Xiaolin Showdown Fan Fiction ❯ A Chase and Jack fic ❯ Chapter 1

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
don’t own any of the Xiaolin Showdown characters, they all belong to Christy Hui. Any OC’s are mine, so have a happy read ^_^V.

Hate and pride flashes from his golden gaze as a cold smirk graces his mask of evil, which hides his saddened past and lonely present. A beast instead of a soul dwells within him…what could warm the cold hearted Dragon and bring peace to the man.
Born weak of body, but strong of mind, his sad scarlet eyes searches but all he finds is pity, hate, and pain…who could care for a broken child and make him feel wanted.
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~ .Chapter One.~

The wakening moon made its lazy climb up across the dark navy sky, pulling its slivery-white body from its horizon home. Dark velvet clouds twisting and turning dancing with the wind like immortal lovers. The stars shrank away fearing that their light would be put out by the intensity of their eternal waltz.

Suddenly the clouds stilled as the wind whispered sweet nothings, as if a great hand held nature in its grasp. But the stillness did not last long as the silent night was broken by the dull thudding of small blades.

* * *

The demon like skull of the mountain face yawned open in an eternal snarl. The ancient stone was dimly lit by moonlight as the sliver disc rested among the clouds.

Jack landed as quietly as he could on the cliff’s edge. The loose soil and rock moving beneath his boots as his body jerked slightly from the force of his hel-pack retreating into itself. The young goth looked down the long downward slope of the cliff that lead into the gaping mouth of the beast like mountain. The jagged rocks that formed its fangs gleamed with un-mined diamonds.

Jack shivered at the sight of them, it always felt like he was walking into the waiting jaws of a lion.

The Evil Boy Genius stood there for a moment, his mind wandering back to just a few hours ago.

Jack Spicer paced his evil lair. The scent of hair dye chemicals burning his nose, eyes, and scalp as he waited for the egg timer to ring for him to remove the reddish goo from his hair. But the pacing wasn’t from being impatient of the slow coloring. For tonight or more likely in a few hours till midnight will be his idol’s re-birthday.
The day Chase Young became evil.

Ever since Jack read about the warlord in his Chinese history class he couldn’t get enough. Looking up everything about the ancient warrior. Even going as far as the Xiaolin scrolls in his family’s privet museum, since his idol was once a Xiaolin Dragon.

Jack found very little of Chase’s goody-to-shoe-days all the youth found was Chase’s real name, which was once Long Jun-Han and nothing more. No family or bloodline history just the story of the warrior monk who gave up his soul for eternal youth and strength.

Jack didn’t believe in magic and so thought the former Xiaolin monk dead, but always threw a small cerebration on that day. Until one day Jack Spicer fell embarrassedly into the arms of his not so dead idol and almost died from the shock.

It’s been three years since that day and the goth never really got the chance to cerebrate it with his idol. Well, not counting the time he used the Sands of Time to take a break for a year or that a other year that Chase let the teen trap him with the Sphere of Yun… Any who, the Evil Boy Genius hoped to cerebrate it ‘this’ year with the Prince of Evil.

The timer went off scaring the teen and making him scream his signature high girlish shriek.

Jack ran up the lair stairs as quickly as he could, washed out his hair, and grabbed a neatly wrapped package off his work desk.

Jack shook himself banishing the resent memory as he made his way forward.

The wind softly tussled his crimson locks still damp from its recent touch up. The teen took a deep breath and held it as his fingers slowly stroked the rough stone surface, hoping the secret entrance didn’t hit him when it opened. To his relief it opened from his left and away from him. Jack released his breath in a soft sigh.

Spicer straightened his coat and ran his fingers through his now wind dried hair. Gathering what little courage he had and walked calmly inside despite the slight trembling of his body.

* * *

Inside the mountain itself was so surprisingly peaceful when Jack first saw it. With its white fountains, endless marble staircases, beautiful hanging plants and sculptures. So different from the outside, which was dark, barren and scary, which made him think of ‘Castle Grey Skull’ from the cartoon ‘HE-MAN’.

