X-Men Fan Fiction ❯ Origins ❯ Ch 10 ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
See disclaimers, notes and warnings in first chap

Words between / / are thoughts or mental speak
Words between * * are flashbacks
Words between ~ ~ are lyrics to any songs that may be used in the fic

CH 10

Half way down, Remy paused on the landing at the point where the stairs changed direction in the descent to the first floor.He glanced back to the top and drew brows in confusion.Was he actually skipping down the stairs? There was a soft snort and shake of the head at the revelation.He was a grown man, and grown men just do….not….skip.With a grin and shrug, he decided he didn’t really care and continued his skipping on the last leg of the journey. It had been a very long time since Remy felt this relaxed, felt this energized despite the lack of sleep from the previous night.The meditation session turned out to be so much more than the complete crap he first thought it might be. And for the first time in too many years, he actually had something to look forward to.Of course, it made a big difference that the feral was teaching him.The older man confused, unnerved, and intrigued him all at once. Despite the small voice in his head telling him that it was too dangerous to let loose certain feelings that had long ago been buried, he couldn’t help constantly thinking of the man and the possibilities; but what an idiot to let his thoughts wander so.He had only known Logan for a few days, and he had a mission to follow.At that moment though, as good as he felt, he decided he didn’t really care.

With a genuine smile gracing his features, he wandered towards the kitchen and entered, the smile widening at the sight of the weather goddess.

“Morning, chere.You be up pretty early, neh?”

She glanced at him over her shoulder as her hand deftly flipped the pancakes in the air, the landing made perfect through much practice despite her lack of complete attention to the food.“Good morning Remy. I might say the same for you.”

Remy pulled up along side her and grabbed another pan to start on the bacon.“Oui.Logan’s teaching me some meditation techniques.” Placing a few strips in the pan and turning on the flame, he turned to look her in the eye.“Never felt more relaxed in my life.”

“That is wonderful!He’s a very good teacher.”She noted with an air of experience.“He has taught quite a few of us those same techniques as well as tactical defense maneuvers.” The look of confusion on his face made her realize that he was not yet aware of all they did at the school.“All young mutants who attend this school must learn how to defend themselves, not to go out seeking trouble, but rather to protect themselves should trouble seek them.” Remy nodded his understanding as they both removed the cooked food from the stove, placing the items in the center of the table.

The table was set for the others to join shortly.“T’anks for helping me cook.Logan say it my turn, mais you beat me to it.”

“It was my pleasure.I had to get up early anyway.I have plans in the city today and will be leaving soon.”Storm laid out the juice as well as other condiments from the refrigerator.

“Need some company?”Remy asked hopefully, his own plans for the day not appealing to him in the slightest.

Ororo paused in her preparations and looked up at him, arching one brow as a smirk appeared.“Remy, as much as I would love to spend time with you, you must meet with the Professor today.” Seeing the slight slump in the boy’s shoulders, she sighed and walked over to him, placing her hand to cup his chin.“It will not be as bad as you think, child.The Professor is a kind and descent man. Sometimes we may not agree with his methods, but his intentions are always good.He never intends harm and only wants to help.”

A heated look of disbelief and anger ran briefly through the Cajun’s eyes before he schooled his features into a mask, complete with lop-sided grin.“Whatever you say, chere.”

About to reply, a frown firmly planted on her face, her words died in her throat as Wolverine entered the kitchen.

“Morning ‘Ro” he nodded in greeting to her as he made his way to the table to take a seat, glancing at the Cajun briefly. “Smells good.”

The fourth member of the mansion currently in residence had yet to show up, which was fine with Remy.He really didn’t want to talk with Xavier today, or ever. But despite his dread over the situation and the wariness he felt for spooks, he found that the older man didn’t set off his inner alarms like most telepaths did, even with the fiasco from the previous day. It was hard to imagine that he had already been here going on three days.Six if you counted the amount of time he’d waited outside the gates to be noticed.A momentary flare of irritation struck him as he recalled the fact that they knew he had been there all along.Deciding not to dwell on the past, he continued eating his breakfast in silence, listening to the conversation between Ro and Logan, looking up as he heard his name.

“I understand you are teaching Remy how to meditate.”Ororo questioned Logan before taking a sip of her juice.

Chewing the mouth full of food he’d shoveled in, Logan put his fork down and swallowed hard, before answering.“Yep.And he’s catching on pretty quick.”The last part said with a wink towards the Cajun.

Remy felt his cheeks heating at the innocent gesture from the older man.He really needed to get a grip on his emotions as well as his shields.Though he could lose control of his ‘charm’, as his tante called it, his shields had never been a problem and had always been strong. he noticed since some of the limits had been removed, that he registered peoples’ emotions more easily and stronger than before. Either his shields were failing, or his powers were growing again, a thought that sent him into a momentary panic.

The increase in heart-rate and breathing was not lost on the feral.“Hey bub, you okay over there?”

Remy’s attention returned to the two sharing the table with him, noting with apprehension the concern in their eyes.“Oui, just t’inking.”He tried for a disarming smile and emitting a wave of peace.

