Witch Hunter Robin Fan Fiction ❯ When there`s no explanation ❯ Problems at the crime scene ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Author`s notes: I don`t own NCIS characters, neither Amon, but I do own Anna`s character so suck it up!!!! (Nah, just kidding on the “suck it up” part)
Problems at the Crime Scene
Special Agent Gibbs lifted the yellow tape that surrounded the location where the body was found. Tony, Ziva and McGee followed him into the scene, where a local cop was securing the area.
“Who is this, officer?” Gibbs asked the young man.
“Lieutenant Christopher Scott. An anonymous called gave us the location of were we could find him. When we came here all we found was the body covered in blood. No signs of external wounds and no explanation on his death.”
Tony kneeled by the sheet that covered the body and lifted it up. The man`s face was covered in blood, while a big pool of it was underneath it. He pulled the sheet back on top of the corpse and rushed to Gibbs` side.
“The guy was dried up, boss.”
Gibbs smacked him on the head. Tony flinched a little.
“Tell me something I don`t know DiNozzo”
He turned around to Ziva and McGee, that were taking pictures of the surroundings of the body.
“Ziva, call Ducky and let him know that he is having a guest soon!”
She nodded and dialed the number on the phone. On the meantime, McGuee and DiNozzo walked around the crime scene to find more evidence.
“Boss!” Gibbs turned around where McGuee was calling him and walked over there.
On the ground near the location of the corpse, a weird circle was traced with sand on the floor. Multiple concentric circles with a N like symbol on the center. Lines pointing on the direction of every cardinal point.
“what the hell is that?” Tony asked
“An Orgham Circle” A voice said behind them. All three men turned to face Ziva David.
“And that means?” Gibbs asked her.
“I have only seen that once in my life. And it`s related to witchcraft”
“Witchcraft? Come on Ziva, you are not gonna tell me you believe in that crap, do ya?” Tony said, with a sarcastic tone in his voice.
“Have you heard of an organization called Solomon?” She said to them. DiNozzo and McGee shook their heads, but Gibbs nodded in acknowledgment.
“They are pretty much like the CIA, but I never fully knew what they did” Gibbs said to her.
“Few people know what they do, but I know an agent from that organization, and I think I can get her to help us”
“No, this is our crime scene and we are handling it ourselves.” Gibbs said, “let`s wait what Ducky has to say about this guy and then we`ll talk.”
Ziva nodded and took a picture of the circle. The agents went back to the office, hoping that they could have more answers in that case.
Anna walked home after a hard day on the STN-J. She tossed her trench coat on the couch and headed towards the shower. Amon was still at the office, doing all the paperwork from the previous hunt, and he told her to go home and rest.
A lot of things have changed in the last year. After Amon`s craft awoke, she was in charge of training him and helping him to control his power. Besides telequinesis, Amon soon discovered that he could read people`s thoughts and that his link was stronger with Anna, so their relationship grew stronger in the past 12 months. Besides Yurika and Miho, no one else knew about them being together, since regulations in Solomon forbid that kind of relationship between hunters. Anna smiled while she sat on the bathtub. Amon changed a lot in the past year too. He was still silent with other people, considering that he already knew what they were thinking, but he no longer considered his craft a curse. Not that he loved it now, but he had come to embrace it and accept who he was. Maybe that`s what the Hope of Witches is supposed to do. She thought as she relaxed on the water.
“Hi there”
She flinched when she heard Amons voice on her head. After the initial surprise, she concentrated to talk to him.
“What are you doing? You sound pretty relaxed”
“Taking a shower. You?”
“Doing this paperwork” He made a mental sigh, “I wish I could join you”
Anna made a smirk, “Really?”
“Yep, that would be nice”
“Then hurry. Ill be waiting for ya”
“You promise?”
“I promise. You can punish me if I dont”
Amons mind was filled with some very naughty thoughts that flooded to Anna. She giggled like a school girl, making her blush deep red.
“I was talking about punishment, not rewarding”
“youre probably right, because that's what I was planning anyway. I`m almost done. See ya in 10”
“See ya”
Anna leaned back in the tub, waiting for her lover to arrive. Yeah, life was indeed better.
Gibbs rushed out of the elevator to the morgue. He walked towards a white-haired man in green scrubs.
“What do you have Ducky?”
“I may be old, but let me tell you mister Gibbs, that this autopsy was a first.”
“How come?”
“The internal organs of the Lieutenant Scott were melted like ice. There are no signs of external wounds, no disease that could have caused this. However I found something really strange on the mans DNA.”
“What?” Said Gibbs as he read the file the older man gave him
“A rare mutation on one of his genes. Actually, is something I have never seen before in my career. Im sorry to tell you that I have no idea what happens when that gene changes.”
“So we are pretty much with nothing. I guess we have to call Zivas friend.” Gibbs said to himself
“I beg you pardon?”
“Nothing, I was just saying that we need help on this.”
Ziva David was sitting at her desk, looking at the pictures that she had taken earlier that day on the crime scene. Her gazed stopped at a particular one, the one with the Orgham Circle on it. It has passed five years since that day, since the last time she saw that symbol on a crime scene. Ziva was a new Mossad agent, recently promoted to field agent. A terrorist was scaring a whole city on Israel, and the witnesses claimed that he had supernatural abilities that made him unstoppable. Ziva and her partner followed the man to his lair, where the symbol was carved on the floor, but with a wave of his hand, the man killed her partner and injured her very badly. The psycho was about to finish Ziva when a young girl arrived at the location and set the man on fire by just looking at him. Since they were days away from the nearest hospital, the girl had taken Ziva with her and healed her. During that time, she had grown very close to the girl, forced to the life of an agent for the mysterious organization named Solomon. The girl, still a teenager, was Adrianna. Ziva never told anyone about this, because she knew that no one would believe her. She thought that chapter of her life was over, until she saw the symbol again at the crime scene, so she knew that the only one that could help her was that little girl.
“Ziva!” She looked up from the picture and faced Agent Gibbs.
“you said that you knew of someone who might help us with this case.”
“Yes sir”
“Call them. I want them here as soon as possible.”
TaDa! First chapter! What cha think? Pretty cool huh?