Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ With my eyes wide open ❯ Si iniquitates ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Title: "With my eyes wide open"

Author: Lilla.

Category: Angst/ AU.

Warnings: PG13, for now.

Pairings: YxR and SxA, some Shinta+Ran in this chapter.

Disclaimer: Wow official looking…

I own nothing!!! Sniff… Please can I borrow them? Pretty please with a cherry on top… I promise I won't ruin them… much.

Author's Note: Some POVs. Spoilers for "An Assassin and a White Shaman". This is very much of an AU I won't follow the original timeline too much, be prepared for a not so nice Aya-chan. Oh nearly forgot Aya is Ran and Aya-chan is Aya, OK? Quite easy actually!

So something is wrong with Aya and I bet all of you smart guys and gals (supposing someone is even reading this ^.^;;;) already figured me out. Let's go and see who got it right!

Also many thanks to my kind reviewers: Sardius, for all the encouragement and the pointers, and Nekojita, for her appreciation of my own (very) special brand of humour!

I really appreciated your taking the time to tell me what you thought!

Character's Thoughts


(Character's POV)

**************** Change of POV.

++++++ Past memories.

Chapter Two: Si iniquitates.


What is that noise? Is it morning already? Beeping?!! Oh damn the alarm clock, how long has it been beeping for? I must be late! I have to get up. Otousan won't be happy if I get another remark for being tardy and if I miss the car I surely will be…

With that last thought I jerked awake and started trying to get out of bed. Trying being the operative word. As soon as I moved I felt as if someone had taken an axe to my head and I collapsed back onto the cushion with a faint whimper. I also vaguely felt the sensation of something detaching itself from my chest. The beeping had now turned to an annoying continuous shrill sound, the sound puzzled me. I felt as if I should have recognised it. With a shudder of fear I felt a sudden rush of mostly suppressed memories assaulting me; the sudden pain accompanying them brought welcome unconsciousness. I faintly heard the sound of rushing steps nearing me, then nothing…

I dream…

That sound, I hear it in my worse nightmares, it has something to do with my Obā san[1]… with her and the feeling of harrowing guilt.


Obā san lying on her hospital bed so pale and painfully unwell as Otousan tells her he has to go, for work can't wait. Myself barely fourteen standing by her bedside too.


Otousan telling me to remain with her at all times… Myself seriously accepting the charge. The day long vigil that continues well into the night. Obā san wanly smiling to me and giving my hand a gentle squeeze. Her hands so cold and clammy.


I am feeling so sleepy, Obā san has been quietly asleep for several hours already, not even moaning in her sleep as she has been doing for most of this last week. Maybe if I just go around the corner and find a cup of coffee from the machine I saw there... I look for coins in my pockets. I find some, just those I'm going to need. Perfect !


Myself making my way to the beverage maker. Getting the coffee that I'm not yet allowed to drink at home, with a wonderful sense of liberation. I quietly return towards Obā san's room sipping the beverage.


The shrill continuos sound assaults my hears and I watch entranced the running medics entering Obā san Keiko's room. Their sense of urgency frightens me. No it can't be…

Please Kami-sama let it not be what I think it is. The half empty coffee cup falls to the ground unheeded as I sprint for the door.


I enter the room and the medics have already quieted down. One is tonelessly reciting 'Hour of death 02.10 am.' Another angrily mutters 'Was she left alone? And we even warned them that it might come anytime... (Liars you didn't!!! echoes vaguely in my head) Who do we have to notify?'


No, no it can't be! She can't be gone! There may be nothing that can be done for her but she can't have left us now. No I… Oh Kami-sama I left her and she died alone… How could I have done that…

Of course that untroubled sleep, that hand so cold already, that smile she gave me… she must have known. I… I left her alone. All for that stupid cup of coffee I'm not even allowed to drink in the first place. And I let Father down, I had promised I wouldn't leave. Keiko Obā san please don't leave me alone! You and Aya you are the only ones who… who love me…


'Ran, I hope you now realise that when giving a promise you should never go back on that. Kami-sama has no pity for those who renege their given word. I hope this lesson will make you into something more of a true Japanese man. Remember always that due to your carelessness your Obā san left this life of hers alone and without the comfort or the presence of her loved ones. As fitting punishment it will be you who shall supervise her funeral ceremony. See to it that you give a better performance in this than you did in watching over her. But for your lack of attention we might not have had to go through this so soon.

