Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ With my eyes wide open ❯ Domine exaudi vocem mea ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Title: "With my eyes wide open"

Author: Lilla.

Category: Angst/ AU.

Warnings: R

Pairings: YxR and SxA.

Disclaimer: Wow official looking…

I don't own any of the Weiss show characters situations and so on!!! I wouldn't mind getting them for Christmas though… Please, Santa… Pretty please with a cherry on top?

Author's Note: Some PoVs. Spoilers for "An Assassin and a White Shaman" and "Ranjatai". This is very much of an AU I won't follow the original timeline too much, be prepared for a not so nice Aya-chan. Oh nearly forgot Aya is Ran and Aya-chan is Aya, OK? Quite easy actually!

And now enter Weiss!

Lilla: And it only took me three chapters and a prologue to get all the boys on the scene!

Kenken: Only?

Lilla: Sarcasm, Kenken, sarcasm! Darn, must resist the temptation of making Kenken into the stupid jock! Arrgh this is going to be soo hard!

Kenken: What was it you were saying? What's a jock?

Lilla: Never mind… What can I say but "Abandon all hope oh you who enter," pardon me read…

Many thanks to all those who have been my support and inspiration! First of all Sardius and Nekojita, you rock girls!

Additional thanks to Neko for the beta reading! Any remaining "horrors" are entirely my own!

Character's Thoughts


(Character's POV)

**************** Change of POV

++++++ Past memories/Dreams.

Chapter Four: Domine exaudi vocem meam


I should have gotten used to the smell and feel of blood by now. Three months from when I first used my sword to take a life, and several more killings after those first guards, and yet I find myself unable to face what I have become. My nightmares are now a waking dream, where the bloodied corpses of those I killed look at me, asking for a reason to my actions. Is there even any? Can saying that I need money for my sister's care be enough of an explanation for a life cut short? No, I don't think so. There can be no justification, I am but a murderer and as a murderer I shall live and die…

Today Erika came to see me again. She had a mission folder with her once more.

This is the fifth this month. Will I ever be steeped enough in blood that I will stop caring? Would that be a sign of a soul completely lost or rather of the reaching of an equilibrium? I am afraid to answer that question.

This time I almost didn't have the energy to ask for the list of the crimes this person had committed. I simply asked Erika if that person had committed grievous crimes. Having received a positive answer, that yes the target was a danger to Kritiker and the innocents, I took the folder with the name, saying I would accept the mission.

I really hope that the soul I'm going to send screaming into Hell deserves it fully this time.

After that woman I killed in front of her daughter, I have found myself unable to judge these criminals as harshly as before.

Am I really any different from them? Am I really any different from Takatori, who had my parents killed before my own eyes? I killed that woman for producing mind altering and potentially deadly drugs, true, but I did it under the eyes of her loved ones. Her daughter, whom I didn't have the strength to kill, will remember my face with the same loathing I feel for those who killed my parents and destroyed Aya…

Now isn't the time for this though… I have a mission to accomplish.

Yuki Ishiro, one time agent of Kritiker, now betrayer, dies tonight.



Two weeks since Ran left for France. Two weeks where my mind hasn't been my own. I wonder if Schuldig even exists or if he is rather a figment of my imagination given shape and a name to fight the crippling loneliness.

Still he knows so many things I don't, for him to be but a part of me doesn't make sense. Of course neither does telepathy… and I am so desperately alone…

The nurses paid to look after me do so, but in a clinical fashion. The kindest show pity in their eyes and I, like most of my family, never dealt well with compassion directed towards me.

'Yes, you certainly belong more to the school which prefers envy and hate to compassion'

'I can share that viewpoint… A pity that you no longer are in a position to be picky about what you get from others…'

I don't see why I should listen to you, seeing as you always are that unpleasant to me!

'Ohh, kleine Kaiserin wants widdle diddle Schuldig to be well behaved… No can do! Where would the fun be? And are you sure you want me to leave you alone? After all, I am the only one who tells you all that is happening around you… For example, did you know that three doors down from yours there is a Kritiker assassin, like your brother, that after coming in for a minor arm wound is now enjoying the charms of a pretty nurse?'


