Xiaolin Showdown Fan Fiction ❯ A Chase and Jack fic ❯ Chapter 7

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
don’t own any of the Xiaolin Showdown characters; they all belong to Christy Hui. Any OC’s are mine, so have a happy read ^_^V.
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Just a little one-shot based on my pic Chase’s little family 2 ^_^ and a little bit of ‘a what if’ hope u like.


“Read us a story daddy?” said Jaxith as he fiddled with his favorite Invader Zim pajama top.

“Jaxith, you’re suppose to say please when asking daddy something.” exclaimed Jia-Li calmly as he climbed into his bed.

“Oh, can you ‘please’ read us a story?” giving up on buttoning his shirt.

“Of course my little ones,” helping Jaxith fix the uneven roll of Gir buttons. “And I know just the one.” tucking both his boys in before taking his seat in the hand-carved rocking chair.

“In a little town just outside a big city lived Sarah, her father, her stepmother, her half-brother, Toby, and her dog, Merlin.” Jack spun the tale of the Labyrinth and of its Goblin King, Jareth. Soon the twins drifted into the realm of dreams before the story even ended.

“Sweet dreams my little dragons.” whispered Jack as he tucked Jaxith’s Gir plush into his little arms, doing the same with Jia-Li’s Sesshoumaru plush. Jack was about to leave the room when a soft gurgle reached his ears.

“It seems the story didn’t knock you out like it did your brothers.” Jack smiled down at his little girl who gave a toothless smile back up at him. “Lets see, what would make you sleep?” gathering the infant from her cradle and sitting back in the rocker. Jack rocked for a bit humming a soft lullaby his mother sang to him when he was little.

The steady beat of Jack’s heart with the rocking and singing lured the little one into sweet dreams. Spicer watched his baby girl close her jade eyes and coo softly as sleep claimed her. Slowly he rose and carefully placed her in her crib “sweet dreams my beautiful jade.”

Jack stopped at the threshold of the kids room and flicked the light switch and clicked the night-light plunging the room into semi-darkness.

“Good night future evil empires and empress.”

Jack just stepped into the hall when strong arms pulled him into the shadows followed by a deep growl.

“Wo de (mine).”

“Yong (forever; always).”

The End