Your mother and sister are overcome with grief. Such a behaviour isn't admissible in a man so you'd better dry those tears. Also since you seem to have developed a taste for coffee from now on you'll have that every morning with your breakfast.


A grave marker, it says Fujimiya Keiko, the rain falling from the sky takes the place, on my face, of the tears I'm not allowed to shed.


I woke up with a shouted 'no' barely escaping my lips and tears nearly leaking from my closed eyelids. The emotional pain tearing me apart as surely as the physical one. As the pain subsided I had the time to take in my surroundings. I had to have had one of those nightmares I never seemed to be able to remember.

The white ceiling puzzled me, Okaasan disliked whitewashed rooms greatly and the rooms in our house all sported nice pastel coloured walls and ceiling. So were was I? There was something hanging just at the edge of my mind, something I had to remember, something important…

What was it again? It too had something to do with guilt. It figured it seemed to be the only constant in my life.

Why does that word frighten me so badly? A man should not be afraid. I won't shame my family and my ancestors by giving in to senseless fears…

White… Pain… Loss… Guilt

Otousan… Okaasan… Aya….

"Noooo!!!!!", now I could remember, in all its horror, what had happened yesterday. They were, they were all gone? I had let them go like that without being able to do a thing. I had failed them in the worst of all possible ways. There would be no possible pardon, no chance to rectify what had happened, just this loss to face knowing that, when it counted, I had let my loved ones down.

I should have saved them? Why couldn't I have? I failed them…

'But then you are a failure. You always were and always will be.'

Yes they were taken from me because I never deserved them, because I'm a failure and that's why I didn't protect them. I couldn't even get things right and save Aya who was just standing there with me. It should have been me not her!!


At the least I should have died with them why must I be the one who survives?

'Taste the guilt of surviving. Now it's a part of you… It's all you have.'

Then it's true as they say that Kami-sama takes those deserving whereas he lets the Shura[2] live that they might purge their sins…

The feeling of guilt was tearing me apart when I suddenly felt someone prodding me and asking if I was all right. I opened my eyes to see the smiling countenance of a middle aged female doctor. I felt my body going rigid, I never could stomach that category: lying scum all of them; playing with people's life, taking pleasure in having the godlike power of saying who gets to live and who dies.[3]

I was almost ready to blurt out those thoughts out aloud, but there were more urgent questions that demanded answers, no matter how painful they might be.

"Where am I" I asked with a voice deeper and rougher than I remembered having.

"Magic Bus Hospital" answered she, adding unbidden "I am Doctor Ajakanoji and you have been in my care ever since you came in. You were unconscious for most of the last three days. You really did gave us a scare yesterday when you pulled away most of the sensors monitoring you. I know I came in here thinking already of crash carts to find you calmly sleeping like a baby." As a sort of afterthought she then added, before I could interject anything, "Oh and if your voice sounds odd you needn't worry it will probably go back to normal once the swelling in your throat goes down. You took a nasty hit to the back and head."

Having realised the blasted woman would chatter up a storm for several more hours unless forcibly shut up I gave her my dirtiest glare, which surprisingly worked as she stopped talking to gape at me in a fashion that, had I been in a different mind frame, I would have judged highly entertaining.

How can I find any amusement when my family is gone when I no longer have anyone in the world… When they are gone because of me…

And yet even amidst such thoughts I couldn't help but feel the tiniest of shreds of hope that refused to die.

Maybe somehow they got out of the explosion all right. Maybe I won't be left alone… again

'You wish… ahahah'

I could almost feel this mocking harsh laughter in my mind making fun of my gullibility, of my stupid hopes. Hopes I should have let go of, but couldn't at that time seem to abandon.

I realised the doctor hadn't resumed her blathering and was simply looking worriedly and maybe even sorrowfully at me.

I can ask her what happened to my family I'll have the courage to do so.

'Courage? Don't make me laugh. I know chickens with more of a back spine than you! You were terrified back at the bank…'

No I can do this! I am no chicken! I am the descendant of proud Samurai I won't shame my family!

I gathered the courage my Otousan had worked hard to instil in me and after one of those internal debates that seemed to have become second nature after the explosion of my father's building I found myself asking, "My family… My Father and Mother were in the building when it exploded…"

The crestfallen expression on the doctor's face told its own story eloquently enough.

