X-Men Fan Fiction / Supernatural Fan Fiction ❯ Mutated Hunter ❯ Chapter 2

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: Still not mine.
Mention of past Samhet relationship. Possible future slash, maybe even wincest.
Chapter 2
Dean woke slowly, too warm and comfortable to think about moving. His leg was throbbing slowly but he could ignore that and the press of his bladder for a bit longer. How long had it been since he'd felt so comfortable? Not since...since the last night he'd held Sam after the kid had had a nightmare. Sam...green eyes shot open and met hazel. It hadn't been a dream; Sam was awake and wrapped around him in the bed that was Dean's whenever he was at Bobby's. Dean smiled and Sam smiled back, slightly too sharp canines revealed but they weren't so scary now.
“Hey Sammy.” He whispered and Sam curled in closer.
“Hey Dean.” He froze and then pulled Sam up so he could see his face again.
“Sammy? Did you...” Dean trailed off, scared that he had imagined it.
“You're real Dean? This is real?” Sam asked and Dean yanked Sam in to hug tightly.
“Dean?” Sam squeaked and Dean laughed.
“You're back! You understand...” Dean choked back a sob as he hugged Sam tightly and he relaxed slightly as hesitant arms wrapped around him in return.
“It's okay Dean, I'm here.” Sam whispered as he hugged Dean. He was confused but at least things had settled down while he slept. The day before was a jumbled mess but he could recall bits and pieces, going to a bar with Logan for information, helping some of the younger kids train, a bright light with loud noises that had made his sensitive ears almost bleed, then two familiar presences and danger. After that he could remember Dean, his big brother and the person he had missed most over the last eleven years. There had been a car and then an older man who had also felt familiar.
“Dean it's okay.” He tried to soothe but Dean just held on tight and tried to muffle his sobs.
“How? What?” Dean finally managed to choke out, finally pulling back enough to see Sam's face. Sam smiled at him and despite the changes it was pure Sam. Sam reached up and ran a gentle hand through Dean's hair. Dean gently caught his wrist when Sam went to lower his hand. He turned Sam's hand over, studying the sharp fingernails. He looked up and Sam flinched, lowering his eyes.
“What happened to you Sam? Where have you been?” Dean asked and Sam pulled away.
“Sammy don't, its okay. Whatever it is you're still my little brother.” Dean soothed, pulling Sam back into his arms. Sam remained tense for a few minutes before slowly relaxing into Dean's grip.
“Where are we?” Sam finally asked.
“Bobby's. You drove us here last night Sam. You remember Bobby right? You seemed to know him last night.” Dean answered, watching him closely. Bobby...Sam frowned and then smiled.
“Bobby...the salvage yard. He used to let us play among the cars.” Sam answered, smiling and Dean smiled back.
“Yeah, we're at the salvage yard. Should have seen the look on Bobby's face when you carried Dad in while helping me walk.”
“Dad? Is he okay? I...there was blood. You're hurt!” Sam sat up suddenly and began searching Dean's body for wounds.
“Hey it's okay. Dad took the brunt of it. I've just got a few bruises.” Sam looked at him as if he didn't believe him and then took a deep breath, nostrils flaring slightly.
“Sam what are you...are you smelling me?” Sam flushed slightly.
“Making sure you aren't bleeding.” Sam shrugged and Dean grinned.
“No blood kiddo. So you can really smell...?” Dean trailed off and Sam nodded. Den shifted on the bed and winced as the pain in his leg flared.
“What's wrong?” Sam asked, yanking the covers back and searching Dean's lower body. Dean swatted at him and Sam growled. Dean froze and Sam flinched away.
“Sorry.” Sam whispered and Dean reached out to run his fingers through Sam's hair.
“It's okay Sam. It wasn't a threatening growl.” Dean soothed, knowing it was true. There had been no threat of violence in Sam's tone, just a warning.
“Still sorry, it was...instinct. it's still a bit jumbled up in here.” Sam put a finger to his head,
“I wouldn't hurt you though, I've never hurt anyone like that.” Sam rushed to assure him and Dean nodded.
“It's okay Sam, I know.”
“So what's wrong?” Sam asked, his gaze going back to Dean's legs.
“My right leg, I got hurt in the fight. It's not too bad though.” Dean assured him.
“You needed help walking.” Sam frowned as he forced himself to remember what had happened the previous night.
“Yeah, it's not broken though.”
“Think you can walk now?” Sam asked and Dean shrugged.
“Won't know till I try.” Dean admitted and Sam nodded.
