Witch Hunter Robin Fan Fiction ❯ What I Have Lost ❯ Chapter One ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Hey minna. I'm back with a Witch Hunter Robin fic. I'm obsessed. I hope you enjoy.
Summary: Robin is pregnant with Amon's child. He tells her to get rid of it and she walks. Years later Amon is hunting a young witch-child that has a starling resemblance to him with the exception of her clear, green eyes. Could this be the child he abandoned several years before, he wonders. If so, where is her mother? Racked with guilt over the love and child he drove away, Amon vows to regain what he has lost at any cost. Is it too late? Does Robin's heart belong to another now?
Disclaimer: I do not own Witch Hunter Robin. This is the first and last time I will write this.
Chapter One
The dim street lamp shone done on the lone girl sitting on the bench below, flickering ever so slightly every few minutes. Knees drawn to her chest, only her eyes, the clearest green, made brighter than usual with tears could be seen, peeking through her bangs. She seemed not to notice the fresh rain falling upon her, mingling with the saltiness that was her tears. Like a small child, lost and waiting for its mother, she sat there crying silently, the skies crying with her. From the shadows a man watched, his heart constricting painfully, wanting to comfort her but, he remained where he was, thinking to himself that it was for the best.
- - - - - - - - - -
Opening her eyes slowly, she winced as the bright sunlight hit her eyes.
“Fell asleep on the couch again?” she heard someone ask. She groaned, not understanding. Her cell phone rang, summoning her to the office. She yawned, stretching stiff muscles weighed down by wet fabric.
How did I get here? she wondered. The last thing she remembered was sitting in the park last night and her wet clothes were evidence of that. Her cell phone rang again. It sent shooting pains through her skull. It seemed so loud. She cringed and threw it across the room and it shattered against a wall.
“Bad mood?” the voice asked again, this time from the opposite end of the room. She turned and saw Touko putting a kettle to boil.
“Well?” she prodded. Robin ignored her question and instead asked how she got home last night.
“Amon brought you home I suppose. His coat is what you're lying on.” She was right.
Oh. I hadn't noticed.” she replied absently. How had Amon known where she was? Did he follow her? She was sure he didn't want anything to do with here after what she had told him. Maybe he had changed his mind. One could only hope. She was pulled out of her thoughts when she realized that Touko had been calling her for some time. She looked up. “I'm sorry. Did you say something?”
“I said don't you have to go. Didn't STN call for you?”
“Oh I had almost forgotten. My clothes are wet though and I don't have anything to wear.”
“You can borrow something of mine.” Touko offered.
Robin looked at her skeptically. “Do you wear black; I mean I've never seen youSS”
She laughed. “I wear black. It might be too short for your liking though.”
“It doesn't matter, so long as it's black.” Half an hour later she walked into the office.
“You're late.” was Amon's greeting. “I called you twice why didn't you pick up?”
“It was annoying so I flung the phone into a wall. Where is everyone?” she asked gesturing to the empty room.
“Not here.”
“Then why did you call?”
He stared as if it weren't obvious. When she said nothing, he sighed and ran a hand through his hair. He looked at the girl who had wormed her way into his heart. She was dressed in a plain black dress that was way shorter than usual but showcased her long legs and luscious curves. She saw the way his eyes roamed over her body and visibly shivered under his gaze.
“Amon why am I here?”
“We need to talk.”
“What about?”
“Don't toy with me Robin.” She sighed and sat in the nearest chair.
“Don't you have anything to say?” he asked her.
“I'm waiting. Whatever you say will decide what I do next.”
He nodded. “I want you to get rid of it.”
She hung her head, fingers curling tightly around the hem of her dress. She tried to hold them back but the tears were already starting to come. How she had hoped and prayed that he would change his mind.
“No.” she said tearfully. “No. It can't be.”
“This is for the best. It would neverS”
“It?!” she cried angrily. “It!!!!! This is our child Amon! How could you even think that I would want to get a, an-Arrrgghhhhhhhh!” she couldn't even say the word.
“How could I think? How could I think?!! How could you think that I would want a witch for child? A-a-a monster!”
“Is this how you really feel? Do you hate witches that much? Do you hate me that much?”
He shook his head in frustration. “Of course I don't hate you. Let's, just talk this through.”
“Why? So you can keep trying to change my mind? No we have nothing to say to each other.” She stood up and began to put on her coat. It was starting to rain.
“Robin, please, just try to understand.” She stopped for a moment and looked at him, as if to say something but shook her head and walked out the door.
- - - - - - - - - - -
Amon stood at the apartment door, not wanting to knock but knowing he had to. He had felt an ominous feeling when he watched Robin walk away from him the day before. It felt like he was losing her and he couldn't handle that. He had fought his feelings towards her for so long before giving in and to lose her now would be unbearable. If only he could make her see it his way. He lifted his hand and knocked. He had barely grazed his knuckle against the door when it flew open to reveal a frantic Touko. He felt his stomach sink when her wild eyes met his. Robin was gone. He could feel it. “Where is she?” he growled. Touko backed into the small apartment, afraid of what he might do. She had never seen this side of him before. He scowled even more when he realized what she was trying to do. He grabbed her arm roughly before she could slam the door shut. “Don't make me ask twice.”
“I don't know. She came back last night but when I got up this morning she was gone. I thought she went to STN Headquarters until I found the note.”
“What note?”
“It said that she was leaving. She boughtS” she stopped abruptly, the thought just occurring to her that the reason Robin may have left was because of Amon.
`What? What did she buy?” he yelled impatiently. She was silent.
“Tell me what she bought!!”
“She's leaving the country by plane. That's all I know.” It was obvious that she was lying but Amon didn't have time. There was still a chance that he would find her at the airport. Casting one last angry glance at Touko he dropped her hand and sped away to find the woman he loved.
- - - - - - - - - - -
It had been fifteen years ago that she left. He had not been able to catch her that day. But, he still remembered looking out the window of the terminal and catching a glimpse of her face on the other side of one of the plane windows. He could see her wiping her eyes and knew that she had been crying because of him. Just as the plane had lifted she had turned to face him and looked overjoyed for a split second before her face crumbled, she probably remembered why she was leaving in the first place. For the third time in two days he watched the only person to ever get close to him turn away from him, for good. He had never forgiven himself for chasing her away and had even tried to track her but she successfully evaded him every time. He had given up hope of ever finding her after ten years. And now, four more years later, he was hunting a young witch with the powers of fire. When this fact was first discovered he swore the fates were having a laugh at his expense. The girl was only a year younger than Robin had been when she first joined the STN-J.
He was close now. He had been following her for some time now, Karasuma and Doujima had fallen behind. He was just about on her. There in the middle of the park. He had been here before with Robin on a mission. He approached cautiously with gun aimed and cocked. As he drew nearer he noticed that the girl seemed familiar, too familiar. A hooded coat covering that all too familiar dress. It couldn't be. He could hear his heart pounding. His breath coming in almost painful gasps.
At the name the girl started. He could see her smirk and he did not like it.
“Is that you?” She pulled back her hood so that he could see her face. She looked like Robin but not quite. Her eyes were those of Robin, a clear green, but otherwise she looked almost exactly like him. What the hell?
She smirked again. “Surprised? You should be I suppose, having never been around for my entire life.”
Her entire life? He wondered. It couldn't be.
“Who are you?”
“Still haven't figured it out? Really, don't you recognize your own daughter, Father?”
- -
Well that's all for now. Read, Review and NO FLAMES. I will just ignore them. If you don't like it don't read.