The citadel was empty of Chase and his warrior cats as an eerie silence fell over the domain, say for the stone slab scraping against the floor as it closed behind him, soon followed by the soft trickling of the fountains. The heaven like décor belied its owner’s devil persona.

Jack always thought Chase wanted to keep something of his old Xiaolin days but still have that evil edge.

Jack closed his eyes and let the quit calm relax him. His muscles loosened, and he felt almost boneless when Chase’s deep calm voice broke the silence.

* * *

Chase Young knew it was Spicer just by the feel of the boy’s low chi level and so took his time descending his many stairs. His thoughts wandering from ~how to get Wuya out of his hair?~ to ~how to get Omi on the Heylin side?~ but first thing first, Chase thought ~get rid of Spicer!~ but that plan was halted when Chase saw the young teen standing in the open foyer.

Spicer. Looked. Different? Chase’s eyes roamed slowly over the youth’s form.

Jack’s scarlet hair seemed brighter and soft looking cascading down from a small widows-peak, which wasn’t covered by his goggles. Chase cocked his head to the side as he studied the teen more closely.

It was strange to see the goth without his signature yellow tinted goggles resting upon his brow.

Young scanned the pale features. Thick dark lashes fanned against high cheekbones unmarked by the black liquid eyeliner, Spicer always wore. Lower went the Overlord’s gaze, the youth’s head was slight tilted back baring a pale column of flesh from the open V of his coat.

Unbeknownst to Jack he was giving a submissive gesture toward Chase, which caused the Warlord to bite back a growl before it could rumble from his throat.

Chase scented the air instinctively dragging the many scents through his nose and letting the air grace his palate. He scented his warriors, himself, his plants, everything in his domain when all of sudden a…well words could not describe it as the scent tantalized his senses.

Chase took another deep breath the scent only making his beast want more. Young quickly banished the Dragon before it could cloud his mind and rumbled out Spicer’s name.

“What do you want, Spicer?” Chase inwardly smirked as Jack gave his signature girlish scream of fright.

“I-I-I…” stuttered Jack as he tried to calm his racing heart.

“Out with it, Spicer, before my minions drag you out.” Rising his right hand with the fingers poised knowing his cats were ready within the shadows.

“I wanted to,” Jack’s voice grew small and whispery to the point that Chase couldn’t hear the last sentience


“I wanted to give you a gift.” Quickly pulling out the package from his coat. A light pink blush splashing across his snow-white cheeks. As he made his way slowly and carefully up the few steps between them.

Jack watched Chase for any signs for the youth to run, but none came not even Young’s signature evil smirk graced his youthful face.

Jack stopped at the second step just under Chase’s first and held out the greenish-gold present to his idol.

After a moment or so of the Overlord just staring at the box with a cold mask of indifference. Jack lifted the gift slightly in encouragement when that didn’t work he said jokingly.

“It’s not going to bite you.”

“What is it?” Asked Chase, raising a curious brow at the gift.

“Well, open it and find out.” Taking the last step up and placing the gift in Young’s hands.

Jack bit his lower lip as Chase slowly tore away at the paper and lifted the lid to reveal three, six inch figures of himself, Dashi, and Guan.

Jack watched as the mask of indifference melted away from the Warlord’s face to be replace with shocked/awe as old pain and sadness flickered briefly in the ancient warrior’s golden eyes. But just as quickly his cold demeanor was back in place.

Before Jack could lose his nerve he leaned forward quickly placing a light kiss, barely a brush of their lips just as Young reached into the small box.

* * *

Chase could not believe his eyes the small figurines looked exactly like them down to Dashi’s smart-aleck-smirk, Guan’s spear, and his armor. Chase inwardly frowned as a faded memory of Dashi’s bright smile, Guan’s deep hardy laugh, and his own mix of the two flashed across his minds eye like an old film when Jack’s lips suddenly met his.

