, had better check on him, though he seemed to be OK. I am not the medical expert of the team." In spite of the droll tone and the wink tossed my way, I could tell that the playboy was somehow perturbed. Could it have anything to do with the redhead? Was the man the cause of Yohji-kun's little episode?

If he is the cause of Yotan's behaviour, he had better watch out, for I won't stand by and let him destroy my friends! Now to verify my theory…

"What did you think of him? What kind of person is he?" There, a good start and all under the guise of genki Omi wanting to know something more about the new arrival. And our ex private eye demonstrated how deadly that façade could be by falling for it hook line and sinker.

"Ah, little Omitchi is curious about the new guy. But hey, bishounen[2] you had better remain faithful to Ken-ken or we will need a new fourth all too soon…"

I barely bit back an "if only Ken were really interested in me" at Yotan's comment; luckily the man was too much taken with his topic of conversation to notice and kept talking. "Anyhow, I don't know anything about the guy! Apart from the fact that he is gorgeous… and that his name is Ran…" A long pause ensued, then Yohji went on, a serious expression on his face, like when he gives me a mission report. "I think he will be a good addition to our team. We should all, however, give him his personal space… Ken especially…"

I tried to make sense of the pronouncement and interjected. "You think he doesn't want to be in a team? Or is it only us?"

Yohji shook his head, then replied. "No, I think he needs to be in a team. But it might be a while before he allows us close to him. And that only if we give him the space he needs now…"

Not sure of having caught the real meaning behind Yohji's warnings, apart from the obvious 'prevent Ken and Ran from getting into any more fights', I waited patiently for further clarification. As nothing more seemed to be forthcoming, and I could tell that something about the guy made the chain smoker nervous, I wondered if I should venture some more information about our redhead to see what Yohji made of it.

It was at that instant that I heard the doorbell ringing. With a bare nod of the head, I let Yohji-kun know that I would see about our visitor. After picking up the katana, no way I would let anyone else give it back to the trouble-maker, I decided it was time I met the man, I made my way down the stairs. Behind me I heard Yohji-kun whispering something that sounded suspiciously like "I will have you trusting me. And then we shall see where that takes us, Ran…"



I got out of the blonde's room without even trying to keep the conversation going. Not even bothering to ask the man's name. No matter how cool I had tried to play it, I was still too deeply rattled by having woken up to someone trying to get me out of my pants to remain around another man for much longer. Also, the brief flash of lust I had felt looking up in verdant eyes had deeply unnerved me.

And so I reacted in customary fashion and got all fired up and angry. Will I ever have full control?

'You always were and will ever be a failure!'

Get. Out. Of. My. Mind. Now.

My mind again my own, with less of an effort than usual, I went back to contemplating the situation at hand. It was sort of a pity; in spite of how badly things had been going for me, a part of me had almost hoped I would find some companionship in this new unit, as I had had with my former teams. However, after having been 'greeted' by Hidaka, any such thought had obviously left my head. Finding myself almost attracted to, and at the same time frightened by, another team-mate hadn't helped. Knowing that I had no choice but to remain here, if I wanted to ever see my sister again, managed to make the situation look even bleaker.

Still, it is better this way. As long as I don't like them, I won't worry about them. Nor will I care once they get themselves killed.

Feelings only hurt you… better to leave them behind…

I don't need anyone.

It was at that moment that I arrived in front of the door of an apartment that the blond had said was going to be my residence.

Only until I can make good my escape from this life as an assassin; always at the beck and call of those who let my parents be murdered. Only until I find Aya and get her back…Supposing she ever forgives me for all I put her through. And why should she? I don't deserve to be forgiven, I don't deserve to be loved…

A wave of anger and resentment almost suffocated me at the moment, but with customary training I let the feelings go, and with them disappeared the pain and self-hatred, at least for now.

As I was about to open the door, I heard the door behind me banging open, followed by the heavy tread of noisy, sneakers-clad feet. I whirled around, ready for anything, and had to keep back an expression of distaste at finding myself facing the prick from the shop.

