X-Men Fan Fiction ❯ Origins ❯ Chapter 30 ( Chapter 30 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
See notes, disclaimers, and warnings in the first chapter

Archived at Caprice (http://caprice.150m.com), My LJ (http://jukebox-csi.livejournal.com), AFF (http://xmen.adultfanfiction.net/authors.php?no=129676316 0), Mediaminer & the Wonderful World of Makebelieve (too lazy to look up the urls). Anywhere else, just let me know so my fragile ego is stroked.

Words between / / are thoughts, mind speak
Words between ~ ~ are lyrics to any songs I might use
Words between * * are flashbacks, but they are noted that way

Ch 30

The agonizing howl that echoed through the labyrinth of Sinister’s dwelling left no room to doubt that whoever was unlucky enough to be faced with the scientist’s attention was in a great deal of pain. Creed lay on his assigned bunk, one massive arm behind his head while the other rested across his belly, and listened to the continuous moaning coming from the lab down the hall. He couldn’t help but frown in agitation, knowing exactly who was on the receiving end of such torture. Victor never liked seeing the Cajun at the tender mercy of Essex. Part of him railed at having developed a soft spot for the boy; calling it a weakness that could easily be exploited if the wrong people ever discovered the fact. While another part of him decided that it was merely a possessive part of his personality – no one but him was allowed to do damage to his toy. At no point did he want to examine his urge to rush into the lab and tear Sinister apart for the bloodcurdling screams that the evil bastard forced from LeBeau. Instead, Creed clenched his fists and gritted his teeth, doing his resolute best to ignore all the sounds around him. There would be a chance later to take his frustration out on one of Sinister’s clones; preferably the clone currently helping the scientist to rip apart Remy’s mind. With that final thought in mind, he turned his bulk towards the wall facing in the opposite direction from the main lab where the boy was housed and proceeded to attempt sleep.

Remy’s head fell forward as his voice finally gave out. He was being given a moment of respite from the never-ending torture. The harsh breath moving rapidly in and out of his mouth trembled and wheezed as he gasped for air. Sweat-matted hair clung to his forehead and neck, but Remy was beyond feeling. It seemed such a simple plan that he and Xavier had concocted. All he had to do was bring the data that Sinister required, though slightly falsified so that it wouldn’t be of true use to his Master. And then, Remy would find the information he needed for the Professor to help him break away from the scientist. He hadn’t counted on Creed being in the complex. He hadn’t counted on Sinister using the feral to detect the lie. For all his practice at obfuscating with the big blond mutant, Remy had been unable to control his body’s reaction.

Through blurred vision, he struggled to raise his eyes enough to look at the abomination that stood too close to him. It was a grotesque thing, with overlarge eyes that contained no pupils. The lids, when they blinked, slid together in the middle from both sides of the eyes. Was the creature part reptile? There were two small slits in the center of its face that were presumably nostrils, and the mouth stretched long and thin towards both ears as if someone had sliced the sides open in a parody of a smile. The creature wore no clothes, and from what Remy could tell it had no distinguishable genitalia. But, the worst part was the absolute lack of any emotions coming from it, as if it were some sort of robot made flesh. Remy felt disgust looking at the creature, and couldn’t help but wonder just what his master was thinking.

A chuckle sounded from the man in question as Essex stood behind a monitor a few feet away. “Why, I do believe I’m insulted, LeBeau.” Remy didn’t have the energy to lift his head; his throat too dry and raw to make any kind of retort. Essex stepped from behind the workstation and glided up to his prisoner. The Cajun hung from a ceiling by both arms, his hands encased in a special alloy that would not easily be exploded. His shirt and shoes had been removed, leaving the boy wearing only the tight, form-fitting spandex pants that normally allowed freedom and flexibility to stretch or contort into any position. The tips of his toes barely touched the floor beneath, causing a strain to his arms and shoulders as they supported his entire weight. Essex took a moment to admire the boy, then moved two fingers to the lowered chin to raise it so that he could look into those beautiful red eyes that so resembled his own. “Allow me to introduce my newest creation. This is Subject #5248.” A quick glance and sneer at the mutant to his left before turning back to Remy, Essex continued. “Admittedly, it is not a pretty thing, but that can be remedied with further experimentation. It has taken me many years to isolate the possible genes that would allow for this particular mutant gift. And many hundreds of failures, after that, before the right sequences fell in place.”