The scent the youth gave off as he shuddered in fear was untainted by his robot’s engine oil. It smelled like….Young couldn’t put his finger on why Spicer was producing the scent, but it felt like coming home after being away for so very long.

Jack trembled when no response came from Chase and feared he done a terrible wrong by kissing the ancient warrior. As quickly as he could, Spicer turned and fled down the stairs thankful he didn’t fall and out of the open foyer toward the entrance.

“I did not command you to leave, Spicer.” Echoed Chase’s voice as Jack placed his hand on the stone slab, but it didn‘t move at his touch like usually did.

Jack squeaked when he suddenly felt heavy hands on his shoulders and a soft pair of lips near his left ear.

“That was a very brave stunt you did, Spicer,“ he purred “brave, but stupid.” He rumbled against the soft spot just under and behind Spicer’s ear. Jack gave off more of his scent making the Dragon within Chase roar with hunger demanding to be release.

Chase shuddered and couldn’t help the growl that purred past his lips as his blood heated and ran like quick-sliver in his veins.

Spicer stiffed at the sound and whimpered as he was turned around. “Chase, I…” but his words were quickly silenced by Young’s lips.

Jack moaned as his lips were parted by his idol’s tongue. The goth was startled slightly at the strange feel of hot, soft lips and a cool mouth as if Warlord just had something cold not to long ago, but it felt blissfully good.

The ancient warrior tasted like a cherry Italian icy and something else, something just beneath the taste of a frozen treat as Young prodded his cool tongue into the warm depths of Jack’s mouth. Deep, sweet, and cold. And God was his mouth soft like rose petals and he smelled nice like a hardy wine mixed with the scent of his hanging plants, which slowly began to fade into a more earthy scent like freshly cut grass and cherry blossoms.

________________________________________________________ ______________

~.Chapter Two.~

The Evil Genius didn’t know how he got into his idol’s room let alone his bed so quickly when they began to tear each others clothes away like hormonally crazed teenagers. Their upper bodies were soon bared to the a other while their hands roamed over each others chest and back.

Jack’s fingertips glided down Chase’s stomach feeling the tense muscles tighten and tremble at his touch. Soon his searching fingers found the red sash that kept the armor plates around Warlord’s waist.

The heated silkiness of Young’s lips mixed with the ancient warrior’s cool tongue along Jack’s throat made the goth groan and tug harder on the silk band, until it was loose enough for the weight of the brass colored armor to make the sash unravel itself like a crimson ribbon from a wooden spool.

Chase growled against the youth’s pulse point his sensitive fangs feeling the delicate vein throb while dragging the tip of his tongue along the boy’s thin stern-o-mastoid (it’s a cord of muscle that runs from behind the ear down to the collarbone). His lower lip following the cool trail to leave an open mouth kiss on the pounding vein as he felt the silk of his sash slip from his waist like cool fingers on his heated skin.

The Dragon in Chase reared and thrashed wanting to sink its fangs into the porcelain creature beneath it. Young snarled attacking Jack’s lips with bruising force and biting nips.

The youth sucked in his breath when Chase kissed him, small faint noises vibrating against the Warlord’s dominating mouth. Spicer squirmed and tried to pull away, but the Dragon didn’t want its prey to leave so Chase wrapped his arms tightly around the struggling goth’s waist almost crushing the boy’s little body to his heaving chest and kissed the teen harder until blood flowed.

Jack wrenched his face away gasping and trembling his eyes closed as he licked timidly at his lower lip pulling the coppery taste of blood onto his tongue. Young gripped the youth’s chin easing the pale flushed face toward the Overlord’s own.

“Look at me,” rumbled Chase. Jack whimpered and tightened his eyes.

“Look at me, Spicer!” Ordered Chase as he shifted his hips forward pressing himself even closer to the teen. Spicer gasped tossing back his head into the soft pillows.