Another question before I have to lay my parents down to rest in peace at least in my mind.

'How can they have peace when they were murdered?'

Murdered? That doesn't make sense! But then, does suicide make anymore sense? My parents and suicide? That's true they never would have done that by going up in a building endangering other's peoples lives. Someone…

'Someone killed them in cold blood. Someone made you an orphan, destroyed your sister's life… and Kami-sama knows how many more… Someone who is now enjoying the fruits he ripened out of your loss… Someone…. Takatori…'

With that portentous statement the voice suddenly went quiet and I was left listening to my own mental voice working that tangle of emotions and half built connections out on its own.

They, no he will pay with his blood, with his happiness. He is going to lie dead at my feet, Godfather of Aya or not his most heinous of all betrayals isn't going to go unpunished!

Of course it makes sense that it should have been him… That time I caught Otousan and Okaasan discussing of someone asking Father to launder dirty money… That must have been Takatori. After all he was the principal client of the bank and they said that given the man's position approaching the police was out of the question…

But now isn't the time for that…Time enough for obtaining proof and exacting revenge after I have taken care of my loved ones, no matter how futile it may be at this stage.

I steeled myself and finally asked my resolved firmed, "Where my parents bodies found amidst the wreckage?"

I could see the doctor visibly flinching. To me her delicate sensibilities were simply a bother and an obstacle to be eliminated on my single-minded and self-imposed path towards absolution for the crime of having survived. I watched her expression change faintly as she took in my cold and unaffected visage. Disgust faintly crossed her countenance.

Perfect! My mask fooled her. Otousan was right as long as you are cool and collected people will fear you or maybe even despise you -as I deserve to be despised- but they won't pity you and they will give you what you ask for…

Then with some acridity she told me, "We think that it might be their bodies that were found, you will be called in for identification, as soon as you feel fit."

Identification? Was it so bad that…

The little frightened boy my parents had tried to mould into a ruthless and successful business man wanted to cry out that no he would never be up to seeing the remains of his parents' torn bodies. But for those very same parents I, Fujimiya Ran, was now mourning I would make an offering of the boy within me to their memories. I would be the son they had wished for.

I looked up in the doctor's face and could see some incertitude showing on her face. Some of my internal struggle having probably been given away by my expression.

This isn't good… I won't have her pitying me I don't need anyone's pity nor consolation.

I reinforced my stony expression and told her, "I am ready. I think it might be better if you were to take me to see them now." I could plainly tell that she was shocked and incredulous, so to forestall any possible objection I gracefully pulled myself upright ignoring the crushing pain assaulting me from all my wounds. I already had my legs touching the floor and was hanging to consciousness through sheer will, Aya would have called it pig-headedness, before she managed to even utter any sound that wasn't an incredulous splutter.

The necessity of posing the other question weighting painfully on my mind prompted me to send her way another glare before stealing her clue.

Interacting with others truly is a lot like watching a theatrical representation. Now if only I can get my gaucherie to look, no to be, a sign of an iron will or plain rudeness, I might just pull this off.

"My sister was on the site too. Where is she?" The woman looked at me askance maybe I had been too brusque, especially if compared to my former style, not that I cared. Then with a somewhat closed off expression she finally said, "She is in this same hospital too. Unfortunately her neck was broken, probably as she fell down during the explosion…" the voice of the woman droned on but I could barely make it out in the throes of my guilt.


Myself knocking down Aya to protect her from the falling debris…


I can almost hear the sound of her breaking neck as I see us hitting the ground once more.


My fault… no one else's…

"She's never going to walk again…"

I was the one who turned her into a cripple…

"The position of the fracture is particularly unluckily as it probably will affect her ability of using most of her arms…"

Oh Kami-sama what did I do? Her never walking would have been bad enough, but this…

"In time she might, through extensive surgery, regain the use of her hands, but, at present, the situation doesn't look too optimistic…"

How can something that horrid happen to someone like my imouto, someone so happy and carefree, so full of life. I should be the one bedridden and paralysed! No one would miss me!! I have no friends… I… I caused this!! It was all my fault!

'Yes after all you always were jealous of how she could never do wrong in your parents eyes, weren't you? Deep down in the dark places of your souls… Where you never look for there staring out at you, you see what you truly are, devoid of all that has been instilled in you, without morality or guilt… Down there you see the murderer you are.'

