X-men Evolution Fan Fiction ❯ Meeting Lorna Dane ❯ Chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
AN: First of all, I just want to say how sorry I am that I haven’t been able to get this chapter up sooner. Thank you to all who have reviewed Chapter 3: rainbowkrak, babieblue, slickboy444, and Kelly Greyer.
I think that there will only be one or two more chapters after this. That will be what gives this its ‘M’ rating, so don’t worry, it’s not a misprint! So, with that said, here’s the next installment of the story. Enjoy!

Chapter 4:

Man, I really fucked up! Lorna hates me. Scott probably hates me. Jean definitely hates me! And this was supposed to be a vacation for them, and I totally ruined it. They get a break, like what, every ten years or so? And they spend it like this? God, Alex, you can be such a dumbass sometimes! I just wanted to see my bro and Jean happy for once. Note to self: next time leave them to their own devices!
Alex sighed heavily as he leaned into his palm, elbow resting comfortably on the railing to his balcony. Maybe I could convince Scott to go and talk to her…
“I’m going to go and talk to Jean, see if I can’t fix this mess somehow. Well, at least get her to talk to Scott again.”
Alex whipped around to see Lorna leaning casually against the sliding glass doors to his room. She held a smirk firmly in place, probably from surprising him. “After all, this is my vacation too and I don’t want to spend it with a bunch of mopes!” She pushed off of the doorway and was gone before Alex had a chance to speak.
…Or I could leave this up to a professional. Alex thought, finishing hi s previous statement, mouth still agape.
How could he be so stupid? How could I be so stupid? How do I fix this? Argh, why did any of this have to happen?
Jean leaned back onto her mound of pillows, tossing aside the book she had been trying to read, and sighed. I can’t stay cooped up in here forever. I’ll have to face him sooner or later.
“Still sulking?” Was the question coming from the opening of the doorway that she thought she had locked and bolted closed. She turned, armed with her fiercest ‘back the fuck off’ glare.
Lorna stood with her arms across her chest and began laughing. “You know, you look ridiculous right now!”
Who does this bitch think she is? “Get out!” Jean commanded, more calmly than she felt, as she reached out with her telekinesis to mentally close the door. But Lorna had other plans. She quickly cleared the door before it had a chance to slam shut on her and continued laughing.
“No, I’m serious! Look at you! Your nose is all red and puffy and you’re sitting in a pile of used tissues crying over something that’s so ridiculous and you’re so damn stubborn about it that you’re going to waste your vacation over it, too!”
Jean felt her face drain of any color it had left. She felt absolutely devoid of any energy, at least not enough to allow her to retaliate, but maybe enough to cry about for another hour or so.
“I just wanted to have a nice vacation. Then everything went under.” Jean murmured.
Lorna took this as a sign that she could inch her way towards the bed. Taking a few steps, she began again. “Look, Alex explained everything to me. Leave it to him to come up with such a harebrain scheme for getting a girl, right? That idiot. I almost shot him when I found out what was really going on. And I don’t really blame you. I know I can be a little forward with people, especially when I know they’re going to be family, and I know what it must have looked like. If I saw some chick hanging on Alex, I’d probably knock her five ways to Sunday.” By now, Lorna had maneuvered herself onto the bed, with only a small wall of Kleenex to protect her from a potential onslaught. She proceeded with caution.
“But you two have to talk about this and sort things out. It would be such a waste to ruin your friendship over something so stupid. Look, it’s obvious by now that you two have feelings for each other; so why not DO something about it? Sure, it’ll be a little awkward in the beginning, but you’ll both move past it and who knows? This could develop into something that could last a lifetime. And yes, I realize how sappy I’m being.” Lorna held up a hand to stop any comments from Jean.
Jean seemed deep in thought. This all appeared simple enough, but… “I don’t know why this is so difficult for me. I mean, it looks easy enough, but for some reason, I’m dreading facing him. I never wanted this to happen. What if this destroys our friendship? What if a relationship doesn’t work out and I can’t have him as my best friend anymore? That would KILL me Lorna. I’d rather have him like this than risk something more and not have it turn out okay. I couldn’t handle losing him. Don’t you see?”
Jean turned pleading eyes towards her companion as if to convince her of her reasoning in one look. Lorna huffed in frustration and sat back on her hands, a stray strand of blonde hair falling to cascade over her forehead.