Essex released Remy’s chin and turned his attention to Subject #5248. “This creature’s special gift is to completely negate another mutant’s natural barriers. By doing so, a telepath….any telepath, actually…can then freely move through the affected mutant’s thoughts and memories with no hindrance whatsoever. It’s like being given keys to the kingdom’s treasury, if you will. I would love to use it on Charles Xavier.” Sinister shifted his focus back to the hanging Cajun and sighed. “Unfortunately, it won’t be alive long enough to be of any benefit beyond what I can gleam from my treacherous employee.” He waved a hand in Remy’s direction airily. “Still, I am making progress, as this one has lived longer than any of the others thus far.” Glancing at the clock on his wall he frowned. “Two hours and fourteen minutes. Yes, that is an improvement. But, I can see it is beginning to deteriorate. Therefore, I will skip any further pleasantries and return to the job at hand.”

Sinister smiled at the fear he could see in the boy’s eyes before moving to stand behind the Cajun. “Your face is so exquisite when it shows me the pain of your resistance.” Sinister purred as he ran the backs of his fingers over one high cheekbone. “Your fear is as intoxicating as a fine wine.” He whispered, warm breath blowing in the soft shell of Remy’s ear and sending chills down the Cajun’s spine. “Show me the codes that I need.”

Remy gritted his teeth, gathering all his strength to resist the mutant. He had been successful in the beginning, much to Sinister’s consternation. But, it hadn’t taken long for Subject #5248 to break through. Remy stared hard at a glass tube across the room. Within there floated some creature that vaguely resembled the thing standing next to him. Was it another version of Subject #5248? Whatever it was, it was only partially formed as it rested in its fluidic cage. Concentrating so hard to fight the intrusion of his mind, he was unaware of the sudden glow of the glass. Sinister noticed, though. The more Remy strained against the mutant ripping through his walls, the more of the glass case glowed, including the fluid and creature within it. Suddenly, it exploded with the power of a small bomb. Surprised, Essex was already in the process of pressing a button on his belt just before the explosion. He hissed as a force field surrounded the area where the case had been sitting just in time. The glass enclosure, creature and all, within the field was totally decimated, having barely been contained.

Remy could only stare in horror at the destruction he had caused. All he did was look at the case, and it exploded. His brain wouldn’t even begin to absorb the fact that a living creature had been within the container, and that it too had exploded. The Cajun’s powers had grown beyond anything he had experienced before if he could destroy something with a mere glance. Nathaniel stepped around the boy, looking at the former work space with an arched brow. “Well, now. That was quite interesting.” He stood there another moment before turning to grin evilly at the boy. “Quite interesting, indeed.” The calculating look on the mad scientist’s face made Remy’s gut clench in fear and his skin crawl. Essex resumed his position behind the boy. “Now, where were we?” And then there was a blinding white light of pain as the creature again tore down his barriers.

Time seemed to lose all meaning for him as Sinister continued to rape his mind. Everything was a jumbled mess of confusion and chaos, whirling around his head like a tornado, leaving just as much damage in its wake. At some point, Remy was sure he must have fallen unconscious. When he was able to again open his eyes, he still hung from the ceiling like a slab of meat, but the thing that had been ripping open his barriers was no longer in the room. He was weak from the struggle, the release of his powers and lack of any nourishment; unsure how long he had already been at Sinister’s tender mercies.

Essex had just finished inputting the last of his calculations into the terminal when he noticed the boy open his eyes. He had plans to make and needed to secure the Cajun for the next few hours. But first he needed a sample, and Remy would be weak enough not to fight his mental suggestions. “You’re awake.” Donning a pair of latex gloves, he moved towards the hanging mutant. “Don’t worry, subject #5248 has expired. We’re almost done.” He moved behind the boy and brought both hands around to lightly skim over his chest. One hand landed on a dusky nipple, gently squeezing and teasing until it rose to firmness. “The information I gathered from you has been most enlightening. I think you have earned a reward.” Essex’s other hand lowered slowly down Remy’s belly, rubbing sensuously over the skin and feeling the boy’s muscles quiver at his touch. The hand continued to travel lower, until it dipped beneath the band of Remy’s pants and brushed along his cock before gently lowering the pants to rest on the Cajun’s thighs, leaving the boy fully exposed.

The sudden burst of cool air across his naked sex caused Remy to gasp. “Non.” he whispered, unable to give voice to the protest as Essex began to invade his mind.

