X-Men Fan Fiction ❯ Origins ❯ Chapter 23 ( Chapter 23 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Notes: This is an AU because empathy and spatial awareness are just too cool for Remy not to have. I want to thank Lex and W6C for help with this chapter. 

Warnings #2: This chapter contains a het scene (M/F) that some may consider slightly non-consensual. 

Words between / / are thoughts or mental speak
Words between * * are flashbacks
Words between ~ ~ are lyrics to any songs that may be used in the fic

Ch 23

Remy avoided the feral for the rest of the day, struggling with his thoughts over their earlier conversation. Was the older man admitting love for him? It seemed difficult for Remy to grasp, given his luck with that particular emotion. But he couldn’t deny the genuine feelings he felt from the man when they made love, and now on the day after. The bigger question was how did he feel about the feral? The Cajun rubbed his eyes at the answer and sighed. He loved the man, pure and simple. Though it was confusing as to exactly when he fell for the Canadian, the depth of his feelings for the larger male was no mystery. It was total and absolute. And it scared him beyond all measure. 

Avoiding Logan proved to be a simple task; Jubilee keeping the man occupied most of the day with some mundane task. But taking company with other members of the team was not high on his agenda, especially after the looks and emotions he received from them. Worthington in particular seemed to have a newfound disdain for the Cajun, sneering in open hostility when Remy entered the same room. The British bombshell by his side gave Remy knowing smirks and it was quite obvious that she too had been privy to the private moments between himself and Logan earlier in the day, apparently sharing the juicy gossip with everyone within earshot. 

Remy smothered his irritation with the woman for publicly announcing what should have stayed private and simply grinned at the feathered mutant before sauntering from the room. As soon as he cleared the door, however, his frown returned full force and he scurried to find someplace relatively isolated from the rest of the group for the remainder of the day. More than the accusatory or curious stares, the emotions from everyone were wearing heavy on him. Despite the continued strength of his shields in protecting his mind from prying telepaths, his ability to block out the feelings of others was rapidly failing. It was beginning to influence his actions, just as he knew it would in turn influence the actions of others. His ‘charm’ had always been an unpredictable gift or curse that he lacked control over even before the shielding barriers were removed, sometimes working to his benefit and at other times causing a disadvantage. Remy shuddered as he recalled the first time it had affected Creed. Though he lacked formal education, Remy realized why this was happening. All the years the blocks had been in place, leashing his empathy, meant that his shields never had the chance to naturally adjust and grow to the added talent, which would have allowed the protection he would need as the power grew with age. And he wondered yet again if his master was aware of that little side effect.

Second guessing a decision made years ago was pointless. What he needed was to limit his exposure to the group, and thus the influence of their emotions on him. If he didn’t distance himself soon and give himself time to rebuild resistance, the influence of the foreign emotions swirling through his body would cause him to lash out in violence at anyone in reach, or drive him insane. At the moment, he wasn’t sure which result would be preferable. He remembered a lounge area complete with couch and television between the changing rooms on the lower level; a place that seemed to be setup to allow members of the team to rest and relax between Danger Room sessions. A detour through the kitchen to grab some snacks and he was headed towards the little refuge, secure in the thought that he wouldn’t be disturbed. No sessions had been planned that day as everyone was busy with various improvement projects or their own personal hobbies. 

It was uncertain how much time had passed as he watched various programs and movies on the large plasma screen. The emotions of all the team members several floors up and within the med lab down the hall, though muted slightly through distance, were still a buzz vibrating through his body, similar to the feel of mosquitoes humming annoyingly around his ears. It took effort to ignore; the desire to swat at the source of his irritation and prickling skin strong in its intensity. Instead, he forced himself to spend much of his time once again contemplating the worth of the man that owned this place. Xavier must have been worth quite a few billion to afford such extravaganzas as he had seen in the months since his initial arrival at the mansion. The two air craft in the underground hangars alone were worth millions. Perhaps that was why the blonde haired heir to Worthington Enterprises spent much of his time in this place – to garner some type of business partnership with the older man. The mutant known as Angel puzzled Remy. He was unsure why the golden boy of the financial world held a specific dislike for a small time thief as himself. A sudden depression enveloped him at the thought of being an inconsequential thief. There had been a time when he was a prince of thieves, a master’s master in the trade, capable of stealing the most guarded and valued of prizes. 