Perfect, just what I need…

Hidaka even had the gall to give first an innocent smile and then a grin.

So he enjoyed taking a piece out of me. Small wonder, they probably know how much of a failure I have been.

As if my ice cold glare wasn't enough indication that I wasn't in a mood for a chummy chat, the man had the effrontery of making fun of my pain. "Hey, nice to see you up! Thought you would remain out of it for a while longer," he commented. As I held back from wiping that smirk from his face, I could feel my anger retreating in the background and a cold, grim feeling of humour entering me. I caught myself just short of smiling, or rather smirking.

Well, next time something like this happens I will make sure not to let my sword get abducted…

Welcome visions of Hidaka getting to know my three-foot blade put aside, I got back to following the idiot's blathering. "So who played nurse? I bet it was that decadent prick Yohji. So are you really the son of that bank manager Fujimiya, who killed himself a few years back? I thought the whole of the family had died. It made quite a stir on the news back then."

How can he talk about my murdered parents like that! About my sister, who has had her life stripped away from her. About Aya, who has been touched by the dirty hands of the murderer Kritiker has turned me into.

"Well, anyway, I shouldn't worry too much about your past. Omi is erasing any trace of you ever having existed as we speak…"

And once I won't even have ever existed, I will be entirely dependent upon Kritiker's tender mercies.

"So did that playboy Kudoh try to get into your pants yet?"

How the fuck did he know about what nearly happened? Are they spying on me? Or was it something they had agreed to before? A test from Kritiker to see how I would respond to such an advance?

"He claims to be a lady's man only, but I am pretty sure that as long as he is provided with a breathing body, Yotan will make do…"

I thought that the concern and interest had been genuine…They felt right… But then what do I know about other people? It figures that the person I could feel like growing to like would turn out to be a completely bad choice.

"He even tries continuously to hit on Omi. All that bishounen crap…" Now the anger was back with a vengeance, and but for the shout coming from downstairs, I would probably have started another fight no matter how wiped out I was feeling. Still, at the youthful voice exclaiming "Manx-san is here", the brunet gave a brilliant smile and said the only words that could have stopped me. "We have a mission…"[3]


Interlude 2

The young woman made her way uncertainly along the streets of the unfamiliar city. Her black curls and green eyes proclaiming loudly her foreigner status, she moved dazedly, trying to avoid the rushing citizens of Japan's capital city. She needed a place to stay and yet she knew but a few words of Japanese, none of them written. The big flashy plates proudly displaying the English 'Hotel' sign all looked too expensive for her meagre finances. She would have to ask someone for directions. Her first few tries didn't go very well: with a mutter she thought would translate to "I'm in a rush", most of the people she hailed passed her by. She kept walking, hoping to come upon someone who wasn't in a hurry. Unbeknownst to her, her drifting brought her to some of the less salubrious parts of the big city. In England or France, where she came from, the look of the people she saw loitering about would have seemed odd but not extraordinarily so: punks and goths wore similar clothing. Here the bright tattoos proclaimed the alliance of these people to the Yakuza, yet her lack of knowledge didn't allow her to make the connection. Here the people were much less polite and seemed to make fun of her for her foreigner appearance. The word 'gaijin' was shouted several times in her direction. Then someone decided that the lone girl might prove to be fun. At least for the evening. A lone, black dressed man approached her, and grabbing her arm dragged her forcibly, uncaring of her cries for help or her struggles, towards a dark alley.

It didn't take long; slowly at first, so that no one realised what was happening, the building on the right of the alley seemed to fold upon itself. Then as the resounding crashes started to be heard and dust obscured the entrance of the darkened causeway, the building on the left too started to fall slowly like a wounded giant. Then the two buildings, to the side of the fallen ones, also started to crumble. The people, crying and shouting as they tried to get the farthest they could from the collapsing palaces, didn't stop to look at the untouched space where the alley once was. Had they bothered to look, they might have seen a black cloaked figure wearing a cowl that completely obscured the wearer's visage. At the figure's feet were a few vague human-shaped marks of ashes, which were being covered by the dust of the fallen buildings. Faintly, with an unearthly keen, letters drawn with something resembling the blackest ink seemed to appear all around the dark apparition. A gust of wind blew some of the mortar dust all around the black-clad figure. When it dispersed, no one remained to be seen. Only the black letters, in a writing unknown to anyone in the area and indeed in most of Japan, remained.