“Relax.” Sinister murmured softly into his ear. “I know how much you enjoy this.” The hand that had been playing with Remy’s nipples moved to join the other and tangled softly in the curly hair surrounding the other mutant’s cock. One hand curled around the Cajun’s shaft and stroked it, feeling as the organ started to fill and harden in his hand. “Think of your beloved and let yourself go.”

The tone of voice was soft, seductive, and so unlike that of his Master that Remy began to envision another pair of hands on him. In his mind, he could see Logan slowly caressing him. It was the feral’s hand that moved to gently roll Remy’s balls in his hand, scratching at the tender skin behind them as his other hand, tunneled, closed around the boy’s shaft, pulling and jerking in a mix of pleasure and pain. A thumb rubbed around the crown, spreading the liquid that was beginning to bead from the tip as warm breath blew across Remy’s neck, sending a shiver of delight and causing his skin to pimple in ecstasy. “Yes, Remy.” he heard the feral say in his mind, “let me feel you. Let go and come for me.”

Remy didn’t want it to end; fighting the inevitable as his breath turned ragged. His hips began to move, pushing further into the body behind him even as he thrust deeper into the tight hole made by the hand enclosing and squeezing his cock. It couldn’t last. His energy was already drained, his body was exhausted from the hours of torment it had endured, and his mind was showing him the one man he so desperately longed to see.

Essex could feel the boy’s sacs drawing tight, the erratic movements of Remy’s hips that showed he was on the verge of exploding. He casually reached one hand to the table beside him to collect the specimen cup. One thumb deftly flipped the lid from the glass containing a gelatinous preservative in the bottom, and placed it over the end of Remy’s penis. “Come.” He whispered, projecting an image of the mutant known as Wolverine into the boy’s mind. It was all that was needed to push the Cajun over the edge. Remy flung his head back, coming to rest on his Master’s shoulder and cried out. Streams of ejaculate shot into the specimen jar, and Essex continued to milk the organ until every last drop was collected, releasing the now flaccid length before moving away to cover and secure his prize.

Now that the vision was gone, Remy returned to the reality of the situation and nearly choked on the sob that tried to escape his throat. Breathing sharply, all the muscles in his body, especially his arms, began to make themselves known. Remy wasn’t sure how much longer he could hang there before something became permanently damaged. He barely focused on that thought when his Master stepped back into view.

“Now then,” Sinister began, tapping a needle and squirting a small amount from the tip to release any excess air. “Let’s get you settled for the evening while I attend to other matters.” A quick stick to inject the fluid, it didn’t take long for the drug to take effect. Within moments, the Cajun was deeply asleep. Essex pressed a button on a remote unit in his hand and watched impassively as the chain released to drop the boy to the floor. Quick, efficient exam confirmed that his employee was not too badly damaged. Essex smiled and ran one finger tenderly down the cheek of the mutant at his feet, then suddenly clenched his fist and frowned. Damn the boy’s empathy for having even a small affect on him. It had grown in tandem with Remy’s other powers. That particular nuisance of a power would need to be removed; if not by surgery, then through genetic manipulation. He stood and strode out of the lab, leaving the Cajun on the floor. It was time to collect Creed for a mission. He would deal with the boy later.


Logan made his way to the war room, having been summoned by the Professor telepathically. It was obvious to most of the residents that Logan was in a foul mood; each day that Remy remained missing sending him spiraling further and further into depression. The Professor’s refusal to share what he knew, along with the demand that Logan was not to search for the boy, was wearing thin on the feral. He entered the room and paused, realizing he must have been the last to arrive at the apparently impromptu meeting. At the far end of the conference table sat the Professor, with Jean and Scott sitting on either side of him and looking expectantly at the door. Hank was closer to Logan, and cleared his throat to break the feral from his momentary stupor. At the sound from the good doctor, Logan strode to a chair to the blue furred man’s left and scowled down at the table, waiting for whatever this was to begin.

The Professor steepled his fingers against his lips, then clasped his hands together and lowered them to the table before catching everyone’s eyes. “Thank you all for coming. I apologize for taking you away from your classes and have asked Ororo and Betsy to fill in, as it is not yet necessary for everyone to know what I am about to tell you about Gambit.”

Scott fidgeted in his chair, anxious to hear what his adopted father had to say about the Cajun, while Logan hoped the man was going to tell him where Remy went, doing his best to overcome the urge to growl his impatience at Xavier.