'Oh you didn't? Do you want to look in on them?'

You… you… Hentai!!![1]

'Oh dear, I am insulted!! And here I was trying to relieve your boredom in a pleasant fashion… But maybe you would prefer to know what your Oniichan is doing right now. And all to find some more money for that useless surgery his employers keep dangling before your eyes?'

'What no smart comeback? No curiosity? Well… let's just say that brother dearest is tailing his target… He's lucky the poor man is very tired or he would already have been spotted, such carelessness…'

You are making this up… Ran is in France and…

'Sure, sure, little doll, believe it all you want, you know it's a lie. Oh this is interesting, the poor critter is actually carrying about some interesting information about the business Takatori had with your family. Heh wonder what Ranny would say about it. Now why should I wonder when I can get to see it?'

Wait don't go! What was it you where saying about Takatori-sama and a business with Otousan. What was it about? Talk to me!! Come. Back.

Come back… please…

Don't leave me alone…


(Yuki Ishiro or 'a victim')

I have been running for days now. It seems almost as if I have always been on the run. Ever since that day when my life ended. I lost everything and the ones handing me vengeance on a silver platter were the very people responsible for my predicament.

I wonder if they even know what it is to see your loved ones, the wife you worshipped, the daughter you were so proud of, lying bleeding on the floor.

I wonder if they know how your heart cries out in your breast before breaking, shattering with their last breath.

I wonder if they can tell how the stare of glazed dead eyes remains with you forever, asking why?


And the hardest part is discovering that my misery could have been prevented. Should have been prevented.

And then, even worse, that I am not alone…

That others, tens of others, lost their families, their loved ones, their whole life as I did. And that I was a part of the organisation who provoked that loss, a clockwork in the machinery that destroyed their lives.

Minako, beloved, how can I live with that weight, that guilt, on my shoulders?

I have finally reached my hiding place; as I duck into the grate protecting the way in to my hideout I take the time to look around. I don't see anyone, the heavy rain falling discouraged most people from wandering the streets. I don't think someone could have followed me. Years in the business have made me a slippery fellow. Still I know it is only a matter of time before my masters' pets hunt me down. I don't care, I only have a little more work to do. Once those who were betrayed know, then I will be simply waiting for the end to come.

Wait for papa Yumi-chan he will be coming very soon…

What is this feeling of hopelessness…

Suddenly, as I hunker before my laptop, ready to send out the last e-mails which will ensure people know what they are dealing with, once they are in Kritiker's clutches, I feel a breath of fresh air against my neck.

How could anyone have sneaked upon me?

As I turn around to face my adversary I see a mane of wet crimson hair and cold, cold violet chips of ice in the place of eyes. I know that face… I should have saved his parents… Should have saved his soul…

Is it too late?

A katana flashes ominously in the dark…

Cold, crippling cold, hope gone, finally blessed emptiness…

I watch the perfect grace of the man before me as he swings and beautifully finishes his stroke…

Yes, too late, always too late…

I… failed.

Am I falling?

I… am… sorr…



As I stood in the little hovel my target had chosen as a hiding place, looking down at the dead body at my feet, the blessed calm missions have always given me departed, leaving me shaking and trembling with the strength of suppressed emotions.

Hopelessness… Why am I living? What is there for me?

What am I thinking? I have Aya to take care of!

All gone…

No, Aya is all right, and she will get better…

Why am I feeling like this?

And that damned German isn't even responsible for this! Or did he find another way to get at me?

'Oh are you missing me?'

Get out of my head now!!!

As I gathered all my anger, my pain and frustration to try and get the leech out of my mind, I felt his presence retreating, but not before one last parting shot flashed into my mind.

'Maybe before deleting all the information like a good errand boy, you should get a peek at what oldie over there had to say about your precious family…'

There was no reason to take anything the murdering bastard said to heart and yet I couldn't prevent myself from gazing almost distractedly at the unsent mail message flashing on the screen.

It was addressed to me and several other agents, including Bishop. I opened the attached document marked for Fujimiya Ran and started reading.

