Witch Hunter Robin Fan Fiction ❯ Michael's Angel ❯ The First Meeting ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

The elevator doors slid open to reveal a young woman, her crimson hair cascading in a sea of curls around her. Her raven black trench coat swished about as she stepped out of the elevator and into the STN-J office in Raven's Flat. Her ice blue eyes glanced about nervously, searching for a familiar face.

Seeing her standing there, Mr. Zaizen quickly walked out of his office and loudly cleared his throat, hoping to get the attention of the other hunters. Sakaki was the first to notice the young woman and couldn't help but smile ruefully as his eyes scanned her up and down. Seeing this, both Doujima and Robin smacked him hard and smiled at the new-comer.

“This is Kaori. She was sent to us due to the abnormal amount of witch activity. However, she also has to remain within the building at all times, like Michael. Please make her welcome everyone,” Zaizen concluded, somewhat coldly. Kaori smiled meekly at everyone in the room.

“Hi Kaori!” said one girl, exuberantly. “My name's Robin. Let me introduce you to everyone.”

“What are you Robin? The welcoming committee?” asked a man sitting in front of a large panel of computers, his headphones resting on his shoulders, the music still playing.

Completely ignoring the man's comment, Robin said pointing, “That's Michael. He's gonna stay here in the office like you are. Just stay out of his way when it comes to doughnuts though. He's addicted.”

“Am not!” protested Michael, blushing furiously.

“And this,” stated Robin, “Is Sakaki. Next to him is the ever late Doujima and behind her, is Karasuma. Hmm... who am I missing?”

“Me,” said a deep voice from behind Kaori. Both she and Robin jumped at the sudden noise and whipped around. Standing there was a dark man with a long trench coat, his face almost completely lost in shadow.

“Kaori, this is Amon. He's the dark brooding one,” said Robin with a wink. Kaori couldn't help but feel intimidated by the man named Amon, and was glad to see him turn away and walk out the door. Robin, Sakaki, and Karasuma followed him while Michael ushered Kaori to a seat next to him.

“They're going off on a hunt. They'll be back soon, but until you get the hang of how everything here runs, you'll be staying here with me. Okay?” Kaori merely nodded and turned to look at what was on Michael's computer screen as he sat. Handing her a pile of files, he said, “Here. You can look these over for right now.” She took them silently and opened the file at the very bottom.

Michael glanced over at her with a questioning look and Kaori whispered hesitantly, “I don't like taking the first one.” Michael nodded and turned back to his computer, his music blaring and his fingers tapping rhythmically on the keyboard. Kaori took this opportunity to size up the man sitting next to her. He didn't appear that much older than she was and he apparently liked the same music she did. Her eyes lingered on the dog tag hanging from his neck. He seemed a little too young to be in the military, so she concluded that it was just for decoration.

The light from the computer screen glinted off of his amber hued glasses and Kaori couldn't help but smile at his frustrated expression as the information he sought eluded him. He was like a breath of fresh air compared to everyone else that she had met. Sure, Robin was nice, but Kaori felt alienated from her. Robin belonged and she didn't. It was as simple as that.

Feeling her gaze on him, Michael turned with a questioning look on his face. Kaori quickly buried her face in the file she was holding, seemingly intent on whatever was written there. Michael shrugged and continued to type away, occasionally glancing over to the new hunter. Now that she had taken off her long black trench coat, he saw that she was wearing a deep forest green dress that clung to her every curve, seductive but not overly so. Her hair seemed to shine with a radiance all it's own, in stark contrast with his own orange locks. Her brows were drawn together in confusion as she nibbled on her lower lip, trying to understand the file's contents.

So time passed for what seemed like an eternity until Michael finally stood and said, somewhat groggily, “Do you want something to eat? I'm dying of hunger.” Kaori only nodded and followed him into the small kitchen just off the office.

Michael rummaged through a couple cabinets before he pulled out some Ramen and with a curious gaze, he asked, “You like Ramen?”

“Yea, actually I do. What flavors do you have?”

“Only beef, sorry,” he said with a shrug.

