Wolf's Rain Fan Fiction ❯ Wolf's Rain Insanity ❯ Chapter 2

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Authoress Note: Welcome to chappie 2 of wolf's rain insanity! So sorry for the long wait, damn writers block! Anyway enjoy, *passes out plushies* Oh yea, check out my other stories I've written, Im sure you'll enjoy them...

Disclaimer: I much as I like them, they sadly don't belong to me.

So after the inncident with the fire, Lizzi had everyone sit down and watch some random show on discovery health channel, which happen to be the only channel they could watch since the remote was caught in the fire, and the television buttons were off limits to Lizzi. While Lizzi went back to finish cleaning u[ the kitchen, she came back in to the tv room place, and stared in horror on what was on the tv. It was horrid. So quickly she unplugged the tv and placed her hands on her hips and glared at the guys.

"It was just getting good!," Hige said. Lizzi quickly slapped him upside the head, and grabbed Toboe. After covering his ears, Lizzi let out alot on anger which I can't say on this fic. Darcia, Kiba, Tsume and Hige's faces were, ' ._. ' As soon as her outburst was done, she grabbed the phone and ordered 2 pizzas. When the pizza dude, Bob, showed up he practically shoved the pizza into Toboe's hand..er...paw..O.o. As Lizzi counted up the money, he started up his car and drove away. Lizzi quickly shut the door and locked it. She then ran around the house locking the windows. Once she returned only 1/2 of a pizza remained.

"Damn, talk about an appetite," she said. Once she finished off the pizza, she decided to teach them how to play monopoly, but due to anger problems Lizzi got ticked off and swiped the board off the table, the board had hit Darcia in the process, and knocked him out.

"Damn this is boring! I know! I'll bring Harmona, and Blue here!" she said, and a second or 2 later a wolf/person Blue stood there, and a Harmona, which conviently had been clothed due to innocent eyes in the room. So Lizzi quickly revived Darcia who started professing his love to Harmona, and Hige started flirting/ogooling Blue. Lizzi hit him over the head to shut him up. So after a few 'incidents' Darcia was knocked out on the floor with a fire estinguisher thingy on his head.

"Damn! I told him I wasn't dead, but noo, being a m-" she was cut off as Lizzi hit the bulhorn, "he didn't listen!!" Everyone stared at Lizzi.

She pointed to the readers and said, "theres innocent eyes/ears out there! It would be my somewhat my fault if I corrupted the youth of the 20th century.

"Aren't you part of the 20th century, since your 14?" Tsume said.

"Yea, I am but thats not the point-!! What how the hell did you know I was 14!?"

"Uh..lucky guess?"

"Ok! ^_^"

'O_O0' was Tsumes expression.

~\~\~\Some Time Later around 10 PM~\~\~

Kiba was in his wolf form in front of the stairs, Hige in his human form on the carpet buried in a grave of blankets, Darcia and Harmona had been given a room for purposes (O.X), Tsume was sprawled out on the couch, Blue was sleeping in a uber comfy arm chair thingy, while wolf hige slept at her feet.


Due to the fact Im running outta ideas, I leave you at that. Review and give ideas as well.

Bakura: (shows up outta know where) Where the hell am I?

Me: O_O (glomp) Its KURA!!!!! ^_^ YAY!!!!

Bakura: O.O Can't ...breathe...!!

Me: Review and you shall receive a life size stuffy of Toboe. ^_^ Now I shall go ...to a room with Bakura.

Bakura: What the f-


Bakura: Holy s-

Bullhorn: MEEEEEP!!!!

Bakura: It talked!

Me: Yea, well..OH YEA!! Read my YGO story when it comes out. My 'Kura!!