X-Men Fan Fiction ❯ Origins ❯ Chapter 21 ( Chapter 21 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
See notes, disclaimers, and warnings in previous chapters

Words between / / are thoughts or mental speak
Words between * * are flashbacks
Words between ~ ~ are lyrics to any songs that may be used in the fic

Ch 21

"Fortunately, your jaw isn't broken, though it well should have been with such a stunt." Hank said reprovingly to the winged mutant as his fingers shifted Warren's chin left and right. The billionaire winced at the movement; the bruise was deep and painful.

Gambit stood off to the side, his bo staff still gripped tightly in his hand as he watched the doctor work. Scott had already chewed them both out, as well as Rogue, but it was the feeling of guilt at having lost control that irked him the most. He was thankful that no one was more seriously hurt and that he hadn't blown the mansion and its contents all to hell. After Scott's scolding, a red-faced Rogue stuttered an apology which he accepted with a resigned but understanding nod. The winged mutant was a little more stiff and formal in his request for forgiveness, not quite as happy with the outcome of what he truly considered to be just a little teasing. To say he was somewhat surprised when Remy shook his hand and offered up his own apology was an understatement. 

Somberly, everyone filtered out of the room, each lost in their own thoughts. Bobby was the last to leave and turned at the door to face the lone figure still standing with his bo staff towards one corner. "I'm sorry too Remy. I just…." he blushed and turned towards the door.

"Wait Bobby." When the ice mutant turned his gaze back to him, Remy gave him a small smile. "It's fine, mon ami. I understand. Mais, you be wrong 'bout one t'ing." At the confused look on the boy's face, Remy's grin broadened. "Not me your belle be lusting after, homme. She all in to you." 

Blonde brows rose in surprise, eyes widening at that revelation. "But, how do you know that?" 

"Gambit knows dese kinds of t'ings." The Cajun said as he tapped one finger against his temple. Not trusting himself yet to loose some of his charm over the boy, he simply smiled warmly. "Trust me."

He could see the hope light up Bobby's eyes as the boy thanked him and fairly ran from the room. He wished the boy luck and sighed at the naiveté of those two love sick teens as he folded up his staff, steeling himself for what he feared would be an unpleasant confrontation.


It took him a while to reach Logan's room, having moved purposefully slow in his steps to the upper floors. He told himself it was to give the older man time to collect himself, but in his heart he knew it was he who was apprehensive. Even now, he could feel the turmoil in the man, though it was more subtle than it had been when he fled the Danger Room earlier. The other mutant's shields were impressive, Remy had to admit, and he wondered at the strength of them. There were no expectations of admittance to the room, so knocking tentatively on the door he only waited a moment before he let himself in. Logan stood ramrod straight at the window, his back to the door and his arms crossed over his chest - closed off to anything and everyone. Quietly he closed the door, reaching behind his back to silently lock it before leaning against the wood to study the man. "Hey homme." He ventured gently, not really expecting a response. 

The man didn't acknowledge the Cajun, continuing his stoic vigil on the darkness outside the window. He was in no mood to talk with anyone and willed the handsome youth to leave his room before he did something they might both regret - for the second time today. 

Scratching the side of his head, Remy searched for the best words to express his apologies and explain his actions. "Eh…dat was….I mean, in de Danger Room earlier…dat.." he stopped and took a breath.

"You've been around ferals before." It wasn't a question.

Remy stared at the older man's back and pursed his lips. No point in lying to the man. "Oui, been around one before."

"That's how come ya knew I…" Logan paused, then turned to face the Cajun with hardened eyes, the frustration evident on his face. "I always wondered if there were more like me. I've never believed what some so called experts said about no one mutant having the exact same powers as another."

Remy cocked his head to one side. "Well, non. Dat can't be true. Our powers are part of us, like hair color. So, to say dere ain't another dat can…say…heal real fast like you would be like saying only one person in de world have red hair. Just ain't so." 

There was silence as Logan simply frowned at the boy before turning back to the window. It was a dismissal, but Remy refused to take the hint. Remy studied the man before him, eyes drawing a line up, down, and around the muscular figure. But, the thoughts behind the appraising gaze had nothing to do with lust, and everything to do with a desire to figure the man out; to get inside the wall he had built around himself. If there was anyone in this whole mansion that could understand walling off a heart to protect it, it was Remy. Only in the last few weeks, with the amount of time he had spent in the other mutant's company, had his own wall begun to crumble, shaken into powdered dust by the stirring of what he thought were long-dead feelings for another soul. That soul stood before him now and it terrified him beyond measure. The thought of allowing another into his heart....he almost shook his head at the half complete thought. No good could come of it - a fact proven time and time again in his short lived existence. Anyone he had ever loved either left him, made him leave, or died by his own hand and the depressing situation he now found himself in wasn't a great omen for future happiness. Somewhere along the way, somehow, his feelings for the other man had deepened beyond what he thought he was capable of. To see Logan close himself off was like a physical blow to the Cajun and a challenge of the greatest magnitude. But if there was one thing Remy relished, it was a challenge. There was something here of great importance, something just out of reach that Remy needed to understand. It was a large piece of the puzzle that was Wolverine. As much as he wanted to call on his vast experience with Sabertooth to guide him in his dealings with Logan, Remy knew it wasn't quite the same. Despite their mutant similarities, the two men were like night and day.

