X-Men Fan Fiction ❯ Origins ❯ Chapter 18 ( Chapter 18 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
See notes, warnings, and disclaimers in chapter one.  
Warnings #2:  I’m not a medical type person.  So if you are a medical type person, or you are familiar with procedures/processes that are discussed in this chap....and you think "well that's not right" as you read this, just remember it's AU. Like a B grade horror movie with more plot holes than a sieve, just go with the flow *grin*

Words between / / are thoughts or mental speak
Words between * * are flashbacks
Words between ~ ~ are lyrics to any songs that may be used in the fic

Words between { } in this chapter represent the character speaking in Russian

Ch 18

It was past midnight and the house was completely devoid of activity, all the inhabitants long since retired for the evening. It hadn’t taken much; the length of the trip, coupled with the excitement over the newcomer, as well as the delectable dinner had all conspired to exhaust even the youngest member of the team. Remy had made his escape to his room and sat on the windowsill reflecting on the earlier events of the evening.

The good doctor had found Remy quietly taking the evening air on the porch and coaxed him back into the living room for drinks and recreation with the rest of the troupe before ordering him to come down to the lab the next evening for blood work and a physical. The large mammalian mutant failed to notice the utter look of horror that quickly passed over the Cajun’s features; too busy rambling on about the thrill of analyzing a new mutant power. Apparently, the closest thing they had seen so far to a kinetic energy manipulator was the team leader with his laser-beam eyes, and the bubble-gum blowing teenager that shot fireworks from her fingertips. And when Bobby had asked exactly what kind of kinetic energy manipulation their new member possessed, it was Logan who quickly answered. “Kid can blow shit up.”

Remy had to smirk at the recollection. He was touched that the older man had spoken up for him several times, staying by his side and deflecting awkward questions. There was strength there that Remy was able to draw on in the wake of all the emotions from the group. The feelings ranged from wariness coming from the team leader, to intense fascination, lust and jealousy coming from some of the others. He might have even laughed at it all if his shields weren’t taking such a beating. Sitting on the windowsill with his shoulder and hip touching the cool, glass pane, Remy stared out into the darkness and sighed. There were now three telepaths in the house, and he would have to keep a constant vigil on his shields, especially with the British beauty; she was too curious for her own good. In addition, the difficulty factor in accessing a computer terminal that would allow him to copy the research materials his boss demanded had increased ten-fold. He closed his eyes and gently bumped the side of his head against the frame of the window.

“Damn telepat’s just like cockroaches, all over de place.” Deep, healing sleep would be just a memory for him for the foreseeable future. Had the Master calculated that into the equation when he removed Remy’s blocks? Probably not, the selfish bastard. The man wore blinders when it came to the expense and pain of others. All that mattered was the end result and how it benefited some grand master plan.

Remy rubbed his temple with one hand, wishing once again that he had never met the man. Though sometimes, he wondered if he had even had a choice in meeting him. The Master seemed to know him well when they first met, and Remy wondered if he had been tracking him all along, ready to take what he wanted. /But then, ain’t it more entertaining to give a slave de illusion of choice?/ Remy pondered. A light knock at his door brought Remy from his musings. Before he had the opportunity to question who was there, the person spoke through the wood and Remy’s heart almost stopped.

“Hey kid, it’s Logan. Can I come in?”

The Cajun blinked at the door, his mouth suddenly dry as he tried to push sound through his throat. “Uh…yeh.” He rose from his perch as soon as the door opened and simply stared at the man a few feet away.

“Hey.” Logan ventured, feeling the sudden tension in the room. He grinned at the boy, displaying a mouthful of beautiful straight teeth and canines that practically glowed in the dark. Remy wondered if that was part of his healing factor – to have perfect teeth that never stained. What would it be like to never have a toothache, to never worry about cavities or gum disease or any of the other ailments of the mouth?