The Professor took a breath and continued. “As you may be aware, there was more to Gambit’s presence here than he originally told us. In light of this new information, a plan has been formulated to...” But before Xavier could continue, a large black swirling mass appeared just behind his chair. Sounds like thunder filled the room and wind stirred the air, sending several papers that the Professor had brought flying about like so much debris. It tunneled and grew like some kind of black hole, a vortex of barely restrained energy that was palpable to all present. All of them had turned at the initial breach, shocked motionless at the unexpected sight. And before their brains could register anything, three small fast moving projectiles emerged aimed at the occupants closest to the yawning mouth. The first hit the Professor in his neck, just above and slightly to the right of his Adam’s apple. A second struck Jean in the shoulder, while the third slammed into the team leader’s thigh just as he managed to stand.

“NEEDLES!” Logan roared as his brain finally moved past the shock. “GET ‘EM OUT OF YA.” But he was too late. He watched in horror as Scott, mid-turn towards Logan to catch the hastily yelled words, fell forward and hit the edge of the conference table before landing squarely on the floor with blood beginning to pool out of a cut in his temple from the impact. Jean’s maternal instincts kicked in enough to give her the presence of mind to drape her failing body over the edge of the table, keeping her in her chair as opposed to endangering her unborn children by potentially falling out of it. Xavier slumped over the side of his own chair and all three were out for the count. Logan felt like he and Hank were glued to the floor as they watched their team mates fall into unconsciousness.

Suddenly, a figure materialized from the swirling mass. It looked like some kind of demon with diamond-like red glowing eyes set firmly in a hardened pale face that contained a smug smile displaying razor sharp canines. It was obviously male, a strong contoured body outlined by a skin tight black body suit made of an unfamiliar material that seemed to have a life of its own and moved sensually with every muscle in the man’s body. Behind the demon, large tendrils billowed out, flowing ominously in the wind created by the vortex. Logan let out a roar and charged. Hank managed to bark an order before he too was moving towards the enemy. “COMPUTER RECORD!”

But the demon was faster. He raised both arms and two powerful beams of energy blasted from unseen openings in the cuffs of his sleeves, aiming unerringly and striking both doctor and feral mid-chest, sending them flying across the room to the farthest corners to crash into each other and the walls. Hank hit first, the impact collapsing the wall around him as Logan slammed in on top of him. They were both incapacitated for the moment. A second figure appeared behind Sinister, towering over the mad doctor but submitting to the shorter mutant’s power nonetheless.

Essex turned his gaze on his prizes as her ordered Creed. “Collect Xavier and the boy. I will handle Mrs. Summers myself.” With that, Sabretooth strode over and hauled Cyclops from the floor, flinging him over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. After, he wrapped his free arm around the Professor’s waist and pulled him from his chair, dragging him along the side of his body while Xavier’s toes grazed along the floor. Within moments, he entered the vortex, sparing only a cursory glance towards the opposite side of the room where a familiar smell drew his attention. His eyes narrowed, trying to see which of the two downed X-men had played with his toy, but merely growled annoyance as he turned back to the task at hand and disappeared into the darkness. Essex, meanwhile, gently lifted the pregnant female into his arms, gazing almost lovingly at her slack face as he too turned towards the portal. Logan’s eyes fluttered open and he was immediately alert, jumping off of his big blue team mate and spotting the back of his enemy across the room. But it was the unconscious red-head in the bastard’s arms that sent his heart racing and made all of the air in his lungs turn to ice.

“NOOOOOO!!” he screamed, pumping his powerful legs in order to reach the one that dared to touch Jean. It seemed as if he was moving in slow motion as the other mutant disappeared into the tunnel and he watched as the edges of the vortex began to shrink in on itself. With one last Herculean effort, he lunged at the spot, both sets of claws extended hoping to make the almost miniscule hole before it completely disappeared. But it was too late as nothing but air greeted him where the portal had been and he landed with a thud onto the floor. Hank had just come to and was struggling to pull himself from the hole he had created in the wall, when he saw the shorter feral raise to his knees and sit back on his hunches. Blood dripped from Logan’s knuckles as he re-sheathed his claws and rested his hands on his thighs, choking back a sob. His head fell back and his eyes closed as he loosed the anger, frustration and overall helplessness he felt in one mighty roar. “JEEEEAAAANNNNNNNNN”

End ch 30

on to part 31

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