Witch Hunter Robin Fan Fiction ❯ Michael's Angel ❯ A Cry in the Night ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kaori turned and saw Michael standing there, his hand outstretched as if trying to pull her back. She stood there, waiting for him to say something.

`What am I doing?' he thought to himself. `What should I say? I'm acting like a fool!' He cleared his throat and said, “Wait a minute while I power down my computer so I don't have to go alone.” Kaori nodded while Michael inwardly cursed himself for acting so immature. He could've taken the elevator by himself, but no. He had to ride with Kaori like he was scared of the dark or something.

Michael leaned over, turning off his computer, and headed over to the elevator. Kaori was standing inside already, her hands holding the doors open for him. He couldn't help but smile at her as she yawned loudly, her arms stretching over her head. Spotting his smile, she cut her yawn off abruptly and grinned sheepishly at him, making his heart flutter. Why did she have to be so innocent and seductive at the same time?

The bell tolled as the elevator reached the second floor. Michael and Kaori walked down the dimly lit hallway, shadows jumping this way and that. Kaori stopped at a plain door, and tested the handle. The door gave way easily and the light flooded into the room, revealing a cold room, devoid of all color and emotion.

Suddenly, she felt a hand on her shoulder and jumped slightly at the touch. She turned and saw Michael standing there, his gaze fixed on the room in front of her.

“You'll get used to it after a while. Hell, you can dress it up a little with the help of Robin and Doujima. I'm sure that they would be glad to buy you things to make it feel a little more comfortable.”

Kaori nodded and went into the room, murmuring a “Good night” over her shoulder. Once the door was closed and she could hear Michael go into his room next door, she flopped on the bed and gave a huge sigh. Opening her eyes, she scanned the room. The walls were completely bare, the gray seeming to suck the life out of Kaori herself. The light came from a single bare bulb in the ceiling hanging from a wire, gently swinging in the breeze from the air conditioner. The only furnishings in the room were a bed and dresser in opposite corners of the room and a table with a single chair in the center.

“It feels like a cage... I'm trapped here in this cage. I'm trapped and alone...” Kaori nearly shouted to no one in particular. Sighing heavily, she opened the suitcase that was propped against the wall. She took out her pajamas and slipped off her green dress. Pulling the shirt over her head, she walked over to the light switch, she flicked it off and slid into bed, the cold sheets sending a shiver down her spine. She closed her eyes and soon fell into a fitful sleep.

Michael opened his door and strode into his own room, flinging his t-shirt off and flopping onto the bed, his hands behind his head. He could hear Kaori moving around her room, and he felt a deep sadness rising in his chest. He knew how it felt to be all alone and he barely kept his emotions in check. He wanted to reassure her that it would all be okay eventually.

Standing, he turned off the light and slid out of his pants. Returning to his bed, he faintly heard Kaori's voice. What was it that she was saying?

`She feels like she's in a cage... all alone. Doesn't she know that she has me? I know what it feels like, Kaori,' he thought, wanting her to know that he cared. `If only she knew how alike we are. She doesn't have to be alone here.' Michael turned over and buried his face into his pillow. Why was he thinking this way? He never thought about anyone this much before, so why the change?

`She seems so afraid... How can I let someone be so scared? It's the normal thing to do,' he thought, trying to convince himself that it was nothing more. But deep down in his heart, he knew that it wasn't only that. It was something far more. He could barely suppress the urge to hold the woman in his arms, knowing that she was only feet away from him, tossing and turning in a fitful slumber. He breathed in deeply and rolled over, his face towards where he knew Kaori was sleeping just on the other side of the wall. `If only...' he thought as sleep finally claimed him.

A blinding light flashed before Kaori's eyes, her skin burning and blistering. Her eyes watered and tears streamed down like a torrent, unbidden and unwelcome. A faint laughter rose from the light, taunting Kaori and the pain that washed over her in waves of pure torture. She raised her arms to fend off the unseen enemy, but it did little good. The snickering soon became a howl of amusement as wounds opened in her fragile skin. The blood stood out like a beacon against her pale flesh, dripping from every pore.

She sank down onto her knees, her shoulders shaking with pent up fear and torment.

“Who are you?!” she yelled into the light, even though she knew that it was useless. She was at the mercy of the unknown monster that tortured her so every single night, and every night, she would struggle, but it was futile. No matter what she did, it always hurt the same and the laugh persisted. The final strike came, severing her delicate form in half, blood and gore flying everywhere, painting her face a morbid crimson. A scream erupted from her lips, a cry full of anguish that echoed against the hollow walls and resounded through the empty rooms of Raven's Flat.

Kaori jolted upright in her bed, sweat streaming down her back, her vision blurred by tears. Damn these persistant nightmares. She thought that she would have been used to them after a while, but every night, they still had the same effect. She was scared out of her mind.

Sliding her feet to the cold floor, she stood and turned on the light. Her covers were in a tangled heap at the end of the bed, her outline clearly marked in sweat and tears. Ever since she could remember, she had had that same dream, and no one could help her. No one believed her. Sitting back down on her bed, she stared at her feet, trying to come to grips yet again.

She heard a rustling from next door and a muffled moan from Michael. Great. She had woken up the hacker and now, she would have to hide how shaken she really was. That was the last thing that she wanted to do this night.

Suddenly, a knock resounded throughout the room, followed quickly by a hesitant voice, “Kaori? Are you okay?” Kaori stood and glanced at her face in the mirror. She was a mess. Her hair was tossled and streaks ran down her cheeks from the now dry river of tears that had flowed freely moments before. “Kaori?”

“I'm fine Michael. Nothing to worry abo--” Her voice cracked as a new batch of tears surfaced. She breathed in deeply, trying to calm herself so that she could speak clearly. “I'm fine Michael... it was nothing.” She could hear him shifting about restlessly on the other side of the door.

“You sure Kaori? You know that I'm here for you right? I mean, I know what it's like to be alone.”

“I know Michael.”

“Well... just don't be afraid to tell me anything. It's not like I'm going to tell everyone else. It will be between only you and me.” Kaori moved slowly towards the door, her hand reaching for the door knob. What was she doing? She shouldn't let him see her like this!

She, as though in a trance, opened the door slowly, her eyes downcast. Michael glanced at her face, noticing the tears, and felt his heart reach out to her. Not too long ago, he had looked the same way.

Kaori just stood there, waiting for Michael to say something. Instead, he moved closer and wrapped his arms around her. He could feel her sink into his embrace, her face buried in the side of his neck, warm tears sliding down his bare chest. With a shuddering sob, she threw her arms around him, seeking the comfort that she had been denied for so long.

He held her closer, wanting her to know that it was okay and that she wasn't alone. Suddenly, he felt something sticky on her back. He lifted his hand and his eyes widened in horror. It was blood!

Pulling back, he looked into her icy eyes and saw the pain welling up in them. “Kaori? You're bleeding. What happened? Why are you hurt?” She didn't answer, but merely smiled at him and collapsed into his arms. The last words she heard was the frantic yelling of Michael, calling for help in an empty building. She sank to the floor, slipping into unconciousness, blackness surrounding her.

`At least the pain stopped,' she thought wistfully.