I don't know I long I remained there staring at the screen once I was finished. I only know that, at a certain point, the rising sun shone directly into the room and I realised I had missed my last check in with Erika.

Erika, who had told me lies from day one. Who had known that my parents had refused to collaborate with Takatori for his Chinese operation. Who had known they would be killed and hadn't lifted a finger to prevent it, because they had laundered money for Takatori and they had been put down for elimination by Kritiker. The fact that they had relented because of menaces towards myself and Aya-chan wouldn't have made a difference to the sanctimonious bastards.

A harsh laughter escaped my lips. Or it could have been a cry of pain. I couldn't tell. I was awash in a sea of anger and self-hate, my control shattered. I might as well die, it was nothing more than I deserved. I looked at my bloody katana, Shion[2], with longing. It seemed fitting that filthy with the blood of the man who had risked his life to let me know, it should taste my lifeblood too. The lifeblood of the killer who had used it.

I stood there thinking of the proper ritual of seppuku.[3] I was trying to decide if I deserved the belly wound of the warrior, or if the neck stroke of the dishonoured woman, wouldn't serve me better, when I realised I couldn't do it.

Aya… if I died they would have Aya.

Kami-sama protect my sister! If they realise I am going to turn coat and run they could kill her. But I cannot go on working for them. They are as much to blame as Takatori! They will all pay for what has happened! I will kill them all, their parents, their brothers and sisters, their loved ones, every single person they have been associated with[4]… It will be a blood bath.

But first to get Aya and disappear…



The vision came to me as I was brushing my teeth. After nearly swallowing my toothbrush I got back my composure and had to start fighting the impulse of blowing away with my gun the hat rack that blasted German insisted was his head. How could the moron take a simple action and ruin completely months, years even, of hard work? And now of all times, when we could have finally gotten rid of Takatori in just a few more months.

After carefully rinsing my mouth I made my way down to Mastermind's room and entered without bothering to knock. The German nuisance was lying on his bed, eyes open and slightly glassy, as always when he was influencing someone.

I didn't bother with the usual niceties, there was no time to lose if we were to ensure that the Fujimiya boy didn't get killed by Kritiker while trying to smuggle his sister out of the hospital.

Time enough to figure a way to have the blasted guy rejoining the organisation afterwards.

So with a forceful mental shove I got Schuldig's indignant and undivided attention.

The man reacted in pretty customary fashion, "Oh Braddy-pooh… What brings you here this morning? You know I never get up before midday! Finally giving in to your baser instincts? So how do you want to do it?" I suspected he would have gone on for quite a while longer but at that moment he got a good look at my face and wisely decided to keep silent. I debated whether I should let him stew a little before explaining but decided that the time constraints were too short for that sort of object lesson, this time.

"I hope you enjoyed your little game tonight, because thanks to it Fujimiya Junior has gone rogue and will be trying some time this morning to smuggle his sister out of the hospital. He'll fail and both siblings will be summarily executed by Kritiker."

I let that sink in and was fairly disappointed when I saw the German's bothered expression. I was counting on him getting attached to the girl, as far attached as you can get to a plaything.

Time to get out the stick, if the carrot isn't working…

"You have two choices, you can either start working now to shield them and get them out unhurt, or you can die at my hands." With a heavy sigh the German got up and, after giving me a tired look, commented, "High maintenance pawns are a loss of time Crawfish but by every means let's save the two pets' necks once more. Anything else I can do for my bossy leader?"

"Avoid messing up again. Also you can start working on that Hanae Kitada woman's mind to convince her to try and get back the boy instead of killing him outright. While you are at it see to it that Fujimiya forgets about what he read tonight."

Schuldig flashed me a put upon and obviously fake puppy dog look before replying "Sure, why not? Anything else you want me to do? I mean why not get me to make you wear drag, I have about as much chance of doing that than I have of getting the boy to forget anything! He has the memory of an elephant! And I don't like his mind, it's painful…" "Never mind forgetting" I answered "try to give him the idea that from within Kritiker he could do that much more damage to Takatori and ultimately to the upper echelons of the organisation as well."