"You're afraid of your feral side." Remy stated to the stiff-backed mutant, noting the tightening of the other man's hands into fists. Logan didn't answer, but that was not unexpected. So Remy did what he always did in an uncomfortable setting . . . he babbled. "Ya know, it ain't such a bad t'ing, going feral."

Logan snorted angrily. "The fuck do you know?"

"I told you, been around…."

"That don't mean shit. Just because ya been around a feral, don't mean ya know anything about what it's like." Logan interrupted, irritated that the boy wouldn't just leave him the hell alone.

Remy scratched the side of his face, the sound like sandpaper as his nails scrapped across stubble. "Well, non. Can't say I rightly do. How 'bout you just explain it to dis here Cajun."

Logan remained stoic but the man's ghostly image in the window glass reflected the internal struggle which showed clearly on his face as he sought to put his feelings into words. As much as Remy wanted to reach out and tell the man he could feel it all, he needed to hear the words that Logan might say. "It feels…" Logan started and then paused, one hand coming up to lean against the cool pane as he rested his head against his forearm. It was the night of a new moon, no ivory light filled the sky. And with the thick, ominous clouds crowding the skies, all the stars were blocked from sight, leaving only black emptiness that mirrored the hole Logan felt in his soul. Logan chuckled, a bitter sound devoid of any humor. "Hell, I don't even know what it feels like. When I'm totally....in that place, it's like something else takes over, and the me that is me is gone. Ya know, I can't even remember any of it usually. I just...go away, get buried deep inside my own mind, and then I eventually come back to...whatever the hell my other side did while I was sleepin'."

Remy was silent for a moment as he thought about that. "Sometimes I do dat. Just go away to my own special place inside my head. Only, I ain't lucky enough to be oblivious 'bout de reasons why. Wish I could…"

"No ya don't, boy. It ain't somethin' to want, trust me. To be locked inside yerself, when the killin' machine that is yer body goes on a rampage - what's to desire 'bout that? I fuckin' hate it." Logan spat, a sneer visible in the pane's reflection. 

"Hmm..you like control. Ain't a bad t'ing to lose it every once in a while, ya know. Better dan lettin' it eat you alive inside. And you only protectin' yourself from a perceived t'reat. Is part of your nature, homme. We all got some animal instincts dat…."

Logan whirled around to face him, his hands clenching into fist. "I'm NOT an animal!" he cried, his face and voice full of anguish. He stared at the Cajun, but it was obvious to Remy that he was seeing something or someone else; pleading with a memory of some kind.

Remy gasped at the pain that slammed into him like a knife, and his body moved before he had time to process his thoughts. In two strides he reached the other mutant and grabbed him by both arms to shake him to attention. "Non! You're not an animal. You're a flesh and blood man just like me, just like any of us. De difference is you have a unique gift dat makes you special, desirable. You strong, Logan. Strong and beautiful." And without hesitation, Remy scooped down and captured Logan's lips as if it were the most natural thing in the world. After a moment's hesitation, Logan grasped the boy and pulled him in tight, clutching at him like some sort of lifeline as their tongues danced. Nimble fingers slid through thick black locks, as Remy pulled the older male into him, a small whimper escaping his throat as the possessive kiss deepened. The feral reached down and grabbed the Cajun, hoisting him up and walking towards the bed, flinging them both down on top, yet never once breaking the kiss. Clothes were a hindrance, and the young thief managed to deftly finger the buttons to release their locking hold on material, shirts sliding off without notice as lips and tongue quested over skin. 

Logan paused on top of the Cajun and stared at the pale skin peppered with dustings of auburn hair that thickened into a trail leading past the waistband of his jeans. Large hands ran up the sides of the younger mutant, crossing over breast bone and down the mid-line of the chest, outlining the shape of his ribcage. The feral was fascinated with the texture of skin over bone, touch being one of his more hyper-sensitive senses. The sensuous and erotic feelings that flowed though the tips of his fingers sent shivers down his spine. He traced the contour of the boy's upper body like a topographer mapping the surface features of a geographic region. He lingered longest over scars of varying lengths and complexities, not voicing any questions as he caressed the puckered skin. Remy squirmed under his touch, embarrassed at his less than perfect dermis. "Non, don'. Dey're ugly."

