X-men Evolution Fan Fiction ❯ Meeting Lorna Dane ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Hello again! Much thanks to Diaz F, Allyg1990, Slickboy444, babieblue and Kelly Greyer for reviewing! I know I’m about a month late in updating, sorry about that. At least I’ve compensated with making this the longest chapter so far! Here’s the next installment of “Meeting Lorna Dane.” Enjoy!

Chapter 3:
What to wear, what to wear? Jean thought as she stood in her robe; her wet hair wrapped in a towel about her head. The beach hadn’t proved much of a distraction to Jean, at least, not in the way that she had hoped. Her focus had been stuck on one tall, dark and scruffy with red sunglasses the entire afternoon, much to her dismay. I should probably just face it. How am I ever going to find someone as perfect as Scott? Ahhh, unrequited love… ain’t it a bitch! If only I could make him see me as a woman and not his best friend. Hmmm, this should do the trick! With that, she produced the new dress she had purchased before the trip, out of her luggage. It was a strappy, low-cut, form-fitting dress in a soft champagne color, which at the time, kind of reminded her of a nightgown, but she had bought it anyway. This will be perfect for Alex’s party tonight! Time to put this hard-earned-money spent to good use!
Slipping into the bathroom, she quickly got ready. She decided to leave her hair down, remembering vaguely that Scott had once mentioned that she looked best that way. She applied very little makeup, only adding a little eye liner and mascara. “Don’t wanna look too trashy,” she mused in her fakest southern accent, giggling a little to herself.
With her look complete, she sauntered through the beach house towards the other guest bedroom in search of Scott and possible praise.
The bathroom door was open and he could be heard humming to himself softly. She eased against the door frame, preparing for some witty comment to throw at him, but was silenced by the sight of him. He had apparently just gotten out of the shower, for he still donned a towel around his waist; the water still forming droplets down his leanly muscled back and shoulders; his hair messy and dripping, as he leaned closer to the mirror and dragged the razor over the stubble that had begun to crawl down his throat.
Dear God, why does he do this to me? She whimpered to herself, shaking off the thoughts of ripping that annoying shield of terry cloth off of him and ravishing him in all his deliciousness on the spot. Stupid Jean! That might be a little obvious that you like him, she sighed again.
Once she had successfully herded her thoughts back into ‘Reality Corral,’ she masked her emotions behind teasing eyes before letting her presence be known.
“Whoa, ho, ho! Who are we getting dolled up for tonight?”
The smile, Oh, that smile, spread quickly across his face as the blade began another descent from his jaw. It was then that he chose to glance over at her. Wow.
Good Lord! Mmm Hmm, very delectable Ms. Grey. Now, why did you have to go and wear something like that tonight? I’m too young to be arrested for rape…
his thoughts wandered, as well as his eyes, (which were thankfully hidden), over every inch of her. It started with those amazing emerald green eyes, then falling on her deep red locks that trickled over her shoulders and, he could imagine, down to her lower back, swaying gracefully with each move. The tone of her dress complimented the glow of her skin, making it seem as if she barely wore anything. The plunging neckline framed her cleavage in a thin lace of the same champagne color, which appeared to be a little pink through the red lenses. The dress, itself, hugged every curve of her body, accentuating her full breasts, thin core and shapely hips, stopping just above the knees as the flesh continued to form two perfect legs. Forgive me Father, for I have sinned…
He was suddenly pulled back into the land of coherent thought when a sharp prick of pain formed along the side of his neck, followed by a warm sensation.
“Oh my God, Scott! You’re bleeding!” Jean raced over to the cabinet above the toilet to find some first aid supplies. Shit! Aw, I’m such a loser, Scott groaned inwardly as he began to wash the blood off of his razor into the sink. Man that’s a lot of blood…
“Good grief, Scott! You might need a transfusion,” she mused jokingly. “How do you manage these things? Stay still! No, quit leaning away from me or else I can’t clean it properly. It’s your dumb fault you cut yourself in the first place, and if it gets infected, then I might just have to amputate.” She had shoved him down onto the toilet lid kneeled in between his legs to get closer to the wound. Wow, that was pretty damn deep for just a razor nick. The cut was as wide as the razor and ran down the side of his neck right below the curve in his jaw.