Leaving behind a mollified Schuldig I made my way back to my room, the vision of Fujimiya being taken down by his team-mates flashing in my mind…

All will be proceeding as it should… good…



Another night, another mission. And yet no matter how much I drown myself in alcohol, sex or blood you won't leave me alone Asuka.

Your ghost accompanies my steps as I make my way silently down the corridor following little Omitchi in his way to the computer room. A simple information gathering mission.

Same old. Same old.

It has gotten to the point where I wish for a change, for anything to happen, even for death to claim me in order to be free of this ennui, of this senselessness in my life.

I almost wish something were going to happen. Anything as long as it doesn't hurt my team-mates. Or rather as long as it doesn't hurts Omi. Can't get the same protective feeling for dear Ken-ken when the bitchy bastard left me cold on the ground after our first meeting.

Still he has kind of grown on me in all this time and I now not only consider him almost a friend, of sorts, but also a little brother.

As they say you don't get to choose your family, but once you are stuck with them, you can count on them for everything. This second family of mine sure is like that. So unlike the first…

While I am so taken with my own thoughts, I almost miss the armed guard coming from the right-hand corridor. Luckily I'm much faster than he is on the draw and the bugger ends up strangled at my feet, long before he can squeeze the trigger and hurt Omi, or myself.

"Ah, Kudoh Yohji, AKA Balinese, the fastest draw in the whole of the East!" I whisper to a sceptical Omi. The chibi glares as I utter my true name but doesn't stick to protocol, also he is kind enough not to remark on my absentmindedness, which nearly resulted in injury, and simply moves on towards the control room.

Everything is pretty uneventful and all too soon we find ourselves on our way out, information harvested and an evening of relaxation looming before us. I am trying to decide whether I should call Reina or Yuki for the rest of the evening out, when across the communicator comes a distress call from Ken.

As I start running to the roof where Siberian is stationed, I can only hope that I'll be on time. If hot-headed Ken says he needs help it must mean that he is completely outmatched…



The mission is proceeding much as usual. Only, seeing as I am to serve as backup, I don't even get a little action.

Damn! Not only do I have to entrust Omi's safety to Yohji, who most of the time can't be counted on to take care of himself, let's forget being able to watch out for others, but I also don't get any action. Unless I can find myself a couple of guards…

While I am looking around for something to do I can hear over the comm Yohji making some idiotic comment about his quickness. Yeah, the only thing the man does quickly is finding some poor soul to fill his bed…

I am about to scoff at Yohji's comment when a flash of metal catches my eyes from a nearby roof. It bears investigation. As I get nearer I can see a tall shape swinging a sword of all things and cutting down gun carrying guards like wheat. The man finishes off the last of the guards and looks up at me. I catch my breath, his hair is blood red and what I can see of his face, in the uncertain light of the city's night, is breathtakingly beautiful. Still I am taken and I am not a cheating bastard like Yohji.

While I am considering the stranger's physical appearance I suddenly realise that he saw my face.

Damn and so now I have to kill him…

I jump down to the rooftop he is standing on and with a smile of regret approach him. I can only hope that he is a Kritiker agent. As I get nearer I see that his face is even more beautiful than I first thought. His hair complements nicely alabaster white skin, which is set off by his black outfit.

Now to verify my hopeful conclusion, "Hey pal you here on business, the same as us?"

Uh oh he doesn't strike me as the friendly type.

I can fairly feel menace emanating from his personage. Before I can make any other comment however, he cuts me off asking, "Do you know anything of the Fujimiya family?"

I find myself remembering some old news, about a building exploding, a few years back just before I joined Weiss.

The light of recognition entering my gaze evidently sets my opponent off, for without any further ado he shouts something about killing me and everyone I ever came into contact with, and attacks.

Holy shit but this guy has been to school…

It takes the all of my skill to avoid getting skewered; a sense of doom builds up. I know I won't escape from here alive, for the first time in years I feel outright fear. Before I can even realise what I am doing I find myself asking for help over the comm.

I… I can take this prick… why am I so defensive and afraid? Is it because of his expression?

