X-Men Fan Fiction / Supernatural Fan Fiction ❯ Mutated Hunter ❯ Chapter 3

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: Not mine.
Those who have voted for Samslash in the poll please give me suggestions of who it should be with just no one from the XMen world as he will never return there. Though Wincest is catching up in the poll so maybe I'll do that if none gives me any ideas of who else Sam could be with.
I am looking for a fic I had in my favourites but now can't seem to find.
SPN post the car crash. Sam was hurt worse than they thought and ends up in a coma. John walks out when told Sam will never recover. Dean stays and gets him into a rehab place and sure enough Sam eventually wakes up and has to relearn speech and walking. John comes back and is shocked. Sam develops small seizures. They all get a house together and John and Dean work in garages. Dean gets pneumonia at gets really sick. John has a heart attack. Sam's seizures get worse due to visions. YED shows up and sets fire to the house but Sam is found outside.
Help me find it Please!!
Chapter 3
Dean smiled as he saw Sam curled up on the porch. He sat beside him and Sam opened his eyes, smiling softly. Dean fought not to laugh at the too short sleeves and belt on the last notch that Sam was wearing. Bobby had dug through all their clothes but Sam was simply taller and thinner than all three of them so he looked rather ridiculous.
“Go ahead and laugh.” Sam grumbled and Dean obliged him.
“We'll head into town tomorrow; get you some stuff that fits.” Dean told him once he was done.
“Thanks.” Sam closed his eyes again and Dean gently nudged him, making hazel snap open.
“You okay?” Dean asked and Sam shrugged.
“I'd finally accepted I was stuck and was making a real life for myself and now...”
“M'sorry Sammy. I wish you could have stayed there if that's where you were happy.” Dean told him, trying not to show how much it hurt that Sam would rather be there than with his family. He frowned as Sam rolled his eyes.
“Jerk. I missed you Dean, never stopped. It's just...why can't I have all of you? You would love Kitty...I love her.” Sam whispered and Dean wrapped an arm around his shoulders, not sure what to say to that.
“I'm sorry Sam. I wish...tell me how to help.” Dean asked him, not sure what to do for his brother...the brother he didn't really know anymore but would still do anything for. Sam smiled and leant into his loose embrace.
“Just be here please? Sometimes it gets messed up, in here.” Sam tapped his temple.
“Left over of my time with Sinister. The others knew how to help me back and...I'm scared I could accidentally hurt you.” Sam admitted softly, his body tensing as if he was getting ready to run.
“I don't think you will. You were pretty, well animalistic the other night. Hell, if it hadn't been for the fact that I could see the moon wasn't full I would have thought you were a werewolf. But even with that everything you did was to protect us. And yeah, it'll take time but we can learn what to do to help when that happens.” Dean told him and smiled as he felt Sam relax against him.
“I'm not letting you run Sam. If you do I'll follow. I lost you once bro, not happening again.” Dean finished and Sam nodded.
“Thanks. Not running though.” Sam answered.
“How's your leg?” Dean let him change the subject.
“Better. Dad's back to his normal grumpy self so he's healing too.”
“Good.” Sam answered and Dean knew what was wrong.
“He missed you too Sam. It's just...you know Dad doesn't do emotions well. It tore him up when we couldn't find you, he blamed himself for years. I know Dad wants to tear that Sinister creep apart with his bare hands for what he did to you and I'd happily join him. After you...he drank a lot at night and researched all day, trying to figure out what had happened. Took five years for him to start giving up. Dad loves you Sam, no matter what. Just give him time to get used to you being back.” Dean finished, uncomfortable with baring so much but it needed to be done. Sam nodded numbly, relaxing a little as it sank in that his family had really missed him and wanted him back.
“So what was going on that night?” He asked, wanting to know what had happened to pull him back.
“We never stopped hunting the demon, I think we both believed it had something to do with your disappearance. We finally cornered the bastard and got our asses handed to us. Turns out it didn't have a clue where you were and it was pissed that you were gone. Went on and on about us hiding you till it realised we honestly didn't know where you were. Then it went really quiet for a bit. I remember crawling over to Dad but then it slammed us into the walls, didn't see the chains till they were attached. It left me alone, focused on Dad and cutting him. Then it started chanting and Dad's blood was flowing away from him into the middle of the room. It was like a rip or something then you fell threw but I didn't know it was you then. Seeing you go ballistic on the demon was great. You seemed to know who we were straight away, wasn't till I got a really good look at your eyes that I realised it was you.”
“I remember, sort of. You were scared and I didn't want you to be.” Sam whispered and Dean shrugged.
“Wasn't scared once I realised it was you and that you were protecting us. I was scared for you, not knowing if my geeky little brother could even understand me when you'd always been such a chatter box.” Dean admitted, not wanting Sam to think he was scared of him because he was different. Sam flashed a small smile and Dean grinned surprised at how fast he'd accepted the changes in Sam's appearance and the fact that they didn't bother him at all anymore.
John looked up to see Sam hovering in the doorway, looking unsure as to his welcome and John felt a flash of guilt for making Sam doubt his acceptance.
“Hey kiddo.” The old greeting earnt him a small smile, one that hid Sam's teeth.
“Come here.” He patted the small space on the couch and Sam slowly approached, hands hidden in his pockets and his eyes locked on the floor. He was trying to hide the features that had made John flinch before.
“Sammy.” John whispered in pain, reaching out a hand to his lost son. This was his baby boy, grown and changed in ways he would never have imagined but still his Sam on the inside. Sam slowly sat beside him and John lay his hand on Sam's shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze. That made Sam finally give him eye contact even if only for a second.
“I missed you so much Sam.” John admitted and Sam met his eyes again, this time holding the contact.
“Really?” Sam asked hesitantly and John squeezed his shoulder again.
“Really. You're my baby boy, no matter what.” He answered quietly. He was a hunter and ex-marine, he didn't do emotions well but he needed to if he wanted his son back. Sam slowly smiled at him and then was curling into John's chest. John reached up to wrap both arms around his trembling son, whispering soothing nonsense as he felt the hot tears soak through his shirt. Despite how Sam had changed and grown he was still his little boy and that was all that mattered. John looked up as Dean slipped into the room to kneel beside the couch and wrap his own arms around Sam as the kid grieved for the people he'd left back in the other world and began to accept that he still had a family that loved him.
Short I know but this needed its own chapter.