Returning the smile, his own slightly crooked teeth giving his grin a lopsided effect, Remy put his hands in his jeans pocket. “Hey yourself.” Not wanting to appear nervous despite the fact that his heart was trying to beat its way out of his chest, Remy leaned back casually against the window frame with one ankle crossed over the other. “To what do I owe de honor of dis visit?”

Mimicking the Cajun’s pose, Logan leaned against the door frame, crossing his arms over his chest. “Just wanted to make sure yer ok. Meeting some of the team for the first time can be a bit overwhelming, especially when they ask a thousand and one questions.”

Remy waved it off. “Didn’ bodder me homme.” /cause you was dere to give me strength/ he finished to himself.

“Well that’s good I guess.” Logan nodded, then he cocked his head to one side and analyzed the boy for a moment, causing Remy to unconsciously squirm under the gaze. Suppressing the smirk that wanted to break out, Logan made to clear his throat before asking the next question. “I noticed you were….well, ya seemed kinda….I dunno, worried maybe? About seeing the doc later. I just wanted to put yer mind at ease about that. He’s a good guy. Don’t let his bulk scare ya none.”

One slender auburn brow arched as Remy crossed his own arms over his chest. “Lemme ask you somet’ing Logan. Hank be a doctor, non?”

“Yeh.” Logan answered, rubbing the back of his neck with one hand.

“And he be a scientist too, oui?”

Frowning, Logan wasn’t exactly sure where Remy was going with the line of questioning. “Well, yeh he’s that too.”

Remy stared at the man expectantly, but sighed when he realized there was no way Logan could understand how he felt about that. “Just…been ‘round dat type before. Hard to trust a man who likes to experiment and knows his way ‘round de human body.” The Cajun turned his head, staring hard at the floor but obviously seeing something else.

Anger rose up in the feral, an unexpected feeling of protectiveness though Logan wasn’t sure why. He could only speculate at what the boy had been around in the past. “Well Hank ain’t that way. Yeh he likes to experiment, but he swears by that damn doctor oath to do no harm.”

Slumping his shoulders a little - either in defeat or defensiveness, Logan wasn’t sure - Remy sighed. “If you say so Logan, den I…” he swallowed hard, the difficulty of the next words making his tongue immobile. “….I trust you.”

Those three words nearly knocked Logan over; his knees weakened realizing the courage the boy had summoned to say them. He was in front of the boy before his mind even registered what he was doing, cupping the Cajun’s face in both hands. “Ya can Remy. Trust me. I know we haven’t known each other that long but…there’s a connection. And I can’t explain it. Hell don’t wanna explain it. Just…” Overwhelmed and unable to say what he was feeling, he put the words into action and brought the boy’s head down, his lips meeting fiercely with those of the taller mutant. It was possessive and challenging, nothing weak about it. And Remy let it take him over, surrendering to the words made tangible. But before it could deepen and move into the next stage, Logan was pushing back and breaking the kiss. “I better go.” Logan panted, struggling with control over his bodily desires. Turning on his heels, the feral made it as far as the doorway before pausing to glance over his shoulder at the boy. “Do ya want me to come with ya later?” At the smirk he received from the Cajun, he chuckled and clarified. “To Hank’s office?”

Remy thought about that for a moment. As much as he wanted the man there, feeling somehow safer in the feral’s presence, he couldn’t afford to be distracted. And he most certainly couldn’t afford to have the man’s keen eyesight watching his every move. “Non. T’anks.” Logan looked like he was about to say something else, but then he shook his head and closed the door behind him leaving the Cajun to his own thoughts. Remy lost the battle with gravity and slumped to the floor. “Dieu, I hate dis.” He whispered.


