Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Wolven ❯ Chapter 2

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


Chapter Two

Thoughts= 'this'

Telepathy= ~this~

Speech= "this"

Well, to be perfectly honest it was only Schuldig and Nagi, but Yohji's instincts were all still screaming at him to run, flee, get away. Yohji growled at the two assassins, body trembling from exhaustion.

Schuldig stared at the bloody wolf in front of them. ~We won't hurt you. I promise. We just want to help you. Our leader saw you in a vision, and told us to find you. Please, trust me?~ He projected, motioning for Nagi to be ready to use his telekinesis to knock the animal out.

Yohji eyed the two humans warily, still snarling as he ran his options through in his mind. 'Okay, go with them voluntarily, heal and leave right after the full moon, go involuntarily and risk not escaping at all, or run and probably pass out before I get anywhere, anyway. Let's see…go voluntarily seems to be the best choice.' Yohji stopped snarling and let his head hang low, every inch of his body now showing his exhaustion. ~If you can hear me human, know this. I am a wolf, and my name is Myst. Do not try to tame me, or I will rip your throat out. I will come with you of my own free will, and I will come and go as I please, once I am well enough. Anything else to be discussed will have to wait as I must rest, for my strength is nearly gone. Wolves are People of honor, and oathbreakers do not live long. Now, I rest. If you wish to treat my wounds, do so while I am not awake.~ Myst projected to Schuldig. (A.N. From now on, If I refer to Yohji as Myst, that means he is either in wolf form or is in human form with wolf mindset.)

"Schu?" Nagi questioned, worried as his older teammate stared at the huge wolf in awe, before the beast collapsed , its eyes sliding shut. Using his telekinesis, the teenager helped the German carry the wolf back to the jeep, where they laid it across the backseat. Once they were back on the main street, Schuldig spoke.

"I heard him in my head Nag. I've never even thought I could use my telepathy to communicate with animals. He said his name was Myst. I got the impression it was spelled with a y. Anyway, let's get him home and fix him up, hmm?" Schuldig turned his attention back to the road and continued driving, both assassins completely oblivious to the fact that their enemy was currently unconscious in the back seat