Witch Hunter Robin Fan Fiction ❯ Michael's Angel ❯ Revelations ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kaori's eyes opened slowly to reveal a brightly lit hospital room. She tried to sit up, but an overwhelming pain washed over her, making her yelp in pain as she laid back down. It had been a long time since it had been this serious. She turned her head, looking around, hoping to see someone she recognized. No one was there. Sighing, she let her eyes wander.

The room was a private one, and like every hospital room, it was all white, with very little furniture. The bed she was in was a plain metal one with white sheets that chafed. The table in the corner of the room was simple and had a chair propped against it, almost as if someone had been sitting there the moment before. The window was slightly open, letting in a faint breeze; just enough that Kaori's hair fluttered in front of her face.

She looked at the clock and gasped. How long had she been asleep? It was nearly noon! Almost as if he sensed her thoughts, Amon walked in through the door, eyeing her warily.

“You're awake.” Kaori nodded and watched him sit down in the chair across the room. “You know, you had all of us very worried, collapsing like that. And all that blood too,” he continued, staring at her. She lowered her eyes, not wanting to tell him anything. How could she trust someone that terrified her so?

“I... um...” she stuttered.

“You don't have to tell me what went on. All I need to know is if it'll happen again.” Kaori looked at him, wide eyed. Sure, she didn't want him to know what exactly all this was about, but he was so cold. It shocked her.

“It may. I don't know when. It just happens sometimes.” He looked at her, a small flash of curiosity flickering in his eyes. “So,” she mumbled, trying to change the topic, “how long was I out?”

“Three days,” he answered, nonchalant. At this, she tried to sit up again, only to have him come over to her and push her back down onto the bed. “You'll be going nowhere for the time being. You need to heal before you can return to work. It's company policy,” he said with a smirk, attempting humor. The smile seemed a little cruel coming from him, but veiled concern shone through his eyes none the less.

“I'm sorry if I caused everyone to worry.”

Amon nodded. “Yes, we were all very worried when Michael called us. He was completely frantic. I could barely get a complete sentence out of him. All he could say was that you were bleeding pretty badly and to hurry my ass over to the office. When I got there, both of you were covered in blood. You were unconscious in his arms and he was half crying, half yelling at you to wake the fuck up.” Kaori smiled at the thought of Michael having to deal with her limp and bloody form. She'd have to buy him doughnuts one day to make up for it. It was the least she could do.

“Amon?” she questioned as he turned to leave. He paused, waiting for her to finish. “When can I leave this place?”

“You should be able to come back to the office later on today. I'll send Doujima and Karasuma to come get you.” She nodded as he walked out of the room, his black trench coat swishing about his legs. When she heard the door close, Kaori leaned back and closed her eyes, trying to forget the events of that night. How could she explain this to Michael. He deserved an explanation after all he'd done for her. If it hadn't been for him, she would most likely have been dead by now.

She dismissed all her concerns from her mind, knowing that she would be able to think about it on the ride back to Raven's Flat. She felt her body slowly relax, almost melting into the mattress as sleep claimed her a second time.

Amon walked down the dreary hall of the hospital, his thoughts lingering on that girl, laying in her bed, her eyes full of sorrow. What had happened to her? It must have been something serious to make Michael so panic-stricken, but he couldn't fathom what it was. She was definitely hiding something from everyone. He shook his head. She would open up when she was ready, but he was unsure if she would open up to him. He could tell by how she looked at him and shrank away from him that she was afraid.

Not like he cared. A lot of people were timid around him, but he wanted to know if she was trustworthy or not. Besides, he didn't want Michael to be so scared again. Even though he didn't like to admit it, he did care about everyone in the STN-J, and he looked out for them like a big brother would. He simply didn't want Michael to get hurt.

Amon's black car pulled up to Raven's Flat and as he walked towards the elevator, he could almost feel Michael's worry wafting throughout the building. Sighing deeply, he stepped into the elevator and pressed the button that would take him to the office. When the doors slid open and he sauntered into the room, he was nearly assaulted by Robin and Doujima.

“Is she awake? When will she be coming back?” questioned Robin, her hands gripping Amon's trench coat.

“She's awake and doing okay. The doctor said that she will be able to come back here tonight. You and Doujima are going to go pick her up later. For now, let's focus on our work,” he commanded, stealing a glance over at Michael. He was smiling slightly, his hands typing on the keyboard with a renewed vigor.

“Poor guy... he was worried sick,” whispered Doujima. “He finally has someone to talk to and she has to be rushed to the hospital.” She shook her head sadly and returned to her own computer, continuing her solitaire game.

Michael sat as still as he could while Amon spoke; he didn't want to miss a single word. For the past three days, he had been on pins and needles, eagerly awaiting any news of Kaori.