The day passed uneventfully, most of the staff keeping to themselves as their previous week’s activities caught up with them. Nothing could suck the life energy from a person faster than having to play politics with a bunch of government officials. As evening approached, Remy knew he could not put his obligation off any longer and proceeded to make his way down to the medical lab in the sub-level directly under the main building. A chill made its way along his spine; he felt like he was being watched. In retrospect, he imagined he probably was being monitored at least telepathically. /Guess dey don’t want me to get lost/ Remy mused. His feet seemed to grow heavier, each step like wading through thick mud, as he approached the door. As before, the doors swished open and he found himself standing in the doorway staring at all the medical instruments, unable to coax his muscles to move any further into the room. It was too sterile, full of equipment that he was intimately familiar with. The massive figure in the corner wearing a white lab coat completed the picture and for a moment, Remy was mentally transported to another place altogether. It took every ounce of will power not turn and run away.

Hank had been busy sorting through some tubules, jotting down notes on a pad when he heard the doors and turned to face the frozen boy. There was a look of terror on the Cajun’s face that Hank couldn’t understand. He was almost certain he could actually feel fear coming from the young man. But that couldn’t be right – he decided it was his own over-tired mind creating such illusions. With a wide grin firmly in place, he called out to the other. “Well come in and welcome to my humble abode.”

The sound of the doctor’s voice seemed to remind Remy of where he truly was, spurring his body into action of its own accord. When he came to stand directly in front of the man the others called Beast, Remy could see just how large the feral was. As tall as the Cajun was, Hank easily towered over him. And if the man were to wrap his bulky arms around the younger mutant, there was no doubt in Remy’s mind that his own body would disappear from view amongst blue fur. But those blue arms did not envelope him, much to his relief. Rather, a large paw-like hand was placed gently on his shoulder as the doctor gave him a comforting squeeze. “Now, Remy, I don’t want you to be afraid of me. I know I look like something out of a monster movie, but I assure you I’m no monster.” The words were said in jest, an attempt to lighten the sudden tension of the younger mutant, but to Remy, they were more than that. With his shields slightly lowered, he could feel the sincerity of the larger mutant and he visibly relaxed under the doctor’s careful gaze.

Now that the younger man seemed more at ease, Hank smiled warmly, his ears dropping slightly. “If you would please hop onto the bed, we can begin.” He turned and walked toward one cabinet, rummaging through it for a few items as he continued to speak over his shoulder. “Also, if you would be so kind as to remove your shirt.”

Fingers fumbled with buttons for a moment before the shirt was discarded to the side, the cool air of the lab causing Remy’s skin to prickle with tiny bumps. When Hank turned back and approached the boy, he registered a few faint scars. They were thin straight lines lighter in color than the rest of Remy’s skin, the precision and placement of which gave the doctor pause. Had the boy had several surgeries?

“Oui, mas it not somet’ing Remy wanna talk ‘bout.”

Hank blinked at the Cajun. Had he asked his question out loud? “Oh, well, of course it would help if you were to give me a proper medical history. But, you do have a right to privacy. I only ask that you divulge any pertinent information that may affect your ability to interact and work effectively with the team. I must look out for not only you, but all my patients. Understood?” At the nod he received, he proceeded to prepare the blood collection kit. Tying a rubber band around the younger mutant’s bicep, Hank felt for the pulse point. “Squeeze your hand.” Satisfied that he had located the area to stick, the doctor cleaned the patch of skin with an alcohol pad and brought the needle to rest directly above the inside of the elbow. “Now this will only sting for a moment.” He watched the young man blanche and turn his head away as the needle entered the skin. With expert handling, the artery was struck on the first try and blood flowed freely into the collection tube. “See? That wasn’t so bad. I didn’t realize you were afraid of needles.”

Remy grimaced, turning to look down at the entry point as he watched the tube fill with precious red liquid. “Not afraid of needles. Afraid of what dey might be used for.”

