Witch Hunter Robin Fan Fiction ❯ Ghosts of the Past ❯ Discovery of evil ( Chapter 18 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter Eighteen- Discovery of evil

Evening was upon the Dragon Motel and Tokyo itself. Amon and Robin were already laying in bed together, watching television while they waited for the computer whiz to phone if he had something earlier than his buddy thought. They were cuddled up in the tangle of sheets and each other, their naked bodies still glistening from making love since they got back from the STN headquarters.

Robin layed with her head resting on the man’s massive chest, and had drifted off to sleep not too long ago, and now was in a very deep sleep. Amon continued to lay there, cradling the pretty girl with his one arm as she slept, while he fiddled idly with the tv remote with the other hand.

He looked down at the sleeping Robin at his side. He smiled, as his eyes traced the lean curves and silky skin of the naked girl, the blankets covering only a small part of her legs. She was beauty personified seen under the soft glow of the bedside lamp, her naked skin as smooth looking as polished ivory, her hair spread out behind her and onto his arm. While Amon continued to watch the young girl sleep so soundly, he could feel the love that was there for her and found that so comforting to him. Hen his mind drifted to a thought, and he seemed to get a little choked up over it.

He realized right then that this girl was not a girl anymore. The sixteen year old was indeed a woman... a woman that just happened to inhabited a girl’s form. He had always knew that Robin was mature beyond her years, but who she was now put a exclamation mark on that loud and clear. This young and pretty young lady was the epitome of the terms remarkable and amazing, and all wrapped up in such a humble yet intensely mature package. After seeing so many people over the years he had been an Agent, this small very not-so-ordinary girl...was in fact very extraordinary.

He smiled and just settle on a show to watch, and just let himself enjoy the idyllic feel of this night. He knew that this short pleasant time of being with her, would end up being so fleeting at best.... when the young computer lad would phone with the necessary information. There were many things that really needed to be addressed, and they were needed to be delt with quickly.. The all needed to do just that, as Robin’s life depended on it.

The communicator suddenly went off on the side table, startling Robin out of her sleep. Amon picked it up and Michael’s voice was there.
“ You won’t believe this...” Said the lad loudly, sounding very excited with something as his words seemed to all run together. “ We have a triangulation on that elusive throw-away cell, and we made that triangulation live!”
“ Live??” Questioned the hunter, perplexed a little. “ Slow down Michael... You have to explain this tech speak for me.”

The lad could be heard taking a few long breaths, effectively stopping the verbal assault that his excited state was causing. Once calmed down, the lad continued with a much more slower pace to his words.
“ As my friend was running through the log on their mainframe, the tower picked the phone up as it was transmitting its signal. I saw it too, as I was monitoring the tower I hacked into.” The lad said, taking the time to explain himself the best that he could. “ We triangulated it better that I had expected to and by the calculations... it is in a large office complex owned by a group calling itself ‘The Partnership’, located in the business district in the north end.”
“ The Partnership?” Amon said, as Robin listened intently from her spot beside him.
“ I’ve done some digging to explain it all, and boy did I come up with stuff...” Michael said with pride. “ They are a group of four very wealthy man that has combined their money to be one huge business. I found that they were also Mr. Zaizen’s main investors in the Factory behind SOLOMON’s back, and they bankrolled him up the hilt.” He paused. “ They are Ichiro Tawrai, Business mogul, Martin Yano, Chemical company owner, Kanji Komi, Computer software developer and Richard Chen, originally from China, now owns the largest private investment group this side of Wall Street. Together they own nearly a quarter of the investment properties in Tokyo, Hong Kong and other countries around the world.”
“ Did we have finally locate a money trail on them too.” Amon asked, hoping for a good answer.

The lad chuckled, almost if he was keeping a secret until the right moment to spring it.
“ I finally found that the money did come out of the phoney company, Irons Inc, which now I find out is suppose to be owned by Tawrai.” Michael said with a sigh. “ I have confirmed it with the International Banking Association... although on the sly.” He chuckled, and explained. “ I hacked in to the IBA mainframe, knowing they would never comply with a STN probe legally.. And found the exact amount of money transferred in cash to await pick up by every assassin we know of.”

Amon just sat stunned, as everything seemed to be falling into place right their before his eyes. Massive amounts of money, lust for power and a all consuming hatred...and they all pointed to this group. He sat there, as the pieces he had been searching for was landing right in place.. The only question was why were they trying to kill Robin? He hoped that the lad had an answer for that one.

Michael continued his report.
“ They lost over Four hundred and eighty million Yen when the Factory went down.” The lad said. “Not to mention they lost millions in land and other assets at the same time, as they were the ones who had owned the large factory before Zaizen had converted it to his own suitable needs.”
“ If that is the case, why are they not going after everyone at the STN?” Asked the man, his mind fitting the parts together.
“ They probably see Robin as sort of the catalyst... and as ‘the eve of witches too.” He said. “ The group as a whole is on record as being militantly against witches, just like Zaizen was.”
So she is targeted fr a few reasons?” Amon asked, not wanting to... but he needed to know..
“ She is the sacrificial scapegoat and a target as well... I believe.” Michael said so calmly.