That night, several more human-shaped ash stains could be found around Tokyo, had anyone thought to look for them. A few more earthquake-proof buildings mysteriously collapsed, under the ravages of time even if they hadn't been standing for more than a few tens of years. By morning two days afterwards, the police were no longer able to investigate all reported disappearances, and the building count was up to ten. It was then that one commissioner's help, Hanae Kitada, left her work place under the direction of her principal to deliver, of all things, a videotape…



I found myself sighing, as for the forth time that day I had the chance to closely admire the sickly green hospital tiles, not that all this therapy had a hope of doing any good. Rather, as I suspected and had indeed been confirmed by a smug Schuldig, what little could have been done for me had deliberately been kept back. As long as I was completely paralysed, my brother's employers would have the opportunity of keeping him on their leash. I had been shocked, deeply so, when Ran had come running into my hospital room less than a year ago, his face bearing the mark of freshly shed tears. It had been early in the morning, and without an explanation and little caution he had strapped me to a gurney and rolled me out of the hospital without a care for papers or anything of the sort. I had been frightened then, uncertain, and Schuldig's mocking voice telling me that I would finally find out how I had been living on blood money hadn't given me any reassurance. The voice had been right. My Oniisan…

No I won't call him brother! He left me alone, he dishonoured the family's name, he lied to me…

'He saved your life…'

Maybe, Schuldig, but do you call this life?!

'Well, actually he didn't even do that, now that I think about it… On paper Fujimiya Aya died nearly three years ago, so… formally speaking…'

I died three years ago? How can that be?

'You didn't think Kritiker's agents would be allowed to have an identity they could use without the organisation's say so, did you? They make a point of only recruiting dead people… they really are a ghost organisation…'

I… I no longer exist?

'Nope, you are a ghost! Now try the unearthly moan and scare away the agent cum nurse that is making her way here to turn you around once more. At this point, all this shit isn't just plain useless any longer, but rather noxious, if you catch my drift…'

Can there really be no escape? They are using me as a carrot to ensure that their dear friend Ran doesn't decide to 'freak out' again.

I don't think so.

'Oh dear, the poor little puppet thinks she can turn into a puppet master?'

I will get back my life! *You* are either going to help me or you are going to get lost as of now. Am I clear enough?

'Ohh scary… And how do you think you can force me to get lost? Don't be ridiculous, puppet. You can just choose whether you'd rather be my puppet or theirs… So which is it going to be? Alone you have no hope deary… Sooner or later they'll break you, as they have been trying to do for a while.'

I don't think so, as for you… don't bother coming back unless you are going to help me.


It had worked, just as Ran had said, thinking of pain got the voice out of my head. It was easy and I had a great deal of emotional pain to use as ammunition. I might be alone now but I wasn't as defenceless as they thought me to be. My body didn't work, fair enough, I would have to use my mind. And in time I would see about getting my body repaired…

It was then that the announced nurse came and turned me around. With a faint smile she told me she would be getting off her shift in ten minutes but that her colleague would be coming by for more therapy later on. At least I would have some time to decide how to stop the so called cures.

I had to make sense of what was happening in detail and that meant rethinking all of Ran's statements and Schuldig's digs… I would have to start at the beginning with Ran's confession… He had admitted to having taken jobs on the shady side of law, had said that he had done it to support me and to avenge Otousan, no just plain Hikaru, he too didn't deserve to belong to the family. I knew that Hikaru had indeed laundered some money for Yukishiro-sama, who was a subordinate of my godfather's; I had chanced to overhear that much. His having committed suicide once he had been discovered was possible but about as likely as his having been eliminated to shut him up. Ran mentioned that he had been unearthing information on corrupt people and had been exposing them, all at the orders of his mysterious employers. But he found out something that shook him up enough that he lost all trust in them, he said they had known about Fath… Hikaru's being in danger and hadn't done a thing. Were they the ones who had exposed Hikaru to the authorities in the first place?