“HA, HA, very funny Jean.” Scott said as he winced at the liberal application of rubbing alcohol being poured onto his neck. “Ow! You’re being mean on purpose!”
“Oh, stop being such a baby! There now, that wasn’t so bad. Since you’ve been such a good little trooper, I’ll let you have the lollypop that’s in my purse. Would you like that, sweetie?”
“Fuck you.”
“Tsk, tsk! You’re not gonna get any dessert tonight with language like that.” Jean winked at him and sauntered out of the bathroom, tossing the box of band aids over her shoulder at a very confused Scott.
Was she just flirting with me? Naw, I think I’ve just lost too much blood!
“All aboard Scott! Time to mingle, schmooze and meet some hot babes, bro! Wait till you see the one I’ve got for you tonight, man.”
Jean had to work hard to control her facial expressions as she stood by the front door and waited on the two brothers. She felt her whole stomach lurch forward as if someone had punched her. He’s trying to set Scott up? He can’t do that! I’m right here! Aw, what if he meets some chick tonight and completely dumps me? Errr! The NERVE of Alex! What is he thinking?!? Wait a minute, hold yourself together Jean! Scott isn’t yours! Alex, however, continued his rant, sending sidelong glances over in Jean’s direction to see her reaction.
“She’s soooo hot, bro! I know you’re gonna love her! I’ve told her ALL about you and she can’t wait to meet you. She really thinks it’ll be a night to remember, and if I know her, it will be!” Haha, Jean looks miserable! I think its working! Now for the kicker… “Did I tell you that she’s a mutant, too? She could, like, totally kick Magneto’s ass, man, cause she’s got the same power! Isn’t that awesome? And she says she totally digs a guy in designer shades, man.”
Find a happy place. Find a happy place. FIND A HAPPY PLACE! What an ASSHOLE! He can’t seriously be considering this! Am I not still his best friend? What kind of an ASSHOLE, quote, unquote, BEST FRIEND ditches their better half for some bimbo his brother picks up last minute? (sigh) This is so unfair!
A very pretty shade of light rose had crept onto her cheeks as she watched Scott enter the room. This was indeed a changed man. Never before had she seen him exude such a carefree confidence; almost an overt sexuality poured from his very step, from the way his clothing hung casually, but stylishly, to the hair he ran his fingers through. He had even left the top three buttons on his white shirt open to reveal his prominent collar bones; a mere glimpse of the perfection concealed further underneath.
Wow. Jean was truly at a loss.
That loss only lasted until her eye caught sight of the large band aid bordering his neck. Her expression then turned from one of grief, to one of amusement as she came towards him.
“Are those linen cargo shorts Mr. Summers? I never had you pegged as a J. Crew model. And I do LOVE your choice of accessories.” She took his chin in her hand and turned his face to look more closely at the bandage and continued, “Clean, simple, chic…”
“Ok Jean! I’m aware it’s not the most attractive, but it’s your fault, ya know.” He couldn’t help the slight blush that came upon him at his slipped confession.
“On the contrary; you should be fighting the ladies off tonight,” Jean joked as she played with the corner of the adhesive strip. “And how is it my fault. I wasn’t the one carelessly slinging a blade around my neck!”
“Ok, you two. We’re gonna be late.” I hope Lorna made it alright. “It’s just down the road, like, only a couple houses down, so we’re gonna walk there.” Alex informed, as the three moved out the door and towards a night that none of them were bound to forget.
Much to Alex’s dismay, his fiancé had not yet arrived. Man, where are you babe?
As soon as they had arrived, they were ushered to the back of the house which led onto a large open deck overlooking the ocean; large waves cresting against the shoreline to mist a fine spray into the air, unconsciously adding to the humidity of the area. There were also a surprising number of attendants to this party, most of whom Alex instantly recognized as members of his surfing group, and others he assumed were either their dates or more pro’s.