A moment past and Jack’s eyes fluttered opened looking at his idol through lowered lashes silently worshiping the warrior’s body, honed over centuries of training. Slowly raising his eyes to Chase’s golden ones.

The immortal leaned forward placing his lips softly on Spicer’s, gently parting them to taste the boy’s sweetness mixed with the tang of blood.

Jack greedily drew Chase’s cool tongue into his depths, unbeknownst to the goth the soft crackle of Heylin magic, until he felt Chase’s member against his bare skin.

Jack shuttered when their harden lengths brushed against each other. Chase broke their kiss so he could suckle and bite at the teen’s throat leaving butterfly bruises along the youth’s pale flesh. Warlord growled softly against Spicer’s collarbone when the boy timidly bucked his hips bumping and rubbing their heated members against one another.

Spicer arched his back keeping their lower halves grinding together. Young watched proudly as the youth threw back his head stretching his neck, which bore purplish-red bruises along the porcelain column.

Jack’s hands suddenly went from gripping the red silk sheets to idol’s shoulders. The delicate fingers callused from working so long with tools and metal curled into claws and dug his blunt fingernails into the tanned flesh, to the point of denting, but not breaking the skin of the Dragon’s shoulders. Dragging his hands down the chest of the beast leaving a trail of thin red lines in his wake.

Chase threw back his head with a snarl the sensation of pain and pleasure flooded his body as he grabbed the goth’s thin wrists and pinning them to the bed on either side of the red head. Chase’s lids fluttered close knowing his eyes were glowing red as he dragged the youth’s limbs up and over the teen’s head laying the right over the left. Locking his larger hand on the jointed wrists as his other hand ghost over the teen’s side stopping just above Jack’s hipbone his suddenly long black fingernails glided over the boy’s soft belly.

Jack didn’t know when his eyes had closed when he suddenly opened them at the feel of Chase’s hand stroking him. Giving the teen’s member a light squeeze at the base and moving up keeping the same pressure as his thumb rubbed under and over the head, but the older man’s touch didn’t stay long. Jack groaned in protest when Chase removed his hand, but stiffened when that said hand went lower.

The Dragon lord’s searching fingers sought the delicate passage of the youth’s body when the backs of his fingers met something wet and warm. Jack’s breath hitched as the Warlord curiously pressed his fingertips forward not believing his sense of touch as moisture coated the pads of his fingers. Soon followed by soft flesh parting at his searching caress then a searing liquidly slide, his fingertips finding more liquid heat as warm flesh gave way, slipping up and in.

“No!” Yelled/gasped Jack as he pulled his hands away from Chase’s slacked grip placing one hand on the older man’s chest pushing weakly against the wall of muscle while his other hand grasped the Warlord’s wrist and pulled it away.

For a spilt second everything was quiet. Jack’s scarlet eyes filling with tears his breath shuddering from his lungs as his hands trembled against Chase’s chest and wrist.

“Oh god, please don’t kill me,” whimpered Jack as he removed his hands and crossed them over his chest turning his head away in shame his tears flowing like small rivers down his cheeks.

“I-oh God, I shouldn’t hav- I‘m a freak.” He said more to himself than to Chase as he tried to move away to get off the bed.

Jack stilled when a deep rumbling purr sounded above him. Slowly looking up to see Chase licking his fingers. The teen’s eyes widen as Young’s eyes glowed redder with each suckling lick. The warrior’s eyes closing bliss as he cleaned the last of the moisture from his fingers.

“More.” Growled Chase his eyes snapping open and flashing a mixture of red and gold.

Jack squeaked as he was pulled farther down the bed and spread open so fast he feared his idol might have pulled one of his legs out of the socket.

Chase spread the youth farther bringing the teen’s right leg over his left shoulder and the left leg under his right arm and over his back just under his shoulder-blades. After he got Spicer’s legs in place Chase slid his hands under Jack gripping the boy’s butt firmly and tilted it slightly up. The warrior’s gaze rested upon the glistening opening partly covered by the slightly smaller testicles.

