Witch Hunter Robin Fan Fiction ❯ When All Is Said And Done ❯ VII ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Robin set the coffee pot on the burner and went over to the sink to rinse out the mugs. She was a little late that day; her vespa had malfunctioned again. Touko had been nice enough to give her a ride. Amon, Karasuma and Doujima had already gone off to hunt by the time she got there. Michael and Sakaki were talking by the computers. Sakaki seemed tired, and Michael seemed energetic.
Robin poured herself a cup of coffee and went to the outer seating area. She sat down on the couch she used when she stayed there overnight. From there, she could hear Michael and Sakaki talking. She didn't mean to eavesdrop, but she had the feeling they were talking about her.
“Okay, she's gone now,” Michael said. “What is it that you've been so eager to tell me, Haruto?”
“Okay, okay, hold your horses. Around twelve last night, I went to Robin's place to talk to her about what's been going on with her and Amon.”
“And what'd she say?” Michael asked. Sakaki shook his head.
“We didn't get to talk. I think she was sleep. I heard Touko on the phone though, and she said something that kept me up all night thinking about it.”
“What?” Michael asked. Sakaki didn't respond right away.
“Well…” he said. “Whoever she was talking to was trying to tell her that something she did was wrong. She kept saying stuff like, `well what did you want me to do?' Like, `we did some bonding and if we'd have done what you wanted us to do it would have turned heads.' She said that nobody was wise to them. I…I think she was talking to Amon.”
“What time did you say this was?” Michael asked.
“No…it wasn't Amon,” Michael said.
“He was working then?” Sakaki asked, a little confused.
“Y—yeah…” Michael said.
“Oh. Well, I don't know who she was talking to, then,” Sakaki said. “Or who she was talking about. But my first suspicion was that she was talking to Amon about Robin. They hung out on Wednesday, right? I mean…that's why Robin wasn't here, right?”
“Right,” Michael said.
“That's probably who she meant, then. But who was she talking to, do you think? I mean…couldn't Amon have stepped out while you were listening to music or something?” Sakaki asked.
“No,” Michael said. “I kept an eye on him all night. He never reached for his phone once.”
“Oh,” Sakaki said. “Well…what do you think?”
“I don't know what to make of it,” Michael said. “One day, everything's just as it always is, the next thing you know, all this happens.” Robin gripped her coffee cup tighter as Sakaki and Michael began to whisper their conversation.
Had Sakaki stopped by that night to talk to her? She was asleep around midnight, but she had gotten up when she heard noises in the apartment. When she checked, she saw that Touko was moving around the apartment as if she was looking for something. Nothing was wrong and so she'd gone back to bed. Back… Sakaki said he was there and that he overheard Touko on the phone. Saying things…Robin would rather she not have said.
Did Touko…? Was there something wrong again? Robin thought she and Touko made up. She was being so nice to her lately…what went wrong? Robin gripped the cup harder. She felt used somehow. Inside, she felt like maybe it was Amon who spoke on the phone with Touko. Even though Michael said he was at work, he couldn't possibly have watched him the entire time.
Robin lost her appetite. She looked down at her coffee and closed her eyes. She felt bad towards herself, and she hated it when she felt that way. She felt like she'd been had, duped. She didn't want to be in that situation again. She had to speak with someone. She wanted to talk to Michael, desperately. Then it dawned on her.
Everyone talked to Michael, didn't they? He was the only one who was always there, and the only one who always listened. He would know all sides, wouldn't he? He might even have know something more about Amon that he wasn't telling Sakaki. Robin loosened up. She would talk to him later, and find out if he would help her. If not, she'd be on her own.
Amon stepped through the elevator with Karasuma and Doujima behind him, his eye immediately going over to Robin. She was sitting with her head down, holding a coffee cup. She wasn't moving. Was she sleeping? Amon made a face at her and moved into the main room. Sakaki and Michael looked like they were up to something. Michael gave him a smile and Sakaki tried to look innocent.
“Good morning,” he said to the both of them, and moved around the desk.
