Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ With my eyes wide open ❯ Speravit anima mea ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Title: "With my eyes wide open"

Author: Lilla.

Category: Angst/ AU.

Ratings: R due to NCS (non consensual sex)

Warnings: There is a one short non-graphic male-male rape scene in this part, you have been warned. Also OOC Yuushi…

Pairings: YxR and SxA.

Disclaimer: Wow official looking…

I own nothing!!! I still haven't given up all hope of getting them for Christmas though… Well one has to choose one's delusions, right?

Author's Note: Some POVs. Spoilers for "An Assassin and a White Shaman", Crashers and Dramatic Precious. This is very much of an AU I won't follow the original timeline too much, be prepared for a not so nice Aya-chan. Oh nearly forgot Aya is Ran and Aya-chan is Aya, OK? Quite easy actually!

So Ran and Aya died and the story was finished with the last chapter… Why this other chapter then, you'll ask? Because, as you obviously gathered, I sort of lied eheh…

Many thanks to Lady Gackt for letting me know that at least something in this fic is OK plot wise. And to Nya who asked for more… (Someone asked for more? O.O… Thanks ! ^.^) Hope she won't be too pissed off at the delay!

Also many, many thanks to Nekojita, who took time off her busy schedule to correct my silly mistakes! Any remaining errors, or maybe I should say horrors, are entirely my own! (So please don't steal them!)

Many thanks to Sardius too, who got me up to writing this, and is now on a well deserved holiday. Enjoy yourself girl!

Character's Thoughts


(Character's POV)

**************** Change of POV

++++++ Past memories.

Chapter Three: Speravit anima mea


Oniichan came to tell me goodbye today. Odd how I took seriously his vow to always be there for me.

I trusted him so and now he's leaving.

`Haven't you learned it yet? People lie, it's their nature to do so.'

Maybe that is so and yet…

I always thought that my brother's word would be as stone. It used to be like that. To the point where getting a promise from Ran got to be a scary thing, for he would always abide to the letter of its wording, as well as to its spirit.

I suppose that the story he gave me about having to go away for some out of the country, temporary job, was a lie too. Does he think that because my body is broken and I look like a cute doll, my mind is gone too? I am intelligent enough to realise that no one is going to employ a high school drop-out kid with no qualifications, especially not in an high pay job capacity and in a foreign country. And Germany of all places too… when he doesn't even speak the language.

I can't help but wonder if this isn't just an excuse to get rid of me, to leave me behind… I am ashamed to say that in Ran's place I would have considered doing that.

`No you wouldn't have considered leaving behind your useless brother… you would have done it. You would have gone on with your life, thinking back now and then at how tragic it was that such an accident had befallen your *beloved* brother.'

No I would have helped him… I…

`Sure…You might just have sent some spare change you had to take care of him, but you never would have graced his hospital room with your presence. You would never have approached someone who was a cripple. Someone who would have shown you just how imperfect this world is.'

No, I would have faced it and…

`Be honest Aya. This from the girl who crossed the road just to avoid gazing on the less fortunate. Those poor starving souls making their way to the better parts of Tokyo, risking the police and jail, just to ask for some coins to survive?'

That's not true! I used to help beggars, whenever I saw them…

`Sure just so that they would leave your blessed presence all the sooner…'

Stop it! Stop it! No more! I am a good person! I am a decent person! I… It's true. I would have done just that. But Oniichan… No he would never… Even the thought that he could abandon me seems absurd. Especially when he promised that he would always take care of me. That he would get the money for me to afford the surgeries that will give me the chance to use my arms again and maybe even my legs…

`Your legs? What pitiful hopes he gave you, you'll never get back the use of your arms, much less of anything else.'

No… No… My Oniichan never lies! He does not lie!

`Whereas the Devil does? Not this Devil little Kaiserin… not this Devil.'

Akuma? Why would I think that I am speaking with a devil… I don't even believe in devils. Am I really going mad? Oniichan, come back and help me, please!!

I… I'll be a better person. I won't lie anymore, as I do when I pretend to be the little happy and carefree Aya, you look to me for. Please Oniichan… just help me! Don't leave me alone! I am afraid… so very much afraid.



Today I had to say goodbye to Aya. At least for the next eight months I will be unable to see her with the start of my weapon and formal training for my new job in Kritiker. I wonder why I would be sent to a formal Ikebana centre of learning, though, to become an assassin. Maybe this will bring me closer to vengeance for the restless spirits of my parents and for the living body of my sister.