Remy was so wrapped in his own thoughts, doing his best to distract himself from the growing desire to yank his hair out in clumps in an attempt to relieve the pressure building within, that he failed to immediately notice another presence in the room. His feelings of depression seemed to intensify, followed strongly by a sense of determination and an overpowering touch of lust. He blinked, slowly, and turned his gaze to the warm body that plopped down at the other end of the couch.

“Hey sugah” Rogue crooned, staring at him with a purpose in her eyes. “Whatcha doing down here, all by yor lonesome?”

Her feelings rolled over him, making it difficult to think, and he swallowed hard before responding. “Nuttin’….I mean, watchin’ TV.”

A cursory glance towards the unit, then her green eyes flickered back to him as she drew herself up on her knees and slowly began to shuffle her way towards him. “Really? Anything good?”

“N-Non” he stammered, watching her warily as she made her approach to his end of the couch. He clenched his fists, desperate to keep hold of his mind as the churn of alien emotions slowly overtook his ability to reason. “What you doing Rogue?” he whispered as his vision blurred.

She reached forward and plucked the remote from his lap to turn off the screen, long slender fingers grazing slightly across his thigh and sending a shiver through his body. Remy closed his eyes for a moment as powerful feelings not his own began to take over him, dictating the actions of his body. “I’ve been thinkin’ about ya lately, Cajun.” She purred. “Thinkin’ that I’d like to get ta know ya better.” She inched her way closer on her knees, moving into his personal space. “But ya don’t like ta tell anyone anything about yorself. That don’t seem rightly fair, seeing how ya seem to know all about us.” A momentary surge of jealous anger slammed into him, making him gasp, and he barely heard her mutter “especially Logan.”

She reached him then, knees pressing hard into his thigh as she braced one arm on the back of the couch behind his head and the other hand on the arm of the couch to trap him. He could feel all of her turmoil, all of her fears – her inexperience and uncertainty in this moment – as well as her hopes – to find someone to love her as deeply as she loved. But love was not on her mind with the Cajun, a fact not lost on Remy as he struggled to block everything out. He could feel the coil of energy tingling in the tips of his fingers as his fragile control began to slip. 

“Don’ do dis” Remy pleaded as she continued to lean toward him. He was at a loss, paralyzed by her overwhelming desires.

But she ignored him, sure in the belief that what she was doing was right. “Just a kiss, Cajun” she murmured as she descended the remaining space and softly pressed her lips to his in a lingering chaste-like kiss, waiting for the pull to begin. She determined she wouldn’t take much, just enough to report to Scott if the boy was a threat or not.

But, nothing happened. The expected drain didn’t come and her green eyes snapped open to catch equally confused red. They stared at each other in shock for a moment, until something snapped and Remy’s eyes narrowed in anger. No longer rational in thought, he grabbed her arms and pushed her over until her back landed on the couch cushions with a thump. Pressing down, he laid his full body weight on her and attacked her mouth in a bruising kiss, forcing his tongue past her lips. She was too stunned to do more than submit to his assault. One skilled hand plunged into the waist band of her pants, and he thrust the tips of two experienced fingers into her tight virginal heat, eliciting a gasp of pain and surprise from her that he quickly swallowed. As the tips thrust in and out of her passage, the lower portions of the fingers rubbed rhythmically at the pleasure nub hidden between her moist folds. She arched unconsciously into the touch, her hands fisting in his shirt, unsure whether to push him away or pull him closer. As he continued to plunder her mouth, his other hand slid under her shirt to the edge of her bra, lifting the cup over her left breast and exposing the supple flesh of her nipple to his talented fingers. He squeezed and caressed until the nipple rose to full attention, jutting wantonly through the fabric of her shirt. He left her mouth then and moved to suckle the point through the material. 