It seemed like the most probable thing. Which meant that these people for whom Ran was working were the ones who had destroyed my life, my body and my family's honour, what little remained of it.

They won't get away with it. I will see them all ground into dust. They shall be made to pay.

I won't be able to do it alone. I will need help. Schuldig's help… But I can't allow him to think that I need his help. How do I keep information from a telepath? By forgetting it, by burying it so deep that he can't get it out. I have to lie but it won't be enough, I have to believe those lies. So completely that I won't even be aware of lying.

Even so, I will need inside information… Information is power and that could only come from Ran… But I told him he was a disgrace and that he shouldn't ever come to see me again. How do I play this? Do I pretend to forgive him? If I start seeing him, I know I will probably forgive him; I almost did when he told me… Well he was a moron to accept help from *them* and refuse Takatori-sama's, but really he is the less… guilty of the group. Forgiveness won't hurt as long as he doesn't hinder my plans.

Also, I have to keep these bastards from doing any more damage… How do I go about it?

Pretend that they did break me. It is so simple… I will be the good cheery Aya-chan, all smiles and kindness, totally oblivious to everything around her. It won't be difficult, I swear those drugs they often give me have that effect. The only good part about them is that the nurses forget them most of the time. I will have to pretend that I only care about my 'brother's' delicate mental health. Piece of cake…

The fools won't know what hit them…

By the time I had finished building my short term strategy, the next shift nurse came by to see to my therapy. It was the most hateful of the bunch actually, but in spite of that I didn't show any animosity, as I was wont to do, but rather gave her a brilliant smile and proceeded to work on getting rid of all the flipping. "Ano, Takamura-san… Do you think you could avoid turning me around this time? I am sooo all queasy from last time… And I'm feeling soo sleepy and all comfy."

On the last entreaty I added my best weapon: the cute puppy dog eyes. Apparently Ran isn't the only sucker for that sort of gaze for wonders of wonders it worked.

Or maybe she figured that I no longer am all that fired up on getting better. Or that the drugs are finally doing their job.

Now I would have to wait for the redheaded Erika woman to show up in order to convince her to let me see my dearest Oniichan… After all, if, as she tried to convince me, he is suffering from a nervous breakdown, which has generated dangerous paranoid tendencies, who better than his little cute and harmless sister to reassure him?

Before that I had better have a plan ready to fool those blasted shrinks of hers. It won't be too difficult…



I was furious once I got thrown out of the Kaiserin's head. The little bitch had been learning tricks from her brother, apparently. But she wasn't half as good as she thought she was. I smirked and set about giving her a lesson.

No one shuts me out. I am the one who decides to leave.

With my usual smirk on my lips, I set about getting back in touch with the stupid kid. She would learn all too soon whom it was that was calling the shots. I extended my mind, reaching out for the familiar terrain of the girl's, only to bounce back on well constructed shields of pure anger and determination.

Fuck off, I can't let her win. She is but my puppet! She must be made to respect her master!

With greater energy I gathered my mind for another assault. Now I could feel the vague hint of her thoughts, much like it happens with Bradley when he lets me take a peek.

What is it with people and their managing to keep me out of their heads lately?

First the boy, who being a glutton for suffering hardly made for fertile ground to start with, and now the girl had managed to avoid my listening in on her too. How could those two talentless brats manage to shut me out? I decided to ponder that question to my heart's content at a later date and focused once more on the barrier around the Kaiserin's head. With great effort this time I felt it almost yielding. Unfortunately the kid had gotten smart at spotting my presence and she directed my way another flash of pain. Seeing as pain is the best shield against a telepath, unless you chance upon a masochistic one, it worked and I found myself once more lying on my bed with a burgeoning headache.

Fuck, this is so not cool. But hey, an easy fight isn't worth the sweat it takes to win it. I'll try again, but first I'd better get some fuel in me.