Little by little the relentless assault brings me closer to the edge of the roof; I try to come up with a strategy to escape the fluid sweeps of that katana, out for my blood. I'm almost ready to try and jump in the hopes that the fall won't kill me, as I am sure my opponent will, when said person is forced to duck to avoid several incoming darts.

Omi? Damn Yohji had better be with him! If the lazy ass let Omi come up here alone I will kill him! Or if worst comes to the worst I'll… *haunt* him…

I am almost ready to shout a warning to Omi that he should duck, when long silvery filaments of wire entangle the swordsman.

Yohji! Good… I get to shout at him…

But before getting a piece of Yohji for letting me worry with his penchant for tardiness, I have one little detail to take care of…

You my dear red-haired friend are going to pay, with your life. I don't care what you do to me, but you tried to skewer Omi and now you are so going to meet up close and personal my bugnucks…

Before I can finish the trussed up swordsman, though, a voice tells me to stop. As I turn around I get to see Birman, one of our contacts, stepping out of the shadows with a gun pointing at the redhead.

She wants to kill him herself? What did this guy do?

Then my world goes for another loop as I hear words out of Birman's lips that I didn't think I would hear again, "Will you be my dog or will you die? Choose now!"

Kami-sama, please tell me we don't get the psycho as a team-mate!!! Please…



"Will you be my dog or will you die? Choose now!" Birman said. As if there really was a choice…

I never had a choice, none at all. They had found Aya-chan in her hospital a week before and now I would have to dance to their tune again. I had tried to delude myself into thinking I would maybe get a chance to get my beloved sister back, but deep down I knew that hope for the fond wish it was.

"Do I even have a choice?" I answered; she simply smiled and told me that I could meet at her at the Koneko no Sumu Ie the following day. I remained there, head bent, wishing to shout at the injustice of it all as my captors left in the night silently as they had come.

Aya I have failed you again… Otousan, Okaasan, I have no choice but to serve those who let you be killed, forgive… me…



I got a mail from Manx-san yesterday night after the end of the mission. She told me a few things I had to know about our new team member. He should be joining us within the day and we are to put him up in the free apartment on the second floor right in front of Ken's.

I sure hope we won't have the sort of problem we had after Yohji-kun joined. Ken-kun means well but he doesn't react kindly to new faces on the team. Especially if he is afraid I might show any interest in them. I must be extra careful this time so that Ken-kun doesn't feel jealous.

I don't think Yohji will be a problem, he seemed quite taken with our new team-mate; he kept claiming he had to be a woman in disguise to be that beautiful.

Unfortunately that same comment managed to make Ken-kun feel more insecure. But I shall be taking care of that all too soon.

Now the new guy Fujimiya Ran… he could turn out to be a problem. Manx-san said he didn't like working for Kritiker very much in the past, but they were willing to give him a second chance.

Someone who killed without reason must be very evil indeed; the fact that he kept killing after leaving Kritiker disturbed me…

I hope this guy isn't going to show himself as a wicked person for I wouldn't like having to dispose of a team-mate. I also can't help but hope that he won't ruin my family. Weiss and Kritiker are all I have…

I wish for him to be a new elder brother and not target.



I can't believe our employers! They want us to make a place in our team for the cold-hearted bastard who nearly killed Omi and I yesterday night.

I won't forgive him all that soon.

I don't like having to deal with a new person's habits; we were such a wonderful team, Omi and I. I still don't see why they had to stick us with Yohji and now the swordsman…

Anyway, first things first, as soon as the murdering bastard arrives I'll be greeting him with all my considerable warmth.

Self assured prick will get his just desserts…

I find myself smiling broadly once said man enters the shop, he is carrying a cloth wrapped bundle and little else. Man, this type gives a new definition to the word Spartan, I didn't expect any armful of cloths Yohji-style, but to start with nothing more than the clothes on his back and what I suppose must be his katana is a little daunting as well.

Never mind I must keep up the proper formal introduction… "Pleased to meet you, I am Hidaka Ken."