There was really nothing for Hank to say to that. He wasn’t about to lie to the boy and make up excuses when it was obvious the Cajun had been around medical facilities in the past. Sometimes the needle could bring unbearable pain. After collecting three vials, he removed the syringe and placed a piece of cotton over the small wound, bending Remy’s arm to hold the pressure there. Choosing to change the topic, the doctor brought his stethoscope out of his pocket. “Ok, now take a few deep breaths.” With each inhalation, thick steady fingers moved the bell over various sections of the chest, listening to any abnormal echoes. “Sounds fine.” Bringing those same fingers up, he proceeded to push in on the Cajun’s neck, feeling for bumps or irregularities. When he finished his examination, he patted Remy’s knee. “So far so good. Now if you would be so kind as to remove the rest of your clothes and put this gown on. The opening towards the back.”

Remy stared at the piece of cloth with trepidation, but dutifully jumped down and proceeded to strip completely. Hank made a few notes before reaching to grab some over-sized plastic gloves. The dull smack of the rubber against his fur as he pulled on the gloves caused Remy to snap his eyes towards the doctor. “What dat for?” he asked warily.

Pausing, Hank peered at Remy over the rim of his glasses. “I need to give you a prostate exam. You have had your prostate examined before, haven’t you?”

Remy snorted. “Not in de medical sense.” He glanced at Hank’s hands, biting his lip for a moment before bending over the edge of the bed.

Bushy blue brows drew together in confusion, not quite catching the joke. With a shrug, the doctor pulled a rolling stool over and sat down, moving aside the garment covering the boy’s back. “Now, I realize that my fingers are larger than most doctors, so I’ll only be using my pinky. And I’ll try to minimize the discomfort as much as possible.” He frowned at the scars scattered in patterns along his back and hips. Whereas the ones on the front looked to be made by a surgeon’s knife, these appeared jagged and uneven, as if made by some animal’s teeth or claws. As he parted Remy’s cheeks and slowly inserted a lubricated finger, his lips thinned in anger at the feel of more scarring. Apparently, the tender tissue had been torn at some point in the boy’s life; probably more than once. Suddenly, the meaning behind the earlier flippant remark dawned on him. He heard the Cajun grunt at the intrusion, tensing slight before relaxing. Hank wondered at the ease with which the younger mutant was able to force his sphincter muscle to loosen at the intrusion. It told a story to the doctor that had him questioning how much of that was learned by force. He doubted very much that he would be able to obtain any kind of answer from the boy, so he simply finished the exam as quickly and efficiently as possible, then made appropriate notes in the chart. “Ok, you may get dressed now. We’re done.”

Grateful, Remy hastily cleaned himself with some tissues that had been provided and slipped back into his clothes. He watched the doctor carefully, noting exactly how the tubes were labeled and where the man was storing them. “What you gonna do wit’ my blood, hehn? I don’ use drugs or nuttin’.”

The question brought a welcome distraction to the circles that Hank’s mind was running in regards to the scars. The smile was back in place as he turned towards the younger man. “Well, in the next day or so, we’ll ship this out to a lab we use to analyze it. In layman’s terms, we’ll have them break it down for us to see what you’re made of in a chemical sense. With the information they provide, we’ll hopefully be able to help you with your growing powers, maybe even predict any future mutations.” Excitement laced the doctor’s words as he turned to open a small refrigerator in a far corner of the room.

“How long will dat take?”

Frowning for a moment, the doctor paused in his motions. “Well, unfortunately, because of our unique genetic makeup, we are unable to use a standard lab. There is really only one place that has the means to accomplish the research when it comes to decoding mutant DNA. Because of this, the researchers at Muir Island are overwhelmed in their volume of work. Therefore, it will most likely be several weeks, possibly a few months, before we have anything definitive.” He glanced back at the boy. “But not to worry, we can still teach you different controlling techniques and such in the meantime. And, as you can see, I am not exactly incapable of doing a little bit of my own research here.” One large paw-like hand casually waved at the equipment around the room.

Remy watched him place the vials of blood into a holding rack on the top shelf, then quickly buttoned his shirt and stepped towards the door. “We finished now? Can I go?” He turned and took several steps to leave the room but hesitated as he heard the doctor chuckle behind him.

