Wolf's Rain Fan Fiction ❯ Mating Season ❯ Intro ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Mating Season
Summery: Mating season is hard enough on a wolf so what happens when Blue goes into heat and Toboe become curious about sex how will the three males make it better than it sounds promise.
Pairings: Kiba/Blue/Hige & Tsume/Toboe
Rating: M
General: Romance, Drama & Hentai
This is my first story so no fucking flames
Chapter 1
“When can we stop for food” a chubby tan wolf whined. “Will you shut the hell up your bitching more then the runt?” Yelled a grey wolf with an x shaped scar across his chest. A rust colored pup whimpered at the comment, while a black wolf/dog with beautiful blue eyes looked on with exestuations. Ahead of the group a white wolf ignored it all his thoughts on finding the flower maiden. Her sent had faded and they had been traveling in a snow storm for three days without food. The group was eventuated. Kiba was in front of the pack, Tsume was a little ways behind him refusing to be out done by the white wolf, several feet behind him Hige continued to follow in hopes of finding food, and pulling up the end of the group Toboe and Blue struggled to keep up not wanting to appear weak to the others. (A week ago Darica had once again managed to steal Cheza, since the Kiba has been pushing everyone to their limits to find her.)
“Toboe watch out!” Yelled a black she-wolf. Toboe turned around only to see a solder with a gun pointed right at him, not having enough time to move he closed his eyes waiting for the pain of the bullet that would soon end his life, right before it hit he felt something large slam into him before he landed on the ground. Opening shocked eyes he found a large grey mass next to him.
Tsume turned around at the sound of Blues words realizing that none of the others were close enough to help he ran towards the scared pup, knocking him out of the way and getting hit in his right hind leg by the bullet meant for Toboe.
Toboe took a deep breath, and almost chocked from the heavy sent of blood that lingered in the air one sent inpeticurle got his attention, Tsumes blood .Taking another look at the object next to him he realized it was no other then Tsume. (Okay....it's dark and Toboe is in shock which is why he didn't know it was Tsume at first.) Tsume! …it's all my fault you got hit if I would have been paying attention you wouldn't have gotten shot thought Toboe.
“Tsume” Toboe yelled in worry and guilt.
Tsume looked up at the young wolf calling his name, and began to try and get up; loosing his balance he would have fell if it wasn't for Toboe grabbing his arm. Noticing Tsume stumbled Toboe quickly grabbed hold of his right arm to steady him.
“Cheza” yelled Kiba.
Cheza had been grabbed by Darica whale Kiba was looking to make sure Toboe and Tsume were okay.
Running trued Darica his only thoughts on getting to Cheza, Kiba didn't notice the solder to his left with his gun pointed right at his heart. Feeling a sharp pain in his front leg Kiba fell to the ground. “Cheza” he screamed watching from his place on the ground as Darica carried her onto his ship a disappeared.
Blue turned to were Kiba was seeing the gun pointed at him, and that he didn't seem to notice anything other than Cheza.
That idiot he's going to get his self killed just because he can't stop thinking with his pants thought Blue (for those of you who don't know she is talking about his dick…sorry for being so blunt.) as she ran into the solder hoping to put the bullet of curse, knowing that there was no way to stop it. After knocking the solder down she bit into his neck and looked over at Kiba to see if it worked letting out a sigh of relief that the bullet only hit his shoulder.
After walking another hour or so they finely found a place to rest in a small cave to stay in (after having to convince Kiba, who wanted to keep looking for Cheza.) Entering the cave they all found a spot to rest [Kiba by the cave entrains, Hige in the middle of the cave, Tsume at the far left with Toboe by his side, and Blue curled up by the wall on the right.]
End chapter 1
Okay I promise the story gets much better and longer chapters. Oh and I know you read this all the time but please review, because it would be a real waist of time if I keep on writing and not at least one person reads this. So review if you want me to write (I only need one to continue.)
New Pack and Fights