I near him as if to take his hand and change my motion midway to give a nice good shiner. As he wipes away the blood falling from a split lip I can see his eyes flashing coldly but dangerously.

Perfect, he still has some fight in him. Now he'll learn not to mess with me.

After he hits me with considerably more force than I would have given his willowy built credit for, I consider proper introductions to be over and get us enmeshed in a nice all for nothing fight all over the shop.

Omi is sure to complain about this but I'll make it up to him…

At a certain point the prick tries to get out that overgrown knife of his, but Birman takes it up and out of the shop as she leaves, seconded by Omi.

The utter bastard, he wants to try and kill me even if we are to be team-mates. Oh I'll give him a lesson he won't forget all that soon!!

It takes more than half an hour for me to knock down the new arrival, the man has some stamina. I took Yotan down after five minutes. I am also very pleased to realise that the fear he provoked in me yesterday is all but gone.

Must have been a trick of the light or something that made him look that deadly. No heavy sense of doom this time.

I look around at the totalled shop with a faint twinge of guilt. It will take forever to put everything back to rights. At the same time the still form of the downed redhead is enough to make me feel a burst of satisfaction.

Whistling I make my way up the stairs, our guest can sleep in the shop for all I care.

The sneaky type had one or two dirty tricks up his sleeve, must put some ice on the knee…



It is pretty late by the time I make my way back to the shop. I know I should have been in to greet the new team-member but after last night I had to work off some steam.

Or else jump the redheaded dream at first sight. Which wouldn't have been a smart way to start a working relationship. I learnt all to well not to get involved with people close to me. It hurts to damn much!

Luckily Reina enjoyed my attentions…

I get to the shop and find it still open; inside everything is broken: pots, plants, even one of the arrangement tables.

OK, Kenken's proper introduction out of the way, why didn't anyone bother with closing up?

Amidst the wreckage I make out a fallen form, a hint of blood red gives me all the clues I need to identify the loser. It figures, Ken-ken is one hard bastard in a fist-fight. Plus beautiful didn't seem to have the build to challenge King of Fist Hidaka. Given the way they wrecked the shop though I think that Red must have given a good account of himself.

I sure hope the jock didn't ruin our new team-mate's face, it would be a real waste!

I close down the entrance and make my way to ascertain the conditions of the man, and find him bruised and out cold but with no hint of permanent damage on his person. With a sigh I gather the unconscious redhead in my arms and lug him up the stairs. As I get to my apartment door I am already short of breath.

Should really cut down on my smoking if I can't even carry a beauty up the stairs without working up a sweat.

I debate climbing the stairs up to the second floor and the redhead's new home sweet home and decide that I don't feel up to it. So one handed I manage to open my door and having made my way to the bedroom I delicately put down on the duvet the unconscious man.

His profile is breathtaking… I can't wait to see what colour his eyes are… Probably brown, if this hair colour comes from a dye-job. Or maybe blue if he really is a natural redhead.

I can't help but feel curious about him. Still, as I keep reminding myself, it doesn't do to get too attached.

I get out my first aid kit from the bathroom. While not as complete as Omi's I still have plenty more than is normal for someone not in our line of business.

Time to play Florence Nightingale… Nurse Yohji takes care of the patient.

I work first on all the scrapes on his face; nothing that a couple days won't cure. Provided our new friend keeps on Ken's good side. I then check him for broken or cracked ribs.

I got a couple of those the first time I tangled with Kenken… Nothing, resilient fellow… mmh nice chest he has… Nurse Yohji, back to the job, will you?

I check his back perfunctorily and I am amazed when I faintly feel the outline of crossing scars on his back.

Darn there are plenty of them, must be as bad as Ken's. Doesn't feel like burns though… Wonder how he got them…

Not wishing to spoil the image of perfection he gives off, I avoid turning him around.

Now, do I check the legs or don't I? It's a great excuse to see him all naked…

The internal debate between caution and lust having been won hands down by the latter, I let my hand drift to my guest's waistband. Only to get the shock of my life as his eyes snap open. I have barely the time to realise that his eyes are violet, when with a loud Kya, he pushes me completely off him and to the ground. Before I can get out my breath he is shouting, "Get out of here or Kami-sama be my witness I *will* kill you!!" I don't know why, but I feel suddenly afraid, cowed even, and I hurriedly make my way out of the apartment.