As I made my way to the kitchen I decided that as punishment for this mutiny the kid would remain on her own for the next week, after I had broken down her barriers to teach her a lesson, that is. Let her face the drugs and the shrinks on her own and we'd see. On the other hand, a week might be enough to break her and once broken she would have no more attraction to me.

I want to be the one who breaks that cool composure. I, and no one else. She is *my* plaything!

After devouring my usual mid afternoon snack, which according to Brad-lily is a considerable drain to our finances, and a few extras courtesy of Nagi-kins, I made my way back to my room, whistling and thinking of how better to show who was master to the uppity spoilt princess. I was almost back in my lair, that is to say room, when I heard Crawfish call for me down the corridor. 'No way not now' I sent him through our telepathic link. Oddly enough I could feel a vague sense of acquiescence on the side of my pissy leader. The vague nature of his sending made me suspect that he might be having one of his episodes, as I like to call his visions.

Mmmh let's see if I can catch a peek.

A black creature nearing a man who falls down dead, his body turning into ashes, within a few seconds. That mental image is followed by several more confusing snippets. Shaking my head, I leave Crawford's thought alone, the headache was now back with a vengeance. The faint smugness I could feel coming from Crawford let me know he allowed me to take a peek on purpose, the slimy bastard.

Well never mind, I got better things to take care of…

This once, when I tried to enter little Aya's shields, I found no difficulty. Still, I was somewhat surprised to find the girl coherent, without my help she should have been drugged up to her gills. Another surprise came when I realised the girl had deliberately lowered all her defences to let me in, apparently there was something she wished to discuss… I would have been amenable for the conversation, even if I was somewhat peeved about her tries, ineffectual as they might be, to snatch the control of the situation away from me, but at that very same instant I got a summon from the boss. One I couldn't ignore…

'Schuldig, come in here, we are going to hunt a talent!'

'Well a talent is so much more fun than a dull normal person, nothing personal Aya-chan'

As I relayed the first thought and drawled the second one into her mind I could feel her shock at seeing her carefully planned conversation going down the drains. The faint hint of hatred and jealousy she felt for the nameless talent almost set me to laughing.

And so I get back control…


Interlude 3

The old man shuddered in his threadbare clothing. It had been days since he had had a warm meal and exposure was beginning to take its toll. The man had been homeless ever since he had contracted a long debilitating disease a few years back. He had lost his job after two months of illness. Unluckily, as he often thought, the money he had managed to put aside had been just enough to pay for all his cures till he had gotten well enough to be allowed to leave the hospital. By the time he got home he didn't have enough left for the rent of his apartment. Not having a fixed address had rendered getting a new job almost impossible. Also, him having just had a debilitating disease didn't encourage an employer's interest. His no longer young age made things even more difficult. And so here he was, depending on what little charity his fellow humans might give him, forced to shallow his pride and beg for the bread that kept him alive. Did he even want to live like this, he found himself asking, consumed by hunger, growing old before his time… The answer was no. This thought had barely crossed his mind when a black garbed human shape appeared before him from the dark. A seducing, unearthly voice murmured "Hast thou called me, son?" The man answered without even stopping to think. A soft yes escaped his lips.

A few seconds afterwards, the empty alley was unoccupied, the only signs of what had passed there were the composed corpse of the old man and a few odd black letters in a circle no more than a step away from the peaceful looking body. The wind blew gently through the street, a person looking closer might have seen that the old man had a white rose[4] in his hands. Unfortunately, no one came by, and by the next morning, when some of the other homeless people in the area thought to look for Ichiro, all that they could find was an ash mark and a few odd letters in his usual haunt, probably left by some new-age type or another. No one thought to report the strange disappearance. The police forces had better things to do than look for a beggar. Even if there had been no more fallen buildings, the number of missing people kept slowly augmenting.



I had barely made my way back to the comfy bed I hadn't had a chance of touching this past night, all thanks to one violent, idiotic jock of a team-mate and his grouchy victim, after my embarrassing episode with Omi, when the voice of the chibi floated up with a clear "Manx-san is here…"

Damn! Duty calls, there truly is no rest for the wicked… not even the gorgeous ones.

