Witch Hunter Robin Fan Fiction ❯ When All Is Said And Done ❯ IV ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Just a bit of info… I changed the layout of the work room for this story. I know Zaizen's office is positioned to where he looks down on the conference room, but here I have it so that it's where they get their coffee in the show, behind Kosaka's station. The elevators open right up into the work room, instead of the weird looking place with the well where Amon got busted in the anime. In a previous chapter, Amon was looking at Michael and Karasuma in the work room through those large windows in Zaizen's office. Those are tinted like car door windows. You know, where you can see out but not in. Zaizen likes his privacy…
“Hell,” Sakaki said as he plopped down in his chair. He glanced over at Michael. Michael was staring at him. He experienced déjà vu. “You're gonna get enough of staring at me,” he said.
“How did it go?” Michael asked.
“I'm beat,” Sakaki said, “but I'm not complaining. It's a big change from yesterday, at least.”
“Who were you with?” Michael asked.
“Amon and Karasuma-san,” Sakaki said, a little confused. Michael knew everything about their hunts. Didn't he?
“Amon, huh?” Oh, so he was being nosy again. Good. Sakaki preferred talking with him than with any of the others. Except maybe Robin, but she was a girl and girls were different.
“What about it?” Sakaki asked.
“Did he seem a little…off to you?”
“Yeah, like he was distracted. He kept trying to play it off, but I could see it.”
“Did Karasuma say anything about it?”
“She wouldn't have, at least not in front of him,” Sakaki said. Michael nodded.
“I see.” He turned back to his computer. Sakaki frowned. He hated it when Michael didn't tell him what he was thinking. He lightly kicked the back of Michael's chair to get his attention. Michael looked at him without turning.
“Don't you what me,” Sakaki said. “What's going on?” Michael looked reluctant to speak, but Sakaki knew he was getting ready to spill the beans. He looked around, then rolled a little closer to Sakaki.
“Amon was acting a little weird last night, right? Robin asked if she could stay around until today, which means Touko wanted her out for the night, which means that Touko and Amon were going to be hogging the apartment. But then Amon calls, and he sounds…kinda…stressed, you know? And you and I know Amon, he rarely ever sounds anything other than disinterested. So he calls and asks Robin to go home. I haven't seen Robin all day, and Amon looks like he hasn't had a bit of sleep.”
“Yeah. He does look tired.”
“What do you think's going on?”
“Hell, I don't know. Maybe he and Touko had a fight.”
“Maybe,” Michael said. “But why ask for Robin?” Sakaki shrugged. “I've been trying to get a hold of Robin, but I can't.”
“And we can't pry anything out of Amon,” Sakaki said. “Talking to him's like talking to a fish: all you get are sour looks and then, mid-sentence, you get turned away from.”
“Amon's a weird case,” Michael said. He looked as if his brain was working over time. “I wanna know more.”
“Me, too.” Michael looked at Sakaki closely.
“Did you see Robin's vespa around?”
“Nope. She wasn't at Harry's when I stopped by either.”
“She might still be at home. You think you can stop by there?”
“Not now. There's too much going on today. They'll want to know everything about what I'm doing, especially Zaizen.” Sakaki looked towards Zaizen's office and saw Kosaka exiting quickly. He looked hurried. “Oh boy,” Sakaki said. Michael turned as Kosaka approached.
“Zaizen wants to see Amon, now.” Sakaki frowned.
“Last I seen him, he was out with Miss Karasuma.”
“Huh?” Kosaka asked. Weird guy. “Well, why didn't I hear of it?”
“You weren't around,” Michael said.
“That's no excuse.” Michael and Sakaki flashed each other knowing looks as Kosaka waddled away.
“I swear, he gets scarier everyday,” Sakaki said. He leaned in his chair and yawned. “I could probably hurry and see her, but with Amon not around, the girls'll probably need me to be available just in case.”
“In case they need a rookie to fumble…”
“Hey, shut up,” Sakaki said, immediately on the defensive. “I've been here long enough, I'm not a rookie anymore.” Michael chuckled. He had a weird chuckle, one that couldn't be easily duplicated.
“I know, I know. Just a harmless tease.” Sakaki frowned slightly at that. It seemed like something one dude shouldn't say to another. Michael shrugged. “You're a better hunter than me, by any rate.”
“You…” Sakaki began, but decided against saying it. Michael rolled back to his computer.
“Maybe we'll talk to her when she comes back,” he said. He shrugged, then looked towards the elevators. Amon stalked into the room, heading straight towards Zaizen's.
“Think he's in trouble?” Sakaki asked. Michael nodded.
“Amon told me about what Zaizen talks to him about, and they don't usually meet unless it's necessary, right?” Sakaki thought about it, forgetting that he was asked a question. They sat in silence for a short while. “I bet he yells like a mad man,” Michael said. “He looks like that type.”
“How come we can never hear anything?”
“Maybe if we were closer…” Michael suggested.
“He'll know. Doesn't he have monitors and things?”
“None right outside his office, I don't think,” Michael said. “Just go stand there by the door until the chief comes back, then play it off. I'm sure Hattori won't mind.” Sakaki made a face, and then nodded. He casually walked over to the other side of the room. Hattori looked up at him, then back at his work. Sakaki stood outside Zaizen's door and waited to hear something. Hattori glanced at him and went to speak, but didn't say anything. Sakaki tapped his foot, thinking that would make it look like he was waiting for Amon or something. No one bothered him, and Michael pretended to be uninterested.