Pausing, Logan glanced up into red orbs that glittered in the dark. "I don't think they're ugly. Each one of these scars are beautiful. They mean that you survived and they're part of you." 

Remy snorted. "Dat easy for you to say. Your skin be flawless t'anks to your healing power."

Even in the dimly lit room, Remy could see the serious glint in the older man's eyes. "I may have perfect skin, but it don't mean there ain't scars. It's just that mine are on the inside." He looked back at a couple of larger ones that seemed to be surgical in origin and kissed the angry mounds reverently.

The weight of those words were heavy in Remy's mind. Logan thought his scars were beautiful. Never before had anyone paid this kind of attention to his body, his needs. It made him dizzy with desire; his breathing increasing to rapid pants as the heat in his body rose. Overwhelmed with depths of feelings he had never felt for another sexual partner, he felt a need so great it almost seemed as if he would burst. Suddenly, things were clear in his mind, he wanted this man as he had never wanted another before. Surging upwards, he caught Logan by surprise, lending him the strength he needed to flip the older man onto his back. With an unexpected urgency, he fumbled first at his pants and then at the feral's, desperate to have them both naked. 

Once he had managed to remove both pairs, Remy sat back to look down on the older man in all his glory, devouring the masterpiece before him like a starving artist. He leaned down to latch onto a nipple, sucking and stroking his tongue over the little nub until it hardened. Releasing his hold on the tortured piece of flesh, he blew gently across the saliva soaked skin, sending a pleasant tickling sensation straight to Logan's groin. The older man groaned at the feel, fingers buried in the auburn silk of the boy above him as his eyes closed in bliss. Not wanting to neglect the twin, thief like fingers ghosted over the other nipple, rubbing and twisting the nubbin between two fingers to bring it to full attention as well. Fingernails scrapped a line down Logan's chest in the wake of such a talented tongue. Remy moved lower and lower, dipping his tongue into the navel before him and earning another moan from the man who was enjoying his ministrations. Logan resisted the urge to push the boy's head further down - he didn't want to hurt Remy - so he moved his hands to the covers below, clutching the sheets in anticipation. 

Remy moved lower, temporarily ignoring the straining erection that bobbed before his nose as he took a moment to inhale the rich scent of his lover. It was a heady scent, strong and masculine, that made Remy's mouth water. For all the times he had done this, never before had he actually looked forward to sucking another man's cock. Taking pity on the writhing man below him, Remy engulfed Logan completely to the root, causing the older man to arch off the bed with a cry in delighted surprise. Hollowing both cheeks, Remy pulled on the shaft as he slid up to the head, swirling his tongue around the mushroom top and capturing the pearling liquid at the slit. The slightly bitter taste was erotic to Remy and he licked his lips to keep any from escaping. His tongue darted out to slide along the large vein on the underside of Logan's shaft, feeling the feral's racing heartbeat pulse through the flesh. Further down his tongue moved until he reached the twin sacs, gathering one in his mouth to suckle on it like candy, enjoying the flavor and texture of the tightened skin. Teeth scrapped gently over the sensitive flesh as Remy released first one and then the other ball, moving his attention to the area behind. He smiled at the rumbling sounds of pleasure that radiated through Logan's chest. 

Logan was a mess of nerves, moaning and sighing at the sensations the boy was bringing him. It had been so long since he had been with anyone and he knew he wouldn't hold out much longer with what the Cajun was doing to him. He reached down and gently tugged on Remy's hair, silently begging him for mercy. Remy took the cue and kissed his way back up the feral's body. He was enjoying the sounds the older man was making, but knew it was time to take things to the next level. As he suckled on Logan's collar bone, he reached for the lotion he had seen on the night stand so that he could prepare himself to receive the man. Halfway up Logan's neck, Remy froze mid-lick when he heard the unexpected words from the older man. "I wanna feel ya inside me."

The Cajun pushed back and blinked at Logan, certain he had completely misunderstood. "Hehn?"

Ocean colored orbs filled with need stared unwavering back at ruby eyes. "I wanna feel ya inside me. I want ya. Please." He needed to feel the boy above him, to take away the emptiness inside. He was not an animal with only survival instincts. He was human, with wants and needs like any other; as capable and willing to give as much as he received. 

