Witch Hunter Robin Fan Fiction ❯ Embers ❯ Crossroads ( Chapter 3 )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Amon stood in the remains of Touko's apartment, he stood at a crossroads. It had always been simple, cut and dried. He'd given his life, every part of himself, to the hunt.
But now, he doubted.
He'd failed in a mission and an easy mission at that. He'd had Robin in his sights and missed the fatal spot. His failure gave her warning, and he did nothing but watch while she came to terms with it.
He'd had a chance to end it after the botched attack on the apartment, but instead he brought her to safety. And now, letter in hand, he stood at a crossroads.
A/N: Written for Challenge #1 - First Time at the WHR_Drabbles community on livejournal.