Amon weighed what this all meant for the young girl laying next to him as he talked to Michael.
“ So if they kill her, it will be retribution, or hatred or will they just wound her and end up ORBO making?”
“ It could be all three, by what I can figure out. Her body might be used to fuel the new ORBO, as she is one of the strongest witches anywhere.... genetically altered perfection.” Said the youth, point blank. “ I remember that in the data pulled out of the ruins of The Factory, they were near having the capabilities to extract what they need for ORBO from witches who were dead... but at the time of the fall of the Factory... it was clear that they did not have that ability yet.”

Amon looked at the girl, as she knew she had been listening to them talk. He hated talking about this in front of her, but he knew it was better than if he had tried to hide it.
“ Then...they are out to kill or capture Robin, then what?”
“ I think they might just resurrect the project and continue on with it. Kill her, then try to use that technology to make the ‘perfect ORBO’. My investigations clearly show that they have some of the scientists that were not at the factory when it collapsed, and it seems that these scientists have the tools, knowledge and capability to be able to continue Zaizen’s evil plans... with the partnership.”

Amon lay there quietly, his mind was trying to decide what to do now while he left the lad hanging on his end of things back at the office. Amon just stayed silent, as he could see the look of shock and fear on the girl’s face because he never hid anything so she could listen in all along. He squeezed her in his arm, and kissed her. She just kissed him back, but he could feel her trembling through her kisses.

She just looked up at him, her green eyes telling him that her mind was racing with everything they had heard.
“ What do we do now?” She softly said.
“ We may just have to do what we did with the factory.” He said, as he thought back to that day when the STN had taken down Zaizen and the Factory. “ We may just have to break them fuckin’ down to the ground as well.”
“ Zaizen was hard to do... but can we bring down these rich men in the same way and stop them?” The young tawny haired girl asked, her naked body shaking against the body of Amon.

Amon seemed to think for a moment, while the girl laid there and waited for his answer to her question. It did not take long for the large shouldered man, as he seemed to already have sorted it out in his mind.
“ We just might have to... we don’t have a choice....” Grimly started the man, his face showing his thoughts. “ If they end up succeeding in making this new type of ORBO, many will die at their hands... even those that are not witches could end up dead... and then they would become more powerful and wealthy than before.” He grunted. “ With a new ORBO, they could sell it for many king’s ransoms.”

Robin just went silent, as all of the information was bouncing around her head. She was feeling that same fear as she had been all through this. The bad thing about it was, it was growing. She just cuddled into the man for some comforting, as she mind was hard at work analyzing everything she had just heard between the two.

The computer whiz had been silent for awhile on the other end. It seemed like he was waiting for something, as his breathing could be still heard on the other end. The youth finally spoke again.
“ Shall I call in Miss Karasuma and Haruto to come and work on seeing what this all really was saying? ” Asked The lad, who waited for an answer to come.

Robin suddenly sat up, her face had this almost determined look on it, the fear it had earlier, was gone. She peered over into her lover’s face and nodded. He went to say something, but the young craft user broke in before he could utter a word, taking the communicator from his grasp.
“ Call the both of them in, Michael... but tell them to go straight into the office...” She said, her voice was now very assured and strong.. “ Amon and I will meet you all back at the Headquarters.”
“ I can do that....” Said the lad, shocked at the change of the young girl that was on the communicator with hime. “ I will keep on seeing if I can pinpoint the origin of the cellphone call down to maybe a single office or board room in that whole place, then we will have a better chance to uncover weather it was the business or the personal feelings of humiliation for a contract out on another’s life.
“ You just phone the other... we’ll be on our way.” Added the girl, her voice was booming, a far cry from what it usually was from the normally reserved young girl.

The lad agreed, his voice still held shock at the girls vocal strength, but knew that something was now driving this girl... and chasing off the fear that had a hold on her. The communicator went dead, and Amon took it back then set it down on the bed beside himself.
“ This will be tough, you know...” He said, looking at the girl with a knowing nod. “ We first have to verify all of this, and make sure that it is the four head honcho’s that have been behind it or not.”
“ I know all of that already, Amon...” She said, her face still stuck in the seriousness of it all. “ We can do all of that as fast as we can... that is why I told Michael to get the other into the office.”

Amon nodded, feeling so proud as the girl was taking charge of her fears... and apparently this investigation as well. This was a sign of her maturity again.
“ Then we will get back to the STN- there we will start all of this.” Agreed the man, with a smile al large as himself.
“ And we have to hope that we can do this fast, and stop whoever this is... not just for my life, but for everyone’s else’s safety as well.” Explained the girl, her face showing little emotion.

He nod and hugged the girl. He was thinking on just how mature this girl-woman really was. He noted on thing about the love of his life, something he had never seen in her yet. He was now seeing another side of her, one that was always had been there, but she had used it when she had needed to. She had strength. He chuckled as he watched her jump out of bed to dress...He found that part of her so damned sexy.

He followed her lead, and got up to get himself dressed as well. As they readied, they knew that this would not be easy for either their friends or themselves, but in the STN, nothing is. This all had to be stopped.