Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Wolven ❯ Chapter 11

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


Thoughts= `this'

Telepathy= this

Speech= "this"

Beast language= this

Thank you, to my reviewers who have given me such wonderful feedback, and my thanks to my new beta Bloodrose who wrote the lemon for this chapter…here's chapter eleven…the sex.

Chapter Eleven

Why? Schu demanded as he pressed Yohji to the wall. Why did you take a bullet for me? What were you thinking? You could have been killed!!

"I couldn't let you die. I knew I would be fine because it's a full moon. I just…couldn't let you die." Yohji looked at the German.

"Yohji…" Schuldig sighed and took a step back, "why didn't you tell me you were Myst?"

"Yeah right," the blonde laughed softly, "like you would of believed me if I told you that, Schuldig."

Schuldig frowned slightly. "I could've seen into your mind I would have known that you know that things only Myst can know… why did you hide those thoughts from me?"

"Like Myst told you, there are some things I cannot tell you." He looked away but Schuldig moved one hand up to his chin turning his head to face him again.

"Idiot…" he said very softly with a slight smile, leaning forward a bit and bringing his lips to Yohji's softly.

Sc-Schu... Yohji blinked at the kiss and melted, growling softly into it as he started to kiss back. Schuldig moved his arms from Yohji's shoulders releasing the hold he had had on him, then moving them down to the Weiß's hips and pulling him closer.

Yohji rested his hands lightly on Schu's shoulders and pushed him back slightly. "Schuldig..?" He blinked, confused, searching the telepath's eyes.. did Schu feel the same way as him?

Reluctantly Schuldig moved back, moving one hand up to Yohji's face and brushing a strain of hair out of it lightly, then sighing quietly assuming he had misread Yohji's signals. "Sorry....."

"Schu I.." he paused, looking down as he tried to figure out how to word this, "I don't want you just play with me here, no games.."

Schuldig lifted his head again looking directly into his eyes. I'm not playing with you....... he said softly, looking serious, then brushing his hand over the collar at Yohji's neck softly with a slight smile. Yohji smiled, he could feel Schu was being honest with him, and he leant in kissing the telepath lightly at first, soon deepening it hungrily as passion took over. Schuldig blinked once then smiled a bit more into the kiss, kissing back and wrapping his arms around Yohji's waist, holding him close.

Oh god I want this.. Yohji thought, leaning back against the wall, pulling Schu with him and not breaking their kiss. Schuldig smiled as he heard Yohji's thoughts, pressing him against the wall a bit more, pinning the Weiß there with his body, breaking the kiss after some time and kissing down Yohji's neck.

"You.. don't think I'm a freak, Schu?" He whispers softly, staring at the ceiling as Schu did such wonderful things to his neck.

Nein...... I wouldn't think of you in that way...... he said softly in Yohji's mind, moving his hands under the blonde's shirt and pushing it up, moving down a bit and licking over one of his nipples before sucking at it lightly.

Those words cause the blonde to smile lightly and he strokes his fingers through Schu's hair, hard and growing harder by the second. The Schwarz telepath moved to the other side, repeating what he had done before with the other nipple then moving down further, undoing Yohji's pants and licking up his length slowly. Yohji gasped softly with pleasure and looks down at Schuldig, making sure he was ok with doing this.

Looking up at Yohji's reaction the redhead smiled, looking pleased before lowering his head again and sucking at the tip lightly at first then a bit harder as he moved down, taking more of Yohji into his mouth.

"Oh god, Schu.." Yohji groaned. The pure talent of the German shouldn't of been as surprising as it was, but the blonde was soon finding it hard to stand against the wall as Schuldig worked him over. Slowly Schuldig soon pulled away from Yohji after some time when he noticed the problems Yohji had with keeping on his feet, picking the blonde up and carrying him over to his bed, laying him down softly.

Yohji blinked and growled softly. "I'm not some woman for you to pamper, Schuldig."

Schuldig moved over Yohji, nibbling at his neck again lightly. "I know that....." he said quietly. You just seemed uncomfortable standing there like that...... he added mentally.