Somehow I still feel that trusting Erika[7] was the smartest thing I've done, back at the hospital. But for her suggestion that we leave immediately, Aya and I would have died in the fire that developed in Aya's room.

`Makes you wonder where nice wholesome Erika got the bodies to have whomever did set the fire think he had killed the two of you…'

No I won't think about it! The only important thing is that Aya is safe and that I will bring Takatori down.

`Sure! Why bother thinking of all the innocents who will fall in your wake? Innocents like your precious Imouto…'

No, I must stop thinking about this! Erika explained clearly what they do. They bring justice to those the law can't touch. To the Takatoris of this world. Redemption and death will be my only concerns.'



It is indeed a great pity that young Ran should still be moved by those many emotions. There can be no real excellence without having reached one's center. The boy is so seemingly cool, and yet that is but a foolish mask, no real acceptance of one's place in life in his spirit. Not even the smallest shred of a conscience of the futility of these hatreds he bears so ferociously.

"Enough!" I let my voice be heard. No point in continuing like this. Even if the boy's technique was good enough to shame Kikyou, the duel's final end would still have seen the latter as its victor. The time had come to try a different approach. No hope of getting cynical, bitter Kikyou to listen at this lesson, so I decided to simply dismiss him, "Kikyou, I think this will be enough, please go and take care of that report Erika asked from us." I let the silence linger, hoping to see a little patience in the eyes of this last pupil of mine; the most promising of them all, the one in whose hands I feel I might even leave my own sword and my title as Master of the Formless Style. And yet the one whose soul was the farthest from Illumination, that lack of feelings that marks the true practitioner of Budo.[1]


No, no trace of patience in his demeanour…

"Your forms are perfect. But your soul is too far from the proper equilibrium to allow you to use your sword to the best of your ability. The sword is a weapon used for murder and kenjutsu[2] is an art devoted to killing. If feelings enter your heart, the sword you wield will not be a sword of justice. Only those whose heart is free from the chains of maya[3], those who realise that this life of ours is an illusion, can hope to wield the sword of righteousness." The confusion I could almost see entering my disciple's eyes was disheartening. I would give the boy this last opportunity before declaring him ready for the field and having him leave the Aoba center for good. Should he understand, on the other hand, I would finally have one disciple for the advanced training.

"Ran, what do you feel when you think of what happened to your parents?" Now the boy's gaze turned attentive. I could see some sort of internal struggle going on and waited to let him put his thoughts into words. "Guilt… anger too…" Ran paused and looked at me awaiting something probably legitimisation of those feelings on my part.

No matter what, those feelings have to go, be they understandable or not…

"You feel anger because they died and guilt for you couldn't prevent their deaths, isn't it so?" A bare nod being my only response I decided to pursue the lesson, "It was in their Karma that they should die, then, in that way, and to interfere would have been impious. So what reason is there for guilt or anger? Destiny took its allotted course, the actions of man are ultimately futile before that. Look for your path towards illumination and leave everything else behind. Shed the trappings of hate and anger first. Then leave the stronger and falser one of love behind too. All of your emotions are but manifestations of your imperfections, of your yearning for that which you lack. Leave those behind; you do not need them. And then you shall be at peace."

Now he looks upon me with understanding. The first among many to do so. Will he be strong enough to shed the trappings of this world?

"Shion-sensei, but if I give up my loved ones why would I fight?"

Understanding doesn't bring illumination, you were right Shishou[4]. But I can see myself making this Deshi[5] of mine into one of the elects. Yes, I may have found my heir. He'll renounce those emotions. Already he is closer than all the others to leaving them behind, they give him nothing but pain, and he'll find it easy to renounce them. Either that or he'll have to bury them, so deeply that they will be lost forever, to survive. Will that be enough?



"So mein anmütiger Führer… What can I do for you on this fine day?" I drawled with my signature satisfied smirk on my lips.

It's not very often that Crawford takes the trouble to enter my lair and ask for favours.

No matter how controlled his thoughts, I could feel enough unease coming from him to assure me that he was, indeed, here to solicit my help. I marvelled at how he managed to keep a straight expression in face of the words he was uttering, I knew this had to gall him tremendously.

