Witch Hunter Robin Fan Fiction / Tekken Fan Fiction ❯ Witch Hunter Xiaoyu ❯ Rain on me ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: So how's the default chappie? I think this one will spill it all!
By: Elie
Pleasure in using the craft….
Fires from hell…
I walk in this world to find meaning on my judgment…
“Xiaoyu! We've got a case!”
Drats. I spilled my coffee twice on my blazer already, and that genius computer freak, Steve made it thrice. I groaned, standing up from the office's coach. It was about time for a new shell to crack, and I'm bored sitting anywhere my ass can find in this idle office.
Seth, our main headquarters, rarely gives us any missions nowadays…I wonder why though…
“Who is it?” I asked, moving up to Steve, and looking at his computer screen.
“Linda Sue, 26 years old, an office clerk, it seems that she's been using her powers quite often to steal some cheese at her new company.” He said, moving his gaze at my slightly soaked shirt.
“Thank you for this,” I pointed at my blazer, giving him a smirk.
“Uh, did I do that? Sorry Xiao…” He looked somewhat worried, and so I laughed, making him stare at me again in confusion.
“Forget about it; just tell Julia I'm on this case.”
I grabbed my black jacket that reached down my ankles, put it on and fixed my gloves. Donned all in black, I snatched my car keys and scurried off the room.
Damn, that was well planned…my ass still hurts a bit, but somehow I can manage to walk. I turned to look at my watch; 2am that is.
The moon was full and the night was damp and humid. Cold winds from all directions kept guzzling my clothes upward. Black crows flying unnecessarily in the city early in the morning. And I found a bench in the sidewalk to sit on while watching them cascade beautifully in the sky. Black, yet breathtakingly black…
“Ah, what were you doing out there Xiao?!” I whispered to myself hoarsely, thinking about the finished case on that witch. That bitch knew I was out to get her, and so she was able to prepare all those childish-boobbie traps that kicked the hell out of me!
Anyways, I was still able to defeat her. Actually I killed her…no, she deserves it, all witches do said my Uncle. I should forget about that already, it's over, she's dead, and I can't bring her back to life…
Stretching my arms and legs gave me a nice feeling of relaxation. I pulled out a cigarette from my pocket, and lit it up with my own power. Hmm…nicotine calms my nerves, the smoke warms me up and it feels good…
Huh? What is this? Rain?
Few water droplets fell down by me, and as the rain poured hard unexpectedly, I found myself soaking wet under a shade near a closed bar. Now, how can I go home? My cheap car's down, because that witch, Linda, trashed it. No cabs, buses, and moving transportations at this time early in the morning…
Helpless that I am, I sat down the dry pavement, my knees and chest collided. With no choice, I let myself drowse off into a sudden slumber…
Half-awake, I felt someone poking my head. I reluctantly opened my eyes, and yawned to my pleasure, but the sight in front of me made my power trigger. With my reflex action, I casted ablaze at the man who touched me, causing him to back away.
“Whoa there…!” The hooded man said, moving away from the shade and into the limelight of the emerging rain.
“W-who are you?!” I stuttered, thinking what I have done earlier. Did he saw it? The fire I controlled?! Shoot!
“Look woman; don't shout at me like that, I'm here to help! Follow me if you don't want to get sick!” He yelled back, competing with the thundering clasp of raindrops.
Hesitant, but willing to leave this place, I nodded following him to his car. I gasped, seeing an almost brand new Mercedes parked in a dry area. Can this man own such an expensive vehicle? He doesn't seem to look rich, but wait; I saw that coat of his while roaming around Tokyo. Is that one of those cool signature clothes I saw in one of those boutiques?
“Get in.” He urged, going in first himself.
I reluctantly got in, ashamed of my wet features and my dirty jacket, just to ruin this car's nice leather seat.
“Where to?” he asked, not even bothering to remove his hood.
“At an apartment in Naruto Street.”
“Huh? Naruto Street? Sorry I just came back from Italy, I'm not familiar of this place yet. You can stay at my place for this day.”
Before I can even protest, he started the engine and roared off into another direction. I silently growled, taking off my ankle length jacket, placing it on my lap.
Five minutes later, we arrived at an unknown location to me. He parked the car along with the other expensive ones, and I guessed it right, we are at an exclusive parking lot of some sort of condominium.
“Follow me.” He ordered, walking ahead of me.
I did not speak a word anymore, but I did follow this arrogant stranger. Both of us entered a lavishing building, all lit up with tons of security cameras around. I smirked, following him inside the elevator. I stared at his hand, moving up to the buttons, pressing the number 22.