Yohji blinked and sighed lightly, smiling. "Thanks.." he whispered, closing his eyes and enjoying the attention that Schu was giving to his body, stroking fingers through the silky orange hair lightly.

Softly Schu turned Yohji around, pulling off his shirt and pants gently before running his tongue down Yohji's spine. Are you sure you want this? he asked.

"Schu.." he growls lightly, looking over his shoulder at the telepath, "what do you think?"

The redhead smiled at that remark, moving up and away from Yohji for a second, getting a little tube out of his bedside table, putting some of the lube on his fingers before moving back to the blonde and kissing the back of his neck lightly as he pushed one finger into him carefully. Yohji groaned lightly in a mix of pain and pleasure, tensing up slightly for a second before forcing himself to relax. Schuldig held his hand still, waiting till Yohji was fully relaxed, moving his other hand to the Weiß's hip and caressing it softly as to help him relax, kissing his shoulder softly.

"Take me, Schu.. just take me."

"I don't want to hurt you.........." he said softly, pushing in a second finger and stretching him some.

"It's a full moon, Schu.. you can't hurt me for too long." He whimpers in lust but grins lightly at the German.

The redhead considered it for another few seconds, pushing in a third finger and moving them in and out slowly a couple of times before pulling them out. He placed the lube back on the bedside table and pulled a condom from the drawer, opening the packet and slipping it on slowly then coating his erection with the lube, moving so he was laying over Yohji and positioning himself. "Tell me if I do something you don't like....." he whispered into the other's ear lightly, nibbling at it softly.

"Of course," he grinned lightly and wriggled his ass invitingly and teasingly at Schu. Sucking at Yohji's neck Schu slowly pushed into him, one hand to either side of Yohji's shoulders to support his weight, a soft growling sound escaping him.

Myst growls back in response and Yohji fights for control for a moment before groaning in pleasure at the hard length filling him. "Yes, Schu... god yes.." He stayed still for a moment before Schu started pulling out again slowly, then thrusting forward a bit faster, groaning softly, Yohji's words only exciting Schuldig more as he leaned up and nibbled at the blonde's ear lightly.

Arching his back, Yohji thrust back against him hard, trying to pick up the pace as he drowned in pleasure. "So good.. oh gods Schu.. so good"

Noticing what Yohji was doing he moved to hold his hips still before beginning to pick up the pace himself, shifting a bit to change his angle, trying to brush Yohji's prostate.

"AH~~!" He cried out, arching back at that touch and trembles in the shock of pleasure that ran through him, "....again.." he whimpered.

Staying in that position he pulled out and thrust into Yohji again, moving faster now. Cries of pleasure poured from him as he came closer and closer to his climax. With each thrust Schu brought him to the edge. As Schu noticed Yohji coming closer he moved one hand around him stroking him in time with his thrusts, panting himself by now. A couple of strokes were all that was need before Yohji felt himself climaxing hard onto the sheets and over Schuldig's hand

A soft gasp escaped Schu as Yohji tightened around him when he climaxed, thrusting once more into the blonde he followed his lover into release, panting slightly still as he pulled out of him and moved to lay down next to the Weiß, pulling him close and they snuggled together on top of Schu's bed, the telepath tugging a blanket over to cover them both after taking off his used condom, tying off the end and dropping it on the floor to deal with later.

Yohji blinked sleepily, snuggling closer to the redhead as his eyes flared gold and his body melted into the familiar form of Myst. The wolf sighed and laid his head on the other man's chest, eyes sliding shut as the full moon's power washed over him from the window that was above the bed. He blinked suddenly…oops…I should probably mention that to Schu tomorrow…heh...full moon is mating night… and wolves mate for life. Myst shuddered as Schu gently rubbed right behind his ears…ooh…nice…worry tomorrow…sleep now. The wolf's eyes slid shut in bliss as the telepath tangled his hands in thick lustrous fur. Blue eyes glinted slightly, having picked up on his lupine lover's train of thought. Mates for life, huh? I like the sound of that. The two assassins fell asleep, as the full moon's light bathed them, the shadowy form of a beautiful young woman in armor watching from the shadows for a minute before fading.