Jean and Scott quickly found a nook to themselves towards the back of the deck after being introduced enthusiastically to almost everyone Alex knew; names forgotten almost the moment they were spoken as they were practically shoved into their next pair of hands and smiles.
“Man, I didn’t think Alex was so popular…” Jean trailed off.
“Neither did I.” The surprise still clearly written across Scott’s face.
“You know, I’m really looking forward to meeting this girl that Alex is bringing. She sounds amazing! Imagine, having the same powers as Magneto on our side...well, it’ll be refreshing meeting someone new at least. I mean, especially if she’s as beautiful as Alex says she is.”
After this last statement, all of Scott’s words started to blank out to Jean, as if he were Woodstock in the Peanuts. She watched him talk, but from then on, couldn’t understand one word; just the way his hands busied themselves in expression of whatever he was talking about and the slight smile that curved his lips. He’s really looking forward to this. Why wouldn’t he be? It’s not like he’s with anyone. Breathe. You knew this day would come. Why do I feel like shit? Man, I’ve got to get my mind off of this!
Scott’s rambling eventually died down and Jean once again began to relax into the party atmosphere letting the music and the weather, although hot, calm her nerves, as a potential distraction came walking up; his hand extended as he asked for a dance.
With an apologetic smile and a shrug towards Scott, she took the offered hand and allowed herself to be led further into the crowd.
That’s not supposed to happen! She has to be here when Lorna arrives! Well, I guess that proves my theory, anyway. She’s definitely not interested if she’s so willing to go off with a stranger than be miserable here with me. Some best friend! Scott was pulled further into his thoughts as he watched Jean dancing. She’s so beautiful. God, I’m such a loser! Why did I let Alex talk me into this? It’s pretty damn obvious that she’s not into me. Look at her! She’s practically plastered herself to that ASSHOLE surfer Alex is friends with. God, can this night get any worse?
Jean was fighting hard to stay within a close proximity to Scott, casually looking over her partner’s shoulder every now and then to check on him. It was always hard to tell with Scott just what was passing through his mind and she didn’t dare try to scan his thoughts. She respected him too much. She watched as he stood there, his face impassive as he looked over the crowd, and sighing, she returned her focus to her partner, concentrating on trying to have a good time regardless of the conclusions of her conscious.
It was then that Alex was spotted dancing towards Scott, mischief clearly ablaze in his eyes as his right arm hung back behind him, seeming to be pulling an object through the crowd.“THERE you are Scott! I’ve got someone here who’s desperate to meet you, man. May I present the lovely Ms. Lorna Dane!” That’s Lorna? Jean’s stomach threatened to turn as she watched him stop before Scott, slinging his arm out from behind him and revealing the most beautiful blonde Jean had ever seen. Dear Lord, even I think she’s hot. This sucks!
What Lorna may have lacked in height, she made up for in striking beauty, with high cheekbones, light green eyes, and short, wavy blonde hair, which shown all the brighter against her perfectly sun-bronzed skin.
The second the blonde was released, as Jean observed in horror, she bounded into Scott’s arms, almost causing Scott to lose his balance and grip the railing of the deck for support. As much as she wanted to hear what was being said, Jean couldn’t seem to get her dance partner to move any closer, so she settled on watching intently while unconsciously swaying to the music. The guy she was with obviously wasn’t paying that much attention to her either, as he seemed not to notice her diverted attention.
Jean noted the wide, unashamed, uncharacteristically goofy smile planted across Scott’s face and wondered why she had never seen that expression before? It’s this girl, she thought bitterly. It was clear that this girl was everything that she wasn’t: bubbly, outgoing, confident to the point of throwing herself at strangers. She even managed to do something in seconds that took months for Jean to master; to make Scott smile, and even a smile that Jean had never experienced before. It was the type of smile that someone achieved when in the presence of an overwhelming power; one where you couldn’t help but stretch your mouth as far as your skin would allow, basking in the glow of another; an uncontrollable external urge to show their effect on you.
Jean shrank in grief, jealously and anger as Lorna’s hand claimed its position across Scott’s check and stroked mercilessly while murmuring in his ear something which made him first blush, then smirk in confidence.
