Witch Hunter Robin Fan Fiction ❯ His Masked Emotions ❯ Could it be Jealousy ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Witch Hunter Robin, if I did I would be the coolest person alive.

Could it be Jealousy.


Robin woke up late in the morning, she had taken off her clothes sometime during the night and they were cast about the floor in various places. She picked them up quickly and put them on hoping Amon wouldn't walk out of the bathroom.

The hotel was three floors; they had gotten a nice room on the bottom floor with a back door to the courtyard. Robin loved hotels like these, with a small garden, a fountain and a bench, she could sit and watch the beauty of it for hours. She walked the small cobblestone walkway and sat at the bench, she opened up the book that had been in the hotel room and began to read but her Japanese was still very rusty and it was hard for her to make out a lot of the words.

Amon watched, perched against the pillar behind their room as Robin read. The strands from her funny pigtails blew across the back of her neck and her cheeks. He could sit there just as long as she could, watching her as she'd read. His eye caught a young man around her age walking towards her, he said something that Amon couldn't hear and then sat down next to her. He didn't trust younger men with her, she was still very naive and boys her age were such perverts. He wished he could hear what they were saying but if he got any closer they would see him so he stood, watching, making sure the boy didn't try anything.

"It's a beautiful day out, huh?" Robin had noticed the boy approaching from the corner of her eye but didn't make much of it. "Yes…Yes it is." She answered timidly she wasn't used to attention from anyone let alone a good looking guy like him. Amon didn't even pay much attention to her and they were together every minute of the day.

"May I sit with you?" Robin simply nodded, wondering what his intentions were. "You're not from around here, are you?" "N…No, I came from Italy." She felt odd talking to someone about herself, it had been so long since anyone had asked her where she was from. "It must be beautiful there." Robin nodded as she thought of the beautiful gardens they had at the monastery, the long cobblestone paths leading to endless rows of flowers. "I take it you miss home." He smiled to her slightly, noticing her reminiscing.

"My name is Nakamura Matsu." He stuck out his hand with a large smile on his face. "I'm Robin, Robin Sena." She took his hand and shook it politely, she was still at a loss as to why he was talking to her. He was handsome `Not like Amon…' She thought to herself, but he was a different kind of handsome. He was a bit taller than her, lanky with short blonde hair and honey brown eyes. He had a wide smile and it seemed that he had been smiling the entire time they had been talking.

Amon had narrowed it down to two options, the boy was either very friendly or was attracted to Robin. Amon was sick with jealousy although he told himself there was no need to be. He didn't care about her in that way… but it was inevitable, he couldn't lie to himself, he did care for her, he had since she had come to Japan. It was hard for him, he'd never felt so strongly about anyone and of all people a 15 year old Italian girl.

"Robin, it's getting late, you should come it." He wasn't going to just stand there and watch some kid hit on her. He walked out towards the two and gestured to Robin to go inside. She said her goodbyes and did as she was told, she felt bad for the boy, Amon was so cold to everyone, and it just couldn't be helped.

The next day they made no attempt to talk about the boy, Robin didn't think much of it. She thought he was just a nice boy, who thought it was nice to have someone his age around. Amon dismissed it, pretending nothing had happened, hoping he wouldn't come around looking for her or worse, her going looking for him.

"Where are you going" Amon sat at the edge of his bed watching the TV. "Its nice out, I'm going to go read my book on the bench." Robin closed the door behind her and walked to the bench.

`She obviously is going to see that damn boy.' Amon couldn't help but be a little ticked off, she was possibly starting to like this kid. He leaned against the wall so not to be seen as he watched out the window. He was right, the boy came trotting over to see Robin and sat with her at the bench.

Robin was surprised to see him she thought for sure Amon had scared him off. She had felt bad for him the night before, he was only being nice and Amon was so rude. She wondered why Amon was extra cold towards this boy. `He was probably just in a bad mood'

"How are you this evening?" His energetic voice almost startled Robin, she was used to Amon's monotone voice. "I'm fine." "That's good, look I brought out a few books for you, that one your reading is pretty boring." Robin looked at the stack of books in his hands, she had to admit what she could understand of the book was extremely boring. "…Thank you." She took the top book off the stack and began to look through the pages. "What is Italy like?" She smiled, ever since coming to Japan no one had ever asked her that. "I almost forget." She had lived there her entire 15 years and barely gone outside the monastery.

"How long have you been here in Japan?" "Almost 3 years."

"Why did you come here?" She had known that question was coming and wasn't sure how to answer it. She couldn't exactly tell him she was a witch hunter.

"Its pretty late, I'd better go in." She stood up and he stood up with her. "Wait, Robin." He placed a hand on her arm. She looked at the hand, it didn't make her uncomfortable but she wasn't used to people touching her. "Who is that man your with?" Robin eyes quickly reverted to the boys face. `What should I say?! He's far too young to be my father and I can't exactly say he's my boyfriend…or could I? After all, I'm almost 18…'

"I'm her brother." The sudden voice tore her away from her thoughts and she spun around to see Amon directly behind her. "It's getting late, you should come in." Amon put a hand on her back directing her toward their room. She bowed her head to Matsu and began to walk back to her room, she noticed Amon never took his hand off her back until they were inside the room.

"Amon you were so cold to him, the poor kid is probably scared to death." Robin disliked Amon attitude toward the boy, he hadn't meant any harm.

"Get your stuff, were going." She looked around and noticed Amon had already packed up his belongings. "But we don't have to check out until tomorrow afternoon." Amon turned and gave her a cold look from the door, then walked out with his baggage. There was something else in his eyes she noticed. `Was it hurt?...No, it was more than that, it was a look of jealousy.' She noticed he had given the boy the same look while they were walking in. `Why? What is he jealous of?' She quickly gathered up her things and ran out to the car.

"Are we leaving because you don't want me to be around Matsu?" Hearing her say his name just twisted the knife even more. "No, I just feel it would be safer to leave here now." Her only response was a slight sigh and she leaned back in the seat to fall asleep.


Meh. Kind of long if you ask me, I couldn't seem to make it any shorter. Yay Amon is finally showing emotions toward Robin! I might hold off making another chapter until I see the end of the series but then again I may not. Either way, there are not many episodes left, so expect a new chapter soon.