The Cajun just stared, his erection beginning to wane as a knot of nervous tension took root in his stomach. The man who Remy knew desired control above all else was asking him to do the taking? It made no sense; made the universe seem off center. It wasn't the way things worked in Remy's world - at least up to now. Logan misread the boy's hesitation. "Unless ya didn't wanna go that far?" Which seemed incredulous to Logan when they were both lying naked, skin to skin in varying stages of arousal. 

The question seemed to bring Remy out of his musings. "Dieu! Non! I want dis. It just…" he sat back on his haunches, straddling the older man's hips. Logan's erection fit nicely into the crack of his ass and Remy couldn't help undulating slightly, allowing the feral's length to move up and down enticingly between his cheeks. "….don' you wanna be in me?" Remy breathed. 

Logan growled and grabbed Remy's hips, stilling the boy's movements before he gave into the younger mutant's actions. "Yes I do. And I plan to next time. But tonight, I need ta feel you inside."

It took a moment to process, but Logan's mentioning of a 'next time' didn't escape him. It brought a smile to his face and anticipation made his insides flutter. He knew what it felt like to be with both sexes. But he had never taken another man and had always been curious. "You sure?" He had to ask one last time, but couldn't quite keep the longing from his voice. 

Logan cupped his face with both hands. "Very."

Remy released a shaky breath, the nervous tension returning. As badly as he wanted to do this, Remy also wanted to do it right; make the older mutant feel nothing but pleasure. And while he may have never been top in the past, he had plenty of experience on what felt good and what didn't for the one receiving. He lowered himself over Logan, capturing the feral's lips in a tender kiss. Tongues played with each other, teasing and petting, exploring teeth and the contour of the roofs of both mouths. He broke the kiss with the older man, trailing saliva down Logan's chin as Remy nibbled his way lower and lower, until he once again reached the older man's tormented length. Running his tongue from base to tip, he sucked on Logan's cock like a lollipop, swirling his tongue around the head and drawing groans from the older man. All the while, his fingers were busy spreading the lotion and teasing the older man's opening, feeling the puckered entrance quiver in anticipation. Skillful fingers pushed in slow and deep, the digits curving and moving about until he found what he was searching for. As he pressed against that secret spot, he almost lost his hold on the hardened flesh in his mouth as Logan arched violently from the bed.

"Unnn..oh damn.." Logan cried as a shock of pleasure surged through him. "M-More."

Remy grinned and obliged, pressing the fleshy mound again and sending another spike of pleasure to the feral, the emotions rolling past his own shields and the pleasured groans of his lover only heightening the experience. He sucked in earnest, head bobbing up and down rapidly. Logan could feel himself approaching the edge and attempted to pull the other away. "Remy..I'm gonna…Rem…" It was the only warning he was able to give the boy as his balls tightened and cock spasmed in the moist warmth of the Cajun's mouth. Remy drank him down like a man dying of thirst until Logan's member was spent; finally releasing the softening member and licking it clean, savoring the bitter taste that was uniquely Logan. The older man laid panting, eyes glazed over in sated bliss as he blinked towards the ceiling. Once he felt he could move again, he reached down and pulled the Cajun to him, kissing the boy with all the passion he felt, tasting himself on the younger mutant's tongue. Logan's fingers threaded into the auburn locks and fisted Remy's hair, holding the other's head in place as Logan ravaged that sweet mouth. When the kiss broke, Remy's eyes were closed and he was breathless. Logan grinned up at him, waiting for those eyes to open. When they did, his smile broadened. "That was amazin', Gumbo. Now...Your turn." Logan pushed him back and began to turn on his stomach when he felt a hand press his shoulder back.

"Whatcha doing?" Remy asked, confused for a moment in his lust-filled haze.

Bemused, Logan blinked at him for a moment. "Turnin' over."

Frowning, Remy held the older man in place. "Is dat de way you want me to take you?" The feral was a man who liked control, but was willing to give it up to Remy in this moment. It was a precious gift that took the Cajun's breath away and brought wetness to his eyes. But, Remy didn't want to completely strip away what the man held so dear. 

Logan's brows puckered. "I….my legs are pretty heavy for ya to have to hold up."

"Dat not what I asked, cher." Ruby orbs softened as he watched a myriad of emotions play out over the older man's face; felt the emotions in his own mind. "Is dat how you want dis?" Remy knew what he himself preferred, but wanted the choice to be Logan's. 