Alex seemed to be almost giddy as he stood by laughing at whatever was said.
A vaguely concerned, “Are you alright,” went unheard from her partner as Jean made a mad dash across the deck of people and into the house.
Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God….Jean could only repeat to herself. This is really it! I’ve lost him! Oh my God, I think I’m hyperventilating! Calm down.
They had found their way to a bench and Lorna had unceremoniously flopped herself down onto Scott’s lap, careful to let her tight dress ride a little higher on her thigh, allowing for a perfect view. Alex drooled while Scott seemed completely enthralled in whatever was coming from her mouth.
Who does that slut think she is?
This was precisely the question she had a mind to ask as she watched from the kitchen window, slamming her drink into the sink in a loud shatter of glass.
“Oh, why did I have to meet Alex first? I would have much rather have met you.” Lorna purred into Scott’s ear, teasing Alex. “Never mind that, you must tell me all about yourself now, Scott. I want to know everything about you if I am to become your sister! Oh, I can’t wait to meet your grandparents! If they’re half as sweet as Scott here, I’ll fall instantly in love with them!” Lorna released a mirthful string of laughter, giggling at Scott’s deep blush and Alex’s contentedly amused expression, completely oblivious to the predator that lurked nearby.
There was a slight tingling sensation in the back of Scott’s mind that meant Jean was nearby and not happy. He barely had time to look up before he registered Jean’s plan. With a sharp, indrawn breath Lorna felt her arm almost nearly dislocate as it was yanked swiftly, landing her, bottom down, on the deck floor. “What the hell?” She asked, clearly shocked and gazing up at her assailant with a half confused, half angry expression. Alex had stood the second her saw her land to help her up and face the attacker, but sat once more as the identity was revealed; an amused look returning to his face. Scott sat motionless, aware that any sudden movement may draw unwanted attention his way. The last thing he wanted was an irate Jean sharpening her tongue on his backside. What the hell set her off? She hasn’t even MET Lorna yet…completely forgetting the bet Alex had made.
Lorna’s shock quickly wore off as she righted herself, fixing her aggressor with the sternest look she could muster. “Who do you think you are, throwing me to the ground like that?” She nearly spat out.
“Oh, I don’t know. It seems you like to throw yourself on a lot of things, like my date, so I figured I’d help you and point out where you could throw yourself next.”
Oh my God, did I just say he was my date? What is he going to think of me now? He’s going to deny it and they’re all going to laugh at me! I’m so stupid! Why did I just say that?
It was just moments ago that Jean had felt the loss of her control, most likely around the time that Lorna had begun purring in Scott’s ear. It wouldn’t have been so bad if she had seen him brush her off neatly. No, he blushed and rewarded Lorna’s efforts with one of his perfect smiles. Jean’s smiles. Reflecting on this now only made Jean’s temper worse and her sadness, jealously and anger rise like bile in her throat.
“What is wrong with you?”
“You.” Jean hissed.
“You don’t even KNOW me? I’ve never met you before in my LIFE! Obviously, something else has crawled up your ass and decided to take residence!”
“Maybe it’s the fact that SLUTS like you think you can throw yourselves on whomever you want. You go around flaunting your body and easy smiles. Well, I’ve got news for you sweetie, you can fucking crawl into someone else’s pants tonight because you’re wasting your time here.”
Oh God, what am I doing? I’m practically dangling this girl like a wounded puppy in front of Scott for him to protect….watch that ASSHOLE bed her to spite me! Wait, what am I thinking…I’m being horrible….Scott’s going to hate me and never talk to me again…I’m messing everything up, aren’t I?
The guests nearest them turned to watch as the volume of Jean’s voice raised another octave.
Oh my God, Alex was RIGHT! Jean’s totally jealous of Lorna! This is amazing! Scott sat in shock as he watched the spat unfold before him.