With a sigh and a longing gaze to my unmade bed, I put on a top: the shortest in my collection, and after carefully arranging my blond curls so that they looked fashionably tousled I opened the door. I made out the forms of the previously mentioned disturbers of my rest coming down from the second floor and I assumed a languid looking position leaning on my door jamb, the better to show off my wonderful physique to the gorgeous redhead. As luck would have it the first to descend the stairs was Ken-ken and our resident Orchid hardly took the time to take in my appearance.

I must really work on the man's appreciation of details… It might come in handy in a mission, hm must find an excuse that sounds a little less lame.

Still, on a brighter side I qualified for a bare nod from tall, red and handsome, which I am pretty sure could be counted as a remarkable event. After having let them pass, I followed in their wake, the position ideal for some more "sightseeing", and oh boy, the back side of the coin was really a sight.

Down boy, down, our new team-mate, and one hopes friend, isn't going to be happy at such eagerness if his behaviour this morning was any indication.

We made our way down to the mission room in silence, and once we got there I got another eyeful. Manx's skirt was at least three inches shorter than usual, and a couple above indecent exposure charges. Still, for once I wasn't as happy to see her as usual. Little Yotan standing at attention was rather due to the presence of one withdrawn man than to her spectacular skirt. Regarding said male redhead, I realised that given the somewhat rigid posture his back had just acquired he must have had a previous acquaintance with our contact, and things mustn't have gone well in their relationship.

Maybe Manx had an affair with him and is now trying to get him back after a serious break-up. Nah, don't think so, I don't see Manx as the sadistic type, nor our guest as the type falling for the obvious skirt. Still, I am quite sure there is something between the two of them...

Before I had more time to ponder on the intricacies of past working relationships, though, Manx was ready to start playing the videotape with our mission orders. Seeing as there was no way we could all sit on the couch I got ready to stand. Just then I realised that our new team-mate had positioned himself against the wall close to the stairs, thus putting some distance between the others and himself.

No good, he is trying to wilfully isolate himself. Well, Kudoh to the rescue, he is too cute to be left alone to play wallflower, unless there is a handsome guy with him…

I made my way to his side and leaned on the wall just to his right. He gave me a faintly chilly look, but I could have sworn that one with just a little less ice would have screamed surprise and nervousness. Still, the ice was there and I would have to deal with it. With a loud stage whisper I tried to get him to talk about the reason for some of his nervousness, "You chose this place so you could scope out the goods, eh?" I opened, gesturing towards Manx. The ice got several meters thicker, I could safely say I had chosen the wrong conversation opener. The answer was even chillier and definitely unwelcome. "I am no playboy." Great, so someone, and the smug look on Ken-ken's face was indication enough as to whom it had been, had already gone around carrying tales. And just there I probably did give solid proof to go with those juicy tidbits he had been letting escape.

Hoisted on my own petard, just great!

Luckily, when it comes to pick-up lines my brain is as fast as Omi's when he is looking for a file, so that I came out with a fairly good rejoinder. "Of course those goods aren't even remotely as appealing as you are."

OK, maybe that was a lame pick up line… Not my fault if I go for the cheesy approach, those fan girls seem to like it.

I was almost waiting for a punch or something, but apparently I had managed to strike our new team-mate speechless, and was that a vague blush I saw on his cheeks?

Or maybe he found that so lame that it didn't even warrant a comment in his book…

Manx, on the other hand, was seriously pissed off. Must have been for having her looks maligned after she had gone to such an effort. The best part of it, however, was Ken's expression of surprise; the nosy bastard's face was so red I thought he would have an apoplectic stroke from one moment to the other.