“Nnnn…st….unn” she moaned, needing this to end, wanting it to last. Her breathing grew rapid and shallow, harsh pants that were quickly devoured with the return invasion of his tongue. He relished in the sounds she made, driving her full force towards an ultimate high. She could feel the outline of his arousal pressed against her thigh like steel and she shuddered in pleasured pain. Desperately, her body wanted to feel that length thrusting within, mimicking the movements of his tongue. But another part of her was terrified, wanting to push him away before she lost something precious to a total stranger.

Remy could feel her struggle, her desire, and wanted her badly. He wanted to fuck her into the couch, break through that barrier and take the sweet prize of her first time. But a demanding voice in the back of his mind broke through his anger driven lust and kept him from completely crossing the dark boundaries that he already skirted. No matter how angry or horny, he did not truly want to damage her. 

The rhythm increased, moisture building within her walls as the fingers continued to thrust and rub. Rogue was no stranger to masturbation, but pleasuring herself could in no way compare to being pleasured by another. The feeling of heated skin against her own, a foreign taste on her tongue, and the weight of another body on top of her was more than she could bear and she arched violently against him as she came, every muscle within her body tensing as the orgasmic spasms rippled through her. He swallowed her cry of ecstasy even as he continued to pump her. After a few moments, though, the touch of his hands in the nest of her womanhood was too much, the area being much too sensitive in the wake of her release. She more actively pushed him away and he finally relented, removing his hand from her pants and shirt and sitting back on his heels to look at her as she pushed herself into a sitting position in the corner of the couch. She was trembling from both sated desire and fear. The fear, more than anything, was enough to penetrate the fog of his mind and help him regain control of himself. It took all of Remy’s strength to ignore the unfulfilled ache in his own groin. He would not take her today. 

Her breathing still harsh, she willed her body to calm itself as she stared up at him. Remy’s eyes fairly glowed with anger and lust as he brought his two fingers to his nose. Red orbs stared intently at her as she watched him inhale deeply, knowing what he smelled and shivering with renewed desire. “You smell sweet, belle.” Remy then moved his fingers to his mouth, suckling and making sure she could see his tongue lave the digits. “Mmmm, taste like a cherry.” He leered suggestively. Her pupils dilated and she wrapped her one arm about her, the other arm grasping the opposite shoulder to conceal her chest. Emerald eyes shimmered with unshed tears at him before she bowed her head and brought her knees up to her chest. 

Ruby eyes continued to bore into her a few tense filled moments before he spoke again, the irritation clear in his harsh tone. “Never rely solely on your power, girl. Assume dere always someone out dere can find a way ‘round it, and best you. And don’ play a game you don’ unnerstand. Some men might not be as nice ‘bout it as me.” With that he stood up and walked unsteadily to the door, seemingly drunk on the mass of twirling emotions coursing through him. Pausing at the threshold to glance back at her through the fall of his auburn locks, she was the absolute picture of a tortured soul – guilt, pleasure, anger, desire, need and shame pouring off of her. And just like that his anger melted away, leaving him tired. Of course she wouldn’t know the game she had played. She was sexually inexperienced, only recently crossing that magical age that separates a girl from a woman; a woman with little prospect of gaining said experience if she didn’t learn to control her powers, he reminded himself. And he had taken advantage of that to win this little power struggle. Was he really so different from those predators that had done the same to him as a boy? He was suddenly nauseous at the thought. But, despite his own misgivings and need to comfort her, he remained hardened with his next words. There was a lesson to be learned here, one that was as much for his own sake as hers. “Whet’er you be woman…OR man, no means no. Don’ forget dat.”