“I seriously doubt this would ruin anything between you two. I have the upmost confidence that everything will work out. You just have to trust me. You two are made for each other. I mean, look at you: you’re both smart, gorgeous, model American mutants! You practically have Barbie and Ken labeled on your name tags, for Christ sake! What could be more perfect? All you have to do is talk to him. Figure out a way to work this out. It’s a lot easier than it looks. And since you already know that he’s interested, you’ve got nothing to lose! Please fix this soon, Jean. I’d hate for you to ruin your vacation because of this, and I certainly don’t want mine ruined either! So do something, eh?”
When Jean looked up to thank her, Lorna had already left the room, the door swinging on its hinge.
She reluctantly pulled herself from her burrowed den of covers to trudge into the bathroom, feet dragging on the floor. After washing her face and re-tying her ponytail, she stood there looking into her reflection. Lorna was right: I do look disgusting! Well, now’s as good a time as any, I suppose.
She halfheartedly wondered if she should change into something a little nicer, but dismissed the idea. If he can’t appreciate me like this, then there’s no hope for us. Besides, he’s seen me like this plenty of times and never said anything…
The hallways of the beach house were still unfamiliar to her, so she occasionally misjudged the clearances and bumped her shoulder into a wall. Maybe it would help if I turned on a light…hmm…
When she finally made it to the door, her nerve began to fade. Take deep breaths. All will work out Jean! She chanted to herself.
The door creaked open to reveal a man asleep, sprawled restlessly across a messy bed. Taking in the scene before her, she noticed a similar pile of tissues on the nightstand, except his pile had been stacked into the shape of a little tissue pyramid; something that only gets created when in the deepest boredom and remorse.
A red glow caught her attention next. He was awake.
One would think that this would be the time to be awkward, but that was not the case. Aw, he needs his friend right now.
After regarding each other for a moment of two, Jean crossed the room and crawled into bed next to him, facing away. As predicted, Scott came up behind her and wrapped his arm about her waist, tucking his face into her hair. They lay there like that for a few minutes before Scott began.
“I’m sorry Jean. I didn’t mean for anything like this to happen. I was such an idiot. Can you forgive me?”
“I’m the one who should be apologizing. I don’t hate you Scott. I could never hate you. The situation just got way out of control and we both said and did things that we didn’t mean, so let’s just leave it at that, huh? I promise I’ll never do it again…” Jean trailed off sounding like a repentant child. So, that was their big apology? It appeared they had no fight left in them. Scott smiled against her neck and breathed in; preparing himself for the next big discussion, when something else caught his attention.
“Are those my boxers?”
“What do you mean maybe? How did you get them? Why do you have them to begin with? Isn’t it enough you steal my undershirts, which you’re also wearing? Pretty soon, I’ll have no underclothes left!”
“Hmmm….” Jean pretended to mock consider the idea, rubbing her finger and thumb against her chin. “I do believe that’s the point Mr. Summers…besides, they’re comfy!” She stated…preparing to scoot away quickly.
“Why, you cheeky little girl!” Scott secured his hold on her and began to tickle her mercilessly, stopping after a minute or two when the laughing tears began to form in the corners of her eyes. The position they ended in left Jean on her back, arms crossed protectively over her stomach and sides, knees bent towards the ceiling and slender finger darting up to wipe the moisture from her eyes; laughing subsiding. Scott rolled over onto his stomach and without a second thought, leaned in to nuzzle her neck, placing a soft kiss to the juncture of her shoulder and throat. As his lips touched her neck, he could feel her intake of breath as surely as if he had taken it; the thought sending a thrill up his spine as her pulse raced under his ministrations. He fluttered a series of light kisses up her neck and over her jaw, pausing before he reached her mouth to silently ask permission; locking ruby quartz to emerald green.
Jean met him half way, claiming his mouth in a passionate joining; breathing mingling, tastes exposed in sharp relief as their tongues tentatively explored. All too soon, the need for air arose; pulling them apart momentarily, only to find them together again after their respite; this time, in a calmer, gentler kiss, more loving than passionate.
It took all their willpower to separate. No words were needed between them; their minds forming a bond stronger than either had experienced before, putting their former link to shame. Jean sighed in contentment, turning and snuggling back into Scott’s chest as he reached over and turned the light off; their embrace more intimate than their usual.
When morning came, there was only one thought in Scott’s mind: And so it begins…
Well, that was the end of chapter 4! Like I mentioned earlier, there will probably be only one or two chapters after this one, which I will try to get out ASAP! Man, I took WAY too long getting this one to yall as it was, so I hope you’ll forgive and leave me a nice little REVIEW!!!! ….even if it’s not nice, I love the feedback!