All of his life, Logan searched for someone who might understand him, who might bring to his wild nature a calming peace, a balm on the wounds of his tortured soul. Lifetimes come and gone, each new generation and each new struggle wearing away his fragile grip on humanity. This boy, so young in appearance, so aged in thought, understood him more than any one ever had before. Maybe it was the prior experiences with other ferals, or maybe it was some innate mutant ability. Whatever it was, Logan's eyes never saw it more clearly than right in this moment. Reaching up to the Cajun, Logan ran his fingers gently over the aristocratic brow, sliding down that exquisite nose to skim lightly over plump, luscious lips; back up to cup and stroke high cheekbones with his thumbs before settling onto both sides of that slender neck. "I just wanna feel you any way I can." 

The sound rumbled from the older mutant's chest, sending a shiver through Remy's body. He felt the other man's cock twitch in renewed interest against his stomach and moved his hand to stroke along Logan's member as he lost himself in those beautiful blue eyes. "Den I wanna see your face when I make love to you, cher." He whispered huskily, watching in awe at the depth of emotion displayed in those cobalt eyes.

Logan laid back and spread his legs in invitation, pleased as he watched the younger mutant position himself between. For his part, Remy gathered the pillows on the bed, idly noting that the man had five of them. /What he need wit' five pillows?/ Remy mused before turning his attention back to the task at hand. Three were maneuvered in place under Logan's hips, raising the lower half of the feral's body into a more comfortable, accessible position. A fourth pillow was rolled in on itself and shoved in the space between the bed and the small of Logan's back. Despite the older man's initial protest, Remy placed those muscular legs over his shoulders and placed the tip of his erection at the older man's entrance, teasing the rim with tiny circular movements of the hypersensitive head. "Ready?" He breathed out with barely contained lust. At the nod from the other, Remy slowly pushed into that tight, welcoming heat. Inch by glorious inch disappeared as Logan gasped at the incredible fullness. Time seemed to stand still with the strain and effort, but Remy was determined to enter as slowly as possible, giving Logan time to adjust. When his member was finally seated to the root, Remy's breathing became labored as he held that position. It was amazing, this feeling; impossibly tight and an unfathomable joy he had never experienced in his whole sordid life.

Logan groaned at the burn, pleasure and pain mixing together, his own breath growing shallow. Sweat broke out on their bodies as they remained motionless and joined, until finally Logan needed the boy to move. The command from the man beneath him sent a tingle of excitement to his body and Remy began a slow, torturous rhythm designed to bring them both to the edge again and again without falling over. The pillows gave the perfect angle so that thrust after thrust hit that spot inside sending explosions of pure bliss to Logan's already overloaded senses. "Harder, faster" he growled, lust and need fuelling his throaty moans.

It was an order that Remy couldn't refuse as he began to drive into his lover, the cords in his neck straining as flesh slapped against flesh, filling the room with an intensely erotic sound to accompany the moans and groans of the two men in the heat of passion. Sweat poured from their bodies in rivulets, pooling in the sheets below as they moved. Logan's head thrashed from side to side as his neglected shaft turned an angry red, steadily weeping its desire. "Touch yourself, cher. Lemme see you come." Remy gasped out, pounding erratically as he approached his own climax. 

One large, beefy hand wrapped itself around that proud piece of flesh and stroked in time to Remy's thrusts. Remy brought is own hand around the leg he was holding and covered the feral's hand, helping the man pleasure himself. A few more strokes and Logan's back arched, his head thrown back in ecstasy as he released his essence over them both, white hot ribbons streaming out continuously to stripe his own chest. Seeing and feeling the older man in the throes of passion, feeling his lover clench tightly around him, was too much for Remy and he lost his own battle, tensing and filling the man beneath him with fiery liquid, claiming Logan in the most primal way. He shoved his cock in as deep as possible; his hips flush with Logan's ass, wishing he could meld completely inside the other man and join their souls for all time. 

When the last of his seed was released, Remy fell forward onto Logan; his face buried in the other man's neck as he sobbed in gratitude at what this powerful, beautiful man had given to him. Immediately, two big arms folded around the boy, holding the trembling body tight and riding out the storm of emotions. After such mind-blowing sex, there was only confusion when he heard the boy sobbing. Logan was fairly sure the Cajun was no virgin. And it took a minute for the older man to understand what caused the loss of control in that normally cool façade. But, he said nothing, realizing what the boy needed as much as Remy had read Logan's own needs. Petting the Cajun's sweat-soaked locks and pushing the plastered hair away from the younger man's neck, Logan kissed his temple and let the boy come down on his own. Eventually, both men cleaned up their dried essence and settled, the cooling sweat on their skin bringing a slight chill to their bodies. Logan pulled the sheet over them as Remy pillowed his head on Logan's chest, arms wrapping around the older man as if he might disappear. And they both drifted into the first peaceful slumber either had experienced in a long, long time.


on to part 22

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