The Dragon growled and attacked. Jack gasped and tried to clasp his legs shut, but his strength faded as Chase licked at the soft flesh coaxing the thin lips apart and tasting the sweet spice that flowed from Jack’s core.

Young drove his tongue deeper ripping a scream from Spicer’s throat only to intensify the teen’s shriek by biting one of the outer lips. Holding the delicate flesh between his teeth, his fangs close to piercing the thin lip.

Jack reach out and weaved his finger’s into the thick dark emerald locks and tried not to move his hips too much for fear of tearing the flesh Chase held captive in his cool mouth. Young released the tender lip and placed the flat of his tongue on the small slit and slowly dragged it up. Starting the sweet torture from the entrance up to the tiny clitoris his cool tongue trying to touch as much of the warm, soft flesh all at once.

Jack’s moan started low and throaty raising slowly going to the point when Chase’s tongue did a little twist. Spicer screamed so high there was no sound to it.

The Dragon purred with the taste of its prey’s sweet juices. The Overlord wrapped his lips around the throbbing little bundle of nerves, flicking the tip of his tongue at the hard nub. Jack arched his back and tighten his legs around Chase as the older man removed his hand from Jack’s backside and plunged two fingers into the youth’s tight core.

Jack gasped at the Warlord’s violent invasion of his innocents, his lower belly fluttering and tightening with each thrust of his idol’s fingers. Than something began to grow starting from his toes up a burning tingling that tightened his skin and flooded his insides like a hundred butterfly wings. The fluttering intensifying to a aching need.

The goth cried out as he came the pleasure flooding his body, but even before the last shudder was gone Spicer felt him. The hard hot length of him as his idol leaned in and kissed him. Chase’s cool tongue ducking lightly against Jack’s own letting the youth taste himself as his idol slid into his body. The Dragon lord groaned against the youth’s lips as he slid farther into the tight heat, which clasped him like a wet fist.

Both men shuttered breaking the kiss to hiss or gasp, when Chase was seated to the halt in Jack’s tight warm depth. Young whispered breathlessly in Chinese beside Jack’s ear not noticing the stiffens of the boy’s body or feel the way Spicer’s fingers dug deeply into the ancient warrior’s shoulders. Jack held his breath, which struggled to escarp the teen’s lungs. For a moment, before time resumed itself there was a slight peace that washed over Chase warming him from the inside out.

The ex-Xaiolin monk sighed against the Evil Genius’s pale shoulder enjoying the way Jack’s body hugged his. Suddenly realizing how small and thin Jack felt beneath him and that he was practically crushing the kid. Chase lifted his head to look down at Jack who smiled timidly up at him.

“For a moment there I thought you fell asleep, am I really that bad?” Joked Jack.

“No, you feel great.” Purred Chase.

“I do?” asked Jack as a faint blush stained the porcelain skin of his cheeks with a light pink. Chase leaned forward kissing the side of Jack’s neck up to his ear.

“Wrap your legs around my waist…Jack.” breathing Spicer’s name like a pray as he felt the genius’s trembling legs warp about his waist. Chase twisted to the side bringing Jack with him as he turned on to his back. The new position impaled Jack farther on to Chase’s length, both men stuttered slightly at the feel.

Jack balanced himself by placing his hands on Chase‘s chest. His body tightening around the object inside him as he tired to relax taking slow easy breaths, soon feeling his inner muscles loosen.

After awhile Jack felt large callused hands hover at his waist before they were placed on his hips. Spicer lowered his head using his hair to cover his eyes as a blush burned its way across his face as he tried to work his voice.

“C-Chase, I…”

“Move.” Rasped Chase his voice a mixture of his beast and human vocals.

Jack nodded mutely and instinctively began to slowly move back and forth. Chase’s grip tightened on Jack‘s pale hips, which made the youth stop.