Zaizen was sitting at his desk when Amon entered, smoking a cigar and leaning back in his chair. He took a long drag of his cigar, and then let the smoke out slowly through his nose. He was doing this purposely. He knew Amon hated it. He was angry with Amon about something, and Amon knew what it was. But soon, he wouldn't have to worry about it. Soon it would all be over and he could start living as he wished.
“Amon…” Zaizen said slowly. “You've got some nerve showing your face here today.”
“I have a job,” Amon said. “I don't let my personal matters interfere.” Zaizen pretended to ignore that.
“Do you know where Touko is?”
“She's out shopping. And do you know with whom?”
“No.” Zaizen leaned back in his chair a little more. Amon was hoping he'd lean too far one day and fall right over. It was something he'd pay any amount of money to see.
“Robin,” Zaizen said. Amon nodded. “She called and requested that Robin have the day off, and they spend some time catching up on things.”
“And Robin agreed?” Amon asked. He would never put shopping before hunting, but then again, Robin was her own individual.
“Why wouldn't she? Who wouldn't?”
“I wouldn't.”
“No,” Zaizen said. “You wouldn't, would you?”
“Is there something you need?”
“You don't have the right to get impatient with me,” Zaizen said. He was getting a little loud. Good. The sooner he did, the sooner Amon could leave.
“I do so,” Amon said, “because I have better things to do than to fool around with you.” Zaizen stood up quickly, ashes raining from his burning cigar butt. Seeing Zaizen get mad was terribly amusing. Laughing at him would probably make him angrier. Amon decided to test his theory. He chuckled. Zaizen went over to Amon quickly, switched his cigar into the other hand, then swiftly punched Amon in the face. The old man was weak. Stronger than average, but weak compared to Amon. Amon's face hung to the side, then he turned it back, rolled his neck and smirked at Zaizen.
“Touko hits harder than you do,” he mocked. A muscle in Zaizen's face twitched and he hit Amon again, this time much harder. Amon stumbled slightly. He liked this game they played. He liked to be Zaizen's punching bag. Because he knew one day it would come back to him, and Zaizen would see what real anger felt like. One day soon, but not that day. That day, Amon would just let Zaizen have his way.
He must have been really upset. Seven to the face and five to the stomach. Amon was sore. After the fifth, his mouth began to bleed. He let the blood run from his mouth and onto the floor as Zaizen ranted on about how Amon was worthless and not good enough for Touko. About how he never meant for his daughter to associate with that witch. Ah. Now Amon knew where Touko got it from.
Zaizen finished and sat back down at his desk. He pulled a Kleenex from its box and rubbed the blood from his knuckles, really only succeeding in smearing it Amon waited to be dismissed. Zaizen took a final, discordant drag on his cigar, then shot a look of disgust at Amon.
“Get out of my sight,” he said.
He was dying to know what was going on. Why was Sakaki making those faces? What was taking them so long? He was sick of playing watch dog; he wanted a firsthand experience. Finally, Sakaki quickly moved away from the door and tiptoed over to the computers. Michael faced him eagerly, but when he heard Zaizen's door open, he looked to see who was coming out.
Amon came from the room, his mouth bloody and his face somehow serene. Michael quickly stood up, feeling like he should help him out. Sakaki sat down in his computer chair and then looked, acting surprised. Amon went towards the elevator hall and disappeared around the corner. Michael looked at Sakaki, his eyes wide.
“What happened?” he asked.
“Zaizen beat the shit out of him.”
“Wonder what the boss looks like after all that.” Sakaki shook his head.
“He didn't fight back.” Michael was surprised by that. Surprised and overwhelmingly curious. He tapped his fingers on the table a few times, then went towards the hall to look for Amon. He found him in the men's washroom, cleaning his face at one of the sinks.
“You need some help?” he asked.
“No,” Amon said. Michael stepped closer.
“You sure?” Amon looked over to Michael, then at himself in the mirror, touching a finger to his lip.
“Have I ever not been?”
“Wow,” Michael said. Amon was calm and Michael didn't see how he could be. “So…what's been going on here lately?”
“Nothing much now,” Amon said. “I suggest you move on, and don't ask questions.”
“Me? Not ask questions?” Amon looked at Michael and smirked. Amon always looked creepy when he smirked, like he was up to something evil, like world domination. But Michael found the fact that he was smirking intriguing. “You're going to tell me. Just not with Haruto around.” Amon kept the smirk and looked back in the mirror.
“We'll see,” he said. Michael stuck his hands in his pockets.
“Good,” he said. “You really should get it off your chest before you blow up at him.”
“I'd rather keep it there, and let it grow until I do.”
“Sounds like something you'd say.” Amon's usual expression had returned, but when Michael said that, he looked as if he might smirk again. He didn't. Instead he grabbed some paper towels and dried himself. He didn't say anything else as he threw them away and left the room. Michael looked after him. Yep. That Amon was a strange case. Michael left the washroom wondering if Robin would be by that day, and if she would, would she bring him some donuts.