Truly one of those Kodak moments…

Unfortunately, my attention was brought back to the matter at hand by the very insulted Manx. "Balinese, we have things to discuss, important things, so leave the cheesy comments for your free time. Now if I have your attention… You have already met your new team-mate, code name Abyssinian. Abyssinian these are Bombay Tsukiyono Omi, Balinese Kudoh Yohji and Siberian Hidaka Ken. You are Weiss. From this day onward Abyssinian will be taking over the duties of mission leader." Before an irate Ken could manage to interject anything, Manx got the ball back in her court, so to speak, "That matter isn't open to discussion. Now for the mission. We expect you to track down and kill the person or persons responsible for the recent disappearances all over Tokyo. These events could be related to the spate of falling buildings there has been lately. You are to investigate and pinpoint a target. After you have found enough proof, you are to eliminate all people implicated in these events. Now watch the video and all known information."

The video didn't shed much light on the events, and as I looked at all the faces of the missing people I had the unpleasant feeling that we wouldn't find any of them alive. The choice of targets was too random for a serial killer. The number of regular haunts were staggering, and the supposed locations where the kidnappings had to have taken place too far apart. It wasn't going to be an easy case to solve, unless we stumbled on a lead out of sheer luck. As Persia encouraged us to find and kill the dark beasts responsible for all these supposed kidnappings, I felt the barest whisper coming from the newly christened Abyssinian, "They aren't alive… We won't find them…" It echoed so closely my first gut feeling that I found it almost disquieting. Still, when Manx asked us if we were in, we both answered yes.

Maybe we both like lost causes.

The chibi, of course, said he would do it too, he had always had a soft spot for kidnapping cases. At that point Ken predictably joined in, even if he was less than thrilled at the idea of taking orders from Ran, as he loudly proclaimed. Luckily a pissed off Bombay managed to shut him up by reminding him that we had to start digging for more information. I was fairly confident that with the whole of Weiss on their tails, the killers, for I didn't doubt there must be more than one, would have no chance of escaping.



I was in the kitchen looking for some snacks and finding none, a certain sign that Schuldig had already passed through, when I heard a mental call from the very same telepath I was busy maligning.

The blasted German ate all of my Bounty snacks again. Darn, and they are the best thing to eat while I am doing calculus problems…

'Now Nagi-kins, be respectful of those older and wiser, not to mention more beautiful than yourself! I need my beauty snacks, you know?'

I think the expression you are thinking of is "beauty sleep."

'Oh that too, to be sure. Anyway, leave the rummaging for later, we are as of now called upon by the great Chieftain Flashing Glasses for a urgent debriefing in his office.'

With a faint snort at the German's annoying attitude, I made my way down the corridor to where Crawford-sama's office was located. Only to be once more solicited by the resident communications expert.

'Hey, Brad-lily wanted us five minutes ago, so move that scrawny ass of yours!'

As I entered the room, Crawford looked at me and immediately launched in the explanation of our new mission. I thought it would be the usual intimidation at the behest of Takatori, but apparently this had come from up high. As high up as the Triad of talents that led Esset. It seemed as if the fabled Entropy, after avoiding all attempts the organisation had made to capture this talent, had made his way to Japan. We were now to secure this talent for our masters. Our mission was aided by the fact that in all previous blunders, Esset had narrowed the potential identities of Entropy down to three people. As luck would have it, only two of them were in Japan: Kougen Maro and Le Du Drien. Now it was up to us, Schwartz…



[1] So… who is Ken-ken's mystery lover?

[2] Bishounen= beautiful boy… Did it even warrant translation?

[3] Well he may be called Ran instead of Aya… but it's still him, right?

[4] A white rose is one of the symbols of Death.

And if this was heaven wait to see what happens in hell…

Ken: Great, first I was a jock, then a bloodthirsty monster and now I end up as a badmouthing busybody. Think you could leave me alone for a while…

Lilla: Mmmh yes no problem I will torment someone else…

Ken: Thank God

Lilla:… for a while…

Ken: Sobs.

Brad: I feel a sense of evil foreboding…

Lilla: You really are an Oracle…

As for who Ken's mystery lover is… She/he who guesses, gets… mmh a Weiss Omake with the pairing she/he wants for Christmas… As if anyone would want to have that, eheh…