“I haven’t had a patient so anxious to leave my company since I first tended Wolverine.” Hank grinned at the retreating figure.

“Wolverine?” Remy shifted to face the doctor again, momentarily forgetting his intention to flee as quickly as possible. “Dat’s Logan right? What you mean?”

Removing his glasses, he pulled a cloth from his upper pocket and proceeded to clean the lenses. Smile firmly in place, he tilted his head back to stare at the ceiling, eyes glazed slightly out of focus as Hank recalled the memories. “Ah yes, Logan. He and you are very much alike in regards to medical facilities. You see, I am a doctor. But I am also a scientist.” Shifting that gaze back towards the Cajun, Hank continued. “Let’s just say that our Canadian friend has a problem with those two categories.” The look on Hank’s face darkened for a moment, eyes turning towards the ground.

The air seemed to be sucked out of Remy as he heard the words falling from the man’s mouth. So it seemed that Logan might have understood why Remy didn’t care for visiting the lab, after all. “What happened to him?”

The good doctor’s eyes snapped back to the Cajun as he realized he had probably said too much. “That, my young friend, is not my story to tell. Now go on before I think of some other tests I’d like to run on you.” He smiled warmly to lessen the sting of the dismissal.
Remy didn’t need to be told twice. Grinning in return, he saluted the blue-furred mutant before turning on his heels and exiting. He decided to skip eating with the rest of the group, stopping briefly by the kitchen to make himself a sandwich before retreating to his room. He needed to plan for later tonight.


After everyone had retired for the evening and the mansion was once again quiet, Remy slipped out of his room and ghosted down the hall. His shields were slightly lowered to make sure he didn’t encounter anyone on a midnight kitchen run. Food was hastily bagged before he headed to the garage. Patting the side of one pocket, he felt the empty vials he had snatched earlier when the doctor had his back turned. Remy smirked. It wasn’t so much that he was arrogant when it came to his abilities as a thief – he was just that good. There was no doubt in his mind that had circumstances been different, he would have eventually led the Guild, even surpassing his father in skill. His smile faltered briefly as he thought of the man who had been his adopted father, but he pushed those thoughts to the back of his mind and concentrated on the task at hand.

The ride to the city, as usual, took some time. There would be no calling his boss this evening, and he wondered momentarily if he would pay for that later. It didn’t matter. The Master of Magnetism had to understand the complexity of this assignment. It was going to take time to get the information, no matter how talented a thief he was.

Navigating the tunnels with an ease born of practice, it wasn’t long before he was greeting his friend Kale and handing over the food stuffs. “Dimitri here?”

“Yes Remy. He’s waiting for you at the far end of the encampment.” Kale said, a look of concern in his eyes. “I don’t want the children to see.”

Remy smiled, patting the older man’s shoulder before making his way to the back of the cavern, towards one of the tunnel offshoots. The light faded some, shadows lengthening with the dark as he approached the tunnel opening, but Remy could see well enough. Despite his extraordinary night vision, however, he didn’t spot the mutant he sought. “Dimitri? You be dere?”

“{Yes}” A slender, androgynous form slinked from the shadows to Remy’s left. The soft, silky voice flowed over him like warm water. “{I am here}”

“Dimitri…” Remy breathed, the other man’s scent intoxicating. Shaking his head, he cleared his throat before continuing. “Ah, can you please speak English? You know I don’t understand when you talking in your native tongue.”

A slight lifting of plump, luscious lips in a seductive smile was the only indication that the other mutant heard him. “Of course. Better?” His movements were fluid, gliding towards the Cajun with an almost hypnotic effect. Remy had only been around the Russian a couple of times before, always unnerved by the other man’s presence. He recognized the body language of the other mutant, having used the same himself, and the reflection of his own actions against him left a sour taste in his mouth. They were alike in their means. But whereas Remy had looks that were pleasing to the eye in a masculine way, Dimitri’s feminine features left some guessing. “What can I do for you?”