“No, no. It's fine. I like them all,” murmured Kaori with a smile. Michael grinned back as he tossed the styrofoam cup at her playfully. `Finally,' he thought, `she's a little more cheerful.' Kaori caught the cup and quickly had the soup ready. She sat down at a table, Michael opposite her.

They sat there in silence until the hacker cleared his throat and asked tentatively, “So... where are you from?”

Kaori looked up from her soup, a little surprised that he was talking to her. “I'm from a small town to the south.”

“Do you like Tokyo? I know it can be kinda scary at first, what with all the new people and cramped quarters.”

“On the contrary. I love Tokyo. Yes, it is different, but you never gain anything from staying in one place, right? It's better to see things instead of being trapped in a cage...” Her voice trailed off as she thought about having to stay in the STN-J office. She wasn't looking forward to it, but now that she had someone to talk to, it didn't seem that bad.

“Yea. I know what you mean. I've been here for who knows how long. At least I have someone to talk to and keep me company. That is, if you don't mind my rambling,” Michael said with a grin as he slurped up his Ramen noodles, broth flying everywhere. Kaori put her hands up to shield her, giggling slightly. Taking her now empty Ramen cup, she tossed it at Michael, hitting him square on the forehead.

“That's what you get!” she shrieked when Michael looked at her, shocked.

“Oh yea? Well, here's what you get!” He yelled as he tossed one of his chopsticks at her. She caught it and threw it back with a sinister smile. Michael put his hands up in defeat and finished his Ramen, Kaori all the while sitting there, grinning at him, knowing that she had won fair and square.

When they returned back to the desk that they were originally sitting at, Kaori reached over and grasped Michael's dog tag. He froze immediately as she read the inscription and with a content little sound, she returned to her files. He continued to stare at her wide eyed. He had never allowed anyone to reach over and touch his necklace, and yet, she had.

`This Kaori sure is something different,' thought Michael as he slowly rubbed his neckline, his skin still tingling from her light touch. Suddenly, the elevator door opened and Michael almost dreaded the others coming back so soon. He was enjoying being around Kaori. She was so different from the others and he liked that about her.

Sakaki quickly made his way over to Kaori and sat down, his arm draped over her shoulders. Her smile instantly faded and she became reserved and introverted. Michael noticed the change in her almost immediately, and eyed Sakaki warily.

“So, Kaori... You up to a movie sometime or what?” Sakaki asked slyly.

“Um... I can't leave, remember? Besides, I don't much like movies,” whispered Kaori. Michael found it hard to believe that just ten minutes before, she had been as exuberant as Doujima, but now, she shied away from everyone.

“Okay,” continued Sakaki. “Then I'll bring some dinner here and we can have a romantic dinner here at the office. I'm sure that Michael won't mind us stealing the tables for one night.”

Kaori's face darkened and she said softly, “I really just want to get used to this place without having to worry about a relationship. I'm sorry, Sakaki.” Sakaki just smiled and shrugged, walking into the kitchen to get some coffee. Kaori took a deep breath and returned her gaze to the file she still had in her grasp, the edges now bent from her nervous hands.

Michael put his hand on her shoulder and said with a slight smile, “Don't worry. He does that all the time, so just ignore him.” Kaori returned his smile with a small, sheepish one of her own, putting her hand on his. With that, she turned and opened another file, flicking through it daintily. Michael still could feel her hand resting tenderly on his and he sat there, gazing at her, wanting to see through the veil that she used to hide behind. Who was she... He needed to know.

`What are you doing Michael?' he thought. `She's the new hunter. You just met her. Stop thinking that way. Besides, she's gorgeous. Just look at her. She would rather have Haruto over you any day.' Sighing, he returned to his computer screen and got lost in his thoughts. Soon, everyone was taking their leave of the office, and Michael glanced at the clock. It was 5:00 already.

Soon, it was only he and Kaori in the office, and he could feel his stomach tightening at the thought of spending every day with her, his heart beginning to race. Kaori stood, startling him, and walked over to the elevator, ready to go to her room on the level below.

Michael, seizing his chance, called out after her, “Wait, Kaori!”