Yes there is no escaping the sad truth I might as well have killed my sister… In truth I did. But for my intervention she would be OK. I should simply follow her body and my parents in death no more suffering… just oblivion…


"The expenses for your sister's care will be, I'm afraid to say, very steep. Even should you decide to forgo the surgery attempts she will require constant and experienced nursing at all times. She was moderately lucky in her misfortune, after all, had the fracture come just one vertebrae higher, we would have had to put her in a respirator, supposing she had even survived long enough for the emergency teams to get to her."

She will need money maybe if I can make enough I might get her to live a mostly normal life. But how can I? There is nothing I wouldn't do for Aya, but you don't make the sort of sums to pay for surgeries in a bar. And Father's money will surely be taken away after what happened... Aya, I will protect you. I may have failed you up to now but I won't do so again!!

"I need to see my parents bodies and then my sister. I need to start thinking of the proper arrangements for the funeral ceremony and for getting care for Aya." That probably came out colder than I should have felt comfortable with. I could see the female doctor looking at me with more than a hint of disgust now. But after all I had crippled my beloved imouto, how much lower could a person go?

Disgust is no less than I deserve… Why should people like me?

The doctor was really appalled at my show of uncaring behaviour and decided to not put up any more of a fight and simply gave in to my demands, no doubt in order to be able to leave my accursed presence the sooner. "Come this way, we have to take the lift to go to the morgue… If you are sure…" I didn't want her sympathy, nor that of anyone else, so I simply cut her off with a curt "Hn, I'm fine."

The trip to the morgue taxed my already depleted strength but my cold mask hid efficiently any discomfort I might have felt. I even managed not to flinch at the sight of what remained of my parents. Otousan I recognised because of his wristwatch, Okaasan had her beautiful visage mostly unmarred on the left side, what the right part looked like, though, was apt food for nightmares. Formalities, like claiming the bodies after identification, and getting the morgue personnel to prepare them in closed coffins, for the burial in the Fujimiya family plot, seen to, I followed the Doctor Ajakanoji out. It was now time to go and visit my little sister; heart heavy with guilt at the thought of facing her again. Just in front of Aya's room the situation took a distinct second turn for the worse. I found before the door both my co-worker, and one time unrequited love interest, Shinta, holding a rose bouquet, and the devil himself in the form of Takatori Reiji.

How dares he show his face here? I won't allow that dirty murdering bastard to even lay eyes on my Imouto! He shall face my wrath!

Shinta… I… No Aya never liked him I won't allow for anything she doesn't like to go near her! Goodbye Shinta, I loved you well… but then you never cared, maybe you saw beneath the surface to what I truly am…

It was then that both intruders noticed me standing just behind Doctor Ajakanoji. Their pleased and seemingly excited reactions were seen for the falsity they were in my eyes.

With my eyes wide open and unfettered by illusions I could now see people for the monsters they were. Takatori's excited "Ran, dear boy, I am so happy to see you. You don't have to be worried. I will see to you, as well as to Aya-chan. She will get the best care possible" nearly set me to growling, but I kept my cool as Otousan always instructed me to do in the face of an enemy.


Remember Ran, as Sun Tzu[4] teaches in his "Art of War", that knowledge of your enemy is but half of winning a battle. Knowing yourself is just as important, but not enough. Making sure the enemy doesn't know you, once those conditions are met though, will ensure your victory. Now, business is a lot like war…


I remember Father!

"Takatori-san, we refuse your help. The Fujimiya clan may be down in luck , but we were proud Samurai of Choshu[5] at the service of Katsura Kogoro[6] himself, we don't need the help of any Shogun[7] lackey."

There! A declaration of war under the guise of stiff necked and unreasoning pride to a minor slur like the implication that I couldn't take care of my sister… It should do nicely. In the old days it would have been enough to provoke a blood feud, but this is modern day Japan. Hopefully he won't realise that I know what he has been up to.

The redness of Takatori's face was eminently satisfying as was his sudden intake of breath. Not halfway as satisfying as his taking a sudden leave from us though, and with a bare grunt of greeting too. The doctor's jaw looked about ready to hit the floor and Shinta was looking at me as if I had suddenly grown a second head. No matter what they thought I had just thrown away. I knew I couldn't let that monster close to my sister, not even if my soul was as dark as his. "Ano Fujimiya-san", observed Doctor Ajakanoji after a little charged pause, "Do you think that was wise? Takatori-san is a powerful man, he's also very rich and could have paid for your sister's care for a long time…" I brutally cut her off, "My sister is in my care."