`She's a good friend and I don't want her to be hurt,' he would tell himself, trying to justify his feelings for her, but even he knew that this was a lie. He genuinely cared about her, and he couldn't get his mind off her. All his thoughts were of her and how fragile she was that night. He wanted her back in his arms, completely dependent on him to make everything all right. He wanted her to feel safe with him...

He snapped out of his reverie and caught Amon's gaze fixed upon him. He felt a blush creep up his neck, spreading to his cheeks. It was as though Amon knew what he was thinking, constantly tossing him knowing glances, as if he was privy to his deepest emotions. Michael kept his fingers typing at a blistering pace in order to get Amon off his mind. It was impossible for him to know... right?

Soon, Amon stood and called Robin and Doujima over.

“It's time to go pick up Kaori. Be careful; she's probably still a little sore.” The two females nodded and brusquely walked to the elevator, leaving the office with more purpose than ever before.

“How come Doujima is serious only when it involves things like this? I've never seen her this dedicated when on a hunt,” murmured Karasuma.

Sakaki stretched, his hands above his head and said mid yawn, “It's because she's Doujima. Simple as that.” Michael looked around at the other members of the team. They seemed so unfazed by the whole situation now that the blood had been cleaned up. It was a completely different story when they first arrived at the office and saw Kaori swimming in a pool of her own blood. He himself had seen the look of pure horror on Amon's face as Michael cried out to him amidst sobs for help.

Even the serious Karasuma's face was painted with terror as she witnessed the pool grow ever wider by the minute, Michael and Kaori in the middle like an island of flesh. His chest had been covered in her blood as he had frantically tried to ebb the flow, but to no avail.

When the ambulance had finally arrived, Michael was shaking so badly that he could barely stand, his feet slipping on the slick coating of crimson on the floor. Sakaki had helped him into the bathroom to be cleaned up, but Michael couldn't do anything but sit there, covered in Kaori's blood, eyes staring blankly at his soiled hands. The very hands that had held her moments before, in her time of need, but unable to help. He felt so useless. He couldn't help the one person that he felt the most connected to, and he had nearly lost her. He didn't want to be alone again. Never again.

Doujima and Robin slowly opened the door to Kaori's room to find her sitting on the edge of the bed, wincing in pain. Amusement played across her face at the expressions of the two women.

“You know, I'm not going to die. You can stop looking at me like I am any minute,” she said teasingly. Robin dashed over and gave her a light hug, and she was quickly followed by Doujima.

“We were so worried! Don't you ever do that again!” scolded Doujima, as if Kaori was a child being disciplined. She smiled at the new hunter and helped her up, ushering her into a wheelchair that waited nearby. Kaori, now in considerably less pain, looked up at Robin and saw a deep sadness behind her green eyes.

“What's wrong Robin?” she questioned.

Robin looked down at her and gave her a small smile and mumbled, “Michael has been so worried about you. I don't know how well he handled the whole incident.”

Great. It was an `incident' now.

Kaori sighed as she allowed herself to be wheeled out of the hospital by Doujima, her eyes downcast. She couldn't imagine how Michael had taken it. She was used to episodes like this one, but he wasn't. How was he handling it? She would have to talk to him about it when she got back to the STN-J.

Slowly, she slid into the back seat of Doujima's car and sat there, her eyes unfocused, yet her mind was racing. How would she handle this? Surely, they would find out about her secret if this kept up. Daily trips to the hospital was definitely not normal behavior for a young woman.

Almost as soon as the car had started, it stopped. Robin hopped out, wheelchair at the ready. They walked into the ground floor, saying a quick hello to the guard stationed there. Doujima pounded on the button as the doors opened. Robin wheeled Kaori into the elevator, all the while, Kaori's heart was pounding in her ears, adrenaline rushing through her veins.

Too soon, the doors slid open once again to expose the weakened Kaori to the rest of the STN-J. She allowed Robin to wheel her into the middle of the office, where a stiff silence enveloped her. Karasuma was merely staring at her, a little hesitant to accept that she was completely recovered from her injuries. Sakaki, on the other hand, was smiling at her, glad to see her a little cleaner and conscious. Amon was nowhere to be seen.

Kaori's eyes moved from one to the other, and finally to Michael. She could tell that his eyes were watering and he stood, making his way deliberately towards her, trying to keep himself from running to her and taking her in his arms in front of everyone else. Kaori smiled meekly, knowing what he wanted.

This knowing smile threw him over the edge. His resolve crumbling, he dashed over to her, throwing his arms around her and sobbing into her neck. Kaori put her arms around him, slowly stroking his back and whispering comforting words to him, her own eyes beginning to blur.

“I thought that I would never see you again! I was so afraid,” he whimpered into her shoulder, gripping her tighter than before. “I don't know what I'd do if you died.”

“Shhh... It's okay. I'm alive. I'm not going anywhere.”

“Don't leave me like that.”

“I'm not leaving. Not ever.”