“Listen,” Lorna began in a low, menacing tone, “I don’t know who the hell you are or who the hell you think I am, but you’re way out of your jurisdiction, lady. Not that I have to explain ANYTHING to you, but this is my fiancé!” Jean watched, dazed, as Lorna pointed to Alex. The latter of whom, raised a hand to wave at her, an amused smirk playing across his face. Jean took a step back, vaguely aware the taunting act of the surfer.
This isn’t right! What does she mean her fiancé? Alex? Does that mean that she’s meeting Scott because he’s to be her brother-in-law? I’m so confused…why would he lie to me about that? Did they set me up?
“Why don’t you find someone else’s night to ruin and leave us alone? You’re date obviously doesn’t want you!” Lorna finished with a piercing glare.
Jean stumbled back as the realization hit her. They had tricked her! Why would they trick me? For the first time since she had approached them she looked at Scott and saw, to her humiliation, that he was laughing. He’s actually laughing at me! She had been a jealous fool and now her long kept secret was revealed, not only to the one person whom she had never planned on telling, but to everyone surrounding them at the party. She clutched the fabric across her stomach as she felt its contents rise, and risked a last glance at Lorna who stood akimbo with her eyes narrowed, brow delicately arched in a way as if to say ‘and you’re waiting for what?’.
“I…I’m…I’m sorry…” Jean managed to breathe out before turning and running, unaware that she was being followed from the moment she turned away.
She fled. As quickly as she could manage, past the party-goers, through the front door and down the road, stopping only when she felt a hand grab her elbow and sling her around.
A breathless Scott stood before her, all traces of amusement gone as he gripped her arm harder, forcing her to stay in place.
Her head began to shake and her mouth tighten as she looked up with tears beginning to form in the corners of her eyes. “How could you do that to me?” She whispered disbelievingly.
“I love you Jean.” He proclaimed, brows creased in emotion, and with rapid succession, barely acknowledged her arm even rising or the hand that struck with such force as to knock the glasses from his face. He shut his eyes tight, now blind and unable to decipher her next move as he felt his glasses forcibly shoved back onto his face, causing him to stumble back a few steps.
“I hate you.” She growled out.
He brought a hand to his throbbing cheek as he allowed himself to finally open his eyes, his jaw already fallen in surprise.
“You LIED to me Scott! You TRICKED me! I felt like an IDIOT!” At this point she was near screaming at him to get him to show any emotion other than shock. “Do you have any idea how embarrassing that was? And in front of everyone!” Her head was still shaking in incredulity, now blinking back her tears.
Her voice lowered to a heavily laden tone. “Why would you do that? I can’t believe I did that…” she barely managed to breathe out.
Scott seemed to come to life for the first time, instinctively reaching out for her. She twisted out of his grasp, her anger renewed. “And all you could do is laugh at me…,” she continued.
“Jean, I didn’t mean for it to go that far…”
“Well, what DID you mean Scott?” She shot back.
“I just wanted to see…I thought you might….Alex thought that…maybe you might….”
“Might WHAT Scott? Make a fool of myself?” Jean began to shake almost deliriously as she took a few steps back.
“No, that wasn’t it Jean! We thought that if we could get you to think that Lorna was here for me,…” he trailed off, unsure of how to finish without sounding too conceded. He finished his statement like a boy that had been caught with his hand in the cookie jar, trying to explain how crumbs had landed on his collar; “then you might get a little jealous and…and…that would show that you could have feelings for me and…” God, I sound so JUVENILE! Why am I such an idiot? How could I think this would work?
“Well, congratulations Scott. Your plan worked.” Her voice was an eerie calm as she stared him down, her eyes bloodshot as she let slip a single tear. She brushed past him, leaving him with a final address. “Don’t bother coming to look for me.”
And with that, he remained motionless, save for his head he let drop to his chest, allowing for a deep exhalation of breath as he released his own tear to the earth below.
I’d like to give a big thanks to my friend Rainbowkrak for helping me with this chapter! Love you!
Please remember to read and review and let me know if you have any suggestions for me! I love to hear anyone’s input, so fire away!
Thanks again, and I’ll be sure to have the next chapter up MUCH sooner than this last time. Finals kinda got in the way of everything! Stay tuned to find out what happens next as the plot thickens….