“Mornin' Amon,” Sakaki said. Amon looked at Michael's computer. He was playing a game.
“Don't you two have work to do?” he asked. Michael shook his head.
“No,” he said. “And besides, even if we did, can't we take a break?” Amon looked at him and then at Sakaki.
“Hey, Amon,” Doujima said. He looked at her.
“Why don't I take Sakaki and Robin with me this time?” Doujima suggested. She had the type of look on her face like she was about to do something annoying. “We might have more luck with younger people around me.”
“You're so witty, Yurika,” Karasuma said. Amon looked at Michael. With Doujima, Robin and Sakaki gone, only Karasuma would be left. Karasuma liked to ask questions, but at least her questions were relevant. Maybe he could talk to Michael again without the heaviness of the previous night. Amon looked at Zaizen's door. He felt angry suddenly.
“Yoo-hoo, Amon,” Doujima said. “What do you think?”
“Fine,” Amon said. “Take them with you. Make sure Robin's up to the task. I think she's asleep in the hall.”
“Asleep?” Doujima asked, putting her hands on her hips. She shrugged. “Come on, Sakaki, we should get going.”
“Oh, why do I have to go?” Sakaki complained.
“Well, what have you done all day, besides convince Michael that working should take a backseat to your boredom?” Karasuma asked. She was joking with him the way Amon liked. He had no idea why he liked it; it just made him feel comfortable with them. Michael chuckled and Amon felt even more comfortable.
“Whatever,” Sakaki said. He got out of his chair and stretched as he followed Doujima to the elevators. Karasuma sat down to work. Amon remained behind Michael.
“Michael, can I see you in the conference room?” Michael made a face as he looked at Amon, then he smiled.
“Give me a sec,” he said. Amon nodded slightly and walked towards the room.
Karasuma turned a little in her chair, looking at Michael as he stood up.
“Be careful,” she said. “He's not in the best of moods this morning.” Michael nodded to her as he pushed his chair in.
“Thanks for the heads up,” he said. He went to the conference room. Amon was sitting at the back of the room on a ledge that faced the length of the room. Michael could barely see him at first, but as he walked over, he became clearer.
“Is Zaizen in?” Amon asked.
“No,” Michael said. “He went out for breakfast with somebody.” Amon nodded.
“I've been thinking about what we talked about,” he said.
“Me too,” Michael said. Amon kept his eyes down. Michael scooted back on the ledge, not so embarrassed by the fact that his legs were shorter than Amon's and didn't touch the floor without him tilting them. He swung them a little.
“I know I told you that you didn't have to tell me why you were afraid of my betraying your trust more than the others,” Amon said. Michael leaned towards him a little.
“You want to know, right?”
“If I don't tell you, are you going to be upset?”
“Yes,” Amon said. “But not towards you.” Michael found that interesting. He asked about it.
“Who would you be angry towards?” he asked. Amon leaned back very slightly. It was dark in there without anything turned on. That, added to the fact that Amon's hair covered the sides of his face, Michael couldn't see his expression. Amon didn't speak. Michael leaned towards him slightly again. “Yourself?” he asked. Amon nodded.
“Yes,” he said.
“I get it,” Michael said. “Well…I'll tell you, but I don't want you to start acting weird about it.”
“You think I will?” Amon asked.
“I have my concerns,” Michael said. Amon leaned back completely and rested his back on the wall. His legs were spread and his hands were resting loosely between them. His eyes were still on the floor, but Michael could see his face better now. He looked sad. Michael took his glasses off and blinked a few times, then put them back on and looked at Amon again. He still looked sad. It was probably just because it was dark.
“You don't have to say anything,” Amon told him.
“I thought it over all last night,” Michael said. “I want to. It's just that…I have this fear of rejection, you know? I suppose everyone does. But…I dream about it every night, because I experienced it firsthand. It was a terrible experience, you know? It haunts me. But…ever since I met you, when I have that dream, you rescue me from it.” Amon made a slight movement. Michael kept his eyes elsewhere as he went on. “And since then, I haven't been afraid as much. I feel more confident in what I do. I don't feel useless anymore…and I started to like being here.”