Remy fled to the roof, using the wind rider’s loft window to launch himself and scale the remaining wall that led to a steeple edge. Cigarettes appeared and disappeared in a steady stream as the Cajun sucked through them, butts littering the shingled area around him as the evening passed into the deep darkness of night. He didn’t blow up the remnants as he usually would, fearing discovery if he used his kinetic powers. Briefly, he wondered if anyone had missed him at supper. He exhaled more slowly a lungful of smoke, the pack nearly exhausted and his nerves barely calmed as he decided it didn’t matter. He wasn’t in any condition to deal with them or the bombardment of foreign feelings, especially after what had happened in the recreation room. 

The stars twinkled brilliantly in the night sky like a smattering of diamonds across rich black velvet. It was awe inspiring as he stared wide eyed at the sight, feeling insignificant and small. Within the city proper, only a fraction of the heavenly bodies could normally be seen, specifically the ones directly overhead and unaffected by the obscuring reach of man made lights. But on this estate, far from the reaches of brash obnoxious neon colors, the bright natural shine of numerous wonders littered the vast dark expanse, easily drawing forth the dreamer within even the most bitter of souls. But, Gambit didn’t feel like waxing poetic this night. He was too wound up, as tight as a bow string and as fidgety as a junkie at the end of a three day high. The array of emotions swirling around within threatened to take his sanity – he knew they weren’t all his but he felt helpless to block them out. He needed to get away and be around something a little more simple, something innocent and sweet to shore him up and keep the darkness at bay. He needed to visit the children of the Morlock clan. Lighting another stick from his dwindling supply of cigarettes, he inhaled deeply and rested his chin on his knees, arms circling around his legs as he watched the moon drag slowly across the sea of night sky. When the time was right, he would raid the kitchen and make his way into the city.


Logan didn’t bother knocking as he stepped into Scott’s office with a scowl on his face. The anger he felt for the team leader from their confrontation that morning had not dissipated and he was in no mood to receive another lecture regarding his actions as a role model. He had also missed the boy all day, having been tied up with some silly project for Jubilee’s coursework, and was irritated that the Cajun failed to show for dinner. Not for the first time this day, he wondered if the boy was having second thoughts about a relationship. Logan may have been an older man, with many years of living behind him, but that didn’t make him any more secure about his looks or ability to be desired by another person. As much as he hated dealing with crap he felt was more appropriate for a love struck teenager, he was also gratified to have that aspect of humanity just as any other normal individual would have. But those thoughts and feelings had no place at the forefront of his mind at the moment. He ruthlessly pushed it aside and plopped his bulky mass into the leather wingback chair in front of the other man’s desk, a glare firmly in place for Cyclop’s benefit.

Scott frowned at the man as he heard the chair creak and groan under the weight. Why couldn’t the feral enter his office and take a seat in an appropriate, respectful manner like everyone else? “Is that really necessary?” he sighed in exasperation. 

“I’m here like ya asked. What the hell else do ya want?” Logan spat, pulling out a cigar and lighting it in the man’s presence just to piss him off.

Scott started to reprimand the older man on the no smoking rules in the house, but then closed his mouth and clenched his jaws instead. Sometimes he needed to pick his battles. He took a deep breath and lowered the papers he had been holding in his hands. “I called you here to talk about Gambit.”

The feral had figured as much, but it didn’t stop the guttural growl that managed to escape his throat. “What about him?”

“He’s been stealing food and leaving the premises with it.” Scott said blandly.

With a blank look on his face, Logan leaned back in the chair and gave his leader an impassive gaze. “Yeh, so?”

The older man hadn’t denied the accusation, though Scott really had no proof other than a speculation made by the sensitive nose of the good doctor. It made the team leader see a greater hue of red behind his protective lenses. Logan had already known what Scott only suspected. Again Scott’s jaw clenched with the effort to contain an angry outburst. “So I need you to follow him and find out what’s going on, what else he may be stealing and hiding from us.” 