“And I kind of need to try now. Bathroom.” Dean admitted and Sam nodded, moving to the side of the bed. He stood up and walked over to Dean's side, extending a hand. Dean took it and slowly sat up, letting Sam help pull him upright. Dean turned to sit on the edge of the bed and winced as the muscles in his leg screamed. Seeing the wince Sam bent and gently lifted Dean from the bed, easily supporting Dean's weight.
“Whoa!”Dean grabbed on tightly and Sam laughed gently.
“It's okay, I won't drop you.” Sam said with a grin and Dean relaxed a bit.
“You want to try standing or should I just carry you?” Sam asked and Dean actually found himself thinking about it.
“As comfortable as this is I should probably try to stand.” Dean finally answered and Sam nodded, shifting his grip so he could lower Dean to the floor.
“As I'll ever be.” Dean answered and then swore as his leg took the weight. It began to buckle and then he was being swept up into the air again.
“That went well. You okay?” Sam asked in concern as he held Dean gently.
“I'm fine.” Dean answered tightly but the pain was fading.
“Bathroom is...” Sam bit his lip and looked around.
“Down the hall...left?” Sam asked and Dean grinned.
“Bout time you woke up.” John groaned and managed to open his eyes.
“Bobby?” He slurred and then a glass of water appeared. He drank greedily, knowing it was probably laced with holy water.
“How'd I get here?”
“What's the last thing you remember?” Bobby asked and John frowned.
“The demon...is Dean okay?”
“He's upstairs, still sleeping last I checked.” Bobby answered but then they both heard the sound of boots on the stairs. John struggled upright and watched as Dean was carried downstairs by someone vaguely familiar. He frowned and then the memories trickled back...the ritual and then the man who attacked the demon.
“Dean you okay?” John called warily, something about the black clad man was familiar.
“I'm okay Dad, my legs just a bit sore. Sammy apparently gets a kick out of carrying me.”
“You looked like you were going to pass out Dean.” Sam shot back and Bobby gasped.
“Sam?” Bobby called and Sam turned to him.
“Hi Bobby.” He answered and Bobby grinned.
“Good to see you kid.” Sam grinned back and then his gaze settled on John who was staring at them all in shock. John watched as Dean was carefully lowered into a chair and then Sam was in front of him.
“Dad?” John stared in shock at the person claiming to be his youngest. Could it really be Sam?
“Sam? Is that really....how?” John managed to get out and Sam dropped to his knees in front of him reaching out slowly. John watched, seeing the sharp nails and the too long canines, the odd shape to his pupils and every instinct he had said pull away, find a weapon but he was frozen.
“It's me, it's Sam. Dad...” Sam trailed off, his hand dropping but John reached out and caught it. He turned Sam's hand over, studying the changes from the tiny hand he remembered.
“Dad?” Sam's voice wavered slightly and John looked up, meeting his eyes. Sure the shape had changed slightly but they were still the same familiar they had always been but now filled with fear and love. Could this truly be his baby boy? He'd changed and grown so much but it had been eleven years.
“What are...what happened?” John asked, not wanting to hurt him too badly by finishing his original question. Sam sighed and stood, moving over to the window, hugging himself.
“Sammy?” Dean swore as he struggled to get up. Sam was instantly at his side, gently pushing him back down.
“It's oaky Sam, you don't have to say anything.”
“Yeah, I do. I can see it in your eyes, you're not scared but you're cautious and I hate it. I'm not...I'm not like anything Dad hunts. Guess you hunt now too huh?” Sam asked and Dean nodded.
“Yeah, I hunt now. Sam I don't care what happened to you or whether you're human or not. You're my brother, nothing else matters.” Dean grabbed Sam's hand, ignoring his nails as they pressed into his skin and Sam stared at him before smiling.
“But it matters to them and...you need to know. I've never had to talk about what happened before, it was known but maybe...maybe if I talk about it it'll help.” Sam gently pulled away and then gently wiped the blood off Dean's hand.
“Always getting hurt for me.” Sam sad sadly and Dean shrugged.
“Big brother's job.” But he let Sam clean the small wounds and then wrap them with the towel Bobby handed him. Sam smiled sadly and then stood again but this time he didn't move too far from Dean in case his idiot brother decided to try and stand again.
“I don't know what happened, no one could ever figure it out but somehow I was in the motel one second and in the middle of nowhere the next. Naturally I was scared out of my mind but I didn't know worse was to come. Three groups were aware of my arrival and trust my luck, the one group you never want to meet is the one that found me. All I remember is this woman approaching me and then I woke up, strapped down in a lab. That's when he showed himself, Sinister. He...did things to me, experiments, tests, whatever he wanted and no matter how loud I screamed. I could feel it, my body and mind slowly changing the longer I was there. But he forgot one thing, he wasn't the only one aware of my presence.” Sam stopped, unable to look at anyone.