"Schuldig, complications have arisen. You have to make sure that the Fujimiya boy is going to survive the next few days."

I let that stand for a while before bothering to drawl my reply, "And why the hell would I have to exert myself to obtain that end? While I find the boy to be absolutely hilarious, with all that desire for redemption, and while I like the little Kaiserin twisted spoilt self , I hardly see any reason for going to all this trouble over those two talentless brats. I don't see how you can claim that they are going to prove crucial in freeing us from our yoke."

"No you do not see… and there is no reason why you should. You just have to enter the traitor's mind of that little Sendai unit and make him wish to spare the boy. Or better still get the boy out of there that night", replied the American with his usual aplomb…

So he's going to play it close to his chest once more? No I don't think so. I'll get a rise out of him this time… and I'll find out what his plans are.

"Just do that? And pray how should I accomplish that miracle, Crawfish? Tell me, oh mighty Oracle, do I get to push all the levers on this one? You know that Kikyou man is hardly your run of the mill salary-man. He is one difficult bastard to influence. And I don't see why the heck I had to keep him away from the Kleiner. Had he had his way with the boy he would surely have spared him. Frankly I don't see any other way, at this point, to accomplish your instructions short of working in that direction."

There! And if you are sweet on the little baby, I'm sure that will get your fur bristling…

"Fine, do that." With that the emotionless bastard walked out of my room leaving me to rework my theories on Braddy-pooh's interest on the Fujimiya brats.

Well at least this way the game is sure to be that much more interesting.

And at the very least I would get to enjoy a little pillage and rape as I worked the poor, insane Sendai killer to the right pitch.

Yes… I think I will enjoy this manipulation much more than most others.

Now to decide what little games I want to play with the poor little Orchid this night. A little bondage definitely and for the rest I'll improvise. I'm sure Kikyou himself will provide me with plenty of wonderful ideas.

My smirk widening, I didn't bother to quell the satisfied laughter bubbling from my throat.



I woke up in the dead of night, with a cry on my lips, the faint memories of a terrific nightmare fading with wakefulness. Yet a sense of unease assaulted me, I could feel a barrage of senseless emotions within my heart.

Why after all that training do these sensations come to me now? Is it because I have been following Shion-sensei's teaching so painstakingly?

`Something bad is happening to your friends and teacher as you dream… will you let destiny take its course unhindered or will you try to protect your loved ones? Loved ones like the teacher who wanted you to abandon all such feelings. The poor fool, he never realised how much of a fuck up you are…'

My friends my teacher… in danger… Yes I can feel it stalking them. It comes from hatred, from within… Get out of my head!


I don't have time for the voice in my head now I have to go, before it's too late.

I got up and hurriedly put on my gi and hakama[6], forsaking the more formal part of my apparel. At a near run I made my way to the training room and the swords within. Something at the back of my head telling me I would need a weapon. The nosy voice I had found so easy to avoid listening to, when following the teachings of my Shishou, seemed to be back with a vengeance taunting each and every one of my actions. No matter, I stepped in the exercise room and got the shock of my life. Shion was lying there in a pool of blood and there were several masked individuals dead or fallen around him. I approached my sensei recklessly, hell-bent on checking him for signs of life and praying that I hadn't come too late to find myself facing the point of Shion's katana. For a moment I thought that my teacher would follow through with his thrust then I saw a light of recognition entering his mostly unfocused eyes as he breathed a sigh of relief before speaking. His voice rougher than usual but still possessing that eerie calm, "Ran, my disciple, we are betrayed… Take this katana to remember me by. You… are now the last master of the Formless Style, even if I didn't finish your training… I… hope you'll achieve your full potential." A long pause ensued as he fought for breath, then, "Now you must get out of here and bring word to Erika and Marigold…"

I could take this no more. I interrupted my Master for the first time ever, " Sensei I won't leave you here! And the person who did this shall be made to pay!" I got no answer, though, Shion's eyes had closed and I was left alone once more.

No!!! It cannot be!! Not again!

`Again and again you will feel this pain for it is your destiny… you shall survive.'

