Witch Hunter Robin Fan Fiction ❯ Embers ❯ Closed Systems ( Chapter 2 )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
It was so tempting, and so easy-almost like he'd been invited.
The rush, the thrill of discovery was like nothing he'd ever known. No game, no sim had ever given him anything close. This was real, these weren't just scripted challenges, they were walls designed to keep him out. Barriers he circumvented with ease, despite a lack of experience. He left his mark and slipped out of the system, erasing his tracks as he went.
When it was done Michael he sat in his room, bathed in the glow of the monitor and a sense of accomplishment.
He couldn't wait to try it again.
A/N: Written for Challenge #1 - First Time at the WHR_Drabbles community on livejournal.