“Kale explain what I need?” Remy asked, taking an unconscious step back from the hand that reached up to skim across his collar bone.

Hair so blond it was nearly white spilled over the front of the slender mutant’s shoulder as he nodded his head. “And what will you do for me?” The seductive purr made Remy swallow hard. The man was very good at luring in his prey.

Fortunately, Remy was well versed in the game himself and was able to resist. Instead, he decided to play a little himself as he let his charm ooze out, stepping forward and causing the other man to retreat against the wall of the tunnel. Remy slapped his hands against the concrete on both sides of Dimitri’s head and leaned in close, his breath whispering across the other’s lips as he spoke. “What do you want?”

Dimitri shuddered, Remy’s effect on him just as potent. “You know what I want.” He hissed, unable to concentrate with the Cajun so close to him. Remy stared into the other’s eyes for a moment; red on black orbs drinking in golden, before he pushed away. He knew what the other wanted, and it disgusted him. “Fine, but only a little.”

The two sat facing each other, both rolling up their sleeves. “You first.” Remy motioned as he held out his arm towards the Russian. Dimitri’s excitement could be felt even through his shields and Remy struggled to keep the sneer off of his face. After grabbing the Cajun’s arm and bringing it to his mouth, Dimitri kissed the wrist reverently for a moment before two sharp, pointed canines extended and plunged deep into the tissue of his forearm. The Russian sucked with fervor, golden orbs rolling backwards as his eyes closed in pure delight. The mutant was energy based, wielding kinetic charges like Remy, but he was also a blood drinker. He needed the plasma in the blood like a narcotic, the effect on him a natural high. Remy winced at the pain, counting slowly to twenty before he began pushing at the other mutant. When Dimitri didn’t release his hold, Remy grabbed at the white blonde hair and pulled the other mutant’s head back. “Dat’s enough Dimitri.”

The Russian finally relinquished and gasped in delight. Licking his lips slowly, he smiled ferally at the Cajun, his teeth stained red. “You taste divine Remy.” He purred.

Remy yanked his arm from the other man’s grasp and hastily rolled down his sleeve. He didn’t worry about the wound; Dimitri’s saliva had healing properties. It was this reason primarily that Kale allowed him to stay with the clan. This time, Remy couldn’t keep the look of disgust from his face. “Your turn.” Dimitri demurely presented his arm, eyes twinkling as he continued to gaze at Remy’s face. He was already high, feeling the effects of the plasma he had absorbed. Remy wasted no time sticking the artery and filling several vials with blood. When he finished, Remy watched as Dimitri brought his own arm up and licked the wound closed, the Russian’s eyes again closing in bliss. Remy stood quickly, swaying for a moment from the sudden change in position and the slight loss of blood. He wanted to be away from the other man. “T’anks, homme.”

As Remy retreated, he heard the Russian humming. “Anytime Remy, the pleasure was all mine.”

Kale was waiting at the entrance to the township. Noting the Cajun’s pale skin, Kale sighed. Remy grimaced at the sight of his friend, but quickly donned a mask designed to comfort. “It fine Kale. Needed dis.” He patted the contents of his pocket as he made to step past the leader of the Morlocks.

Kale grabbed his elbow to halt him. “If there’s something going on Remy, you know we will..”

“Non Kale. It nuttin’ for you to be concerned ‘bout.” Remy smiled at his friend, warmed by the gesture the man was about to make. “Remy not wort’ you getting involved.”

He wasn’t sure if the look on Kale’s face was one of anger or determination. “You are worth more than you think Remy. A lot more. Don’t let anyone tell you differently.”

A placating smile in place, Remy didn’t really believe the man, but it was nice to hear the words. “You a good man Kale. Don’t let anyone tell YOU differently.” He chuckled and patted the man’s shoulder one last time before departing. All he wanted to do now was return to the mansion, swap the viles and try to get a little sleep.

End ch 18
******** on to part 19

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