“Would you…tell me what your dream is about?” Amon asked. Michael began to remember the dream vividly, and felt hesitant. But Amon hadn't flipped out about it, so he decided it wouldn't be a bad idea.
“I'm in my parent's dining room, but it takes me a while to remember where I am. At first, it's real dark, but then the door opens at the head of the room. It's opening really slowly, and my dog runs out at me and I play with him. I'm never worried at that part, you know? Never anxious. Before, when I'm alone, I'm a little anxious, but once Junki comes in, I'm not anymore. There's this light coming in from the door, because it keeps opening, and I notice that there's food around. After a while of having this dream…I just starting figuring that Junki and the food were my sense of comfort, you know? Well, the door opens all the way, and there are a lot of people there, and they look angry, and disgusted. Then…I realize that my parents are standing in front, and they're just like…glaring at me, really bad. Junki's not there anymore. I still can't figure out where he goes.” Michael paused. Amon's hands met and he folded them.
“What happens next?” he asked. He sounded like he was listening, and really wanted to know. Michael took a moment to appreciate his interest, and continued.
“My parent's kick me out again.” Amon looked at him when he didn't say anything else.
“Could you elaborate?” Michael's chest felt tight. He became nervous. He'd never heard Amon speak that way before. It wasn't what he was used to. It was more the way he spoke in his dreams when he rescued him from his parents.
“They tell me that I'm not allowed to come back,” Michael said. His eyes began to water. “They tell me that…I'm not…that I don't carry the family name anymore. They insult me, and their friends are jeering are me. I keep telling them that I never meant to go back. I say that every time. In the beginning, I would turn and run, and I'd kept running but I wasn't going anywhere. The entire dream would be me trying to get away, but still being able to hear them yelling at me.”
“What happens now?” Amon asked.
“I turn to run and…I run into someone. At first, I'm scared, because I think it's one of the guests, but then…they say something encouraging and I…realize it's you. You…hug me and tell me it's going to be alright…” Michael sniffed, maintaining just enough control to keep tears from falling. “You take me away from them somehow. Once you hold me, the noises stop. It's dark again, but I'm comfortable again, you know?” Amon nodded.
“Your parents…kicked you out?” he asked. Michael nodded. “Do you know why?”
“Yes, but I don't want to say it.” Amon nodded again. He turned slightly towards Michael.
“What is your family name?” he asked. Michael's eyebrows dipped slightly.
“Müller,” he said.
“Is that why you changed it?”
“Yes,” Michael said. “I prefer it, even over Michael.” Michael looked at Amon. “Amon…? When…we're talking, and it's just the two of us…do you think you could call me Lee?”
“Yes,” Amon said, nodding slightly.
“Thanks,” Michael said. He sighed and sniffled a little bit more as he sat back and relaxed a little. The worst part was over. “So…that's why,” Michael said. “I've sort of developed a comfort zone with you… I tell myself that you'll be there for me…and…I can't imagine you turning your back on me. You've never done that…in my dreams or in reality. I couldn't take it if you did.” Amon moved towards Michael slowly. He reached up and put his arm around his shoulder.
“Lee…?” he said quietly. Michael tensed. Amon was warm, and smelled faintly of cologne. He breathed silently, but Michael could feel his pulse as he leaned closer. Michael couldn't bring himself to look at him.
“Y—yes, Amon?” Michael could feel Amon's eyes searching for his.
“I promise you,” Amon whispered, “I will never turn away from you.” Michael slowly lifted his face to look at Amon. Amon's eyes seemed deep and large, even without sufficient light. There was no doubt about it; he was being serious. Michael took in a very sharp breath as he went to speak, averting his eyes to the floor again.