Violet eyes… Oh gods violet… I never would have guessed. Hey wait, the violet eyed prick just threw me out of my apartment!! Damn I am such a pushover and a sucker for a beautiful face…

With caution I make my way back into the apartment, I find my dream guest sitting on the bed, rocking gently back and forth as he hugs his knees. He looks beautiful and fragile, an alabaster sculpture come to life. As he moves I catch a glimpse of his back and find myself mouthing an expletive.

Someone fucking drew a rose on his back, with a fucking knife! Gods no wonder he had that reaction, must have been around some sick fuckers…

The scarring, faintly pink as it is, stands out on his snow white skin. It is almost beautiful, almost… and yet at the same time horrific. I find myself wishing to reach out to him, but the redhead's previous reaction makes me think that such an action could be, at this point, misconstrued So I settle for words, my second strongest point after touch…

OK, I am a hedonist, so sue me!

"Well pal I am sorry about the wake up call, but you got knocked out by Ken-ken and I wanted to make sure you had no broken bones. That boy is known for occasionally resorting to under the belt strikes, so just to be safe, after seeing to the upper top, I wanted to check on the bottom."

The fact that I find him as sexy as all hell had better wait for a later, make it much later, time!

He looks up at me, his eyes faintly haunted but still cold as he comments, "Why did you come into my flat?" "Well" I answer with a sheepish smile, "this is actually my apartment. I took you up here after I found you passed out on the shop's floor." A cautious look is thrown my way then he replies "I see… I'll be going. Where is my apartment exactly?"

He wants to leave already? I don't want him to leave! So what do I do? I don't think sitting on him would accomplish my aim… A conversation…

"Uhm second floor on the left and then straight till morning" I fumble with the opening shot.

Great, just great Kudoh… Now he must think me up to nursery rhymes…

OK, it was lame but he isn't going to simply go without a by your leave, a greeting, anything?

"Ehm, now friend what do I get to call you?"

Baka, I should have known the bedroom voice was off limits! His behaviour before was clue enough. I wonder if all those back muscles are ever going to unclench… What am I thinking? Must keep up the word flow! Well at least I shocked him enough that he isn't leaving.

"So got a name, gorgeous?"


Oh hope he answered me! Ran, orchid, it suits him…

"It suits you… Hey pal where the heck are you going to?" He doesn't even deign this last question with any words in reply, but simply exits the door, leaving me behind to ponder…

Had this happened a few years ago I would have said I was in love… Now, who knows…

Domine exaudi vocem meam

Lord, hear my voice.



[1] OK that was evil… but funny… and the sneaky suspicion that the Kritiker assassin is Yotan won't go away... Is he really? This author doesn't know… ^.^;;

[2] Yep Ran named his katana Shion!

[3]Seppuku ritual suicide… Harakiri…

[4] And that is all Ran-kun's pissy self, not a line of mine!

Lilla: So that's all folks! Complaints anyone?

Brad: No thank you very much, I can foresee the after-effects of any bitching pretty well.

Lilla: Ah come on you only had a little problem with a toothbrush…

Brad: I don't brush my teeth, thank you very much!

Lilla: That's gross you know… O.O;;;

Brad: I knew it… I knew it… I'll let it be for now.

Ken: Hum actually I have a question too. Why am I that much of a blood-thirsty bastard?

Lilla: Well you are, aren't you? I mean look at dramatic precious! Plus you did knock Ran out and did leave him on the floor in the manga… Also I didn't think you wanted to be the usual jock…

Ken: *Gets out huge dictionary Japanese-English* Jock you said right? With a 'J'?

Lilla: Never mind, Ken-ken, never mind…

Lilla: OK end of discussion… Of course any comments and critics are very much welcome! Sorry about the random idiocy coming out, but you were warned about the deadly Sense of Humour from the start. Hope it wasn't too bad. See you soon!