“No, don’t stop, keep going.” The great Chase Young begged closing his eyes at the feel of Jack rocking his hips slowly forward. Hearing the teen moan as he shifted his hips more urgently back and forth.

“Ah, C-chase, I-I can’t.” Moving in small circles his arms shaking as he brought himself forward. Jack was startled when Chase’s grip tightened again on his waist and began to lift the teen up. The goth gasped as he felt his idol’s thick member rub along his inner-walls shuddering at the empty feeling as Young practically pulled the youth off just leaving the head of his phallus in the teen’s body. Spicer arched his back when Chase lowered him down in a slow liquidly slide.

Jack’s head fell back as he cried softly in the back of his throat, his inner muscles gripping and fluttering around Chase.

Jack whimpered his body trembling as he rose and fell following the rhyme Chase made. His pants turning into tiny whines and cries in his throat. Young’s hips following the warmth when it pulled away driving up trying to keep Jack’s slick heat around him.

Jack’s hand stroked down Chase’s front feeling his fingertips bump over the hard ridges of the Overlord’s taut stomach until his hand came around his own member. The youth stilled his movements, but contained to grind his pelvis back and forth as he timidly caressed himself his head tilted back baring his throat to the beast as he tried to find the release he needed.

The Dragon watched its prey through its keepers eyes wanting to sink its fangs into the pale flesh bared to its hungry gaze. Chase growled at the sight and lunged forward wrapping his hand around Jack’s stroking and squeezing as his mouth attacked the boy’s neck with suckling kisses and sharp bites. Jack gasp and shuddered as he came in shattering ecstasy.

The Warlord released his hold on Jack’s spent member and gripped the teens hips and twisted startling the youth from his orgasmic high. The beast growled as he thrust hard, deeply rocking the teen’s body with its relentless jabs and strokes. Jack choked on his breath as he was pressed down into the silk bedding his arms tightening around his idol’s neck as the Overlord panted beside his ear. Jack could barely hear the half-formed words slurred in Chinese as blood pounded in his ear. But one word stood out more then the others as it drummed its way into his pounding head “ai cheng (term of endearment; pet name; diminutive).”

Chase stiffened as he felt Jack tighten and flutter with heat around him once again. A deep throated snarl ripped from his chest as his fangs sank into the teen’s neck. Jack gasped in pain as his body tightened both inward and outward around his idol’s body. Young groaned as his body pulsed emptying his seed into the warm haven of Jack’s body as he licked the wound close, a soft purring filled the room as sleep claimed them.

* * *

It was well into the morning hours when Jack slipped from the bed and dressed. After running his fingers through his hair Jack watched as Chase stirred but did not wake as his idol turned to lay on his stomach. The warrior’s face held a peaceful calm in his slumber. Jack smiled shyly and leaned over to lightly brush his lips over Chase’s cheek hearing a soft sigh of “ai cheng.” from Chase’s parted lips.

* * *

The early morning horizon was streaked in hues of deep plum. The sky was like a velvet cloth tossed carelessly above each crease making a cloud each wrinkle making a stream of stars. While Jack guided his hel-pack back toward his home watching the sky change around him blending from black to navy blue and into a deep purple to softly fade into light blue to lavender and a thin line of pink followed by orange to a dark red and into bright yellow as the sun made its lazy climb over the horizon. The golden rays warming his face as the image of Chase sleeping eased his lonely heart.

A.N. This is my first Chase/Jack fic, so their personalities might be a little off. Had this story in my head for while and I finally got it out ^_^ Jack Spicer a triple threat; an Albino, Evil Genius, and Hermaphrodite. Oh, I would like to thank Silvarbelle for her great writing, which has inspired me and made me love this pairing even more ^_^ oh and the Long Jun-Han name belongs to her and her friend Pink Hedgehog.

A.N. ‘Ai ren’ or ‘ai cheng’ well, it kinda means something like loving oneself or having effusion for that person or endearment, a pet name, diminutive.