“I've read books before…” he said, “where the authors say things like, there was so much to see in such-and-such's eyes, or, they showed me so much through their eyes, and all of that.” Michael rubbed the side of his face, surprised by how warm he felt. He knew he was red, but he didn't know he was hot. “That…just happened to me. Like…tenfold.”
“Lee…?” Amon whispered, pulling him closer.
“I…really mean a lot to you, don't I?” Michael asked quietly. “Never…thought I meant much of anything to you.” Amon shook his head, breathing out very softly.
“When I first met you, I knew there was something about you that I liked. We've never had anyone like you on our team before, and so before anything else, I respected you, even though you were young. You've matured so greatly, even more so than when you came here. You were…stronger than anyone I'd ever encountered, but it was a silent strength…a very distant strength…” Michael chewed on the inside of his bottom lip. “Lee…?”
“I just didn't think…” Michael shook his head and his eyes settled in his lap, where his hands were moving about each other, giving away his nervousness. “…that you noticed me…”
“You're more than just a member of the team to me.” Amon's tone was adamant. Michael's eyes darted sideways, coming into contact with Amon's again. Everything was still there, and Amon's face was soft. Michael felt anxious. He'd never been a situation like this before. He knew it wasn't that common, but still. To be in it so suddenly… He felt like he hadn't had anytime to prepare. And he didn't know what to do.
“What…am I to you…?” he asked. The fingers of the hand of the arm that was around Michael's shoulders slowly touched along the sharp line of Michael's chin. Michael's breath caught again, and his cheeks darkened with color. He found it alarming that he couldn't think when Amon did that, and it was even more frightening when he realized he was moving.
Michael turned his face and body towards Amon and slipped his arms around his body. Amon's eyelids lowered somewhat, but Michael didn't stop. He pressed forward from the seat and lifted his face towards Amon's.
“Lee, you—” Before Michael's mind could process the fact that Amon was speaking, Michael felt his lips connect tightly with Amon's. Michael felt Amon tense and pull away. “Are you sure?” he asked, his breathing heavy all of a sudden. “I mean…after…what happened with Touko?”
“Your…judgment…matters, too,” Michael said. “Do you think you can be with me…or…do you think you'll…” Amon's arm hooked more tightly around Michael's shoulders, bringing him closer to kiss him. Michael's heart banged against his chest and he found that he, once again, couldn't form a coherent thought. Amon released his lips, but stayed very close to him, his lips moving about the side of Michael's mouth as he spoke.
“I'm afraid…” he told him. Michael nodded in understanding, and squeezed Amon in what he hoped was comfort.
“I want to try,” he said. “I want to…at least try…”
“I do, too.” Amon said. He looked like he was debating something with himself internally. Michael smiled at him slightly.
“Don't think too hard, you might hurt something,” he joked. Amon gave him a comical look.
“You and that sense of humor of yours,” he said, shaking his head slightly.
“One of the many things you love about me?” Michael asked, batting his eyelashes.
“Why am I ashamed to admit it?” Amon asked.
“So can I brag about you to everyone, or no?” Michael asked.
“No. I don't want things awkward here. And besides, half of us already know, so I don't think it will take the others long to figure it out.”
“Doujima maybe,” Michael said. “I wonder about her sometimes.” Amon chuckled slightly and Michael did, too. “So…are we going to do it or what?” Amon looked at him like he was crazy. “What?” Michael asked.
“What the hell kind of question is that?” Amon asked.
“One I'm the most curious about. You never once complemented my good looks, and so I'm curious as to whether or not they're a basis of your attraction to me.”
“They are.”
“So…are we going to get intimate?” Amon rubbed his chin.
“I've never been in a relationship…where my partner just flat out asks that.”
“There aren't many mes in the world, I'll tell you that,” Michael said. “I just want to know.”
“Would you like to?”
“Hell yeah,” Michael said, his eyes wide with surprise that Amon felt he had to ask. Amon shook his head, and chuckled again.
“We'll see,” he said. “You're like a kid in a candy store.” Michael nudged Amon's shoulder.
“And without having to check out the merchandise, I know exactly what I want.”