Shinta had obviously got back enough presence of mind, after the shock of seeing me being so blunt and aggressive, to interject "Ran, I'm so glad to see you finally awake. But this isn't like you at all… Are you sure you are all right? Should you even be standing?" A curt grunt was all the response such remarks warranted. Unfortunately Shinta, while kind and normally a pushover, could be quite stubborn once his sense of what was due to older people was prickled, so that he insisted, "Ran, what is the matter? Excuse me Doctor, could I talk to Ran face to face, please? I'll call you should he feel faint, OK?"

The doctor was all too happy of getting rid of her troublesome patient and after commenting that she would be seeing how Aya was doing she left us alone. That was when I got the third shock of the day.

"Oh Ran!! I was so frightened when they told me you had been wounded! These were the worst days of my life! I couldn't believe, wouldn't believe that I might lose you before even telling you how I feel about you! Ran I… I love you! Suki da[8] Ran !"

No… Why now? It is too little! Too late!!![9] Now when there is no more hope for us, is it only now that you tell me? I don't deserve love. Those I love die. Those I love suffer… No… You don't love me… As I… don't… love…you…

"Hn, I don't care…"

Oh Kami-sama that was harder than I thought… How can I look at his crushed face and just remain there impassive as comprehension and horror slowly dawn in his eyes? For Aya… Just for you Aya…

"Even if you didn't care… Why say it like that! Ran I don't recognise you! I don't know who you are, but you are not the Ran I knew. You… you are an unfeeling shell. I.. I could almost hate you…" , with that he turned to go.

No Shinta don't go I didn't mean to say that… For *Aya* I can bear this. For her I can bear *anything* .

"Ran, if I go out of here like this, I won't turn around. I'll be gone from your life forever. Ran don't you at least want us to remain friends? I can understand it, if you don't reciprocate my feelings… I spoke hastily at an awkward time, because I had been frantic about you, but I really care and I don't want to lose you… Ran please answer me! Tell me you'll be my friend still… Ran?" His only answer was silence. I couldn't talk; I couldn't cry…

"I see, I was a deluded fool. I hope you'll regret this… Don't take too long the door won't always be open."

Now to face Aya and reassure her…

How will I find that much money?

The serious talk with Aya took several hours. I had to tell her that our parents were gone and that we were practically destitute. I also had the unwelcome duty of telling her, that for reasons I didn't wish to discuss, Takatori-san would no longer be considered as an adoptive uncle for us and that we couldn't depend on his financial support. The hardest part, though was breaking to my beloved imouto the news of her condition. She had already realised that there was something wrong with her spine, but no one had wished to tell her the real extent of the damages. By the end of that talk, I found myself retreating behind my icy facade more and more as I also realised that Aya too, was rapidly changing. Gone was the fairy child all smiles and happiness. I wasn't sure that I could bear the angry, almost withdrawn adult emerging from the shattered remains of my sister.

Shutting Aya's door behind me I considered taking Ajakanoji-sensei's advice and trying to find a psychologist for Aya, to help her deal with her condition. Only my distrust of such individuals and the lack of money preventing me from looking for one right away.

How can I bear it…to see her looking like a pale shade of her former self…

It was then that a red-haired woman approached me and motioned for me to follow her. While taken aback by her unusual curly hair, as well as her wearing socks and high heels (while never a judge of fashion, even I knew that, that was simply just not done). I liked her countenance, however, and followed her to a tiny office down the corridor from Aya's room. Our conversation was very interesting indeed…



I smirked at Bradley as he stood by watching me sceptically.

"Well, that was easy." I drawled knowing that the precog must have a good idea of how I, purposely, almost blew the assignment. Suspicion that, in spite of his tight mental shields, was immediately confirmed as he observed in his usual calm manner, "I would take great care while dealing with the man, we will need him to break free from that useless swine Takatori. With a little luck the little bugger may even have a few uses after that…"

How I hate the prick's superior and holier than thou manner! One day I will see him humbled but not before I am finally free…

"Do you think the Kleiner and the little Kaiserin will prove of any use in our bid for freedom?" I asked trying to read the answer to that question through impossibly tight mind barriers. A fleeting but satisfied glance through shining glasses was my only answer as our leader left the room.