Then the door opened behind me. And that is the last thing my mind was able to recall. After that pain ruled…

And my family was once more taken away from me…

I really shouldn't grow attached to others again, the pain is just too great…



With one last thrust I reached completion within the beaten and bleeding body of the team's baby once more. The release had never felt that good and I found myself idly wondering why I had never tried to get the little Orchid as a plaything before. His expression and his fighting spirit spent, he was still incredibly beautiful, almost ethereal, covered in blood as he was. His blood red hair harmonising so nicely with the blood red rose I had carved on his back and the blood running down his legs from the place where I was sheathed. So exquisite… It was almost a pity that I had promised my men a taste of this delicious morsel before starting with him. Now, after having tried him, I felt like keeping him for myself to enjoy, night after night, instead of beating him to death and leaving his broken body here for the bastards to find, as I had previously thought of doing. His cries of anger and shouts of indignation had sounded so sweet to my ears. Just thinking of when those pained whimpers had almost turned to groans of pleasure I could feel myself becoming hard again. Yes I would enjoy myself a little more, time enough for the boys to get their turn after they had set up my fake corpse. "Go and prepare the fake corpse. You can have your turn once you come back." I watched them go like little obedient dogs with great satisfaction.

Now to enjoy myself a little more…

`Seeing as the boy was that responsive in the end I don't think there really is any need to keep him tied up any longer…'

No, better not risk it, he may be beaten and out for the count but you never know.

`But if he could struggle a little it would be that much more entertaining… Also you got him down when he was fresh and armed, now to subdue him would be a child's game…'


As soon as I took Ran out of his bindings though I found myself facing an almost berserk fighter, one which put me down for the count all too easily. My men were very disappointed for the lost occasion. I wasn't however. I felt that sooner or later our roads would cross once again, for that is Karma.

Wonder what Shion would have said about not giving in to one's emotions after seeing that little display.


A young attractive redheaded woman is speaking on a portable phone in an isolated corner of an hospital lobby.

"The Kritiker unit in Kyoto was obliterated yesterday night, Marigold."

"Yes, we only have one survivor, Orchid."

"He is still in the operating room. I found him bleeding all over my hideout carpet yesterday night and took him immediately to the emergency room."

"No he wasn't very coherent. I'm not sure he's going to remember anything of what happened to his unit."

"No, I don't think he's going to remember if given a little time. The doctors have reported that he was brutally and repeatedly raped… I think he'll probably suppress any recollection of the events that brought him here back in Tokyo."

"Yes, I think that in time he should make a complete recovery… At least I hope so…"

"Crashers? Yes, maybe. They are one team member down… I'll see to it… But do you think it is wise?"

"He'll agree, no doubt about that, because of his sister… Yes goodbye."

The redheaded woman interrupted the communication. With a faint sigh she made her way to the elevator. As she waited a faint "Life is so unfair at times, to some more than to others," could be heard escaping her lips.

That wasn't such an out of place statement in a hospital that anyone hearing it would have remarked about it…



Oniichan finally got back from Germany. After more than a year with just the odd phone call I was almost starting to doubt him. Especially when he missed our weekly call twice last month. He was so changed and serious, no longer the same shy boy I used to know. He tried to smile, but it seemed more of a grimace of pain than an expression of joy. The smile never reached his eyes. He looked like Father used to, but less serene, tormented even…

As if seeing me reminds him of loss, and indeed maybe it does…

`The loss of his soul, sold into slavery and frozen to try and survive the pain and guilt. All for you… Isn't it a sweet offering?'

Now I am always being fanciful, like when I almost convinced myself that he was doing terrible things and that he hadn't even left the country…

Stupid me he came back speaking nearly faultless German, where else could he have been?

`Sure, where else? I mean it's not as if he could have gotten German lessons in Japan…'

No, I won't keep doubting Ran like this! Oniichan doing something outside the law? How absurd! Where I got that idea from, I don't know! It just doesn't make sense.

`And your Otousan laundering money does? Come on, you thought often enough that Ran must have gotten involved in one drug ring or another…'


`And his sudden departure for America? America, my foot! You won't ask yourself the reason for it, will you? You won't ask for any explanation from him either. You are just too happy to reap the rewards of your brother's hard work. Or should it just be termed dirty work? It makes you feel loved, doesn't it? Still the center of someone's world…'



I made my way once more down the corridor to Schuldig's room. This was getting frustrating as well as demeaning, I could only hope that the flash of a vision where I stood fighting the Fujimiya boy over the dead bodies of the elders was an exact precognition. The thick smell of pot assaulted my nose as soon as I opened the door.