Inhaling deeply, Logan blinked slowly before expelling a plume of smoke in the tense air between them. “I ain’t his fucking baby-sitter.”

“No, but you’re his fuck buddy, aren’t you? That makes you responsible for him.” Scott blurted with venom, standing and leaning his weight on the fingertips pressing down on the top of his table. Somewhere in the back of his mind, Scott knew he was overreacting – that his emotions were out of control from his exhaustion and the link to his hormonal wife, but at the moment he was too angry with the feral to give a damn. “Or do you even want to know the stranger you’re screwing?” He immediately winced at the sudden sharp pain that pierced his mind, his emotionally volatile wife slicing through him with a mental slap. 

The feral continued to sit in the chair and stare heatedly at the younger man, his body tensed and coiled to spring like a tiger stalking prey. This was the second time in less than twenty four hours that the boy in front of him had questioned his honor in a clearly challenging posture. The massive bulk trembled under the sheer iron will it took for Logan to keep his inner nature from making that final deadly move to take out the perceived enemy in his sights. He clawed at his thighs to keep his hands from clenching and releasing the six deadly blades that were itching to come out. After a few minutes, he felt he could finally control his voice enough to speak, though it was low and dangerous. “Say something like that again, and I’ll cut yer vocal cords out and shove ‘em up yer ass, ya piece of shit.”

Scott swallowed hard and blinked behind his visor. Why had he said that to the man? He wasn’t even sure himself. He thought he had put all his animosity for the feral behind him. But his emotions were all over the place. Jean was affecting him more than he cared to admit, this pregnancy being hard on the both of them. And something about this boy, how Logan reacted to him, stirred all those past feelings to the surface, exposing them like a raw nerve. The younger man deflated at his sudden insight, falling back into his chair with a deep sigh and dropping his head in his hand. “I’m sorry Logan. That was uncalled for.”

Logan wasn’t quite ready to let it go, struggling himself to slow his heart rate and stand down from threat status. “Yer damn right it was.” 

Long, powerful fingers lifted the protective lenses from the leader’s eyes, causing Logan to tense again in anticipation. But, he forced himself to relax as those digits began to massage an apparent headache. The feral couldn’t help but smirk at what might have caused that, taking a mental note to thank Jean later. “This isn’t how I wanted to meet with you Logan. I don’t know what the hell is wrong. There’s just something about that boy, something that’s stirring up all these old issues between us.” Cyclops looked up at the man across the table from him, one side of his mouth twitching into a self-deprecating smile. “Well, maybe not for you. It’s my problem. I…I think I’m just shattered. I know that’s not really an excuse, but with Washington, and the pregnancy, and the new recruit….well, things are affecting me more than usual.”

“I already knew about the food, Cyke. Didn’t think it was that big a deal. Told him he could have as much as he wants.” Logan defended. He continued to watch the team leader as the younger man rubbed his temples. It was obvious Scott had been under a great deal of stress; too much perhaps. With the visor raised and the younger man’s lids closed, it was easier to see the bruising under the eyes from lack of sleep. Maybe he could let Scott’s attitude go this time. Logan closed his own eyes and took a deep breath. “It’s not that big a deal.” He said neutrally.

Slipping the visor back in place, Scott glanced up at the older man, sensing Logan’s acceptance of his apology in the tone of the older man’s voice. He sighed before continuing. “I understand what you’re saying. But, I’d still feel better if we knew exactly where he was going and what he was doing with the supplies.”

Irritation at the younger man bloomed again and Logan stood. “Fine, I’ll follow him and find out what he’s doing. But if it turns out to be nothin’ detrimental to the group, I want ya to leave us both the hell alone. Got it?” He didn’t wait for an answer, merely turning on his heal and heading for the door. He paused at the threshold, but didn’t look back as he heard Scott call after him.

“We can’t save everyone, Logan. No matter how much we want to.”

Logan snorted and slammed the door after him. 


on to part 24

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