The effect seemed to appease the weather goddess, but Logan’s eyes narrowed slightly.He was more attuned to subtleties from people and felt a foreign emotion that had eluded him for years.Peaceful feelings weren’t his, which made him immediately suspicious of the boy.“’bout what?”

Mind racing for a satisfactory answer, he latched onto something Ororo mentioned earlier.“Stormy tell me you teach self-defense classes.Maybe you teach me, non?”

Ororo paused mid bite and slanted a sideways glance towards the younger man, her brow arching in query.“Stormy?Whatever possessed you to call me that?”

The smirk this time was genuine as Remy replied.“Seem to fit, chere.”He chuckled and she joined in.

After a minute, even Logan cracked a smile at the little nickname, his earlier suspicion momentarily placated and forgotten with the answer the boy had given.“Sure kid.Be happy to.”

They were half-way completed with the meal when the Professor entered the kitchen, bidding them all a good morning.After filling his plate, he looked at the young mutant across from him.“I trust you slept better last night?”

A surge of insecurity rose in Remy at the question.Had he so completely lost control that his dreams and nightmares were being detected by the world’s most powerful telepath? Xavier must have noted the slight distress as he decided to clarify his question, not wanting the boy to think he had eavesdropped on his thoughts during sleep.“After what happened yesterday in the Danger Room, and your prolonged headache, I didn’t think you had been sleeping well.”

Remy would have sighed in audible relief if he wasn’t so sure it would attract strange looks from the other members at the table.“Oui, t’anks.”

The professor smiled and continued to eat his breakfast.After a few bites, conversation returned, this time directed at the older mutants at the table.“The others should be back in a few more days. I have heard from Henry and he indicated that all has gone as expected.”

“That is good news professor.So there were no problems encountered?”Ororo stared intently at the man as she waited for his answer.

Shaking his head and smiling, Xavier indicated that everything had been a success.Remy pondered the cryptic conversation trying to guess what type of mission was taking place until Xavier clarified unknowingly.“Now, if the President will sign it into law, we will be one step closer to equality for all mutants.”

“I’ll hold my breath” Logan muttered sarcastically under his breath.Although Remy was sure everyone heard him, no one responded to the bait.

The Professor wisely chose to change the subject, asking Storm and Logan what their plans were for the day.Ororo informed them of her impending departure and the fact that she would be gone for most of the day.For the feral’s part, he had work to do.

Wiping his mouth with a napkin and resting his elbows on the table with hands clasped together over his plate, Logan turned to look at Xavier.“Gonna head on down to the basement and take a look at the girls. Those water tanks have been struggling a little lately and I figure I probably should get that fixed before everyone gets back.Ole Bessie in particular ain’t been putting out the heat she should for the last couple of weeks. Figure she needs a little TL…..what?”Logan paused at the snickers coming from the other three at the table, genuinely confused over the joke he obviously missed.

Remy’s eyes glowed in amusement.“You name de hot water heaters?Dat’s interesting, mon ami.What be deir names?”

Still a little puzzled, the older mutant answered the boy, completely serious in his tone.“Well, there’s Ole Bessie.She was the first one.Then there’s Little Sue, she’s not quite as big as her older sister. The newest edition, though that’s not saying much considering her age, is Oz.”

“Oz?Not dat I’m criticizin’ mind you, but dat don’t be a girl’s name, eh?”The boy was trying hard not to outright laugh.

At this point, Storm decided to enlighten the newest member in the house.“He named it after one of his favorite characters in a television show.What is the name of that silly program you like to watch Logan?Oh yes…Buffy the Vampire Slayer.”She continued to chuckle, complete ignoring the scowl that the older mutant was directing her way.For his part, the Cajun gave in, laughing so hard he almost fell out of his chair. The Professor, too, was doing his best to contain himself, deciding to concentrate on finishing his meal.

“Yeh, well, laugh it up.But they have feelings, you know.And they respond to a tender touch.I don’t hear you complainin’ much when you indulge in one of your lengthy bubble baths, ‘Ro.” He made to stand, depositing his dirty dishes in the sink muttering the whole time.“Damn kids….I’ll be in the basement and in the garage later working on the Harley if any of you need me.” With that he stalked out of the room, his shoulders held in a defensive posture clearly irritated.

Remy sighed.“I guess we shouldn’t have made fun of him.”But Ororo waved him off, letting the boy know that their volatile companion enjoyed the teasing despite his gruff, outward appearance.She indicated thatit always made Logan feel apart of thehuman to be teased like any other.

The Professor finished his meal, placing his fork down and glancing up at the remaining company.“That was delicious, thank you.”With a pointed look at the Cajun, he continued.“I look forward to our session this morning, Remy. I will expect you shortly.”With that he excused himself.

The boy had a pensive look as he nodded his assent, then sighed.“Guess I better get dese dishes cleaned up, hehn?”As he stood, Ororo reached out and placed her hand over his, causing him to pause as he rose from the chair. He glanced at her and gave her a small smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes.“S’bien, chere.T’anks.”

End ch 10

Bien - fine
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