“I later found out he had me for nearly a year, it took that long for them to find the base where I was being kept. I hate to imagine what I looked like when they found me, it takes a lot to put that sort of expression on Logan or Remy's faces. It was months in the infirmary before I was even semi-coherent and then I began to learn what had been done to me. Sinister was trying to merge several different traits into one person and he succeeded up to a point. Nearly killed me I don't know how many times while trying though.”
“But why didn't you come back Sam? Once you were better?” Dean asked and Sam sighed.
“I tried once I was given some computer access and was well enough to use it. That's when I found out...Hank was not impressed with the condition I put the infirmary in after that. Dean I couldn't come home because I wasn't here. Parallel world, alternate dimension, whatever you want to call it I was there. And while the basics are pretty much the same as here there were some very big differences. There was no supernatural activity that I could ever find. But what they did have is mutants. Humans that are one step further on the evolutionary ladder than others. And each one with different abilities like accelerated healing, telepathy, controlling an element. Stuff that belongs in a sci-fi book. And I landed in the middle of a war. Normal humans fear mutants for the most part and I guess you can imagine the sort of thing that would lead to. Mutants themselves were divided, some wanted to co-exist peacefully while others believed that as the next step they should rule. Never really worked out what Sinister truly wanted. The group that rescued me wanted peaceful co-existence, going so far as to fight against other mutants who would harm humanity. They taught me to accept what I had become and how to control my abilities. Once released from the infirmary I was given a room in the mansion, given an identity and enrolled in school. Since the mansion doubled as a school that was easy. I hated it for a long time...until I met her. Kitty or Shadowcat as she became known as. Hard to run from someone that can walk through walls. Slowly she brought me out of my shell and I started making friends with the other students. It ended up Kitty, Rogue, Bobby, John and me. Rogue was the last to join our little group since she was the last to arrive at the school.” Sam stopped and Bobby handed over a glass of water.
“This Kitty...sounds like she's pretty special.” Dean offered and Sam grinned.
“She is, we've been dating for the last three years. You'd like her, she has a real attitude. Most of us do, guess it's a defence mechanism when half the world wants you dead.” Sam offered with a small, sad smile.
“Things have gotten worse over the last few years though. John left and joined the Brotherhood, guess the offer of power was too much for him. They school was attacked by the military and only a few of us escaped with the adults rescuing the others. But we lost Jeanne, she was a telepath and telekinetic. Then a few weeks ago we found out she wasn't dead, her powers had protected her but with a side effect, they were in control of her. She killed the man she loved and the Professor and then ended up with the Brotherhood. Then we found out a scientist had created a `cure', a way to de-activate the mutant gene. Well the war really heated up then. The lab was on Alcatraz island of all places and that's where we made our stand. We stood with the military against the Brotherhood and we won in the end but then, the government sent reinforcements armed with cure weapons and they didn't know the fight was over. They fired at Jean and she...she lost it. Jean was so powerful she literally wiped people and buildings out if existence. She had to be stopped so Logan and I went after her, we were the only ones with a chance. Logan...the last thing I saw was him plunging his claws into her and then there was a bright light. It hurt so much I blacked out and my instincts took over. You know what happened from there.” Sam finished and moved away.
“So this Sinister guy...he made you a mutant?” Bobby asked and Sam nodded.
“He said something about me made the changes easier than it should have been.”
“What exactly...” John trailed off and Sam smiled.
“He went for a mix though the strongest characteristics are those of a feral, mutants that in some ways are closer to animals. Hence the teeth, eyes and almost claw like nails, my senses are also beyond human norm. But he also managed to increase my mental abilities, I'm empathic for the most part but I can push beyond that when I desperately need to and then it becomes telepathy and telekinesis.”
“So that's how you sent the demon flying?”
“Guess so, it's a bit blurry. I was running solely on feral instincts then.” Sam shrugged, obviously uncomfortable about talking about his changes.
“I'm never going to see her again, am I? I don't even know if she survived the battle.” Sam finally seemed to realise and Dean finally managed to stand up, pulling Sam into a hug.
“It'll be okay Sammy. Maybe we can find a way. I'd like to meet her, say thanks for what she's done for you.” Sam managed a small smile for Dean but they all knew how unlikely it was he'd ever see his girlfriend again.