I started to get really annoyed with this stranger, for not even revealing his face. I kept staring at him, but he doesn't seem to mind at all, maybe it's that hood he's wearing, it prevents him from looking at me. I bet he's some kind of man at his forties or so. A tall, old man, but pretty muscular though.
Ah, the sound of a `click' was heard at the elevator, indicating we're at our destination already. As again, he walked out first and ahead of me; he pulled out a key and entered the door numbered 309.
“Come on in.” He invited, and so I did.
The room was spectacular. The walls are painted in cream and it was quite cozy indeed. It was a vast room, with the bed, living room, and kitchen connected in one, aside from the bathroom which was separated. I took a peep at his kitchen and I found wines and champagnes decorated wisely everywhere you look. This stranger is quite…orderly.
“Give me your coat, I mean your jacket…”
“Okay…” I handed it to him, letting him place it on the coat racks. Weird. He didn't even bothered removing his own coat, and that annoying hood!
“Just sit over there and warm yourself up in the fireplace.” He said going inside the bathroom.
I nodded, flopping myself down the warm and soft sofa. Hmm…my hands started caressing the cover, wondering what made it too comfy. What? Fur? Man, this guy got issues…he must be one of those old business men, aiming leisure and luxury…
“What's your name?!” A voice from the bathroom called out, without doubt, I knew it was from the stranger.
“Ling Xiaoyu!” I sat up attentively, waiting what he'll say next, “What about you sir?!”
“Jin! Jin Kazama!”
Jin Kazama eh? What a name for some kind of oldie… Now, what would Julia and the rest think? An eighteen-year-old witch hunter, here at an old stranger's condo? They might think about me as crazy, but I have no choice right?
The rain haven't stopped yet, I can see it at the huge glass window…I wonder what the time is…I glanced down my watch, finding it to be quarter to three. Okay, I'll go home tomorrow…thanks to this man.
“Hey Xaioyen, what's your job?”
Huh? A hippie voice? It can't be that old guy Jin…I turned around, only to find a young handsome lad staring back at me with his white shirt on.
“It's Xiaoyu sir…” I stuttered again, unable to believe at what my eyes are looking at.
“You don't have to call me sir, just Jin. Here wear this…” He handed me a white shirt, soft like his couch, “We're both soaked and all, and you can't afford to have a fever, can you?”
“Thank you…this is too much.”
“Don't worry, I'm the one who should say sorry, I looked arrogant back there,” He paused for a moment and seemed to be looking at my hair, “Need a comb?”
I nodded, and then he gave me a brush.
“Don't worry that's new…about your work…what's your job?”
“I'm a Hun--” Damn, I can't tell him that. Think of something Xiao, think! Finally, “I'm an office worker something, you know; bring coffees to my boss, type on PC's.”
“I see…darn, the fire's out.”
I looked at the fireplace in front of me…no fire. With not even a blink of an eye, I created fire again…just to keep us warm. But Jin's stunned reaction bothered me.
“What the? It was out just a second ago, and then it came back!”
“I know!” I lied, hiding a grin from my hair's wet strands, “Uh, can I use your bathroom?”
“Sure…but the fire, it—”
“Must be the gas…” I said closing the door behind me.
I can't help but laugh right now! The look Jin's face was…well, astonished, innocent…cute. I guess, I haven't been around males my type and all. And come to think of it, I thought of him as an old hag! He's such a great man…helping me and all. This Jin Kazama is really gorgeous indeed….
A sudden ring interrupted me. What? A text message from Julia? At this time? Oh…I know I know…she worried, again.
`Where the hell are you?! Do you know what time it is?! I've been to your apartment and guess what? You're not there! You're not even informing me, how could you?! Call me first thing at dawn if you're still alive!'
Ouch…The message sort of…slapped me. Well, that's Julia alright. If I'm the quiet and gothic type, she's the talkative and flirty one. Opposites attract I guess…
Without further more delays, I changed into this cotton soft shirt and washed my face with warm water. As I opened the door, my heart leapt enough to trigger again my power! This Jin guy was in front of me!
“Uh sorry, but I wonder what took you so long?” He asked, folding his arms on his chest.
“Girl stuff.” I replied but of a tired tone.
“Oh, I guess you want to sleep already, my bed's all set—whoa!”
Before he can even finish his sentence, I blacked out….
A/N: Was it good or bad? Tell me please! Reviews like flames, opinions, comments,
death threats accepted, just review! Puleezz!!
A new chapter coming soon…