That idiot had better be able to function properly with drugs in his system. If he messes this up I'll shoot him. Wonder what twisted pleasure he finds from getting his control, what little he has of it, stripped away by drugs.

"Schuldig, you have to make a slight adjustment for our plans concerning freedom to work."

`Fuck off, oh my fearless leader! I am enjoying this high immensely and I have no intention of ruining it to follow your so called plans for freedom. I am still as much of a slave as I was last year and I don't feel like working anymore.'

"You can do it, now, or you can die."

`Such boundless love and care for me. I am moved Braddy… You know, influencing the little bugger is getting to be very unpleasant. I always get a headache when I try nowadays…'

"This is going to be easy, you just have to convince him to be reckless enough to risk his life and that of a team-mate. Things will simply proceed in the proper direction from there."

`Fair enough… But I get to play with the Kaiserin all day long tomorrow with no interruption!'

As I walked away I could feel the strands of the future shifting, bringing the fall of my Masters closer.



This mission started out just fine but before we were halfway through things started to go down the drain. First that idiot Ran, or rather Rook, as I should call him, went half cocked after one of the security's guards to protect Pawn.

Rook my foot, he's never going to take Masato's place in our team, in our hearts! He's just an outsider! Because he wills it so. I so wanted for him to be a friend but he is too cold, too callous for that.

Only to get the boy shot in one arm, himself with an ugly leg wound from a bullet graze, and the guard free to give the alarm. Then as if that wasn't enough the unfeeling bastard tried to finish the mission disregarding completely Bishop's order to pull out.

Now Yuushi, be honest you were the one that alerted the guard in the first place, so placing the blame of Ran's shoulders in its entirety is hardly fair…

So now, as I refused to leave the stubborn fool behind, I find myself cornered with him by three angry and very well armed guards.

No hope of making it out. Oh hell, Masato will be furious with me for having gotten myself killed. Pity this time we won't get to the make up sex…

I was getting ready for my last moments when I saw Ran tightening his grip on his katana. Well this once he was right, we might at least go down fighting. The guards opened fire and I felt the bullet tearing its way into my upper right leg.

Fight indeed, Yuushi, they took you down with the first shot…

It was then that I could only watch in incredulous stupor as I saw the normally cold and unflappable Ran completely lose it. With a cry of anger and a shouted "You won't hurt my friends again!" he jumped on the shocked guards, attacking them without his usual grace, without a thought about his safety or the guns they held. He took them down, his thrusts too forceful but incredibly efficient. As the last guard's neatly severed head landed within an inch of my outstretched foot I could barely keep down my dinner. In shock I turned my eyes from the gruesome sight of the head to my blood splattered and thoroughly confused companion. I couldn't understand why the guards had never even put up a fight. They had remained there standing, like sitting ducks, letting Ran butcher them. In the eyes of the head I had seen hopelessness, as if he had seen Death in the eyes and had realised there was no hope for him. It was then that it really dawned on me. Ran had killed!

He has killed and Crashers are forbidden from killing! What will happen now? What will happen to my friend? For he is that by his own word!



Nearly two years and this anniversary finds me here once again at the graves of our parents, at our graves, Aya, looking out at the sea and thinking of how little my selling my very soul to Kritiker has given me.

I have killed… I am a murderer, there is no other word to describe me now.


Erika talking, a serious expression on her face, "Ran you have killed. There is no longer a place for you in Crashers."

"I didn't mean to, they had us at gun-point… I didn't think. Yuushi couldn't have run and I had to protect him…"

Erika smiling sadly "I don't discuss your choice, or your wish to protect your team-mates But it remains the fact that you have killed. A dog that has tasted blood will become a wolf, there is no way for him to go back. You have to accept what you did. We'll find you a place in another of our units. In the meantime you might wish to look into a few solo missions to keep Aya provided."


Do I even deserve to be in your presence now Aya? I, with my bloody hands… Do I dare taint your purity, your innocence?

And yet how can I abandon you. You who are my only justification, my only redemption…

The only one who loves me.

`How can she love you when you are a liar and a murderer? She loved her brother Ran. You only have Ran's body and name, you aren't him!'

You dirty leech get out of my mind now!

`Such fire… Mmmh I could grow to like it, as did Kikyou…'

Kikyou… /pain/ No… enough… GET OUT!!