The damned Brad-lily will give me a headache one of this days…

Well at least I got a boy to sell his soul to the devil out of all this hard work… A satisfying activity indeed.



I went back to the hospital today. I wish I had never thought of doing that. I thought that maybe Ran had had time to think things over. That maybe today he wouldn't be that disgusted of my inclinations and would consider giving me back his friendship.

I should have listened to Aya-chan, she did drop plenty of hints as to Ran not being interested in boys. I thought she was just jealous of her brother showing any interest in anyone but herself, but apparently I was wrong.

But that isn't what really pains me. It's the thought that the last words Ran and I spoke to one another in this world were spoken in anger, that tears into me.

And all because I couldn't keep my big mouth shut. Ran… Oh Ran why did you have to die! Why so horribly. I could have understood Aya wishing for death in her condition, but did you have to go with her? Of course you had to. You never would have let your little sister face anything frightening alone…

Had you already decided yesterday? Was it why… Did you wish for a clear break?


I went to your funeral today, well yours and of your family. They buried you all together. All the four of you on that little hill overlooking the sea, close to your ancestors. I didn't know you had a family plot. You know they put you on the left after Aya-chan, you are close to one Fujimiya Keiko. I wonder if you all are at peace now. A family once more.

You know, Ran, I brought you some roses just as you always liked them, white and red. They looked good against your headstone.

For a minute I almost thought I could see you, in the distance, looking on at the proceedings from the nearby hill, the one with the big gnarled old Sakura tree.

You would have laughed, seeing me running away, in the middle of the ceremony, to join you. I think everybody back there was convinced I had lost my marbles. There weren't many people, though, I think it was because of your father, but still I created quite a stir.

Of course you weren't there but wouldn't you believe it, even after getting there I kept looking around for you. Even now back in town I can't help but turn and almost shout anytime I see a flash of crimson crossing my vision. You know… I…

I broke down and cried.


Si iniquitates observabis Domine Domine quis sustinebit. (If thou, O Lord, wilt mark iniquities: Lord, who shall stand it.)


Aarrgghh evil muse leave me alone I can't type any more!! Ouch, ouch, ouch!!


[1] Obā san = Grandmother.

[2] Short for Ashura. Really ugly demons in Buddhism who had great battling strength. Also fire divinities in the Indian pantheon if I got that right. You know like Ashura of the Clamp's RG Veda. Oh I don't own that either!

[3] Hey Ran-kun got badly disillusioned. But doctors actually do a great and demanding job, let us not forget that in the face of the category bashing in parts of this fic hey!

[4]The author of the "Art of War".

[5] One of the Domains (Han) that rebelled to the Tokugawa Shogun, during the Bakumatsu No Douran. Sorry about that, I've been reading to much "Ruroni no Kenshin" lately…

[6] One of the leaders of the Choshu samurais during the Bakumatsu.

[7] Shogun… well the military and political leader of Japan prior to the Meiji Restoration.

[8] Lilla: I like you a lot… Right Sardius-sama? Sardius-sama is my official Japanese dictionary. A big Hooray for the wonderful gal!!

Sardius: *blushes* It means "affection, liking" - also used to signify love, the phrase "suki da" is more ambiguous then the English equivalent "I like you." Does that also help?

Lilla: Thanks!! It sure helps a lot!

[9] And there goes the weird sense of humour… The first one who gets from where I got that quote gets… mmh a comic Weiss story of his/her own. With the pairing they like. Yuck and what if someone asks for a Farf/Aya? Well it's going to be very comic… or idiocy-filled… or both… eheh

[10] Wow the boy even gets one POV of his own… before disappearing for all time from this story. Unless people really like him.

For you Sardius and before Friday!! x.xV

10 pages?!! AARGGH and I meant to get to Crashers with this one!!! Mmmh must cut out some scenes! Sendai… Crashers… Sendai… Crashers… mmh great plot or cute character… Arrghhh that's so difficult a choice! All right for a question of "par conditio" I'll cut both!

* Dodges frantically the thrown rotten fruits and tomatoes. *

OK, I'll do both but in a condensed fashion… Have to do that or I'll never get to the good part, right Yotan?