My mind my own again I try to strengthen the barriers that I have been envisaging in my mind to keep that man out. I am pretty sure he is the same one who killed my parents, the one who watched from the nearby building…

I had better not think about him, as they say the devil knows when people speak his name.

This place makes me think of all my hopes Aya…

I had such hopes three years ago: that Aya would soon be getting better, that, with the money I was going to make and the surgery specialised Kritiker staff could offer, she might soon regain the full use of her arms, that she might live getting about in a wheelchair, instead of remaining anchored to her hospital bed day in and day out.

All of that for nothing. Aya is still bedridden, but now my soul is so dirty that I no longer deserve to be in her presence… And Takatori is still alive. I haven't even been able to get my revenge…

Standing here before my Otousan's headstone and leaving behind a tasteful Ikebana arrangement he would almost surely have approved of, even as I know he would never have approved of me, I can't help but think that it was all for nothing.

All for nothing. I have tasted the guilt of surviving, now I wonder if I'll survive the taste of guilt.



Ran came to see me today. He said he would have to leave very soon for France. I wanted to cry and ask him to remain, he just got back from the States. Even if he did bring back enough money for me to stay in this clinic for most of next year and even for that exploratory surgery, I am starting to think that his companionship would be better than any other thing. Also I can't help but wonder what he truly is going to do on this trip…

Will he truly be checking on potential software developers as he said?

`No. He'll become a little more steeped in murder and blood. What little of his soul is still his, he'll pawn to get you money… all of that for you. Don't you feel better knowing that? Knowing that someone out there is ready to give up everything he has for you?'

No, that's not true! I don't want Ran to give everything up for me. I…

I can't take this any more! Stop! Shut up! I don't want to listen to your voice! You aren't me, you are not!

`Sooo… you finally realised? It took you long enough… Nearly three years… talk about thick headed.'

Who… who are you? What are you?

`Me? I am your conscience. I am the Devil himself. I am your guilt. I am… Schuldig.'

Speravit anima mea in Domino

My soul hath hoped in the Lord…

but it no longer does.



[1] Budo literally discipline, code. By extension a School of thinking and fighting.

Or to quote Neko…Budo is a train of thought, a way of living that the samurai embraced. It is a code of honour, you might say. It mixed loyalty w/ always showing proper face, a code of conduct for warriors to follow.

[2] Kenjutsu = the art of the sword. The whole sentence comes more or less from Ruroni no Kenshin. Just in case you are wondering… I don't own that either!

[3] Maya = illusion, in some sects of the Buddhist religion, with this term you would identify the whole of reality. I made Shion into a sort of Buddhist `shao-lin' monk with a sword because it made sense. His teachings go hand in hand with that religion but no where is there mention of his belonging to any one religion.

[4] Shishou = Master. (formal usage?)

[5] Deshi = Disciple. (formal usage?)

[6] Samurai shirt (gi) and pants (hakama) respectively. For a nice picture of Ran in his samurai get up, go to Aya no Weiß Kreuz corner.

[7] Erika who is better known to Weiß fans as Manx!

OK I hope that you enjoyed this…

Unfortunately, as some of you are bound to have noticed, the sense of humour has escaped from its cage.

*turns around to point at an empty cage with a plate stating `Sense of humour'*.

The good news is that the little bugger is still mostly leashed.

*Turns around to see a bitten off leash lying on the ground. Further off can be seen several meters of thick chain, which was bitten through, abandoned*

or so I like to think…

Horny Yuushi got through my guard, but I'm proud to state that I stopped myself just short of some serious Brad-lily torture!

Brad: Why do I get the impression that this is a temporary thing only?

Lilla: Darn, did I have to have an Oracle primadonna in my fic?! I mean, sure why not, as if things weren't tough enough! You know what I QUIT! Find someone else to write you all those POVs!

Brad: Yuppy yeah!!!

Lilla: I hope you realise that it means no Farfie for you…

Brad: Ack! I was obviously joking!

Lilla: Thought as much…

Yuushi: I'd like to state that I have some serious complaints concerning the way I was portrayed, I don't have a thing going with Masato and…

Lilla: Sure, sure, unfortunately there is ample proof out there…

Yuushi: But it's all fanfics!

Lilla: Duh and this isn't?

Yuushi (to Brad): We are busted aren't we?

Brad: Pretty much, but you got lucky apparently you get left in peace after this chapter!